how many days until real zombie apocalypse

A scared Enid then looked at the cornered Wednesday and yelled, "Wednesday, NO!" Then Enid suddenly felt her body begin to change as her hands turned into claws, hair began to grow all over . The Answer: Only a few months. #1.gather food and water. Revised prediction from Mather after his 1697 prediction failed to come true. Because as we see in The Walking Dead, at some point you're going to need community. The military are trained mindless ? While. We have a world full of people who have literally checked out of reality. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. [6] According to psychologists, possible explanations for why people believe in modern apocalyptic predictions include mentally reducing the actual danger in the world to a single and definable source, an innate human fascination with fear, personality traits of paranoia and powerlessness and a modern romanticism involved with end-times due to its portrayal in contemporary fiction. Hi Rob, Id like to respond to this post. it shall open your eyes it would perfectly work nicely side by side with the bible as the right use of will series is of the non flesh like body aka the soul and astral body, Uk ive been watching videos about all this and Im starting to do more research Im not saying Im the smartest person on earth but if u watched the news a while back there was a guy that turned into a zombie and he damn neared ate the whole guys face off in seconds one of the swats only had one bullet left in his gun if he missed his head then a zombie outbreak wouldve takin in place but now theres been sketchy labs all over the us and other countries who are waiting to start the zombie outbreak and only time will tell when it starts playing video games like call of duty can teach a few things of how to handle a gun and how to shoot a gun its like school if u think about it Nd gta is just a game where kids now and days say to there selfs oh ima try and go rob a bank or kill people for no reason thats because there idiots and they wouldnt know what to do they would be scared when the police shows up thats why I tell people and the people that Ik prepare for whats about to come in god knows how long it could be soon so protect your kids your gf your ex protect yo family while u can anyways I just wanted to give my impute on this, I remember that the officer shot him in the because he said was something he never seen they said it was do to bath salt aka synthetic cocaine there are reasons the fda and cdc banned the use of all synthetic drugs like that they even banned what was know as k2 the synthetic weed wich was really incense people you dont but is way worse now with covid-19 people bare still being mindless of the selves and others with the pandemic you got people who still dont wear mask in stores schools and else where hell there are some school that dont care if there students dont have mask or someone as lifted the mask mandate I feel it should not be lifted unless all cases have dropped down to 0 that means it to rename 0 for so many years hell it been what 2019 now it 2021 why are people taking extra precautions like where a despiol under there cloth masks or if you gaters put a despiol mask under it lord these are thing that germs are every where people who have kids both mother and fathers know That proper sanitiztion is required you people who are homeless and they know they have more sense than you people who dont seem to care about other people wellness and health What happens with a virus if dont stay sanitized when your are sick about it common sense germs are every we are still not out of the flu season in some parts of the states in some parts of the states pollen is higher than normal remember that covid-19 is air born think about this for a sec what do think this virus is getting us ready for be logical it not here Privacy & Terms. So get your head screwed on strait and make something out of your life, because you only have one, Dude this IS bullshit like how would we fight that crappy stuff. Last year, zoologist Philippe Fernandez-Fournier from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada and colleagues made a chilling discovery in the Ecuadorian . The wasp completely hijacks the spiders behavior and brain and makes it do something it would never do, like leave its nest and spinning a completely different structure. The youth of today truly believe the world and their parents owe them. And again, Join AZAC if You dont want to be a brain dead zombie. Dont get me wrong, technology is the best, but I do agree with this article in saying that we all need to wake up from this and stop living the lives we do now. [T]his behavior modification is so hardcore. If there's no-one nearby, the zombie will move at random. Its because they can. Fact thats y its my biggest fear I aint afraid to keep it 100 its seriously not a joke, Let them take over it will be cool to survive this, It want be cool we all goin to die it to much zombie. . In 1873 it was revealed to be a forgery; however, this did not stop some people from expecting the end. Im from The Netherlands and go to college. Well the rent was cheap. Here in europe we are getting tired of banks and of Germany, who is f*cking europe for the 3rd time in 100 years with they bank system. I believe the drug you are refering to is the bath salts that came out a few years ago to try to replace Molly with a legal high. 9 years/9 years and 1 month + 1 year, 4 months, 3 weeks, 6 days and some minutes = 10 years 4/5 months 3 weeks 6 days Some minutes 10 years, 4/5 months, 3 weeks, 6 days and some minutes. How many days until real zombie apocalypse. The USA cannot be compared to Europe because the culture and attitudes toward drugs is different. Did the third millennium begin in 2000 or 2001? Water: Store at least one gallon per person per day that you think you may be trapped during an emergency. While they might be impervious to pain, it doesnt mean that theyre impervious to injury. I dont understand why you say that. Please note: I am referring to the parents of the addicts I currently treat. In my opinion, our society is just one disaster away from total collapse. Stop playing those idiotic video games that strengthen your thumbs and try combat and self defense. Its the unprepared masses who are so reliant on modern technology that they actually admit they. We explore what is known as the Lazarus phenomenon. call them by their scientific name Democratus Dependitardus.They cant speak english they cant work all they do is kill each other and suck off the system and blame someone else when one of their own gets killed. In The Netherlands (you know, Amsterdam etc.) THANK YOU!!!!! Lets burn this mutha down!!! While some would like to pass these incidents of as anomalies, or something that only affects urban areas, the problem is much more than an inner-city problem. But there is also a specific psychiatric disorder called Cotards syndrome that can cause people to act like zombies. PPL REAL LIVE readier then u think so him before day stuff. These drug companies are just out for profit and not for safety. I think the bottomline is, that with most of these problems, bad parenthood is the problem. The experiments have caused some to believe that the energies set free by the collisions will form a black hole powerful enough to consume Earth and all life on it. It true it happen in 2016 we most do somthing about it, My best friend took this drug and she tried to eat my leg off me and the rest of my friends are staying away from this, zombies are not real but people on drugs will act like zobies, The zombies are coming i saw one in the woods it skin was bloddy green and pasty and was moaning so i ran away i told my parents but they ddid not beileve me. Indeed! Needless to say that none of them have come true. Because whats going on over the seas is what you should really be worried about, not all of this ZOMBIE bull crap. Sometimes new zombies arise by spreading an unknown virus or scientific accidents with chemical compounds . Here's a handful of videos to educate and entertain you. Camisard prophets predicted the end of the world would occur in either 1705, 1706 or 1708. This would be Camping's last prediction until 2011. I fuckin agree pretty scary rite guys/gals, its not going to happen dont worry and if it does the military will save us and police force ok where safe so dont be scared, no they wont cause they will be over whelmed. I agree with most of what you are saying, but i think that one of the reasons for the disrespect is the CRAP music,glorifacation of drug dealers showing off all their stuff, video games and t.v. Tollmann was convinced that the apocalypse was to come early in August, a fear that was consolidated by the total solar eclipse on August 11, 1999. You dont want that guy in your way. As with any kind of attack, keep basic self-defense techniques in mind: Go for the eyes, the groin, or use a key as a puncturing weapon to incapacitate them. science is stronger then anything. WTF, I Believe the Zombie Apocalypse may happen and it could be biblical as well. Man-made Disasters, Preparedness: Preparing for Emergencies and Disasters Martial law would be put to place immediately and our advanced technology that could find a vaccine in less than a year and not to mention how the bodies would have to still rot and that would make the zombies over time useless in every way possible. Its I couldnt agree more Whether its real or not, we need to be prepared. This linguist predicted the end would occur in this year. In this special feature, we investigate. You need to simmer down and get back into reality. ? We leave it to you to decide. dude in america the only people who would buy bath salts and think its molly are the ignorant and bothersome kids that u want to od, For all you preppers and gamers that fantasize about this topic you better hope it dont happen. Some zombies are after brains, and some just want a bite of living flesh no matter where it comes from. This day would mark the beginning of the third woe of the Apocalypse, during which the. [4][7] The prevalence of Abrahamic religions throughout modern history is said to have created a culture which encourages the embracement of a future that will be drastically different from the present. we made it up but that doesnt mean it wont happen. Camping predicted the rapture would occur on 6 September 1994. People in a group can defend each other from zombie attacks, reducing their chances of being infected by a zombie. Believe it or not, historical records record multiple examples of zombie-like people who sound very much like Hollywood-style zombies. If you saw that, you would most likely contact your local police, therefore if this event happened, you would be an expert, trying to figure out what you saw. By season 11 it has been 10 years, 4/5 months, 3 weeks, 6 days and some minutes since the beginning of the outbreak so far. The parasitic fungus can manipulate the brains of ants, turning them into mindless zombies that obey and work for the fungus.