The Boston Globes Stephen Kinzer was the first to report on the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, which will promote an approach to the world based on diplomacy and restraint rather than threats, sanctions, and bombing., Two things stand out about the Quincy Institute: its funders and its founders. Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, The Top 50 Economists from 1900 to the Present, See the Mises Institute's ranking among The Top 50 Places to Study Classical Economics, See the American Enterprise Institute's ranking among The Top 50 Places to Study Classical Economics, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, See the Hoover Institution's ranking among The Top 50 Places to Study Classical Economics, See the Manhattan Institute's ranking among The Top 50 Places to Study Classical Economics, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, See the Heartland Institute's ranking among The Top 50 Places to Study Classical Economics, See the Discovery Institute's ranking among The Top 50 Places to Study Classical Economics, See Acton Institute's ranking among The Top 50 Places to Study Classical Economics, Mercatus Center at George Mason University, See the Mercatus Center's ranking among The Top 50 Places to Study Classical Economics, See the Competitive Enterprise Institute's ranking among The Top 50 Places to Study Classical Economics, See the Reason Foundation's ranking among The Top 50 Places to Study Classical Economics, James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. (Washington, DC) Since 2010, the Institute has run a satellite website called, which uses a calculator to individualize for each visitor the personal cost of government spending. (New York, NY) Cirincione said he "fundamentally" disagrees with Quincy experts who "completely ignore the dangers and the horrors of Russias invasion and occupation and focus almost exclusively on criticism of the United States, NATO, and Ukraine". Founded in 1918 with a $10 million endowment by Standard Oil--widow Anna M. Harkness, the Commonwealth Fund was one of the first foundations established by a woman. The Atlantic Council can trace its roots back to the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, during which member countries came together to promote public understanding and support for policies with the potential to bring widespread peace. The Claremont Institute, founded in 1979, aims to teach the practical application of the principles of the American Founding, in order to establish a limited and accountable government that respects natural law, private property, promotes a stable family life, and maintains a strong national defense. Not surprisingly, Claremont is a favorite amongst a number of Classical Liberal and Young Conservative organizations. (Washington, DC) [7][12] Bacevich said: "Our purpose is to promote restraint as a central principle of U.S. foreign policy fewer wars and more effective diplomatic engagement. Appropriately, EPIC's publications are practically all online. But there is no term deployed with such vigor by the foreign policy establishment as isolationist. Isolationist, isolationism, or other variations of the word are almost always meant by those levying it as an insult. Accordingly, in choosing and ranking the think tanks on this list, we employed the following criteria, which look less at the intrinsic merit of a think tank and its intellectual program as at its pragmatic or "cash value" (as the philosopher William James would have put it): (Cambridge, MA) Originally established in response to the threat of Nazism, Freedom House has remained consistent in its vigorous opposition to any and all threats to democracy: dictatorships in Central America, apartheid in South Africa, the suppression of the Prague Spring, genocide in Bosnia and Rwanda, and various human rights atrocities worldwide. Including names like Fareed Zakaria, Colin Powell, Tom Brokaw, and Madeleine Albright, CFR's impressive membership list has included senior politicians, more than a dozen Secretaries of State, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and prominent media figures. Today, Freedom House publishes a number of books and reports by both its fellows and prominent statesmen, though it is most famous for its annual "Freedom in the World" report, which ranks each country's degree of political freedoms and civil liberties. Despite an original association, the Foundation is no longer affiliated with Kaiser Permanente or Kaiser Industries. Originally founded in 1914 as the Church Peace Union, the Council brought together leaders in religion, academia, and politics in an attempt to achieve the lofty goal of making war obsolete. Since then, Heritage has solidified itself as one of the most influential Conservative organizations in the United States. It is also one of the oldest, having been established in 1907 by Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage, the widow of railroad magnate Russell Sage. The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace is a think tank associated with Stanford University. The initial approach, as Bacevich told me, was a lean and mean group of thinkers to start with, a fairly narrow focus: ending endless war; democratizing the formulation of foreign policy, which implies ending the elite monopoly; and putting U.S. policy in East Asia and the Middle East on a sound basis based on prudence, realism, and restraint., Unsurprisingly, this focus on restraint has led to a predictable sorting of critics and cheerleaders. Its founders plan to Try these recipes to prepare dishes with confidence. The Independent Institute may be tiny, but in the 29 years since its founding, it has grown into a respected think tank that made UPenn's 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report as the 54th-best think tank in the United States. "Two offering alternative approaches to the Middle East and East Asia, one on 'ending endless war,' and one called 'democratizing foreign policy,'" the Boston Globe reports. The Quincy Institutes message, somewhat ironically, sounds a little like what Donald Trumps America First foreign policy was supposed to be in theory. Then it was the Heritage Foundation's James Carafanos turn. MediaBias Ratings is not affiliated with RAND. Footnote 2 The Quincy Institute and the restraint school have gathered a wide array of formidable foreign-policy scholars and commentators. The If the Biden administration fails to withdraw, Congress should pass a War Powers Resolution ending U.S. involvement in the conflict. "[22], The Quincy Institute's co-founders include:[11]. [The Quincy coalition] is profoundly deficient in its understanding of the wellsprings of American success in the twentieth century. On the education front, RAND is home to the Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School, the world's largest PhD-granting program in Policy Analysis. In addition to Wertheim, the groups founders include Trita Parsi, the former president of the National Iranian American Council and a leading proponent of the Iran nuclear deal; Suzanne DiMaggio, an expert on negotiations with Iran and North Korea currently with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; journalist Eli Clifton of the Nation; and the historian and retired Army Col. Andrew Bacevich. CFR is perhaps best known by the general public as the publisher of the widely read bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs. The organization was originally founded in 1978 in order to monitor the Soviet Union's compliance with the Helsinki Accords, but has since expanded to include an Americas Watch, an Asia Watch, an Africa Watch, and a Middle East Watch. Tool type. As one of the richest people in the world, he is a key funder of the right-wing infrastructure, including the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the State Policy Network (SPN). The Center has been involved in the establishment of a number of influential government programs over the years, including the State Fiscal Analysis Initiative and the International Budget Partnership. DoD Claims Irans Nuclear Progress Remarkable, Just 12 DAYS To Create Nuclear Bomb Fissile, Pentagon Developed Contingency Plan for War with Iran. When the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft was founded in 2019, the mainstream media celebrated its emergence as a beacon of hope for a more The throughline between the Obama and Trump years in foreign policy is members of both administrations complaining about The Blob. Both presidents campaign on fresh thinking in foreign policy. Even an ill-conceived intervention, once underway, can create its own compelling logic; military interventions create new policy tools and the perception of leverage, and no matter how they begin there are almost always serious strategic and human costs to ending them. In the fall of 2019, a group of historians and foreign-policy scholars founded the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. Founded in 1974, Cato Institute moved to Washington, DC, in 1981 in an attempt to become more influential. The following are just a few types of cognitive biases that have a powerful influence on how you think, how you feel, and how you behave. Interestingly, Acton has successfully built a network of international affiliations in Italy, Brazil, Austria, and Zambia, all of which further promote and defend human rights and the free market. Aspen is headquartered in Washington, DC, but has additional campuses in Colorado and Maryland, as well as partner Aspen Institutes in Berlin, Rome, Madrid, Paris, Lyon, Tokyo, New Delhi, Prague, and Bucharest. The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars is a DC-based think tank dealing primarily in issues of international development, science and technology, and security and international affairs. In addition to maintaining websites and groups such as, the Public Voice coalition, and the Privacy Coalition, EPIC publishes the online EPIC Alert every two weeks. The think tank develops policy ideas, conducts public opinion research, and hosts issue briefings on the subjects of economics, national security, clean energy, and social policy and politics. (Washington, DC) Think tank: The term denotes a group of people who are paid to do nothing but read, discuss, think, and write, usually to address and redress a matter of vital importance to humanity. Case in point: the outcry over Trumps recent overtures to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. Though its mission has been slightly altered, today's Council still seeks to be the voice for ethics in international affairs. Over the years, it has become a must-read for healthcare devotees and a quality non-partisan source for up-to-date and accurate information on health policy. (Washington, DC) MBFC is a web-based platform that produces media bias ratings based on a website's level and direction of bias, and also identifies questionable and conspiracy sources. (Cambridge, MA) It has been described as realist and advocating for restraint in U.S. foreign policy. Discover schools with the programs and courses youre interested in, and start learning today. It describes itself as moderate Conservative, which makes sense once you remember that its namesake once toyed with the idea of becoming a Democrat. Ludwig von Mises' Murray Rothbard ranks on our list of The Top 50 Economists from 1900 to the Present. Cato Institute's Milton Friedman ranks on our list of The Top 50 Economists from 1900 to the Present. It is also worth mentioning that George Soros remains a very polarizing and controversial figure. One of the problems with the Trump administration from its first year on, however, is that its overall policy competency is so abysmal that it discredits any validity contained in their critique of the Blob. [11] According to its statement of purpose, it is opposed to the "military-industrial complex" described by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his farewell address. When the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft launched in 2019, its founders chose a name that would connect the group to a primordial era of U.S. foreign More than just a research organization, Worldwatch works to develop innovative solutions to issues, advocate for the environment to government leadership and members of private enterprise, and rally for citizen action. (Washington, DC) Each center worldwide houses local experts who produce top-notch work on critical national, regional, and global issues. The Aspen Institute's Board of Trustees is easily the most impressive of the 50 think tanks on this list, and includes such names as Madeleine Albright, Salman Khan, David Koch, Yo-Yo Ma, Queen Noor of Jordan, and Condoleezza Rice. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is one of the most respected think tanks in Washington. Each year, the Center publishes Freedom in the 50 States: An Index of Personal and Economic Freedom.. But the older of the two famous brothers has held iconoclastic views on foreign policy since the Vietnam War and has made previous donations in support of a less interventionist foreign policy. Similarly, the American Conservatives Daniel Larison argues, If there is one thing that the the lesser-footprint crowd agrees on, it is that the U.S. is quite bad at solving many of the worlds problems and has tended to make many of those problems worse through our unwanted meddling.. The Institute also regularly partners with similar institutions in order to specifically target various topics. Though Urban describes itself as Independent, a study by the Quarterly Journal of Economics on media bias ranked the Institute as the eleventh-most-liberal Even in this age of great power competition, Carafano writes, these new isolationists would prefer America step off the playing field and wave from the sidelines.. Some think tanks, such as the Brookings Institution or the Heritage Foundation, have become household names and are cited frequently by major news corporations. Since the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, the Fund has become a main source of information about the law's reforms, enrollment numbers, the effects of insurance reforms and sustainability of insurance marketplaces, and much more. The only place where conservatives may overlap with them is in market economics, but only in America is that considered to be a "conservative" position. The groups inception is driven by a shared concern over the United States long-standing reliance on military force over diplomacy, as well as the belief that the foreign policy establishment is ill-equipped to interpret what was happening, particularly the foreign policy of Donald Trump, let alone to combat it and steer it in a better direction, says co-founder Stephen Wertheim, a historian at Columbia University and writer on U.S. foreign policy. The Heartland Institute was founded in Chicago in 1984, and has become a rapidly up-and-coming public policy think tank. Since then, it has expanded into a think tank that promotes a high-performing healthcare system and advocates for low-income families, the uninsured, minorities, young children, and the elderly. Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft Since peaceful foreign policy was a founding principle of the United States, its appropriate that the name of this think tank harken back Average yearly revenue (in most cases, over the course of five years) as reported by the think tanks. The American people deserve a robust foreign policy conversation, but they dont want or need more mindless and thoughtless punches below the belt. Founded in 1968 as a semi-autonomous division of Planned Parenthood, the Liberal organization has since become an independent institution that has raised more than $22 million in 2013, and $16 million last year. The Stimson Center uses analysis and outreach in an attempt to enhance international peace and security. (New York, NY) At last count, the United States had 1,984 think tanks---nearly a third of the world's total. Unlike nearly all of the other think tanks on this list, Reason's research, analysis, and articles are all aimed at the general public. If I was at Quincy, I would be concerned that too close an association with Trump will tarnish the appeal of their foreign policy philosophy. Since its founding in 1990 as a branch of the Hudson Institute, Discovery has been a target for controversy. That withdrawing from Syria is the right choice does not mean it will be easy. Washington and Beijing need to explicitly agree on a set of reciprocal, credible reassurance measures that will breathe life back into their original understanding regarding Taiwan. Despite its young age, Third Way has become internationally recognized for its advocacy of vital center policies. In fact, in 2013, Third Way was named North American Think Tank of the Year by British current affairs magazine Prospect. The Endowment remains highly influential, and since 2005 the Endowment's asset amount has increased 44% from $243 million to $349 million. Most of what CNAS publishes are thorough reports meant to assist and inform policy-makers and national security leaders. The Center analyzes the impact of federal and state government budget policies from a Progressive viewpoint, and as such, generally argues for more spending for social programs and fewer tax cuts. In this age of the Internet, in which every think tank has a website, we therefore can regard think tanks as in the business of search engine marketing, i.e., as attempting to market their ideas over the Internet and especially through their website. (Washington, DC) The Center publishes a number of books, articles, and studies each year, the most well-known of which is the Spotlight series, a bi-weekly commentary on current foreign policy issues. Working under the motto Pro-Immigrant, Low-Immigration, the Center for Immigration Studies works to provide immigration policymakers, the academic community, news media, and concerned citizens with reliable information about the social, economic, environmental, security, and fiscal consequences of legal and illegal immigration into the United States. The Center has been called to testify before Congress on dozens of occasions, and has even been cited in Supreme Court opinions. The fine men and women of the Quincy Institute, a new foreign policy think tank seeking to bring more clarity and restraint to a foreign policy community that could use more of both, are experiencing this slander as we speak. Believing that people are best helped by a free marketplace, and not government regulation, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) promotes Libertarian ideas through analysis, education, advocacy, and coalition-building. "[14], Daniel W. Drezner, writing in The Washington Post, described the institute as a "think tank that advocates a sober version of restraint", and said that it joined the Cato Institute, the Center for the National Interest, and New America "in the heterodox foreign policy basket". This compensation does not influence our school rankings, resource guides, or other editorially-independent information published on this site. In the US, the Institute has focused recent efforts on advocating for a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, net neutrality, and the organization of mass protests, including the Occupy Movement. 2023 Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Resolve is defined as staying the course in the face of adversity, no matter how treacherous the situation is or how misguided the mission. Originally founded in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Institute expanded in 2006 to include a second location in Washington, DC. Of these members, 16 served as president of their country, more than 20 served at cabinet level, and 17 have held congressional seats. WebQuincy Brief November 10, 2022 Winning the Majority: A New U.S. Bargain with the Global South The states of the Global South wish to leverage all of their international All rights reserved. Founded by Boston University professor Andrew Bacevich, historian Stephen Wertheim, Carnegie Endowment senior fellow Suzanne DiMaggio, and foreign policy writer Eli Clifton, the Quincy Institute is the collaborative product of an emerging left-right alliance of restrainers, realists, and progressives hoping to evolve U.S. foreign policy in a less hubristic direction. To do this, it publishes a number of books, articles, op-eds, and interviews targeted towards politicians, scholars, and journalists. Founded in 1948, the Kaiser Family Foundation focuses on major healthcare issues in the US and, to a lesser extent, the world. But lets go back to the 1920s and 30s! (Chicago, IL) Polls show that 18 years after the 9/11 attacks, Americans are weary of long-term military commitments and deeply skeptical of regime change and interventionism. Worldwatch publishes the annual "State of the World" report, which is an assessment of urgent global environmental problems paired with innovative ideas for solutions. What a Victory for Ukraine Should Look Like, South Koreas Enduring Restraint Toward China, Robert Kagan and Interventionisms Big Reboot, Tell me how this ends: If recent history is a guide, not with a knockout blow, Lawmakers quietly gave weapons firms bailout for unproven inflation burden. Acton Institute is a Michigan-based think tank that works towards the mission of promoting a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles. Named for the nineteenth-century English parliamentarian and historian, Lord Acton, the Institute publishes a number of articles, books, periodicals, and papers on subjects that work toward this goal, including the internationally renowned Journal of Markets & Morality, Acton Notes, Samaritan Guide, the Abraham Kuyper Translation Project, an the Acton PowerBlog, to name but a few. Though it does deal with nationwide issues, the Institute is perhaps best known for its work concerning California. Heritage also publishes a number of political theory books, and partners with the Wall Street Journal each year to publish the Annual Index of Economic Freedom. The Institute's nearly 150 research fellows research, write, and publish their findings for everything from public consumption, to the basis for conferences, to information for media programs. Other institutions, like think tanks, must harness the intellectual firepower needed to rethink foreign policy. In the fall of 2019, a group of historians and foreign-policy scholars founded the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. (Washington, DC) The second challenge is always an unfair one for advocates of restraint, but that does not mean it can be wished out of existence. (San Francisco, CA) Two years ago I told Voxs Zack Beauchamp, This is the iron law of ideas: You cant beat an idea unless you take the time to think of a better one. Of course, as I also told Beauchamp, think tanks need funding to exist. The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft will launch in September, having received an initial $500,000 (385,000) from Mr Soros and Mr Koch apiece. The number of categories in which a think tank was ranked by the University of Pennsylvania (Lauder Institute) in its, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $7,700,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): <100, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #1 (University-Affiliated Think Tank), Notable Figures: Graham Allison, Stephen Biddle (former), Robert Blackwill, William Clark, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $5,200,000, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #36 (US), #5 (University Affiliated), #26 (Environment), Notable Figures: Scott Barrett, Robin Bell, Michael Gerrard, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $392,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 1,298, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #9 (US), #17 (world), Notable Figures: Michael J. Gerson (former), Rebecca Hagelin (former), Edwin Meese III (former), Walter E. Williams (former), Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $301,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): Unknown, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: None, Notable Figures: Michele Alexander, Carroll Bogert, Kenneth Roth, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $356,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 874, Notable Figures: Drew Altman, Diane Rowland, Mollyann Brodie, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $203,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 993, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #4 (US), #8 (world), #4 (Foreign Policy and International Affairs), Notable Figures: Madeleine Albright (former), Tom Brokaw (former), Colin Powell (former), Fareed Zakaria (former), Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $169,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 2,434, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #1 (World), #1 (US), #4 (Defense and Security), #1 (Foreign Policy and International Affairs), #1 (Domestic Economic Policy), #4 (Environmental Policy), #3 (Education Policy), #3 (Domestic Health Policy), Notable Figures: Ben Bernanke (former), Jon Huntsman (former), Robert Kagan (former), Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $63,400, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 718, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #8 (US), #16 (worldwide), #5 (Domestic Economic Policy), #4 (Education Policy), Notable Figures: 10 Nobel Prize--winners in Economic Sciences have worked with Cato, including both Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman; other notable former fellows include Vaclav Klaus (the second President of the Czech Republic, 2003--2013) and, Political Orientation:Libertarian/Classical Liberal, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $39,700, Notable Figures: Andrew Napolitano, Ron Paul, Murray Rothbard (former), Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $53,600, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 1,100, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #13 (Defense and National Security), Notable Figures: Former UN Ambassador John Bolton; former NEH chairperson Lynne Cheney; author and former Dutch parliamentarian Ayaan Hirsi Ali; sociologist and best-selling author Charles A. Murray; and PBS Think Tank host Ben J. Wattenberg, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $121,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 618, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #7 (world), #6 (US), #2 (Domestic Health Policy), #2 (Education Policy), #5 (Energy and Resource Policy), #2 (Defense and Security), Notable Figures: 32 Nobel Prize recipients have been associated with RAND in the last 60 years, including John Forbes Nash, Jr., Thomas C. Schelling, and Oliver Williamson, Political Orientation: Liberal/Progressive, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $59,900, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 843, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #10 (US), Notable Figures: Former Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (former); the late Elizabeth Edwards; former Assistant Secretary of Defense Lawrence Korb (former), Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $157,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 279, Notable Figures: Kinsey Hasstedt and Elizabeth Nash, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $67,300, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 461, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #23 (US), #14 (Social Policy), #20 (Domestic Economic Policy), #49 (Best Managed), Notable Figures: Jared Bernstein, Kathy Ruffing, Paul N. Van de Water, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $60,600, Average Media References per Year (by Others): Unknown, though NBER claims it is the second most-cited think tank, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #11 (US), #2 (Domestic Economic Policy), Notable Figures: Milton Friedman (former), Paul Krugman (former), Joseph Stiglitz (former), Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $99,200, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 275, Notable Figures: Khaliah Barnes, Marc Rotenberg, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $117,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 260, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #13 (US), #15 (world), #4 (Domestic Economic Policy), Notable Figures: Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer; Chevron Corp. Chairman David O'Reilly; Former President of Mexico Ernesto Zedillo, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $192,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 692, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #4 (world), #5 (Foreign Policy and International Affairs), #1 (Defense and Security), Notable Figures: former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright (former), former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak (former), former Undersecretary of Defense Michele Flournoy (former), Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $41,700, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 546, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #20 (US), #1 (Education Policy), Notable Figures: Harry P. Hatry, Rudolph G. Penner, Robert D. Reischauer, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $103,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 555, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #46 (US), #55 (Domestic Economic Policy), Notable Figures: Josh Bivens, Daniel Costa, Emma Garcia, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $48,600, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 203, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #45 (US), Notable Figures: David Devlin-Foltz, Maurice LaMee, Peter Waanders, Damian Woetzel, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $23,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 200, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #5 (US), #10 (world), Notable Figures: Lawrence K. Altman, Charles Armstrong, Cynthia Arnson, Political Orientation: Conservative/Libertarian, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $15,500, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 335, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #19 (US), Notable Figures: Robert Conquest, Richard A. Epstein, Niall Ferguson, Timothy Garton Ash, Victor Davis Hanson, Henry Kissinger, Harvey Mansfield, Allan H. Meltzer, Douglass C. North, Sam Nunn, Condoleezza Rice, George P. Schultz, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $44,700, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 277, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #39 (US), Notable Figures: Claire Berlinski, Theodore Dalrymple, Heather Mac Donald, John McWhorter, Jason Riley, Luigi Zingales, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $62,400, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 276, Notable Figures: Mark Krikorian, John Miano, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $36,700, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 371, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #4 (world), #3 (US), #1 (Defense and Security), #5 (Foreign Policy and International Affairs), Notable Figures: James Acton, Rachel Kleinfeld, Richard Sokolsky, Michael D. Swaine, Moises Naim, Sarah Chayes, Marwan Muasher, and Dmitri Trenin, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $14,600, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #8 (Transparency and Good Governance), #29 (Impact on Public Policy), #42 (US), Notable Figures: George Soros, Jonathan Soros, Christopher Stone, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $25,200, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #3 (Top Transparency and Good Governance), Notable Figures: Daniel Calingaert, Susan Corke, Lawrence Lessig, P.J.