In my home I provide:, We will provide a warm secure environment, which will enable each child to develop personally, socially and emotionally., To maintain a commitment to professionalism in preschool classroom I set a goal for myself. 0000040056 00000 n I make sure that myself and my classroom look clean and well kept. I also uphold all health and safety regulations and make children's well-being my top priority. 0000001216 00000 n When children are in your care it is your utmost duty to make that child feel safe, loved, and help build their confidence! so I always have the most recent and recommended information to best serve the children and My role here is to help children with their abilities to make positive choices. I love working and being around children not just in a group setting but also a one on one setting. This can make children feel very independent and highly involved in their own learning experiences. If the weather permits, we go on a walk to explore the neighborhood. I will always be open to opportunities to expand my knowledge in the field so I can best educate the children in my care. 0000000016 00000 n Philosophy Statement - Grade: A; Competency Statement II- Physical and Intellectual; Preview text. Stay on top of new regulations for the school as well as updated laws and other developments within early childhood education; Always making sure to have information to help parents that have children with additional needs. I help them do this by offering children several choices throughout the day. 0000083536 00000 n Learning to make positive choices is very important for children as it helps them to see how their choices can, in fact, can affect the people around them. Professional Philosophy Statement The Tree of Life is an education that promotes life long learning. I keep up with new training so I always have the most recent and recommended information to best serve the children and families. 0000006341 00000 n I believe it. In my practice as an early childhood educator, professionalism by ensuring that I am meeting and exceeding the expectations set for me by my, center and my families. 0000004397 00000 n I find this is a great way to get my parents involved in the school to help out., * Be able to provide routines for babies and young children that support their health and development., Children must be supported in developing the knowledge, skills and understanding that help them to make sense of the world., As a child-minder my aim is to provide a safe environment. xi}Xl1`n jWD&JJ{o7Cmc%ykx7{7_j6h}\_^q3{_(g?H?*LY%!,yoE> TOA5oxk3] | c6z[ |@fh} BgU?diLDaRq Nr;svf6cKfBQ8efay>>Ir;G/U[vFTHAJ{zoN|n9udh.\Z,'5djl o`@ feWIt +vcEV(< XiRm8{$@b_ Itw. 0000003649 00000 n I keep all parental information shared with me confidential. What are important elements to include in the environments? 1 0 obj 0000005031 00000 n 49 37 For one thing, Internet is what motivates children learn language without anxiety and nervousness (Tomlinson, 2012). Being informed is being ready to assist any child with any need they may have. What do you hope that children and families get from being in your classroom? What I aspire to be as an early childhood educator is not only helping children learn fundamental skills but getting them excited to explore new things and learning through interactive activities giving them a life long love of learning. 0000019399 00000 n <>/Metadata 90 0 R/ViewerPreferences 91 0 R>> Parents should be as involved with their daily activities as possible. By inviting the parents to visit and volunteer as often of possible, I will be able to build a trusting relationship. My goal is to provide a safe, nurturing, high-quality, child-centered environment. (pp. Competency Statement II To advance physical and intellectual competence. <> 0000002442 00000 n I maintain confidentiality by good record keeping, not sharing sensitive information but keeping families conversation private and only share with appropriate staff. I believe that as an early childhood educator I am responsible for providing infants, toddlers, and young children with positive experiences while in my care. It is a tool that helps childcare professionals to reflect on their approach to their work and to communicate their beliefs and values to others. This process begins with Early Childhood. I, at all times, model respect, patience, and care for children and also adults, such as the parents of the children in my care. An infant who shakes a rattle or gabbers a few sounds. 0000002747 00000 n Children in my care are informed, and have the practice needed to be independent and make good decisions. In my home I provide:, The relationship between play and learning seems obvious to many child professionals and parents, and yet there are still lack of understanding surrounding the importance of children's play. In order to be successful at this, I will maintain an open, friendly, and cooperative relationship with each child's family. How do you support the learning needs of the all the children in your classroom? The Child Development Associate National Credentialing Program and CDA competency standards: Infant Toddler edition. A child should be enjoying himself while learning. 0000013733 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n The CDA Professional Portfolio is a: . 0000010950 00000 n Reflective Competency Statement V. CS V Resource Collection Items. I believe its important for me to ensure the families feel comfortable with me and feel confident leaving their children in my care. Some people believe that children need to "work" not play, and that playing serves no useful purpose in a learning and development environment. 0000001551 00000 n %PDF-1.6 % 49 0 obj <> endobj I see this everyday watching the children learning to count while building with blocks, or learning colors while painting or coloring with crayons. 0000003896 00000 n (pp. endobj 5,7/10 1414 reviews A child development associate (CDA) professional philosophy statement is a document that outlines an individual's beliefs and values about early childhood education and care. When you are addicted you make stupid choices and you start to lose your train of thought. 4 0 obj I will provide a loving, nurturing, educational environment, caring for their child to the best of my abilities. How does this factor into your ideas presented in the philosophy statement? My goal is to provide a safe, nurturing, high-quality, child-centered environment. The Child Development Associate National Credentialing Program and CDA competency standards: Preschool edition. What role does the overall environment play in the learning process? Physical. They dedicate themselves doing the best they can do for each child. I will teach with intention and reflect on the effects of my lessons in my classroom. ZK@7zr .V%1D3;>G PK ! Parents entrust me with their children all day and, I make the parents and families feel as much a part of our classroom and a part of their childs development. I will continuously observe the children to gather information about their skills so I can plan appropriate activities. endobj In my practice as an early childhood educator, I maintain a commitment to there is nothing more I encourage individuality in children. I will keep my word and will treat people fairly and with respect. %%EOF I take an interest in their likes and dislikes and always listen to them and encourage them when possible. 0000004036 00000 n I will implement ideas from the EYFS and I will provide activities/opportunities that support the six main learning areas which are :, To ensure the provision of a high quality environment to meet the needs of individual children from differing cultures and religious backgrounds, and stages of development, Competency Goal 1 healthy learning environment Functional Area 1: Learning Environment: One of my goals is to maintain a safe environment for the children in my care to play and explore in. I see this everyday watching the children learning to count while building with blocks, or learning colors while painting or coloring with crayons. My personal goals are to continue to grow by attending professional development courses to expand my knowledge in early childhood development best practices., As a childcare provider, I help children gain a sense of self by labeling their cubbies with their photos, names, and birthdates. During the infant/toddler stage is the best opportunity to enhance children's talking, listening, and need to express their own ideas successfully. I, at all times, model respect, patience, and care for children and also adults, such as the parents of the children in my care. 0000107777 00000 n % What I plan to do is offer the parents all the information and knowledge about myself and my teaching to them. It reflects the . Skills will include writing, language, use of materials, and fine motor skills. To have children feel safe to explore, learn, and express themselves. GS $`>!PcdY$0 'iq/49m9M2sl"W*H]vvK\WoRe:c, uIOEk0d2hLCVfU o rhl learns to feel guilty. How? CS III Resource Collection. I try to engage students, Help keep children safe, happy and healthy by providing a good environment for them to learn, explore and play., To maintain a commitment to professionalism, I believe in creating an environment of excellence with colleagues, students, parents and our community. endobj A professional philosophy statement is a document that outlines an individual's beliefs, values, and principles about their work as a childcare provider. My goal as the childcare provider is to have the best relationship with these childrens parents as possible, because good and positive relationships lead to success. I comfort them. To create this relationship, I work to build an open, friendly and cooperative relationship with each of the childrens family. Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461) Professional Capstone Project (PSY-495) Theology (104) . I strive to model respect, patient, and care for children and adults I come in contact with. As an early childhood educator, I have to maintain a positive and productive relationship with the families that come into my preschool. 0000009036 00000 n Reflective Competency Statement IV. Free Samples and Examples of Essays, Homeworks and any Papers. I treat each child with respect and help them to build a positive self- image. I believe children learn best through play. I chose to become an early childhood educator because I remember the large impact the early educators in my life had on me. I . My goal as a caregiver is to provide this environment for the children that I described above. My professional philosophy statement My goal is to provide a safe nurturing child-centered environment with a high-quality educational program that serves diverse children and families.Philosophy My philosophical beliefs are based in my knowledge of child development theories of child behavior and acceptable best practices for educating young children: Understanding children's . College is a learning environment in many ways. 0000056210 00000 n It is my responsibility to make sure they have an environment accessible to them that is stimulating and enriching to help them make these choices. help. I will create age appropriate lesson by keeping in mind of each individual child needs. PHILOSOPHY statement. %PDF-1.7 % I will strongly advise my parents to ask questions and give them honest and factual answers. This can make children feel very independent and highly involved in their own learning experiences. Click to open the support page for this content. 0000056470 00000 n Whether they are sad, mad, or stressed. 0000002869 00000 n 0000001493 00000 n I will make a point to speak up for my families and children who need my voice to receive help. Competency Standard I. Reflective Competency Statement II. perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning environment. 0000001650 00000 n What types of activities should be provided to children to help them learn and develop? (pp. Philosophy Statement - Jacquelyn's Infant Toddler Credential Portfolio Philosophy Statement I believe all children should be in an environment that makes them feel safe and secure. CS1c - The weekly plan in my Resource Collection reflects my philosophy on what young children 2 0 obj Child Development Associate - page 4 of 12 . Also if the child has a positive relationship with the carer they are more likely to talk more which will help their language development. As a preschool teacher, I make sure that our daily activities support my children's physical development. My personal goals are to continue to grow by attending professional development courses to expand my knowledge in early childhood development best practices., One of my goals in the functional area of guidance is provide a supportive environment in which children begin to learn and practice appropriate behavior as individuals and in groups. What do you think is important to include in the environment to promote learning? 13-20). 0000002626 00000 n I include activities and books about different cultures and different home environments. I help them with activities if my help is needed. 0000099094 00000 n professionalism by ensuring that I am meeting and exceeding the expectations set for me by my After receiving your CDA credential, you can continue to use this book to This type of relationship both encourages the childs relationship with their family, and my relationship with the family., I believe that I have built positive relationships with the children in my care. I informed every parent that I am a mandated reporter and follow the state policy in reporting any child abuse or neglect. 0000014117 00000 n ]Zbe H word/_rels/document.xml.rels ( 1O0w$C) u"f9'WI,Y~KV[j$Yf$T* %;d?CmEY($AdJwFjdqUvMvOeZ`Z]Vb(p0%gK%t360o%(8*(>y9>IH5*]J>iHP A!cmM20]ME Vf The Child Development Associate National Credentialing Program and CDA competency standards: Preschool edition. 0000098597 00000 n Learning to make positive choices is very important for children as it helps them to see how their choices can, in fact, can affect the people around them. 1 0 obj There is no online registration for the intro class I will make a point to speak up for my families and children who need my voice to receive, help. [n>=OV3N;tS?@&p-ey?qa|:pvm&gT g;w g;}ujc}_ '!|Pl}^hAf3jj8. 0000107144 00000 n In my practice as an early childhood educator, I maintain a commitment to professionalism by ensuring that I am meeting and exceeding the expectations set for me by my center and my families. To have children feel safe to explore, learn, and express themselves. 3 0 obj I believe that as an early childhood educator I am responsible for providing infants, toddlers, and young children with positive experiences while in my care. For parents, emergency plans, important phone numbers and resource information should be up a t all times. Positive relationships also make the child feel emotionally secure, if they feel emotionally secure they are more likely to participate in play and activities which will help their overall development. Washington, DC: Council for Professional Recognition. I will always be open, to opportunities to expand my knowledge in the field so I can best educate the children in my, care. If a human being is really perspective on methods to communicate and learn. My actions will assist as an example for others and will be based upon honesty, respect and fairness. As an educator I understand that change often occurs in early childhood education based on the development and progression of pedagogical theory, curriculum requirements and regulatory or service based policy. endobj A great way to get families involved is to have a volunteer sign up for each of our event at school. I ask them about their family, culture, and gender, I respect and recognize their emotional and physical needs. I wanted the opportunity to have the same ef, to make my classroom one of those places. child is still a child, we should let them be a child and experience their childhood years. I encourage them to be independent, to serve themselves, use the restroom, put things back where they were, and to care for their classroom environment. 0000002722 00000 n 0000010629 00000 n How does a familys culture and experiences influence what you teach? 0000007555 00000 n 0000002756 00000 n Identify your personal values and beliefs about teaching and learning: How do you believe young children learn? What I plan to do is offer the parents all the information and knowledge about myself and my teaching to them. I encourage them to talk about their feelings, and how they are different, and give them appropriate ways to express them. % or disagree with the parents should let children make mistake and let them learn from their own mistake. Prepare ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS All requirements must be met before starting the application process. hbbd```b``SA$K0"]OHC3 enH/ v>H\("ATB@`d:"$v`kXe8d] 2,~, U%Rob+)`{'Lk,2k= v^\6Pn_j"kl0b@@l3`qDv5]i5X I will create age appropriate lesson by keeping in mind of each individual child needs. A personal philosophy clearly defines you as an Educator. In the program I want children to be independent and make positive choices. I believe that every child should have the opportunity to be understood, to find their strengths and the . I wanted the opportunity to have the same effect on the <>>> Cross), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Competency Statement VI: to maintain a commitment to professionalism. It is a statement of reflection about your beliefs that influence your actions. In fact current legislation such as the Children Act 1989 gives parents and carers definite rights when it comes to their child, e.g. 0000013560 00000 n I provide current information for emergency services, and other resources of organizations that provide support for our families. 0000089161 00000 n I have strategized a plan to obtain my goal. educating young children through their CDA training hours. 0 What do you believe are important qualities for teachers to have? classroom safe and keep my children happy and healthy. I respect if children have different religions and find ways to get them to participate in activities. This is an important goal for me to have because without a safe environment there is. PK ! The CDA Process: Center-Based Infant/ Toddler 71 . 0000004533 00000 n I am, My goal is to provide a safe, nurturing, child-centered environment with a high-quality educational program that serves diverse children and families., As a childcare provider, it can be challenging to obtain established and productive relationships with parents of the young children I care for. If children have positive relationships they are less likely to show unwanted behaviour because the carer can recognise their needs and meet them. 85 0 obj <>stream 0000002158 00000 n 43 0 obj <> endobj xref I will use my reflections to help form how I run my classroom. 0000001659 00000 n I learned first hand how to take the she had to actually apply herself to make up what to say. 2 0 obj I first show them how to clean, and then have them do it., My teaching practice helps meet this statement on having a positive, responsive, cooperative relationship with each childs family by knowing each family members and greeting them by name. 0000016516 00000 n This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer. Professional Philosophy Statement - extended outline CDA Candidate note: Review information on the CDA Competency Standards and Functional Areas. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer.By default we've enabled the "Distraction-Free" mode, but you can change it back to "Regular", using this dropdown. CS VI-b stream 0000001036 00000 n My goal as a caregiver is to provide this environment for the children that I described above. My goal in my classroom is to set a standard of excellence within the room and to commit myself to the growth and development of each child in offering a positive, kind, loving, and safe atmosphere. 0000002595 00000 n I will provide a loving, nurturing, educational environment, caring for their child to the best of my abilities. I, at all times, model respect, patience, and care for children and also adults, such as the parents of the children in my care. I provide enriching activities for the children to make discoveries and learn about themselves developmentally. to make my classroom one of those places. These are the people who a child feels the most secure with and who know the child best. Why not All Papers Are For Research And Reference Purposes Only. Washington, DC: Council for Professional Recognition.