The Ruins at Chaco Canyon are at N. Latitude 36.0311. . You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Further California and the pashtun region of Afghanistan to be more specific. The three were killed by the screaming eagles. The father of Jesus Christ is the Holy ghost , always depicted as a DOVE. Thus , as with so many other things there appears to be something missing from the. US General Patton knew of the power of the Spear, wanted to claim it for the United. There is only so much good luck in the world and if one wants to increase wealth, health and so forth it must, . Thus the spear which saved the souls of humanity and spared Jesus Suffering and. d) The would be assassin of Reagan, John Hinckley engaged in his attempt at assassination to provide actress Jodi Foster with the biggest love offering of all time. A. Many of the German scientists were brought to Ft. Bliss , Texas. This ultimately became, The ACLU. Paul was executed like his savior due. This ties in directly with the KLA heroin warriors. It happens to be as close as possible to the 33rd parallel, and as noted in near alignment with Texas again bringing the number of aligned sites to. A bird of Prey associated with, The freemasonic underpinnings of the USA and of course the roman eagle from, Which the USA borrows the symbolism. Who would buy. And to the Rockefeller Museum. For photos of the sheer size of some of these blocks which cannot be replicated by modern methods or move, pls refer to: . In the northern hemisphere, the parallel in question makes its way through major US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas or the town of Roswell, an area known for its history with UFO related subjects. The Ismaili sect as the assassins are now called. The killer Tsafendas was tortured terribly during his time of confinement but never executed . 1. It can now be said that support of the death penalty is a litmus test for the Presidency and for Governorship at least in 33rd Parallel States. To be associated with the practice of bull worship. Not too far to the south of that region is where the Mayans did the same. 8. Stalin planned Army of Ape-Man SuperWarriors. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Gleaming like a steel and glass mirage surrounded by ironwood, palo verde, and saguaro cactus, this modern American city lies in a brown cloud of auto exhaust at the northern end of the Sonoran Desert. President Hariri of Lebanon was assassinated in Beirut recently. . * Note the 33 in 1633 and that the sum total of 1+6+3+3= 13 and that the sum of, The entire date 02 + 22 + the previous 13 = a sum of 19. 6. ATTACK. Tran dimensional stargate in Iraq. This obviously could not be allowed to happen. Edmonton, Alb., Can. The CIA and the Cartels in my 30 yearsmajor targetsinvariably working for, . Executed first black female in the State since 1857 ( a slave named Lucy). ; SUPER humanity? Today the Republican, Party is embroiled in a gambling related corruption scandal so huge it threatens the, Christ died on Golgotha , the place of the skull and the, Usual method for putting crucified prisoners out of their misery was to break their, Thigh bones to prevent them from breathing and allowing them to quickly suffocate, Rather than live longer in agony. to Control this leader and those around his inner circle. Latitude for Santa Fe, New Mexico is N. Latititude 35.67. The purpose of the colony was to sell, Another drug, opium to China. Starting at the Prime Meridian and heading eastwards, the parallel 33 south passes through: Last edited on 22 February 2021, at 09:49, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, This page was last edited on 22 February 2021, at 09:49. The US Supreme Court lifted the ban on executions in 1976. b) Governor George W. Bush as noted previously, set the record for executions in Texas. 2. The Aga Khan has ties to a swiss foundation with Neil Bush and the current Pope Benedict before he became Pope. The, Airport there operated by the military has latitude dimensions that place it exactly on line, To Los Alamos and the pyramid in Memphis, the City where Martin Luther King was. The Indian, Version is moving steadily towards occult related themes as is widely known in regarding., It seems logical to assume that this group with anti-left / Hegelian supremacist ideology, that operates in the shadows is likely an illuminati based organization pushing the drive to, A nuclear confrontation that will lead to chaos and then a new world order with the, human sacrifice of tens of millions of deaths on the 33rd parallel. The Pontius Pilate Paradigm There is a commonality among 33rd parallel US, Governors that needs to mirror the paradigm of the Governor of Palestine making a, Decision on granting clemency to deny it in order to seek the Presidency. There is another Trinity, the Hindu one, which includes the, Deity, Shiva, the destroyerwhen he opens his third eye, the universe is destroyed to. Stalin, wanted his scientists to create a superman by creating a hybrid human-gorrila warrior, a, Form of humanoid King Kong. The number 11. All of this by the Bush family. If we take a look at the Northern Hemisphere of the planet, the parallel 33 happens to run across a few major, important cities in the United States, including Dallas, Los Angeles, Phoenix, and even the town of Roswell, which is a hotspot for the UFO phenomenon. 8. $400 Billion dollar industry. One employee gives the thumbs up or down. The City where Abraham , the father so to speak of Judaism, Christianity and Islam was, From a city known as Ur. It is as if someone had sought this alignment specifically for, this reason. Thus the opposite, Of love is hate. The Earth's parallels 33 North and 33 South reveal fascinating details. Rare is the famous, Modern rock/pop etcmusician that has not had contact with a guru or other cult like, Group or figure. All major Rock groups seemed to feature 4. Think of this next time you hear the term. THIS WAS TO GENERATE ENERGY. Is Chicago further north than London? Essentially Treason at a minimum even without any occult element is BIPARTISAN. The number of glass panes in the pyramid are, 13. 5. A number of persons into this arcane area are pictured together in the. Thus the Klan has as its symbol a cross as well as doe Jesus Christ. El Paso is adjacent , cheek and jowl to Ciudad Juarez , Mexico where hundreds of. REALTY ON THE 33RD PARALLEL. . Stadium Cycle track was where electricity on genitals was used. 13. The pyramid is located in Memphis TN. Connection to the martial aspects of his behavior. . The Aztecs. ., 8. The choice of Al Hazen therefore is significant and shows illuminati influence that is in your face but at the same time very subtle. And kill them to maintain control over them by a so-called master race. John Lennon lived and was killed in front of the Dakota Building. Again, many of the legionnaires were. It crosses North Africa, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean . Silver Spring is close to the, Various intelligence agencies around the nation Capital. c) Corroboration- General 33rd information-. . Death Row New Mexico The symbol is The Solar Cross with an Eagle in front. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Thus the point of death for the first, Democratically elected leader of Pakistan was nearly identical to the laboratory in, Which Dr. Khan labeled The worlds most dangerous man due to his decades long. Ur is very far south from, The insurgency and isolated. And see photos in the previous abide miracles link. The previous site notes that Alcyone will not cure what ails one unless coupled with a. At the 33rd latitude the sun is visible for 14 hours, 20 minutes during the summer solstice and 9 hours, 58 minutes during the winter . 8. . * Bagram Air Base is the original black site where CIA torture killings began. NO NEWS NOTHING. States have The 33rd Parallel cross their soil. The slaying of the bull, 2. US President Trump did exactly that, tweeting a desire to cross the 33rd parallel, the latitude that is the border between North and South Korea. 5. The Salt Pit Torture Center in Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan is in direct alignment. a) The attempt on Gerald Ford took place in Sacramento, California on September 5, 1975. But there is a lot of more mystery surrounding parallel 33. RICHARD M. NIXON & 2. The first A-bomb exploded at the 33rd Parallel at the Trinity Test Site, White Sands, New Mexico. This strange-deaths connection connects three separate, Generations of the family. The, Hitler had the lance sent in an armored train to Nuremburg on October 13 the same day. Both Nixon and Mullah had their political bases in 33rd parallel nations. When the dutch arrived in the 1600s they used Robben Island , off the coast of Cape Town South Africa as an execution and prison ground for Africans. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Kingston, Ont., Yale graduate, Freemason and possible skull and bones member Hiram Bingham. The Skull and Bones crew are Relic Hunters: . Osiris had a son named, Horus, whose symbol is a Hawk (wings flies) and had one eye that was white and one, Eye that was black. TWO HUNDRED / 20% OF DEATH ROW INMATES TO THEIR DEMISE IN TANDEM. Realty that will involve this event prior to its occurrence. site in the United States along geopolitical entities touched by the 33rd parallel. Buy The Atlantean Conspiracy Now. The cross forms a form, Of the letter T. 1. FDR ,Hitler and Stalin sent expeditions in search of Shambala prior to WWII. THE LATITUDE FOR MONTGOMERY , ALABAMA , BABYLON. Turkey has been secretly allowed to get back into the heroin trade. Section and seems to be associated with New Age more than just Buddhist meditation. Feb 6, 2019 #1 There appears to be organized serial killing , rape and organ extraction possibly occult. . Saddam collected every item associated with Jewish history he could and kept, Everything stored in a basement of the Mukhabarat Headquarters in Baghdad. . All of this on States touched by the 33rd parallel, If the Prison riot with 33 sacrificial victim snitches was a ritual murder for, energy in the New Mexico prison riot the door is open to the possibility of, Oklahoma City being the same. Latitude: 33 00' 0.00" N Longitude: 0 00' 0.00" E Read about 33rd parallel north in the Wikipedia Satellite map of 33rd parallel north in Google Maps + Leaflet | OpenStreetMap contributors GPS coordinates of 33rd parallel north It was also a leper colony and mental asylum. THREE OF THEM NOW Somehow favor the interests of the nation of Iran/Persia. Al Hazen was a scientist of significance in times of vast ignorance. Since 1981 the CIA has not had to, Inform the Department of Justice of information regarding drugsthe Advent of the. George HW Bush, his father, Prescott Bush and his son current. . Export to the USA or else. Louis Rothschild is said to have been a 32nd degree mason in Chicago. This cult. Charleston, South Carolina is the home of the so-called Mother Lodge of the World, And according to various sources was used as the site of a human sacrifice ritual to the. Boys from Africa are being murdered as human sacrifices in London Churches. Pancho Villa was said to have sold his soul for power. In the case of Nixon, General Al Haig Im in charge. The fact is that his brother Jeb Bush. US TAXPAYER SHOULD PAY TO HAVE IT DISPLAYED IN MUSEUMS. & . Westinghouse is since 1999 owned by BNFLs or British Nuclear Fuels. Hells Angels motorcycle gang : Formed in Oakland , California. A killer, bird of prey. Both are in favor of the death penalty. Strange message of the End of the World hidden in the Google translator, Ex-Navy Officer Milton William Cooper Revealed Baffling Details Associated With Aliens, The Ariel School UFO Incident: UFOs And Aliens Witnessed By 62 Students. Global organ harvesting network with illegal distribution centers in many places. 4. . The entire line of descent for Saddam was exterminated. Himmlers uncle a Jesuit cleric was instrumental in achieving this goal. Became an integral part of the campaign structure of Republican politics. Again, The use of occult numerology. The namesake of, America, Mr. Vespucci , died on February 22. Bechtel-made Palo Verde Reactor near Phoenix. . The Natanz facility is considered to be the main research plant for nuclear, Weapons for the Ayatollah regime. Institute , alleged by some to be an evil mind control cult. The 33rd parallel, Joshua Tree, Landers Giant Rock. This location is nearly exact for Baalbek and the Iranian nuclear facility at Arak. . Important info left out. Additional / Extensive information on 33rd Parallel at-, Zionism human sacrifice allegations 33rd Parallel. 4. The Enola. 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death was published by AM Design on 2020-07-01. . Jerusalem is , of course , were Christ was crucified and where the Third Temple must. 4. January 17, 1991 George H W Bush launches attack into Iraq in Gulf War I. . 2. . The other face on the new Iraqi currency, the 10,000 dinar note is Al Hazen, the 10th century muslim scientist considered the father of Optics. The writer will begin with South Africa. The Roman legions made sacrifices to Mithras a Persian solar deity similar if not the, Same as Tammuz of Babylon whose symbol was also a cross. **Thus, the Largest Reactor in the World made by the sinister Bechtel corporation is in, direct alignment with the most famous UFO site on earth and in perfect alignment with, the worst killing- concentration camp of the Civil War and the worst negative energy death. . America- FDR DEATH SPOT (LIKE BHUTTO) IN IDENTICAL ALIGNMENT TO LOCALITY WHERE FIRST ATOMIC BOMB EXPLODED IN NEW MEXICO- AGAIN THE 33RD PARALLEL AGAIN A HUMAN SACRIFICE, 1. The signing of the death warrant is reminiscent of the signing of the proverbial pact, With a demon in blood. 4. CHILE PINOCHET, SOCCER STADIUMS AS DEATH ROWS, CANINE RAPISTS,OPUS DEI,COLONIA DIGNIDAD ALL MET ON 9-11-73 AT THE 33RD PARALLEL, 1. Mexico is where the. Mind Controlled Mademoiselle Meets Death in Iraq on 33rd Parallel The Strange case of the Belgian female muslim suicide bomber MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE-. Back in the polls and winning re-election to the Presidency. 37.401306 N. * This is very close to the latitude for San Quentin Prison 37.5623. Warrant is also to emulate Cain killing Abel. The symbol of the new company called Virgin Galactic is? THIS SOUNDS LIKE A CIA AGENT , does it not? Roma spelled backwards is Amor or Love in Spanish Amore in Italian. This correlates to the Bull Worship associated with Persian ruled, . & Steve Jobs went to India. 2. Texas Death Row record setter for the nation- Huntsville, Texas N. Latitude, 3. Solomon to Rome (now believed to be secretly in the possession of the Vatican). Kerry could easily have, Been the President. HUMAN SACRIFICE WAS PERFORMED AT UR THE NAVEL OF THE EARTHWHICH COINCIDES WITH THE LATITUDE COORDINATES NOTED ABOVE WITH THE PLACE OF EXECUTION THAT HAS SET THE RECORD IN THE LONE PENTAGRAM STATE BY 3RD GENERATION SKULL/BONE SCION. b) . This is Why the saying only a southern Governor can win the Presidency came about. Do you need underlay for laminate flooring on concrete? Once the decision to end the trade was made, The fall came very quickly. 1756 Charleston, South Carolina, the original site of Scottish Rite Masonry in the United States, is only 15 miles south of the 33rd Parallel Anyone running for office who does not express a willingness to kill is not electable. Thus the most prolific serial killers and the most prolific political killer Mao are on the, Californias noted movie industry has an even bigger parallel in the Bollywood of India. FURTHER ,THE, JANUARY 17 DATE AS NOTED IS THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE EXECUTION OF, GARY GILMORE -THE FIRST SINCE THE LEGAL RESUMPTION IN 1977 AND THE. ARIZONA AND IRAQ BAGHDAD IN PARTICULAR TO PHOENIX. Following this working 3 events occurred The UFO phenomenon began in earnest in. This can only be cured when the capstone is placed on it. What US city is the same latitude as London? This is not in controversy and is admitted openly. . The Mystery of Parallel 33: Everything Is Connected To This Number. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. They lost the Cold War. 2. Some believe the death of Chandra Levy was an act of human. b) The A.Q. He is also a former Business partner with New World, Order/China/Illuminati linked Dr. Henry Kissinger. __MARTIN LUTHER KING WAS BORN IN ATLANTA ON 33RD PARALLEL, __PYRAMID DESIGNED BY ROSSER INTERNATIONAL, A PRISON DESIGN, ARCHITECTURAL FIRM BASED IN 33RD PARALLEL ATLANTA GEORGIA. 4. Keep this fact in mind for later in this article. The Earth's parallels 33 North and 33 South reveal fascinating details. We all know that number 33 is not just any regular number. . The 33rd parallel, Passes through Alabama. Jack Parsons and Hubbard were the founders of the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena , both. number of turns in a complete sequence of human DNA equals 33. His death was a propitiation or offering anointing for evil the, Entire prize begun by Khan and the military click ushered into power in a CIA sponsored, Coup , which Benazir Bhutto, the murdered leaders daughter BELIEVES WAS DONE. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Death row in Tennessee is located in Nashville , Tennessee. A plot was alleged but was dismissed by the Judge in the case. For purposes of accuracy it should be noted that the majority of ritual killings of black, Human beings in the former Confederate States did not occur through the use of the death. The human sacrifice sites are believed. In fact, none of the advanced western hemisphere, Nations failed to have or perform human sacrifice death rituals. Her father was a. . www.isourcecom/maya/cities/chichenitza/ballcour.htm . Thus, there appears to be a Buddhist. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 11. Keep this fact in mind for later in this article. Estimates in the south since the end of the US civil war typically run from 10,000 to 30,000. All on the 33rd parallel. Related facility. The Mayans associated their existence with the constellation Pleiades and the Star Alcyone. The Aga Khan at Phillips Academy Andover as did George W Bush, who was a few years ahead of Scooter Libby the indicted top assisstant of Vice President Cheney AND THE. 4. 3 no more and no less. . This raises the horrific possibility that certain entities view humans as food and the violent death of humans as a sacrifice- as a form of meal preparation. The Music Industry and 33rd Parallel Influences from India in California: Everyone has seen video or even cartoons of the hindu fakir lulling a deadly cobra into, Docility through music and movement. Sacrifice to propitiate non-human disembodied intelligences to secure POWER. It is approximate at the midpoint between the equator and the Arctic Circle It crosses North Africa, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean. The thought suddenly emerged that the location of the structure, And the existence of death row directly on the 33rd parallel could be, not an accident, but, By using Google one can determine that the town of Florence is located at these, Geographical coordinates: Latitude N 33.031. Michael lives on the 33rd parallel. the average human was a chimpanzee. . . Advertisement. Mao was given significant assistance by YALE IN CHINA to write his rantings which ultimately became the little red blood-soaked book., Paul Allen , the third richest american has a thing about Jimi Hendrix, the deceased, rock star and has purchased much of his estate and legal rights. child sacrifice took place almost continuously for 600 years. Judas only received. . . Including muslim scientists. This date February 22 is also when the Nazis -funded by the current American, Presidents paternal grandfather Prescott Bush and great-grandfather George Herbert, Walker executed the so-called WHITE ROSE conspirators that tried to assassinate, The Term White Rose was the code for the plot to assassinate JFK. JFK was not supposed to win. . . Grandson of Roger of Sicily the founder of the phrase or symbol The Jolly, Roger -THE CROSSED THIGH BONES AND SKULL OF THE PIRATES, SS, THE JESUITS AND. OF NOTE IS THE WEARING OF, THE RED FEZ CAPThis symbolizes the victory of mohammeds forces, Over Christianity. The State Flag the solar cross is a Zia Pueblo symbol. The first cadaver of such a superhuman entity ever found. I just cant say m dump with the mistries. The purpose to this is to allow a different consciousness to develop, That allows for changes in behavior and outlook a form of hypnotism. Tear gas could have, Been used. . . The following information will show that much of this activity YET AGAIN was, directed by a secret society- the KKK / Klu Klux Klan with grades of initiation which, simulated freemasonry which was very prevalent in the confederate States. Some oddities surfaced that were discussed in an article posted. To cartographers as the 33rd parallel North latitude. THE 33rd PARALLEL IS THE MOST POWERFUL LOCATION NOT THE ONLY LOCATION WHERE THIS ACTIVITY CAN OCCUR. A, Decoration for Valor based on the Teutonic Knights. the three most well-known centers of paranormal activity are on or near the 33rd Parallel: Atlantis, the Great Pyramids, and the Bermuda Triangle. The coat of arms carries a black rat on it. Thus , the burning cross is a symbol of a sacrifice human sacrifice , Most of the Lynchings took place in 33rd parallel States by a secret society using the, Symbol of a pagan Babylonian solar deity to ritually and publicly torture human beings. This is a direct correlation between. The previous link notes a Karl, Haushoffer belonging to the Japanese Green Dragon Society. 33rd parallel south Map all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap Download coordinates as: KML The 33rd parallel south is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees south of the Earth's equatorial plane. 3. Bush Fraud Investigation Update by Wayne Madsen. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); When we talk about the classic biblical scenes of the end of the world, angels sound trumpets, seven-headed, There are times when Government hides facts from the citizens of the country, and these days it has. 33rd parallel administration of Reagan (California) and Bush 41 (Texas). The inaugural event was held in 1989 in Manhattan Beach, California and the current event will be held in Alba (Italy) in the pulsating heart of the Langhe region. California is the heartland also of the favorite food of Lord Shiva Sinsemilla marijuana. The theory is expounded that the, Real reason for the current Iraq war was to secure relics, technology or sites belonging, To ET races or an Ante-Deluvian (pre- Great Flood) Civilization by the Bush administration. The recent execution was rife with Masonic overtones see: Including that execution being the 13th of the year . Around the world Which town is in the Centre of Australia? 3. The Beatles Album cover Sgt. . It has a pyramid. If no payment was received death would follow, sooner or later. Supernatural forces in bid for world domination. 2. He himself has signed death warrants for executions. The engineer/partner, Burt Rutan, attempts to explain that the so-called Face on Mars is really just rocks even though increasing evidence suggests the contrary. 6. . . Sacrifice by this network and that she was a Mossad Agent. By performing the rites, the, 3 named groups received the same thing the death row / Abu Ghraib cabal has and, The Saint Death phenomenon is growing by leaps and bounds and seems to attract the, Members of the underworld in large numbers. This could not have been done ignorantly, but on purpose. Dropped two nuclear bombs on two cities on the 33rd parallel. CHILE. The confederates wore grey. China, USA & Iran. Pinochets military was taught torture techniques there. 6. . Kissinger is also noted as being a critical player in, Nixons downfall and his advice to have Nixon meet with mass-murder of the 33rd. ( as noted above). on The 33rd Parallel: Masonic Line Of Death For Psychic Energy. Symbol is the Eagle for Romans as for America. In fact, He was the incarnation of one of their Trinity gods Vishnu and had numerous allies. Mithraism and Christianity. It has been called a militaristic religion and a FORM OF MASONRY AMONG, THE ROMAN LEGIONNAIRESthus, since it was ROMANS and not actual JEWS. Thus Zionism / ritual murder allegations / 33rd parallel all coincide. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 191,199 (C) 2005 Universal Music Enterprises, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc. Your email address will not be published. He was a Senator not a, Governor. All of this occurred in 1947. Rawalpindi District Jail, Rawalpindi , Pakistan (Military Capital) : Latitude N 33.35. It, May (beyond capacity of this writer to determine) even be the home is in exact alignment, With the site of Solomons Temple which must be rebuilt to usher in the end times.This, QUESTION? Their home so near to a place where so many died horribly, including children? THE ISRAELI NUCLEAR WEAPONS FACILITY AT DIMONA IS ALIGNED, NEARLY EXACTLY WITH THE DEATH ROW IN ATMORE, ALABAMA, 1. &. The former chief of staff of Khomeini said the group now controls the Revolutionary, The societys anti-leftism chimes with reports that Ahmadinejad was pushing for a, takeover of the Soviet Embassy alongside or INSTEAD of the US compound in Tehran, It was initially an anarchist movement rejecting any form of Government, even an.