how did radu the handsome die

I recalled that the real Dracula, Prince Vlad "the impaler" had a brother named: Radu or as he is written in history, "Radu the Handsome." So I thought it was cool that the writers thought of the name Radu and making another historical figure into a vampire legend. People get described by the quality of the hat, how nice it is, how much fur, the feathers, etc. They only take about a teaspoon or two of blood at a feeding. He was ousted in 1442 by rival factions in league with Hungary, but secured Ottoman support for his return by agreeing to pay tribute to the Sultan and also send his two legitimate sons, Vlad III and Radu, to the Ottoman court, to serve as hostages of his loyalty. In 7 March 1471, Radu fought the Battle of Soci against Stephen III, his future son-in-law, for possession of Chilia (now Kiliya in Ukraine). On the way to Granada where Philip was to be buried, Joanna was rumored to have opened her husband's casket to kiss and . Radu was likely much, much younger than Vlad, making it much easier for him to adapt. Its very much not how nobility were taught to feel. Oh, Am I so damn romantic in that I think R and M matched well enough, so that it was definite for Radu to stay by his side? Lupu died Sunday at age 76 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Radu III the Fair, Radu III the Handsome or Radu III the Beautiful (Romanian: Radu cel Frumos), also known by his Turkish name Radu Bey (1437/14391475), was the younger brother of Vlad III and voivode (war-lord or a prince) of the principality of Wallachia. I still am a wee bit stranged with this sex-change thing, but ahoy! Documenta Romaniae Historica. Radu cel Frumos (Vlad III's Brother) ~ Bio with [ Photos | Videos ] To those whom his dimple kills, his lips revitalise. According to Latin translation of Byzantine chronicles Radu was Sultans lover and male concubine,[2] and possibly, due to good looks and the amorous affairs with the sultan, Radu received a nickname "cel frumos" (the Beautiful). He didn't get along with his tutors and trainers and was angry at his father for favoring his older brother, Mircea, and betraying his pledge to the Order of the Dragon (into which Vlad III had also been inducted at . Nonetheless, the second they met the sultan, they were all imprisoned. Radu later participated alongside Mehmet II, now Sultan, in the Ottoman siege which eventually led to the Fall of Constantinople in 1453. About Vlad the Impaler (the man not the hamster) - Hamster Republic He invaded Wallachia on several occasions during Radu's reign, dethroning him four times in response to Radu's vassalage.[11]. But eventually, the Ottoman army prevailed, and Mehmed II placed his young lover on the throne of Wallachia. According to Ocampo, Lapu-Lapu "was not a handsome, gym-fit warrior" when he defeated Magellan at the Battle of Mactan. Hes not the heir to his fathers holdings, and that means he gets to be a political pawn. Im gonna see if I can figure out where to get it legally, though thank you a lot for the Youtube link in case I cant (and for anyone else who wants to just give it a watch). 13 65. Isabela, after thought I have removed your comment responding to Maria. How Goth is that? Or wars are only fair when our personal good guys win the frey? So long as its understood to be fictional, theres nothing wrong with making changes for the sake of whatever story youre interested in telling. The significant role played by bitcoin for businesses! But we do not know why the brothers got apart. Four good reasons to indulge in cryptocurrency! Hey Carissa, Im really glad you liked it! I just want to add that it's unwise to use anachronistic, contemporary terminologies to describe people of a distant past. Questions that everyone knows the answer to but are said out loud anyway, the ultimate form of undead not-even-passive aggression. The whys have different justification based on where the justifier is. However, when the father of his two hostages died, Mehmed II helped Vlad overcome a . Another of the small altered details that, either intentionally or inadvertently, work to reshape history, so it conforms with heterosexual and gender norms. When the Ottoman forces approached Trgovite, they encountered over 20,000 of their kind impaled by the forces of Vlad III, creating a "forest" of dead or dying bodies on stakes. It may have actually been politically harmful to mention his father, who had been suspected of betrayal by the Ottomans, and then betrayed and murdered by the local power structure with which Radu would have expected to work. There, he attempted to force himself on Radu, who responded to this assault by resignedly opening his legswait, wait, no, actually what happened is he pulled out a knife and stabbed the most powerful man in the world in the leg. They canonize the greedy, the thoughtless untruthful friends and kidnappers (like Stephen cel Mare), and raise statues to psychos who knew they were so (Vlad). Their dangerously passionate relationships were described by a Greek chronicler Laonikos Chalkokondyles, who emphasized that the sultan 'nearly died at the boy's hands' when he tried to force himself upon the young prince. However, five days after the fall of Constantinople, Mehmed II gave a banquet. Her comment concerns other prior comments, not your original post. The Queer Brother Nobody Cares Dracula Had - Frightful/Filthy If youre curious, I implore you to look into the works of real actual professional historians, especially Romanian historians if you have the means. I.B.Tauris, 25 October 2013, An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, Articles containing Romanian-language text, Articles containing Turkish-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2019, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia. This eventually led John Hunyadi and Vlad's other advisers to revolt against him, killing him and his son Mircea. Vlad the Impaler | Biography, Dracula, Death, & Facts Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In addition to Vlad III, Radu also had two older siblings, Mircea . Imagine being this guy: his brother is Dracula. "regis eius concubinus factus est.p.158", Laonicus Chalcocondylus, Historiarum Libri X. I dont have anything that might help, but please, anyone who has any ideas to help C, feel free to comment. Even worse is trying to confine Radu's experience to "Stockholm Syndrome", also because thanks to his fair looks and cultured, diplomatic behaviour, he was well-loved at the Sultan's court, and treated as the most treasured guest (while his brother was rebellious and always felt like a prisoner). how did radu the handsome die - Vlad's brother, Radu the Handsome, had died a couple of years earlier and had been replaced on the Wallachian throne by another Ottoman candidate, Basarab the Elder, a member of the Dneti clan. He also rode alongside Sultan Mehmed, who had decided he had to personally lead the assault against Vlad III, who would not stop being overwhelmingly terrible. Radu sent envoys to the Saxon cities hardest hit by Vlad III, tempting them with old-fashioned advantageous trade regulations and vouching for the sanctity of their families. Eventually Radu did come back and rekindle his "friendship" with the Emperor. But he became Sultan again at 19 when his father died. Your point of vue is very interesting and yes, Radu Cel Frumos was also the son of Dracul = Dracul a. When I was a youngster and I read about the real life Dracula, I could not believe that I had never heard of Radu. You never heard about Radu while reading about Vlad yea, that happens! So quiet and tame. There is no way they could accurately portray him in-depth and not piss someone off in a very public way in this climate. Radu's brother Vlad III later went on to take the throne from Vladislav II in 1456 and began his second reign for which he was to become famous. abisi kazkl voyvoda 'nn yedii haltlar, osmanl imparatorluuna verdii maddi ve manevi zararlar neredeyse kendi namusuyla temizleyecek duruma den olduka kadns ve gzel eflak prensi. Thank you for the link. Theres a lot to be said about how Radus solution to the problems facing his country was to give the boyars all their power back and give the Transylvanian Saxons all their unfair tax exemptions back to appease them. Thus robbing me of some of my very favorite historical romances. Why, when they were raised in identical circumstances, did Vlad turn out to be well, Dracula, while Radu was by all accounts a good-natured sort? Theres plenty of pathos to be had in the mans real life, though, and Radu could be at the center of it. And one thing I feel for sure: Radu is never added because of the sexual implications. Because Im recently more interested to Radu, because about Vlad III there is more than enough to read, to Listen to and to watch on TV or on streaming portals! We dislike him because he was a traitor. Citing a chapter from Danilo Madrid Gerona's book "Ferdinand Magellan: The Armada de Maluco and the European Discovery of the Philippines," which is based on primary sources in Spain and Portugal, Ocampo said Lapu . But instead of receiving help he found himself arrested and thrown into the dungeon over false charges of treason. You know the one. I agree with your point that the wider public generally doesnt accept very nuanced portrayals of queers, when they accept portrayals at all. You can find it here (sorry, you must use google trad because its french language) : Thank you very much for considering my comments! In 1462, a massive Ottoman army marched against Wallachia, with Radu at the head of the Janissary. And so Radu is rarely mentioned with due historical perspective without biased views, even by the generally considered serious historians (when mentioned at all!). In addition to Vlad III, Radu also had two older siblings, Mircea II and Vlad . ), Enciclopedia btliilor din istoria romnilor, Editura Meronia, Bucureti, 2011, Stephen the Great and Balkan Nationalism: Moldova and Eastern European History. Radu III the Fair, Radu III the Handsome or Radu III the Beautiful (Romanian language: Radu cel Frumos ), also known by his Turkish name Radu Bey (1437/1439 January 1475), was the younger brother of Vlad III and voivode (war-lord or a prince) of the principality of Wallachia. In 1461, Mehmed II began preparing to invade Wallachia. Vlad had two Brothers, his elder brother, Mircea, was tortured, blinded, and buried alive. Some immensely shady dealings made it seem like he was letting rebel warlord John Hunyadi run rampant through his territory or even supporting him against the Ottoman Empire. ), Enciclopedia personalitilor feminine din Romnia, Editura Meronia, Bucureti, 2012, The Roots of Balkanization: Eastern Europe C.E. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Im very excited by all the glowing recommendations And I Darken is getting. His wife was Maria Despina, considered to be a Serb or Albanian princess. You asked some very intreguing questions that I think would add to the story if I can handle something so sensitive well. Vlads love and dedication to keeping Wallachia free of Ottoman occupation as well as his bravery in the battlefield, are also a matter of historical record and not in dispute. Dr. Florescu, 88, died Sunday. Now at the end . What happened to Vlad the Impalers brother? - 11 30. But its pretty much impossible for any person to fully separate their emotions from their rationality, even if they believe they are. He had an older brother, Mircea, and a younger brother, Radu the Handsome. When you take into account the morass of terminology on the queer side, the knee-jerk rage of many conservative figures at gay anything, and the fact that these are extremely important figures in their home countries that many people have extreme feelings on, its just a powder keg waiting to blow. Another attachment to the world could only do good and interesting things for Dracula. And many scandalized people in the process! Wallachia stood no chance against Ottomans and Radu understood that the best. Radu III of Wallachia, commonly called Radu the Handsome or Radu the Fair (Romanian: Radu cel Frumos; Turkish: Radu Bey; 1437/1439 January 1475), was the younger brother of Vlad III and Prince of the principality of Wallachia.They were both sons of Vlad II Dracul and his wife, Princess Cneajna of Moldavia. Although the idea of handing ones sons over to an enemy State as hostages looks terrible to us, these things were formalities, as much as today it is a formality to send diplomatic missions to arrange for negotiations. They were both sons of Vlad II Dracul and his wife, Princess Cneajna of Moldavia. the historical vlad dracula is overrated, his In 1461, Mehmed II began preparing to invade Wallachia. In Tarot cards, it is the 9 of pentacles kind of people: they are fine the world is fine (or at least *looks* fine). They had been ambushed by the Ottoman Empire who reportedly decapitated Vlad, and sent his head to Sultan Mehmet II in . By Ion Grumeza, George Marcu (coord. I make it VERY clear that I am talking about fiction, and have presented the history as context for that fiction. When he flees, he is betrayed and arrested. He wrote that the triumphant Mehmed II initially considered retaining the services of the Megadux Notaras, the Byzantine governor. When your older brother catches you, you will be wishing you were dead for a very long time. . Handsome Siblings finale: Xiao Yu-Er and Hua Wu-Que have their battle But a question lingers: why did the Turkish production choose Andrej (a known boy/girl model) as Radu? Radu became an intimate friend and a favorite of the sultan's son, Mehmed II. Vlad and Radu were later educated in logic, the Quran and the Turkish and Persian language and literature. His brother is Dracula, his lover is the most powerful man in the world and in the end, he falls to mundane noble treachery. The UnMuseum - Real Dracula: Vlad the Impaler And, truly, in a region that knows endless war, is there any oath not extracted at swordpoint? He was reputedly a fine poet, and his lines were celebrated for their great beauty. Stevie Ray Vaughan, perhaps the best rock/blues guitarist of my generation, was 35 when he died in a helicopter crash near Elkhorn, Wisconsin, shortly after midnight on August 27, 1990. Vlad III waged a guerrilla campaign against the Ottoman forces commanded by the Grand Vizier Mahmud Pasha in May 1462, pursuing them in their retreat as far as the Danube. Twelve years ruling Wallachia, and loyalty was never put aside. Isabela, thanks for your long comments, they mean a lot to me! Indeed, exchange of hostages, with full understanding that those hostages might be murdered if the vassal failed to uphold their end of any oath, has been the standard for far further than it hasnt, in most regions of the planet. . Radu the Handsome Vlad ClugrulMircea II of Wallachia Vlad the Impaler/Brothers. 27 Facts About Vlad the Impaler - History Stories This method had an enormous impact on people's morale, as the victims did not die immediately. Leave a comment to tell me how you feel! Radu Basarab | Cassandra Palmer World Wikia | Fandom Radu the Handsome - Wikipedia Radu. But many things have happened between 1445 and 2021. In 1462, a massive Ottoman army marched against Wallachia, with Radu at the head of the Janissary. Mehmed II | Biography, The Conqueror, Accomplishments, Cannon p. 127, 128), George Marcu (coord. The idea of Vlad being a woman is surprisingly fitting in my mind. Hi, Maria, Im not sure youll read this or return here considering your dislike for the article. Blight: The Dragon, the Impaler, and the Handsome. VCT LOCK//IN 2023 Highlights | #VCTLOCKIN 2023 is a wrap! Relive the Like any fanfiction writer, I just MUST change the source material to fit my own ends.) How did Radu the Handsome die? - AnswersAll Michelle's sister, Morgan, will not give up and she will do anything to save her sister's should. Both Mehmed and Radu were studied tacticians and excellent horsemen. Since bats rarely carry rabies, there is little chance their victims will die from that disease. We will never be. Though Ive gotten more than one comment that was just slurs and insults so I think disgust does play a role in more than a few peoples minds here. Romanians are fully justified in their dislike and rejection of Radu for the very reason that you are citing i.e. Built on a swamp at the cost of thousands of lives, Peter the Great's 'antidote to Moscow' has survived uprisings, sieges and floods to become Europe's third largest city. . Doing so he agreed to pay tribute to the Sultan and also send his two sons, Vlad III (Aka Vlad the Impaler) and Radu "The Handsome", to the . After consulting his astrologers, the thirty-year-old sultan resolved to personally lead the punitive expedition. Slavo-Romanian chronicles relate that Stephen III had a "war with Radu voivode for Soci". This was done so that Vlad's father Vlad II, who was a puppet ruler of Wallachia, would not betray the Turks who were controlling him. Like most number associated with Dracula, this total is almost certainly exaggerated. Your brother is Dracula. How the Muslims Killed Dracula - Young Muslim Digest Required fields are marked *. Story of cities #8: St Petersburg - is the 'city built on bones And that is how I am sharing this, Not religious or PRO or anti ANYTHING. He introduced an aspect of nuance by virtue of existing as an element in Vlads life. Labelling someone as "bisexual", as well as any other sexual orientation, is fruit of a modern mindset which didn't exist at that time. Originally Posted November 2010 Born in the Ottoman Principality of Wallachia, Romania in 1435 AD, he was known as Radu al III-lea cel Frumos to his Romanian countrymen, Yakkl Radu Bey to the Turks, Radu al-Wasim to the Arabs, and Radu the Handsome in English. (And who he becomes in the game. 18:38, . Thanks for the hint to that book. I guess Ill have to read it over again to fully grab it. Humankind changed during the centuries, and so did notions of love, friendship, family ties ecc. Your historical perspective has been invaluable to me and I appreciate all the time you have taken, but I get multiple alerts for every comment that passes thru this site and I will not moderate nor play host to an argument, which I fear this risks devolving into. What do you think of him now that youve read this? A short time after their father was captured and killed by the forces of John Hunyadi, Vlad III was released in 1448 and was the Ottoman Turks' candidate for the throne of Wallachia, the first of a succession of times he would hold the throne, this first time for only a matter of months. But - wars and disputes are hell any time! People can t get rabies just from seeing a bat in an attic, in a cave, at summer camp, or from a distance while it is flying. He was into the Hadrians Memoirs project, but gave up on the grounds of expensive Turkish production could manipulate Fatih and Radu, but nothing could have been done with H and A As you say, such a waste of greatly dramatic stories, yes? Although I idolize and love androgynous looks (its what I aspire to, in fact), her getting to be true to who she is makes me so happy.