I have become a great fan of the doctor Blake Mysteries. His death was determined to be a homicide at a civil trial. I will no longer watch dont assume someone is guily before all facts are in. Ridiculous decision, Craig McLachlan is truly being put on trial by the media and being punished for something that may or may not have happened. I tried watching the series 6, I noticed that in the episodes I watched he wasnt dead, just missing.. And eight months after Lucien went to Sydney to investigate a case he has disappeared without a trace. What about the reporter who seems to be the only one making money off this tragedy?. Thats what I think is so charming How stupidly politically correct the world has become. Shame on corporations, producers, government officials. ! Loved the show and mostly Craig in that role. Janis A. Well how can the sho be called Blake mysteries without Dr Blake? However ; if innocent one should not lose their job. The latter never being reported in the press, thank goodness. sexual harassment charges have gone overboard for all the wrong reasons. The show certainly wont be the same without Craig McLachlan. Saddened Craig has been subjected to the aforementioned allegations. If he was cleared of charges this doesnt seem fair. I was a young good looking woman and all I had to do to stop unwanted attention was to tell them to stop. 1960 Ballarat, Australia. What a waste of a very good Actor that really has people asking and waiting for more episodes. (LogOut/ How old was Lucien Blake when his mother died? Replace the actor not the entire story. In ABCs finale Nadine Garners housekeeper married Lucien Blake (Craig McLachlan) but in the months that followed its screening McLachlan has been at the centre of allegations he is currently fighting in court. How many more lives, reputations, and careers are going to be destroyed before people finally start understanding a great majority of these women are liars and only want money and 15 minutes of fame. BRING BACK CRAIG!! what is happening to this world!!! Please keep Craig McLachlan as Dr. Lucien Blake on the Dr. Blake Mysteries series. Now Adams and Wright have refashioned the crime series around the redoubtable Jean, retitled it and boiled it down to a single telemovie. Craig makes the show and I wont be watching the next series without him. If Craig was cleared, why removed him from show? I dont even know how thats going to be executed, sure she have Dr. Blake new perspectives or clues but that doesnt automatically make her Nancy Drew. Bring back the mysteries of Dr Blake with Craig, Bring back the Dr. Blake mysteries with Craig McLaughlin1. If McLachlan is using sexual innuendos as humor, all that needs to happen now is for the producers of any play or movie or TV show to mandate that if he is in the cast, he must not take part in such behavior. As he has been found innocent of the accusations surely it would be the decent thing to reinstate him making clear that all accusations made against him are unfounded. So different from sexual assault which is not helped by this kind of spurious accusation. So many with the same feelings, come on now it wont work without him. SHARES. IMO. [] April 15, 2018 10:48. by Josie Tutty. Nadine Garner was getting ready to start a busy year of filming when news broke that her Doctor Blake Mysteries co-star Craig McLachlan was embroiled in a controversy regarding alleged sexual harassment.. It needs Craigs presence to survive. I am so saddened that false allegations have ruined a fantastic actor. What a climate we live in! I wont watch it now. What a shame. Nadine Garner, is at the centre of the action in The Blake Mysteries.Credit:Greg Noakes. I think he is just a touchy person. I love the Doctor Blake series and watch it on 2 different PBS stations here in Tulsa. He is why I wanted to buy all the seasons that were out there. Harriet too bad you are thinking of having the series without Craig without him I would not be interested of watching it BAD MISTAGE, McLachlan was accused of indecent assault and harassment. I am saddened.!!!!!! But now he finds himself returning, to take over not only his dead father's medical practice, but also his on-call role as the town's police surgeon. I would like to see privately arranged confrontations (not legal but mediated) especially instances when the actions were few & many years old. brought back! He puts his hands on the men to. You must put McLachlan back on. I know American cars with few exceptions, from 1900s through the 1960s could be very ugly, but I did not realise how ugly other car companies made theirs. In the television show Doctor Blake Mysteries, Dr. Blake is a widower. I wont watch any of your productions after Season 6 again. Were sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. Who do we contact to pursuade them to bring back a full series. It wont last. The show was said to have a Benny Hill type culture. On Craigs official website many of the posts are asking when will the show come back. My gay brother killed himself five years ago after being accused of kissing a female co worker Not me for sure. she is a good actress, & played the part admirably well, but Its just not the Blake Mysteries with DR. BLAKE PLEASE BRING HIM BACK or I have visions of this programme becoming the biggest flop ever, & I fear it wont survive another series. This guilty until proven innocent is getting out of hand. What part of this does Channel Seven understand????? Taggart went on for years after Taggart died. The discussion is important. "While seated on the edge of the couch, McLachlan repeatedly asked Wouters to kiss him by repeatedly tapping his finger on his lips and saying in a whiney tone words to the effect 'Can I have a little kiss? If he was not found guilty he should be back. The story will jump forward three years in time in order to explain the disappearance of the central character. Nadine Garner, is at the centre of the action in The Blake Mysteries. He IS the show !!! Is the story of Doctor Blake fictionalized? Why bother to produce more when the main character that made the show what it is isnt there. Just disappointing! name for good ! He plays his role with gentlemans class and elegance. If the guy is innocent he should be reinstated. The Doctor Blake Mysteries is set to return to the small screen without Craig McLachlan.Credit:Jessica Dale. Garner! Jayne, what experiences are you actually referring to? I absolutely agree with you Brendait astounds me how all this accusation stuff has erupted in the past few yearsSome are valid I guess , but the majority are not..My family absolutely love The Dr Blake Mysteries and Craig in the lead role its a damn shame .. I agree, this is sad and seems a lot overreacted! Loved, Loved, Loved that show and EVERY character on it. October 1, 2022 by Thomas. I too am disappointed that the lead actor who made the show what it is. Women can be just as lewd and offensive in their language in both work and social situations. The allegations against McLachlan came to light after ajoint investigation by Fairfax Media and the ABC. I hate to see Craig go, but its happening anyway. I completely agree with you, Victoria. Back in my dating days, if a young fellow got out of hand, a good slap would put him in his place. Dr Lucien Blake, GP and police surgeon, finds himself investigating deaths - both natural and unnatural, in the Victorian country town of Ballarat in the late 1950s and '60s. I just LOVE this show. PLEASE RETHINK THIS. I know we all love his character and want to support him, but hes given this move his own support and so we should do the same. Showrunners felt the longer format better suited the award-winning drama. 41. I love Dr Blake Mysteries. Now we are feeling the pain of both the victim and the perpetrator. Very sad indeed it was a Wonderful Series. The women accusers from the rocky horror show could be just playing parts for whatever reason. Do the right thing and bring the show back with Craig as the main character, without him the show will never be the same and I will definitely not be watching it without him in it!! Checked the internet for 2018 start date. with a bit of Swedish, about 2 cops who are a bit thick and about to get the sack, I loved this series. Theres 221 comments concerning the Doctor Blake Series, which should show Channel Seven that their plans to run the show without Craig Mc Laughlin is a BIG mistake. And I also agree that the MeToo Movement has taken a very sinister turn and women now are becoming the guilty parties! Shame on you ABC in Australia (Seven Network) and PBS here in the US (PBS should support Mr.McLachlans return); you both dont have the courage to do the right thing and bring back Mr. A witchhunt in the extreme. I grew up in the days they are complaining about. I like to talk about Blake in terms of Lazarus.". I am sadden to see everyone thinks hes guilty before his day in court. She has a close relationship with her father and is always there to support him. Not all attempts at being humorous go right do they but surely these off color efforts can be forgiven. Why would the company not give him a second chance? Peoples lives ruined by allegations in the media that would never stand up in court. Is Dr Blake Mysteries coming back in 2021? IS the show! With Nadine Garner, Craig McLachlan, Charlie Cousins, Joel Tobeck. He was found innocent and your innocent until proven guilty. As per Seven, at this The Blake Mysteries season 6 is not a possibility. And I think McLachlan needs another project that exhibits the noble Blake-ish aspects of his personality as quickly as possible. He made the show. Im fed up of programmes getting spoilt by people change especially the main character . He, himself, wrote in A legend of Australian entertainments biography that he had played a joke on the gay performer, whilst the performer was performing solo onstage. Dr. Blake and Mrs. Beasley are central to the storyline. Having read recently that the actress Ashley Judd has had her claim thrown out by a judge in the US, I find all these accusations ridiculous. You dont and cant and exist without making money so get him back like yesterday . It appears the power women have to accuse men of sexual harrassment has become an epedemic in Australia as well as here in the USA. I loved all the characters. bring dr blake back next year with LOCAL Aboriginal. bad call! There is absolutely no way I will waste my time viewing a future Dr Blake Mysteries programme without Craig McLachlan. The show will not be the same and I doubt we will watch it. bring him back and as the show is too white lets start a new thing and bring in a Aboriginal femail actress. McLachlan: Did you see my nipples getting hard? If you dont like the treatment or environment then just leave and stand ypur ground. Every part of our lives are being ruined [Edited under Mumbrellas comment moderation policy]. Everyone has said that he made the show. Without Craig, there is no show of course. Women and men have been mistreated by powerful people and I believe the situation exists and has for a long time. I just discovered this series recently and am thoroughly enjoying it. The Seven source said the series will remain intact despite McLachlan's absence, with other major characters set to return. Nadine Garner is a fine actress, and it would appear to me that she needs a fine costar for the show to continue to be popular. 75. Will you do the same? This is an appalling thing to happen to anyone and trial by media is not the way forward it makes a mockery of the justice system. A lot of careers are sadly destroyed; too much power has been and still is in the hands of specific males. While I am sure there are plenty of men guilty, a lot are not. Is it because she is a woman? The show IS him! The petition to bring back The Doctor Blake Mysteries is getting close to 10,000 signatures. Why is this so hard to believe that the male lead acted inappropriately? By clicking 'Accept' on this banner or using our site you accept our use of cookies. Im in the US, so unfortunately Im not sure that my support counts for much to the Australian stations, but I could be talked into watching the show as long as Jean, Alice and Lawson are still featured. A UK viewer. . Will Not Watch Again. So Dr. Blake is over. When the ABC in Australia cancelled The Dr. Blake Mysteriesin 2017, the fans (the Blake Army) rallied to help save the show. Loved Dr Blake Mysteries a great Aussie drama. Please bring back one of the best shows on PBS!!!!!!! Among the citys most recognizable landmarks are the Colonists Club and Lydiard Street. Oh well.. Ill find something else to watch. Without waiting for due process, I feel that it was a bad choice by December Productions to go forward with the series without their star. It is because the male target is a high profile older man? It is so sad we will not see Craig McLauglin. I agree. Seven first picked up the popular series in October 2017afterthe ABC dropped the television version of the show earlier that year. Since allegations werent proven, in chance bringing him back and saving the show? They were happy to be free of them, Men better watch out for these liberal pss wearing hat women. Very disappointes to hear this , Craig made the show and he is s thorough gentleman, Come on channel seven reconsider.No Blake No Mysteries!!!!!! Craig is magnificent as the lead, the other actors are quite good but the series is not viable without Dr. Blake. We have a politician in this country, a senator from Wisconsin, whose forced resignation was the result of the opposition party manipulating the facts around a party, years before, in which all present had plenty to drink and a boisterously wonderful time. Wont watch. They should continue, and make more episodes, until a trial begins if there is one. Mysterys all the time and we must say we are very Disappointed that Graig is not returning to the show. 5 seasons that center around a main character is not something you can just succeed in changing and explain away. He is excellent. "Featuring singer-songwriter Omarion, this new docu-series goes beyond the veil of what it's like to live under . Ask Roxy, Carsales and Sydney Swans announce new partnership, TikTok introduces new screen time features for teens, Cannings Purple launches two new offerings, Jayne Ferguson joins Women in Media board of directors, Pureprofile appoints Liz Smith to board of directors, Wise launches new brand to reflect global community. He was cleared in Dr. Blake. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. I will miss it, however, I will give the new show a chance. If he was found not guilty, then keep him in it. I will not watch anymore sorry the rest of the cast are good. "Norfolk went to Mr McLachlan's dressing room at the interval as requested and found McLachlan sitting on his chair naked. Bring her in as the previously undisclosed out of wedlock daughter of dr. Blakes father, but also a doctor. It was also announced that the sixth season would mean the end of the original title. Who is going to watch the show so entertaining! No sense watching without him. Please try again later. once again you have to make a point of telling us how good you are and now display how assertive you are with language like this. Watching from Canada on Seattle KCTS public television. The Stupid Virus is spreading and there is no way to stop it. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. He made the show what it is and without him it is not worth watching. I hope the fact they have written his character out by him disappearing means that there could be an opening for him to come back. All products are independently selected, tested or recommended by our team of experts.If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission. THAT is what they do in the whole show. Doctor Blake! Please bring him back . Say it aint so. I am really saddened Craig McLachlan will be let go from the series, it has become one of my favorite shows, with all of the hoopla here in the USA re women making accusations against male celebrities I guess I am not surprised, my goodness, well wake up one day to TV shows and movies where there will be no male stars.I do not believe for one minute that the majority of these accusations are legitimate, women, girls suck up to their male counterparts and bosses to get ahead in their fields, to ensure they get the part then at a later convenient time come the allegations that end up ruining the accuseds lives. goes behind the scenes with the iconic football club for a look at their astonishing 2021-2022 . This amounts to nothing more than a cowardly witch hunt! He is the main character and the show revolves around him. I predict this new series will fall flat and will never recover the audience it once enjoyed. I am almost devastated. It will be a very, very wrong move indeed to drop Craig McLachian, since Craig himself is the REAL reason for what his part as Doctor Blake is all about, and other than creating what will effectively be an off-shoot TV programme of The Doctor Blake TV Series it will however lose many International viewers like myself from either wanting to watch Series 6, or even again thereafter wanting to buy any Season 6 Boxset of any replacement TV Shows without the main Star of the Show being there, and fully aboard. If there isnt evidence then it is outrageous that he has been let go. Men are getting a bad rap .Its [Edited under Mumbrellas comment moderation policy] .If a woman doesnt want sex, she should slap his damn face ,and walk out. "We're seeing a woman literally come from the kitchen into the working world. The actor was dropped from the ABCs The Doctor Blake Mysteries after allegations of inappropriate behavior toward his co-stars were aired by the public broadcaster and Nine newspapers earlier this year. 3 Will Craig McLachlan return to Blake Mysteries 2021? Craig M was found innocent and should not have been removed. So those who enjoyed watching the Dr. Blake Mysteries are also punished. Or, are they like the Democrats here in the US lets believe the accusations of some women and ruin some mens careers and lives without actual proof. Is there proof to any of the accusations? In December 2020, Craig was found not guilty of ALL charges. Doctor Blake is missing, one of many mysteries in the reboot of the TV series. He was subsequently fired from the show. I just watched an episode of the new one and i wont be watching anymore. Rachel Friendm. Arent you going to print it out. The absence of McLachlan has been a source of frustration for Adams in developing the plot. It is a great series, but no point without him in it. There must be over 50M guys out there shaking in their boots, thinking that women will put them in to the police etc. Sun, 10 September 2017 11:01PM. An innocent man condemned by women [edited under Mumbrellas comment moderation policy]. How do they think it will be a success without him,bring him back,not found guilty of anything,I love this series,we people in US love it!! I know of no one who is a mature adult that believes that the movement is helpful in its present form. I am very angry and disappointed that Craig McLachlin will not be returning to the show. How ridiculous to drop him after he was cleared. Will not watch the show without him and think this is baseless. I agree that men are being treated unfairly. Politicians and these corporations sell their souls to the devil for positions and money. There are a few serendipitous positives amid the upheavals for the drama. Face it. After spanning eight episodes, it concluded with its finale on November 5, 2017. The Doctor Blake Mysteries. Its a shame so many women choose to adopt that kind of behaviour now, claiming its their right to behave as they wish, even if that behaviour is the lowest level, like that which they accuse men of. "She's courageous, but she's damaged," says Garner. I am saddened that Dr Blake wont be there. I probably wont be watching without Craig in the series. I am from Texas and I hope these people who are trying to keep the star of this show out, will change their mind. Having returned from Singapore after meeting his daughter, Doctor Lucien Blake is unable to solve any of the most difficult crimes he has ever committed when he returns to Ballarat. CRAIG made the Series worth watching it WAS Fabulous to watch. Doesnt that tell you something. Morality and media does the combination exist? Still awesome!! Dee Dee allegedly tied Gypsy to the bed for two weeks after she attempted to flee. He spends every free moment he has searching for her, and he never gives up hope that he will find her. I know how devastated they were, how long it took for them to even begin to process these hideous events. Obviously that did not happen. (LogOut/ I feel like a little kid. Look at what the media has done to Geoffry Rush in addition to Craig McLachlan and many others who have been exonerated. just as he patted or touched every man. I can attest that language (verbal and non-verbal) and its interpretation is subjective. I will not be watching. There are a lot of women lying now and have jumped on the band wagon of blaming men, I wont be watching either. So sad. Not those exceptions. Are you a copper, or a doctor? Lucien Radcliffe Blake is a general practitioner and police surgeon in Ballarat, and the main protagonist of the series. McLachlan's character said scripted words to the effect of'she was beautiful'. In the producers minds, it was the Dr Blake world that they were invested in, not the character itself. In December, a Melbourne magistrate found Mr McLachlan not guilty of seven indecent assault charges and six common assault charges relating to his alleged conduct towards four women while playing the starring role of Frank-n-Furter in The Rocky Horror Show. They killed off designated survivor wife instead of putting a new actor in her place,it ruined the show and now its canceled. When I would watch Dr. Blake I would never want the episode to end. Itd thr equivalent of Hercule Poirot mysteries with no Hercule. Same here I agree with you, Joanna. How about simply calling it: Whats the point of continuing without mclachlan. He was the entire reason I watched the program. Very glad he was found not guilty. Get a life. During a short stint in private industry I did see some favoritism toward the younger girls (I was older by then) but any hanky-panky was consensual. I will miss craig m. If he is not dr.blake. I certainly will not watch any further series/movies without Craig. He has not been convicted of anything by the courts and has been cleared of misconduct on the set of Dr Blake. The Doctor Blake Mysteries was a huge hit in Australia and around the world. Doctor Blake must unravel the mystery of the death of an up-and-coming rock'n'roll star, after he collapses into the arms of his fans at a sell out performance. The middle ground should be: take accusations seriously, quickly investigate, assumption of innocence, if found not guilty publicize equally that decision and return the accused to his place and livelihood. And think of poor Jean. Without Blake it is a farce. The Herald Sun reports Channel 7 has given the green light for a 90-minute telemovie called The Blake Mysteries, where Doctor Lucien Blake disappears in mysterious circumstances. Thank goodness for common sense. As much as I love the supporting characters, how can it be Dr. Blake Mysteries with his fianc Jean as the main character? Might as well not produce it, lets investigate the women who made these complaints. It saddens me that a man went through an intensive investigation and was found innocent or at least the charges were found to be unfounded and he still loses his job. King . Do you want a land of Amazons? He Always Held Something Back When Casing The Bad Guys. However, aDoctor Blakecrew member later came forward to say McLachlan's behaviour on the set of the beloved TV show "looked like sexual harassment". You are [Edited under Mumbrellas comment moderation policy] . It happened ALL THE TIME TO ME AND MY GIRLFRIENDS IN THE 70S. Wont be watching Dr Blake unless Craig returns. Charlie's brother, Ray. Murdoch Mysteries S16 E02. Not resolved, go to the producer. What happens when you mix bleach and tin foil? Clare Rigden is a freelance journalist, based in Melbourne. Although Nadine Garner is outstanding but it will never be the same! Why do they wait for 20, 30 years before they decide to come out of the closet to say, you know he did this awful thing to me back in 19 and now I think he should be punished for it. Very bad decision to let the star go. But even a different person would just NOT do ! Craig McLachlan/Wife. On allegations you have killed the best ensemble on air todaya rare experience. The series is filmed in Liverpool, where the crime took place, and the North West, and stars Stephen Graham, Sinead Keenan, and Brian F O'Byrne. Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 76 78. Is The Doctor Blake Mysteries on Netflix? A little fame? I live in San Diego, CA, USA and Dr. Blake has been one of my favorite TV shows. Who would want to watch that? New & Used (5) from $68.97 + $3.99 shipping. ?1989 9/24/17. Hope it will return with him. This has been done too many times now. How can there be any believability when Dr Blake is all about his being a police doctor and pathologist, who also is a competent at forensics, is no longer portrayed? McLachlan then said words to the effect of 'you are really beautiful' in a whispered tone and leaning into Hayes' ear so that only she could hear him. A prominent family has died, causing a community shock in Ballarat. The Doctor Blake Mysteries: Craig McLachlan as Doctor Lucien Blake Photo courtesy of Ovation TV. The show just wont be the same without Craig. Who will watch Dr Blake without Dr.Blake? As far as Im concerned what about women who sexually assault men/children? I guess males cant be too entitled or privilidged if an investigation exonerated him and he still got fired. The new, 90-minute telemovie will be set three years after the events of season five. After all, they did the investigating. They were quick to report on the defamation case so I suppose that is showing support. Its doable, but not optimal. Also in the defence document, Tim Maddren, a former star of the children's musical group Hi-5, alleges Mr McLachlan bullied and threatened him after he refused to play along with an on-stage joke involving Mr McLachlan simulating masturbation and oral sex on Mr Maddren's finger. When I started watching the series I felt in love with the show and Craig. So we get punished for accusation that seems to have no merit. Not saying he didnt do anything wrong or right.but 6 years of good conduct on THIS set should be considered and I personally wouldnt ruin a great show for accusations that arent proven? Set in Ballarat in the 1950s, The Doctor Blake Mysteries ran for five popular seasons on the ABC, before being axed in 2017, controversially because . I agree with the other comments that I will not be watching without Craig being involved. Please bring back Craig McLachlan! Series will not be the same with Craig mclachlan gone, Very disappointed. I will watch at least one next year theyd better have a Really Good Excuse for McLachlans absence! Craig, we want you back!! This is of course in spite of the fact that disclosing this conduct usually means that the woman is the one lined up for ritualistic public shaming and makes a decisions to disclose it deeply unpleasant. I watched the show last night without Dr. Blake. Mr Maddren alleges he was asked to attend Mr McLachlan's dressing room and the star told him: "If anyone had acted like you had on Doctor Blake, they would have been gone. His character has been built up over much of the series as is he relationship with Mrs Beasley and the other characters, to replace or introduce another Dr. would not be the same. We have become a society where our ears have become SO sensitive to EVERYTHING said that humor is being lost, common sense has totally gone out the window and shortly in an already barren landscape there WILL BE NOTHING to watch because someone will always be offended. 2013 - Crime, Thriller, Mystery +1 Crime, Thriller, Mystery +1 I immediately fell in love with the show and Craig. I know the mind of young women very well- sneaky, deceptive[ give me what I want; look at me because I am sexy and on and on and on. The Doctor Blake Mysteries: Created by George Adams, Tony Wright. A telemovie, to close off the series, was released on November 12, 2017. WHAT A SHAME THAT EVEN THOUGH HE HAS CLEARED HIS NAME, HE WILL NOT CONTINUE IN THIS SHOW. Following his falling out with Clement, Franklin began writing down his past stories, and Munro took a diary from his room at his death, which he kept in his diary. Not interesting and have stopped watching because of that! Trump is on film bragging about sexually assaulting women. One thing that we find is there is no overt salacious behaviour, it did take him al long time before he even gave Mrs Beasley a somewhat chaste kiss. doing well but he is really missed! If he was found guilty would completely understand him being fired, it is a fantastic show, but without Dr Blake Who knows, but I will probably stop watching it, as Dr lucien Blake is a fantastic character and well played by Craig mclachlan :/. Rocky Horror Picture Show is lewd and campy. Such a good series! I met this man 25 years later. Loyalties will be tested, friendships will be strained and faiths will be challenged. While even the mildest form of sexual harrassment cannot be condoned, I think some consideration should be given to the fact that the accusations came from the Rocky Horror set, which can help explain how show content may have overflowed into personal behavior.