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Create New Wish List; SKU: 100-7906 UPC: 781755017115. Pipe Tobacco As such it is an oriental fronted mixture balanced with a good amount of Latakia, where the Latakia never seems to take over. Size: 1.76 Oz. I loved this classic, and will always remember what a special experience it was to have some. It's a slow burning, cool and dry smoke with an incense like aroma, very smooth. Specials, and Other News! A couple of random memories. Regardless, it does have a decent nicotine punch, more so then Penzance or Caravan. follow discussion on this recipe here and if you have anything to add please chime in. For those who liked the resinous Oriental perfume, Dunhill's Durbar is quite nice. Incense notes abound, the latakia is over the hill though. What I wanted to do is to see if this tobacco lived up to my memory of it. 5 This is one of the greats. Shopping Options No filters applied. Availability: . Notes: A blend now long gone. . Who knows? The amount of red Virginia was decreased by 1982. Here this rare feature stretches and completes the finish.For everything else polished and majestic that Balkan Sobranie displays; this is the one virtue that crystallises the experience and it and sets it apart. Finally, with my Sobranie blended to my satisfaction I jarred it and set out enough to fill my rather large Meerqueen bowl. Also there was yenidje in that one but that has become very scarce.. Is the tobacco as good as the beginning of the 80's version? Samuel Gawith full Virginia Flake (Rubbed out well). On opening the pack I was greeted by the well known Latakia scent, followed by sweetish notes of Virginia and the last came to my attention the Turkish tobacco, very much similar to cigarette tobacco. Very HIGHLY recommended. Sampled from a fairly fresh 50g pouch which would be almost twenty years old by now. But is it good, absolutely. Us |Contact To this day I don't see why some blender with a microscope and a Japanese degree of patience couldn't reverse engineer a can of pre-sale Balkan strip by strip, testing the pieces against known samples and smoking from each separate pile to verify its identity as accurately as possible. Mid-bowl: Aah! If you air it out, the bite disappears. I never thought a blend containing Latakia could be enjoyed so much until I smoked The BSOM. The newer version seems to me drier, saltier and sour. So J.F. Unfortunatley production of this tobacco will cease at the end of this year, so I will be stocking up as much of it as I can for the furure. Having smoked the late 1960s and the 1960 versions, I found the red Virginia was a little more prominent, and the wine-like, earthy, woody, floral Syrian Latakia was used, which created a drier, lightly less fragrant smoke. My first experience with this mixture dates to 1962 when I was given a tin by a friend who had been in London on vacation. I remember smoking the tinned one a number of times and then the one in the metallic paper pouch. I must say I am very disappointed. I believe that now there are better blends of this kind. That includes, Sutliff, Black House, and even Blue Mountain. It burns very cleanly and leaves a white/grey ash. I came to the pipe in the latter part of my smoking career, since I was and still am a cigar enthusiast. It's deeply came to me with amazing satisfaction. I had the good luck to come across a previously opened but sealed tin, half full, stored in a consistent temperature. Same Day on in Stock Items If ordered before 10 am EST. I've finished two of them. copyright intellectual property of the reviewer and STC Holdings LLC and may not be I prefer it in the truck on a road trip, or in the evening sitting in my smoking chair. Once lit, I walked back through the cloud of smoke that had been produced and of course, a rush of great memories came back to me. Yenidje Highlander, though rather light and not very sweet or creamy, at least gives one a real taste of the Yenidje-latakia interplay. If you are even remotely interested in Balkan blends, you owe it to yourself to try this. There has been said a lot about this tobacco, mostly praised to the skies, it's all true. The room glowed with the fullness of the Blend. Balkan Sobranie. However, it isnt one that is widely smoked or one most pipe smokers have even been lucky enough to try. For joy. Having never tried the original might have made me impervious to the persuasion of the brand name, but to be perfectly honest, the tobacco that was inside my pouch came across as highly overrated and ultimately a pretty unremarkable affair to me. It contains sweetened black Cavendish and a fair amount of orientals and latakia, but I would not class it as a full Balkan. Balkan Supreme Bulk - They perfected Sobranie (which simply means ?parliament? Rating?I can't smoke it "all the time", due to supply?however, this is a "Four Star Blend". Here's the package of Balkan Sobranie cigarettes for the people never saw it. I almost feel that one star is too good for it! I don't see how someone can give it "one star" based on them missing the drop..? I opened this tin given to me as a gift by dm14 and I thank him for it. Another reason I think it's Smyrna, and please correct me if it isnt, is that when smoked fresh it is a little harsh on my tongue and palate. In my honest opinion the best choice that they could have made! This is really your most fowl smelling tobacco! My favorite came with a black label and I think it was called Mixture #759. Why no other blender has ever been able to recapture the amazing balance, complexity, creaminess, coolness, and wonder of Balkan Sobranie, I don't know. I find Nightcap, Penzance and Black Mallory to be more complex. It remains extremely consistent throughout the bowl and I frequently smoke it to the bottom without realizing it at all. Yet they did not update the tobacco selections. Easily qualifies as a four star blend off the chart IMHO, of course!!! Bottom of Bowl: It is over too quickly. Still a great tobacco, notwithstanding all the evil that the companies that have manufactured it have made to worsen it. I've never had tongue bite from a Balkan before. Is the tobacco as good as the '90's and beginning of 2000 version? Penzance now that is another story :) Hope this helps those who can't get their hands on it I speak the truth, my friends. It is less overwhelming and subtler, perhaps more suited to all-day smoke. I enjoy this but enjoy other English tobaccos better. Posted by Bob Sizemore on 8th Jan 2023 Didn't particular like. I remember this stuff from back when it was cool to smoke a pipe. |Radio Show Policy | Terms It works for me. review from a long-time pipe smoker who is neither a connoisseur nor a gourmet. The tobacco was a little wet in the tin so some airtime was mandatory. But I have since then tried a very well-kept tin from (I think) the 40s or 50s, which was a little dry (but moistened back up with a small piece of orange peel), inherited by a friend of mine by his late grandfather. And the same beginning as with Mixture 759. For those who seek a refined latakia-oriental blend rich in flavor, but retrained in raw power and bluster. I remembered a friend describing to me that the difference between the "old" and "new" is the Latakia in the "new" is more noticable. Luscious but actually capable of giving you a hangover if you smoke it all day. Aging will do wonders to this I'm sure. There is very little of the campfire and leather latakia-type taste. Rocky Mountains USA but I'm an Irishman at heart. The first cigarette I ever smoked was a Sobranie Black Russian, one of the great looking black ones with a gold tip. Leiconnsel, yours is the finest review I've ever read here. At that time one never saw a fill in a GBD. Seeing this in the hall of fame put me on a quest to find it again, with no luck. This BSOM makes you reach for that elusive flavor with each draw. Tin note is mostly Virginia/ Oriental. Here's a current review for March 2018. The nicotine content is not heavy at all, but a solid medium. THE ORIGINAL BALKAN SOBRANIE PIPE TOBACCO IS BACK 50 GRAM 1.76OZ FOUNDED BY A RUSSIAN FAMILY 1879 THE ENGLISH MIXTURE WITH VIRGINIA AND MELLOW LATIKIA, ORIENTAL AND CAVENDISH LEAVES BALLANCE A ROUND FLAVOR MEDIUM TO ROBUST BODY. Misrepresentation of your We will deny any order we believe has been placed by a minor. A wonderful smoke. or Best Offer +$5.40 shipping. SUTLIFF BALKAN SOBRANIE #759 MATCH. Everything about this blend is perfectly balanced. Not sure what to say but it nothing like the original and there are FAR better quality pipe blends than this. I have opened two tins of this in the last 5 years both from t he original release 2011. On July 1, 1968, Gallaher Tobacco acquired the blend and the trademarked name. It is quite close to the original Sobranie, although like Balkan Sasieni it uses generic oriental rather than Yenidje. 1, I'm not quite sure how old this can is as it was a gift and 2, I did not smoke my usual 2oz for the review. The smell is very unusual but pleasant at the same moment. I don't blame smoking pipes, these things happen sometimes I reckon. Initial lighting the Orientals show their true floral, slightly spiced flavors. I sampled a 50 gram foil pack from Italy vintage 2007. Included were 6 tins of the old 759 and 3 tins of the #10. It has a slight, salty flavor in the Orientals from the ocean breeze blowing onto the leaf & has an enticing aroma. JavaScript is disabled. Ran out in the late 80's. I've been smoking this as long as it's been an option to me- the last four years. age and identity may be punishable by law. 'But none' have even come mildly close in anyway-as far as I am concerned. Balkan sobranie hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy This review covers the latest, pouch version. The flavor on first light is latakia dominate. The smoke, always changing yet always characteristic and steady, could never be ignored, no matter what you were doing: each draw was a conscious pleasure, the whole, like true art, more than the sum of its parts. Disclaimer: This review is based on four bowls as this is a late 80's tin and I am savoring it slowly due to its demise. The smoke intensifies through the bottom part of the bowl, with the low notes coming as a nice contrast to the bright sourness of the first light. [email protected] Use Coupon Code "SPECIAL15" On Order Over $190 And Get 15% Discount. I hear you can get this across the pond. You do not need to tamp it a lot and it burns down nicely to a grey ash. One cannot regret smoking this, it really is a great smoke. My tin was stored sealed from 1995 until 2002. There are reasons for so many accolades and sagacity for such a fine tobacco. The BS that was available to me in the 1990s could be purchased at just about any tobacconist as well as many chain grocery stores and drug stores. Especially, if it means spending outrageous sums of money. I bought some in the spring from Boswells in Chambersburg, PA. Finished! A smooth mellow blend that is simply delicious. The "Next" Balkan Sobranie is the blend that you and everyone else smoked and enjoyed but you all decided not to purchased in large quantities. Then Gallaher produced this blend until the mid-2000s. 4th Generation Pipe Tobacco Sutliff Match Pipe Tobacco Victorian (Dunhill Elizabethan) $2.68 - $146.87. Being a Balkan, the Oriental is the star of the show, followed by the Latakia. Borkum Riff Pipe Tobacco I've never had anything labeled Balkan that was remotely close to this. It had been 15 years since I had seen this "Varietal". and before I spent the $95 I thought twice.. and then, of course, pulled the trigger. I have been fortunate to smoke many of the older tins, but the leaf lacks the punch it contained when fresh. The Latakia-based blends status as a legend is due to the exceptional sweet and rich qualities of this particular tobacco mix. I feel elated and relieved that I managed to have TBS so that now, I can become a better judge when it comes to distinguish between, the somehow subjective appellations of "Balkan" and "English". I need to first say that below, Leiconnsel's review must be the gold standard for all reviews on this amazing blend. Hence the new blends simply could never be the same. It only was a matter of time that someone would want to bring out the legend again. Gross!" If all this good smoke is coming from the tobaccos alone, that's incrediblealmost magical! Tobacco Reviews | Sobranie of London - The Balkan Sobranie Great result are also obtained smoking for 5-10 minutes and then letting sit for about 12 hours. Presentation, blending, and moisture aside I put flame to tobacco and it took it quite readily, giving nice volumes of fragrant smoke. I'm going to try to find a steady source for this, but can't afford to shell out the $25/pouch I gave for these. Is it back in production or is this old stock? Perhaps, despite the common wisdom, Balkan used it fresh. Maybe tobacco grown in the Balkan region has some affect on the flavor. When I first discovered it it had a unique quality, tasting like no other and though caused by the latakia which is present in large quantities, allegedly sprayed on by my doubting tobacconist. Min: $ 0. I would smoke this one regularly if it were available. A LEGEND. Packaging: Tin Synergy was definitely at play here. Man oh man oh man! It has been almost 50 years since I last smoked the Sobranie Original Mixture in a pipe and yet I can remember it's taste and aroma as clearly as if it were yesterday. Balkan was definitely true to the old bromide that the worse the room smelled, the better the tobacco (don't the girls just love the smell of Cherry Blend). The virginias appear to be aged nicely. Those who regularly smoke them in the past, already know. PS: Save your coin if you think that Sasieni is going to get you any closer to those bygone days I personally think it's somewhat better than BS but not much. This pipeweed is certainly an icon and one of the best oriental blends out there. 10+10 out of 10. I am no expert, but this stash is an education for the senses. I find this blend to be spectacular if allowed to sit, packed, for several hours to dry. Get exclusive updates on all our fresh offerings, sales, and promotions -- right to your inbox. It's taste was definitely much better than it's smell, full-bodied and smoky, and the room note was not too aggressive, there's somewhat of a "tang" to it, but you could easily smoke it unnoticed in a group of cigarette smokers. Packing and Lighting: easy to pack, but a little fussy to light. Then it was no fills in Virgins, and then it was fills in them, too. I have not tried either yet. After waiting for over a year, I finally got a chance to try it. on, with quantity-based discounts as well. I hope that the folks at Germain have considered the demand and are prepared to meet it rather than leaving pipe smokers frustrated with a lack of supply. RF 2K702D2 - Kyiv, Ukraine - September 03, 2022: A pack of Sobranie Gold cigarettes closeup on white. My initiation into pipe smoking was with a tin of this 'nectar' Yes, I was permanently spoiled. Flavour becomes nuttier as the bowl is smoked and gives off a subtle aroma with an aesthetically-pleasing white smoke too. A crowning achievement in the tobacco procurement & blending craft without question. It works for me. Nic-hit was felt in the mouth and throat but nowhere else. This is the closest I have ever tasted to the original product. 320 N McPherson Church Rd Fayetteville NC 28303. I think I'll pack another bowl! It reminds me of two blends sort of: Pease's Charing Cross and Bohemian Scandal. Unfortunately, there was no Original Mixture. On opening the pack it has a strong balkan sweet and sour scent (big surprise). I fell in love with it immediately, my stable of english blends are rather limited since I reach for it only when in the mood for Latakia which is about once or twice a week, I have to add that this is a blend, not a latakia orgy which really agreed with me. It's a "Turkish cigarette" (Oriental blend) which means there's nothing in it but Oriental tobacco. Will definantly get next time some shows up here in the US. I'm impressed by the quality vs. price. On ebay, astronomical amounts were (and still are) asked and paid for these tobaccos. After a decade, being reminded of the Sobranie flavor made me want to buy a pipe and some tobacco ASAP. To my knowledge, the only other ingredient, that which imparted some of the creaminess and the hint of vanilla, was deer tongue, the leaf of a weed(!) That one's been in production since at least the mid 2000s. I never thought a blend containing Latakia could be enjoyed so much until I smoked The BSOM. Comparisons: Similar to the GL Pease blends in the same way a red crayon drawing resembles Rothko's "Red on Maroon"; the flavors are there; but this is infinitely more complex and more subtle. The Original BS smoked mellow, cool, dry and somewhat sweet. To say the least, Ed's Balkan is superb, try it and see if it matches the Sobranie blend. The finish is cool and dry. The orientals are definitely the main player here, they're spicy and complex. The virginia presents itself in the form of a winelike aroma. Just lit you almost taste the pure latakia. I occasionally pack up some Sobranie just to enjoy it, and I fully believe the tales of yore about how good this blend was. It lights well, and burns fairly slowly as is typical for latakia/oriental blends. Now I know how was the original and now i can compare. It seeped into my jackets and the children when young used to love sniffing at those jackets. Very tasty and I feel this blend is one most any pipe smoker would findpleasurable. Over the past few days, I've had Gaslight, Plum Pudding, Balkan Sasieni, White Knight, Sextant. Balkan Sobranie The return of the classic original Balkan Sobranie blend. Bright spices highlight carefully layered creamy notes of full creosote and there is an unidentifiable charming "classic" room note surrounding it all.The gravity and power are there too, so it must be respected.Let it brood and let it come in its own time. It was very simalar to the Original Mixture only much fresher and fuller in taste than those acient Tins you will find on ebay. Two stars, because of its good quality and its history. If all this good smoke is coming from the tobaccos alone, that's incredible almost magical! I'm glad I bought a tin at the price I paid for the novelty and to satisfy my curiosity, but there are plenty of comparable blends that are frankly more pleasing to smoke. It smells like sandlewood incense! This tobacco burns well and packs soundly in all of my pipes. I smoked a pretty good amount of the BS that was sold in the 1990s, and just recently opened a pouch of the last version (sold outside the U.S. until around 2005, if I understand correctly). Purchased a new tin of The Balkan Sobranie when a small batch became available on in December 2019 for about $15.