Weddings are best on (or close to) the waxing half moon, the first quarter Moon. Friday 13 lunar day: Symbol: Wheel: starts at 1:00 PM: This is a day to renew the vital energy of your life. Its the hidden Secret to the Law of Attraction. Hands take longer than face so Im still waiting for them to peel but so far so good. Stop 3 days before the full Moon. If you do not have a choice and your surgery is during Mercury retrograde, that does not have to be a problem. The best attendance will be on or close to a full Moon. Plan quiet, restful time during the final days of the lunar cycle during your menstruation. Morristown, New Jersey USA /Morris County That can be doable because most surgeries are routine. I recommend this to everyone, I am happy with the service it was very punctual. Moon Void of Course is good for activities that do not require much conscious energy, such as cleaning house, doing laundry, and other routine domestic chores, or completing a task before expanding into a new area. 7-14 october. Year 2011 Astrology Free. Universal Days alone are not enough. Its much easier to heal in mild weather. A full Moon is when the Sun and Moon are opposite, and that can bring tension to the surface. My mother is having kidney stones removed on the 25th of October, please let me know if the signs are good. By doing the right thing at the right time, Chinese uses these auspicious date and . : 1:05am Metal weapons are under the rulership of Mars. cool i am very much happy, I found it good that the service was really promt, As compared to other sites of astrology, it found this report well detailed and much accurate. Top Auspicious Days to Start Business in 2022 As Venus becomes direct on 19th November 2018. Check out the links provided below! Good to know, or not????? These varying qualities provide the "backdrop" to the planetary positions. Instant Thinking & Big Decisions Calendar, Find your personal cycles - Get an Instant Star-Timer Calendar, Treatment/Surgery Decorating House Break Ground for Building Moving Residence Relocation Break Ground for Tomb . 5. Want an instant calendar of yourpersonal transits? And no weddings during Venus retrograde! I have been told it should be when the Moon is in a Waning Cycle and not during a Full Moon. 9th January 2019 before 1:30 Pm can be considered. With January weather typically crisp and changeable, spectacular sunsets are extremely likely. Best Date For Surgery Based On Astrology - Astronlogia . You may not reproduce, republish, perform, sell, or otherwise use any content contained within this post without express written permission. But get this: its always the COMBO of great Universal AND great personal stars that makes the MAGIC happen!!! - Moon in hard aspects to other natal planets. Update Devices & Apps, Resolve Problems thank you 16.01.2020 03:55 Rafael Hello. Also, an illness can cause much suffering and distress if it has set in one a day ruled by your Birth Nakshatra or the 3rd, 5th or 7th from it. 3 - Gemini arms, lungs, shoulders, hands, nervous system, brain But for a big life event such as a business launch, schedule your event on or close to the full Moon for better attendance and more energy. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. I dont feel like this is a good idea. . Harley Weir. It is believed that if you cut your hair during . The 2023 Best Days Calendar dates are based on several factors, including the position of the Moon in the 12 signs of the Zodiac, as well as the lunar phase. It's always best to consult an astrologer for choosing the best times to do important activities since there are so many factors involved and no one technique that does it all. If the patient is to remain conscious during the procedure, he . Is 16th January a good date for it? Rashi is Vrishika. If the patient is to remain conscious during the procedure, he (and the surgeon) will be more tense and anxious; best to avoid. The influence of Mars retrograde is less of an issue in modern times. I worry way to much about her, she is 70yrs old. I am having right foot surgery. Could you please kindly suggest the 1/2 dates preferably after two weeks. Lunar Calendars are also available. Need date in the first week of may 2022 The operation should not be done when Mars or Mercury is retrogade. So schedule your surgery on a date when Mars is direct. Aug 24, 2022 Jan 22, 2023 and Aug 28, 2023 Jan 27, 2024, Neptune is retrograde yearly for about 5 months: The Importance of Numerology in Marriage Please let me know if any of those dates are good. <- Details in Forecast Video. : 29:02:2008 1 - Libra kidneys, skin, lumbar region, buttocks Avoid when the Moon is void of course, meaning that the Moon is changing signs. For surgery, let me know if you are adding to or removing from the body, and what body part is involved. Day and Time Selection based on Chinese Almanac / Tong Shu / Tong Sheng Chinese Calendar. Further each muhrta is further divided into 30 (Indian minutes) or kal (making 30 Kal 48 . I am Scorpio zodiac. The kundalis are so accurate that you can start relating to your self. Appreciation for your advice. My birthdate is 9/19/1951 Good Mars transits bring strength and courage. Once you know the six days to avoid near and on the full Moon, then does your surgery add to the body, remove from the body, or both? Excluding unfavorable days, it is worthwhile to go further and choose the most successful day for the operation. Spring, Summer, Autumn not Winter cold. The days with combination of Day, Thithi and any one of the Stars (mentioned above) should be calculated as the Bad Days for getting a new treatment. He wants to go back in and take out the plates & replace whatever is needed to allow me to heal & walk. Chinese Spring Festival. Venus is retrograde every year and a half (18 months) for 40 to 43 days. January 14: The first Mercury Retrograde of 2022 begins. Star Predictions. For dentistry avoid both the Moon in Aries that rules the head and avoid Moon in Capricorn that rules skin, teeth, and bones. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. - Profuse bleeding is possible so make sure blood is available (The Venus retrograde shadow period ends Oct 7 when Venus is again in 28 degrees Leo). Number of complications during phacoemulsification per year (2010-2014). ), I want to thank you for your advice on our elopement date! Susan, I just want to say Thank You for my surgery date, and the results turned out amazing. If your surgeon does not have a steady hand, get a new surgeon! Note, that it is better to plan any surgery according to the Moon on the waning Moon. Astrology Election Predictions 2021. Complications were somewhat more frequent during a waning moon () than a waxing moon ( ). I can find a fortunate date or choice of dates for your surgery, a wedding, to launch a business, or more. Saturday coinciding with Chaturdasi (fourteenth lunar day) ruled by PurvaPhalguni, Purvashada, or Purvabhadra. Thank you for your interest in astrology and surgery. My doctor is available and has given 2 dates July 17 2020 or august 12 2020 Interestingly, there will not be planets in retrograde from Jan 22 Apr 21 in 2023, a good time to move ahead this spring with few obstacles in your path, Jupiter is retrograde once a year for about 4 months, or 120 days: Special precautions and immediate medical assistance are advised if you fall ill under the following combinations of astrological parameters, which are deemed malefic. i have surgery scheduled for April 7 2021, i am thinking of switching to the 12 or 15th of april 2021. Aug 23 Sept 15, 2023 Astrology Forecast for March 2023. 2. Pisces rules the lymphatic system as well as the toes and feet. Your surgery is not being done on a battlefield. Im looking to get a cosmetic surgery done soon. month. To learn more about astrology, schedule your birth chart. Gut related issues are common for those born under this sign, but they are also said to be wise and have a strong sense of intuition or gut instinct at the same time. <- Details in Forecast Video. My birthday is July 13,1976 born 1:13pm in Cleveland, Ohio. Gemini rules the arms, shoulders, fingers, lungs, and nervous system. Very easy to understand. On July 13th, Leo, you will experience the luckiest day of 2021. Website: Updated Mar 1, 2023 by J McCaul. 4Any transiting planet turning retrograde or direct on the day of the surgery. Most Favorable Weekdays: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Most Favorable Stars: Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushya . Are these dates appropriate or should and of them be avoided? In surgical procedures whereby the removal is more important than the new adding, such as a root canal, then schedule your surgery during the waning lunar cycle. Evil Eye is an envious look directed at a person that can result in misfortune, disease or severe injuries. I was born August 15th close to Midnight, 1949. July 8 2021 is the best date. While the Moon is changing signs, it is considered Void of Course, meaning that it no longer has the full energy of the sign it is leaving, but is not yet fully in the energy of the next sign it is entering. Neptune: Patient could pick up bacteria or virus in an unusual and unaccountable way People do not hemorrhage as much, bruise less, and swell less during Last Quarter Moon to New Moon vs. Full Moon to Last Quarter Moon. Avoid operation/surgery when moon is in mutable sign such as Virgo, Pisces, gemini and Sagittarius. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. According to the Health Predictions 2022 for Gemini natives based on Vedic Astrology, at the beginning of the year, Mercury will be in the eighth house in conjunction with its lord. - Infection and inflammation is highly possible after surgery Therefore, it is better not to plan any surgery on it, since the skin takes part in them directly. Help please. Star-Timer, Love-Stars, and the name Magi Helena are registered trademarks of Dancing Star Corp. How to use Star-Timing in day-to-day life. AMAZING results on my face so far! Best of the best highly knowledgable,friendly astrologer. But of course, there is more to it then the above, one has to consider the whole chart, as a whole. As you know, the Health lunar calendar contains some unfavorable days for any serious procedures. What if you cannot change a surgery date on a void of course Moon? Chinese calendar and its relationships to human life is one of the greatest achievements of the ancient Chinese Astrology. THANK YOU. So, for knee surgery, avoid Moon in Cancer as well. This will likely manifest most obviously . I intend for shoulder surgery to my daughter who is 9 years old on 10th April 2017 for her eens palsy treatment, it is known that full moon day is on 11th April, please advice is this right time to get it done.her details are as follows. Go to the lunar calendar of operations. . What would you suggest? Need of the hour .pls help . PurvaPhalguni, Purvashada, Purvabhadra, Aslesha, Jyeshta, Ardra, and Swati. Aries rules the head, includingface, brain, and eyes. Learn how your comment data is processed. Does my natal chart play any further role or the chart of my surgeon? 2 - Scorpio reproductive system, sexual organs, bowels, excretory system And that is on Full Moon. The waning Moon is best to remove from the body like a tumor. Children's Day() June 01, 2021: April 21, 2021: Dragon Boat Festival () June 14, 2021: May 5, 2021: Copyright Dancing Star Corporation 2002-2023. So schedule your surgery for Friday morning, not late afternoon before the weekend. It is said that the Yellow Emperor Calendar was created by the Yellow Emperor, thus the name Yellow Emperor Calendar. Since the Calendar mainly includes astronomy, weather . To give you an idea of what I mean, the very next day Alberta implemented new COVID restrictions which would have made it impossible for us to celebrate as we did. Would you please be so kind in telling me if I should have the Surgery that day or Cancel it. - Medical Astrology by Eileen Nauman March 2023 Lunar Activities Guide Pacific Standard Time. Its well known never to have surgery during a full moon & 3 days after also, because of the issue of bleeding more. Thanks again!! Our astrology website has a lot of Astrology Best Days For Surgery information. Astrology-Approved Best Days to Do Everything in 2021 . Very accurate and through reports in lovely, easy to read format. Most favorable stars: Friendly stars- Makayiram, Chithira, Anizham, Revathi Dynamic stars- Aswathy, Pooyam, Atham; Thiruvonam, Avittam and Punartham Movable Stars- Punartham . Time to refocus on health and attend to details. I would love to recommend this to everyone. For the most part, these days are at the junction of changing the Moon phases and are generally considered . Thanking You. Weekly. I am Planung to have Laser surgery. Good times to have surgery: A week before a New Moon, for example, is an auspicious time for surgery as is the time when trines and sextile are transiting Mars. Jan.21. But, it is not just so simple. You can feel the Venus retrograde influence the month before and the month after Venus retrograde. 15/5/18 or 18/5/18 . (Just not if the surgery involves the throat area because Taurus rules the throat.) Sagittarius rules thethighs, hips, and sciatic nerve. DO these on Best days (IF your personal stars agree), try to avoid doing on Worst days: Meet New People Check out the auspicious dates, best months, luckiest days in 2022 to build, buy or renovate a house. Fixed, or solid, astrology signs are Taurus (Earth), Aquarius (Air), Scorpio (Water), and Leo (Fire). And by the way I got a UTI on the early date so I could of not gone, in anyway. When positions and/or phases are suitable, tradition says that activities are more likely to yield favorable results. 6. Thank you! (Shes booked until July). Most surgery is very routine, not highly mercurial. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Time: 18:43 It is not unusual for planets to be retrograde. Want to try something more unique? Hi Im planning to do plastic surgery for my breast in March please would you tell me what dates are suitable. Bharani, Swathi, Kettai. Aries is the ruler of the head, face, brain, and eyes. Anatomical Zodiac Man from Les Trs Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, a 15th century illustrated book, Books Luckiest day: August 18, 2022. Im seeking to schedule uterine fibroid removal somewhere between mid March to end of April excluding March 23-27 as the surgeon will be on vacation. How To Get The Right Medical Attention In Canada? Feel like it's "negative" to talk about worst days? Auspicious Dates & times Selection February 2023. May 1 Oct 10, 2023. Old colors here: Green = Best, Gray = Worst. Though, of course, this may bring its own dangers. An ordinary complaint such as fever or stomach upset might worsen if the date coincides with these Nakshatras. * Best and Worst Universal Daysdo not indicate whether or not you canexperience "a good day" during the day. TIMING IMPACTS OUTCOMES! Always Astrology. Ive tried to avoid the full moon and also take advantage of when swelling would be at its lowest. January 1st, New Year's Day, is a feast day in many cultures. So avoid it all by not having surgery during these days. Unless this is a unique or experimental surgery, Moon void of course can work for routine procedures. Yellow = Best, Gray = Worst. Hi..My mother requires a cataract surgery to performed during Feb 2019.What will be best time for the same..her details are..16/01/1945, 04:25 am,new Delhi..thanks, I have to do my dental implants can u please suggest a nice date in month of feb 2019. As a result, common injuries or ailments include things such as issues with an Achilles tendon or another kind of ankle injury. Find out what the stars have aligned for you today! Hours and iLuna for iPhone and Android; download through Organize your home, especially the room where you will rest and recover after surgery. 4 - Cancer chest, breasts, stomach, alimentary canal Leo Cap In Astrology. Thank you so much! Living With Tracheostomy: how to prepare? Once you know all this information, get an in-depth astrology reading. Lunar Calendar for 19.08.2021 from 00:00 11 lunar day continues Overall forecast. Read on to learn more about each sign & what part of the body each sign represents below. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Pooram, Poradam, Purattathi. My favorite Moon sign for anything medical is Virgo when people are more focused on details unlessthe medical work is for digestion, stomach, or spleen because that part of the body is ruled by Virgo. DOB. Venus can also come into play if the surgery you are having is cosmetic in nature as Venus rules beauty. Then surgery during the waxing or waning Moon cycles could work. Among them 7, 14, 9, 19, 23, 29 lunar days. And best of all it's a great day to have sex, since cortisol levels are at their peak. So if your surgery is during Mercury retrograde, allow enough time to get to your surgery appointment, and plan to arrive early. I know they advise not when its retrograde but now its almost directHOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU SOOON. If you dont mind problems and failures, then you can do important things on ANY random day. Cosmetic surgery should not be considered when Venus is retrograde or combust. Make Major Purchases I wanted to ask if during Venus going direct in a few days untill Dec. 17, would cosmetic surgery be advisableI understand it is not during venus retroI thank you soooo much ..hope to hear from you soon. Guts processing nutrition and waste physically, and metaphorically being the last of the I/ME signs, the transmuter of the ego into service to others. That is why is it so important to know how the transits (& progressed charts mustmustmust-be used when deciding this) are affecting your natal planets, there is more to Astrology then reading ones horoscope in your local newspaperwhich is ridiculously funny & has no merit. All of these aspects above will ensure that this is a good time for you to elect to have surgery. Following are some. Does moon in cancer on surgery date create a problem and also mars opposes my mars/pluto conjunction. I contacted Bree for a date for the best time for my Hip replacement surgery. Some physicians, nowadays, use this technique for effectively curing patients. Pluto: Die on the table, resurrected, die and hopefully resurrected again, 5When the Moon is in the Zodiac sign ruling the organ or body system, and when the Moon is in the opposite sign, 1 - Aries head, face, brain, eyes THE MOON. So Guyz go for it. You have entered an incorrect email address! Very informative Guidance. Is 16th or 17th better or should i wait for a date in July or further? When positions and/or phases are suitable, tradition says that activities are more likely to yield favorable results. I also like surgery during a cardinal sign because it moves along with a purpose. June 17 Nov 4, 2023, Uranus is retrograde for about 5 months, and can retrograde twice in one year: We also need to look for other aspects like hard squares, so if Mars is transiting square with a planet like stern Saturn then this would definitely not be a good time to consider going under the knife. cool, I am Happy with Click astro it give us good predition and also service is on time, I am happy with this astrology your relationship officer/personel officer *MANJU* helped to me when i have incorrect DOB, your employees also very good for helping customer, I am happy with click astro Yearly Predition ,i will take more reports Good service and Thank to click astro, A i have seen many Astrology Companies but i am happy with click astro, report predtions are excellent and also services are very good Thanks to click astro, Accurate in all aspects..highly dependable fantastic solutions.. Thank you for the postI would NOT recommend having surgery when moon is in Scorpio! The evaluation included 16,965 cataract operations and 132 eyes with complications (0.78%) (see Figure 1 for the individual years). Recommended Apps These cookies do not store any personal information. Best Days are the very best Universal days in the month to start something new or meet someone new IF AND ONLY IF your personal stars agree. Fixed signs are good for stability, especially the Taurus Moon for cosmetic procedures because Taurus is ruled by Venus. Astrologers say that on a lunar day, associated with a particular organ, this organ should not be touched. Surgical operations are generally recommended during the Waning Moon, because human body is healing better after surgery. The next one under the scanner of the best astrology sites is Always Astrology. Cancer is opposite Capricorn. Thanks. Time the surgery to begin and end within, 5 days before to 30 minutes after the New Moon. All planetary information on Lunar Living is based on Tropical computations (aka Western Astrology). This includes your personal transits and transit bi-wheel so dont forget the birth time. Very nice service, affordable, accurate. So schedule operations to remove starting 2 days after the full Moon until the next new Moon. And surgery days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. The sneak peek Moon Tracks Astrology Moon Signs Guide is a great tool for scheduling your daily activities by using the Moon's transit. 2022 . . For many of us, surgery is scary! The date is after Venus becomes direct and auspicious for getting good results. Avoid surgery on January 17, February 16, March 18, April 16, April 30, May 16, June 14, July 13, August 12, September 10, October 9, November 8 and December 8, 2022. I do most dental work during the Gemini Moon. Wealth is an important aspect in one's life next to a illness-free health. So the 9 days of the waxing Moon are the time for surgery to add (not remove) something to your body, like a new hip, heart valve, dental implant, or a breast implant for a cancer survivor. Favorable lunar signs for surgery are Earth signs Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. And there were many other things that fell into place in the last minute and perfectly. Mondays are the only days my surgeon operates. If you want to find a lucky day using your birthday, then we have another tool to find a Favorable Day for an appointment, job interview, meeting, trip, and announcement.After the day selection, you might need to find the Auspicious Hours of Special Events. Youve avoided the full Moon days, know the lunar cycle to add to or remove from the body, and understand the Moon sign. This page provides detailed for shubh muhurat to undergo surgery 2022. Many Taureans often have a thick-set neck and they usually have mellifluous voices and make wonderful singers. It can also be said as the transition stage of a What is the Evil Eye? Best time to have operations/surgery based on astrology. Among them - 7, 14, 9, 19, 23, 29 lunar days. Muhurta for Surgery or treatment: As it is said "Well begin is half done" so any work started in auspicious time adds to success. Mercury retrogade can cause confusions to the surgeon, and Mars retrogade is not fruitful to surgery or handling of surgical instruments. The 2023 Best Days Calendar dates are based on several factors, including the position of the Moon in the 12 signs of the Zodiac, as well as the Moon phase. Make your love relationship, do buy and sell on this day. The report suggest remedies which is very good. Though the digits in Astronlogia - Numerology, Astrology & More! Are Horoscopes Accurate Enough To Rely On? Consider the season and temperature in your location. It is the eve of the new Moon in Cancer on July 9, and the whole idea is to avoid the full Moon to avoid swelling and complications. Lunar Cycles Our health, and the health of our loved ones, must always be in priority. Going to a surgical operation, you need to carefully weigh all the details consult with the best doctors, pick up a clinic. For example, avoid breast surgery when the Moon is in Cancer because Cancer is the sign that rules the breasts. November 2023 Astrology Calendar. My friend is scheduled for knee surgery Oct 7, 2020. I am happy with the prediction.It also has long shot prediction. She is the best, I am so thankful to clickastro for providing us the all kundalis of our family in time. Menstruate during the dark Moon, preferably during the balsamic Moon thats the final two or three days of the lunar cycle. March 2022: Favorable. The earth sign that assimilates the Earths bounty that started w Taurus in the spring, and gathers and harveststhanks. Saturday. Planetary relationships may also be considered. Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio is good and 16th January can be considered. Astrology Kannda. The doctor is just waiting for me to confirm this date. Find free daily, weekly, monthly and 2023 horoscopes at, your one stop shop for all things astrological. Wishing you all the very best. People do not hemorrhage as much, bruise less, and swell less during Last Quarter Moon to New Moon vs. Full Moon to Last Quarter Moon. The waning moon, gradually disappearing from the night sky, takes away all illnesses, bad habits, excess weight, and in general all unnecessary of human life. Fixed For delicate procedures such as cataract or laser eye surgery When Venus in going direct is it ok to have cosmetic surgery? All signs are good, they just offer different energy. Mercury retrograde in Earth sign Virgo, a sign ruled by Mercury as is Air sign Gemini. That is the infection I would of, had in recovery If I went with the Doctors dates. If there is an emergency or you cannot wait for better weather, then schedule right away to take care of your health. In addition, astrologers also advise to have surgery according to the Moon. Allow at least one month before and after Venus retrograde. April 2022: Favorable. Which date is the best astrologically? The predictions were accurate and detailed for understanding. I have to undergo a wisdom tooth removal surgery. Rising And Moon Signs In Astrology. Sagittarius: May 14, 2021. For example, if you must go in for knee surgery, avoid when the Moon is in Capricorn. Table with recommendations and an estimation of time intervals on improving procedures and operations from 1 by 7 october 2023 years. Yellow = Best, Gray = Worst. These are the luckiest, and unluckiest, months of the year, according to astrology. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius for the next 12 months will see many of transform and push for freedom. This conjunction will increase the pains . Apart from these, to determine the Muhurtha for starting medical treatment, the astrological quality based on the horoscope for the moment also has to be analyzed. Diagnosis carried out on this day will give the most clear picture of your condition and help to outline the best plan for further procedures. When is the best time for me to have Shoulder Surgery? Would end of May be better? Planetary relationships may also be considered. Yasmin Moon Astrology. Yearly Monthly and Daily Astrological Predictions in Malayalam. January represents a new beginning. People tend to feel flustered and on edge around these times, and as such they are best avoided if you can. The most important surgery tip is to avoid the full Moon! - Moon in Aries and Libra Do not have an operation/surgery five days before or after full moon day, as the bodily fluids at this time will be at their highest, and cause swelling, hemorrhage or septic. AVOID timing surgery 30 minutes to 36 hours after New Moon. Current & Upcoming Transits. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Thank you for this article. Family gathering and festivities for 3-15 days to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Aquarius rules theankles and circulatory system. It can be a nerve-wracking time trying to decide when would be the best time, what would enhance our recovery by choosing a certain time & date, & that is if we have a choice! You may look at any from 16, 17, 18, 19 January. Bento theme by Satori. Avoid surgery when transiting moon is combust or within 17 degree of natal sun, moon or mars. Anticipate possible mercurial mix-ups such as incorrect billing. It also often applies to skin and people born under the sign of Libra usually have beautiful clear complexions. Moon Signs: from Aries that rules the head to Pisces that rules the feet. Lastly, we also need to look at the Sun and the Moon, as well as the planet that is linked to the part of the body that we are having surgery on. Perhaps more than any other sign, you revel in a career win, Capricorn. This astrology calendar outlines all of the major astrological aspects for 2023, helping you plan for the year! Avoid the sign that rules the specific body part involved. Ask For Favors Start New Projects Here is one month of our Best Days Calendar. 3 Transiting Moon conjunct, sextile or trine natal Venus or Jupiter work well and promises good outcome. Top Luckiest Dates for Building, Buying, Renovating A House in 2022. Venus Retrograde in Your Natal Chart Whats it Mean? But one thing I will add is if it were me & I had a choice I would not have a knee replacement during a full moon. Hi! Born in Ashwini star, Breast cancer lumpectomy scheduled 4/28/2020. 4. If you schedule on the day after people return to work after a holiday weekend, or any event with lots of eating and drinking such as Superbowl Sunday, anticipate that hospital staff probably wont be rested.