In mainstream media, people with OCD are often depicted as strict cleaners who wash their hands excessively and have extreme fears of dirt. A 2020 study also found that OCD was associated with more inflammation in the gut. For example, your therapist might challenge you to touch a dirty shoe and resist the urge to wash your hand immediately. In the next installment, I will go over another area of contamination OCD that many find difficult to talk about, yet many OCD sufferers struggle with fear of contact with semen. Obsessions trigger discomfort, compulsions temporarily relieve discomfort, and the awareness of this relief triggers further sensitivity to the unwanted thoughts and greater urges to engage in more compulsions. You shouldnt stop taking your medication suddenly, because in some cases it can cause: Your doctor may recommend deep brain stimulation (DBS) if more conservative treatment methods arent working for you. OCD involves obsessions, which are unwanted, upsetting, intrusive thoughts and images, and compulsions, which are behaviors and rituals used to get rid of the obsessions or neutralize the anxiety (temporarily). The good news is that there are treatments that can help, The glycemic index (GI) is a value used to measure how much a specific food increases your blood sugar levels. Some people experience frequent intrusive thoughts about things that violate their own sense of morality and goodness. I have known clients to burn their clothes, spend hours showering, hours checking their body for cuts, abandon groceries in the parking lot of the supermarket, abandon entire locations (including their own home) for fear of blood contamination. The most effective treatment for any form of OCD is exposure with response prevention (ERP). Mental or emotional contamination OCD is when one is triggered by gross or disturbing thoughts and they think they're mentally or emotionally contaminated from their pure state of . Some will go as far as to make lists of things they believe may have happened in the past, so as not forget this vital information. OCD begins for people to obtain appropriate treatment. Individuals with OCD experience persistent intrusive thoughts and a compulsion to carry out certain ritualistic behaviors. My fear is touching things that he may of touched and leaving sperm on things that I have to touch with my hand, and my real fear is eating something with the hand I touched the object with and consuming the fluids. Common Obsessions in OCD. Treatment can help you manage your symptoms. Everybody has them because theyre fundamental to our psychology, and a major reason for our success as a species. Hockey player Corey Hirsch shares his story on this podcast episode. There are many online OCD support groups, whether you want to attend regular video meetings or participate in online chats. If they get the disease, they will resent me for ruining their life and I will live in terrible shame knowing it was all my fault. If you help them carry out their compulsions, it reinforces the idea that everything needs to be clean in order for them to feel safe. There may also be a clean car which can only be driven when clean. Unlike the popular view, contamination isn't simply limited to dirt, germs, and viruses. (2016). (n.d.). Are you willing to sacrifice time with your family because youre stuck in the shower? attending support groups, such as those on the, finding healthy ways to relieve stress, such as, engaging in enjoyable activities and hobbies, cultivating relationships with loved ones. Common obsessions in contamination-related OCD include the fear of getting sick with a serious illness like rabies, ebola, H1N1 (swine flu), Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, mad cow disease, hepatitis, or avian influenza. You experience obsessions or compulsions that cause significant distress or affect your day-to-day functioning. Did You Know Anxiety Can Enhance Our Relationships? Protection: Wearing gloves or using paper towels to try and stop germs from touching your skin. These intrusive thoughts cause the person serious anxiety and distress, which they try to relieve with compulsive behavior, like excessive washing or avoiding crowded spaces. All kinds of OCD, including contamination OCD, are categorized as the same disorder as per the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Its not considered a separate disorder or diagnosis. Behavioral therapy would be in the form of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). One unusual belief sufferers have is that very small amounts of contaminants can cover very large areas. But they also faced a different category of dangers that were far harder to notice or react to: the invisible threats of poisons, parasites, and viruses. It also leads to resentment and fighting, as family members feel increasingly imposed upon and their lives become limited. American Psychiatric Association. While OCD isnt curable, it is treatable. They could also include doubt about whether something is really clean. The types of contamination that can be spread to others are about the same as those that trouble other sufferers. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for many people dealing with OCD. In some cases, family members have been drawn into the sufferers web of compulsions. Learning to support a loved one with OCD can look like practicing patience, helping them get therapy, and learning the difference between supporting. A major clue is how much of your life you are willing to sacrifice for your fear. What about sex? The obsession with contamination, and the associated rituals of cleaning and washing, are easy for non-sufferers to identifyand not only because the sufferers distress is so obvious. Genetics seems to play a role in whether you develop OCD or not. Are stressful life events causally related to the severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms? You may feel stressed in circumstances where you feel out of control or uncertain. Although people with this symptom cluster generally have no history of violence, they spend a lot of time and energy trying to suppress or erase these thoughts. Bathroom OCD can also refer to an obsession with pooping. Can you prevent OCD or an OCD cleaning compulsion? Eventually, your anxiety will decrease. And how connecting with the OCD community changed her life forever. There is also a whole category of fears of contamination of a stranger and more magical type, which could include: Obviously, logic has little to do with these fears. It may have to be done according to exact rules, which if not followed force the sufferer to start all over again. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), Tips for helping someone you love with contamination OCD, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), Getting Over OCD: A 10- Step Workbook for Taking Back Your Life,,,,;year=2018;volume=39;issue=3;spage=140;epage=149;aulast=Michael, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Screening Quiz, How to Support a Child with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Podcast: NHL Goalie with OCD & Anxiety Featuring Corey Hirsch, OCD and Multiple Sclerosis (MS): What to Know, How to Support a Loved One with OCD: 7 Ways. There is not only a fear of possibly harming others, but also a fear of having to live with the resulting guilt. For some people, contamination is a theme. Members of this drug family include Lexapro, Prozac, Celexa, Paxil, Luvox, and Zoloft. In this series on Contamination OCD, I will attempt to break down the symptoms and treatment for obsessive fear of contamination from three common triggers. St. Martins, New York, NY, 2007. You might also have obsessions around bowel movements and bathrooms, public or private. Although DSM-5 doesnt list subtypes of OCD, some researchers group obsessions and compulsions into symptom dimensions. These clusters of symptoms share similar anxieties and behavior patterns. Compulsive cleaning is often related to fears of contamination, and compulsive arranging can be caused by a need for symmetry and balance. Course and outcome of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Theres a good outlook for people who seek treatment for their OCD. Challenging distorted beliefs and ideas about blood can help reduce the reliance on compulsions, so long as these challenges are not used as a ritualized form of a reassurance. In a CBT session, you meet with a therapist who can help you decrease your anxiety by identifying thought patterns that distort your view of reality and cause stress. If a feared substance or situation is too difficult to confront in one whole step, it is approached more gradually. In blood obsessions, it typically presents as: Fear of contracting a disease from casual contact with blood 71 Dorset Author Posted March 4, 2017 Thanks both of you for the replies. When it comes to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), preoccupations differ from person to person: one person might have obsessions around car accidents, another might have obsessions around fires or natural disasters, while others might have obsessions about germs and cleanliness. After all, dirt, germs, washing what could be simpler? When you live with OCD, some people don't believe you because you don't fit the stereotype. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Here's why someone with, As someone living with OCD, I was afraid of the law of attraction and how I could be manifesting my negative thoughts and obsessions. People affected by checking compulsions describe a feeling of incompleteness unless they perform certain rituals or behaviors. First of all, this problem breaks down into two parts contamination obsessions and decontamination compulsions. Hirschtritt ME, et al. For more general information, please visit our "About OCD" section. One of my favorite OCD therapists & writers, Jon Hershfield, has put together a series of articles exploring the common contamination triggers of various bodily fluids. People with OCD take comfort in repetitive, irrational thoughts and urges. DOI: Impact of the DSM-IV to DSM-5 changes on the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Enter OCD stage right. Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Advances in diagnosis and treatment. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental health issue in which the person suffering from it experiences unwanted intrusive thoughts and engages in repeated behaviors aimed at getting certainty that the thoughts wont come true. OCD sufferers can feel alienated by their disorder, or even find themselves judged by others. Once attached, it reprograms the cell to start attacking other cells and creating copies of itself that set out to attack even more and so on and so forth. There are also some that suffer from both types of fears at the same time. Because the threat of contamination is so vague and nebulous, it can overwhelm you and inappropriately occupy your thoughts. The problem with OCD is the cyclical nature of obsessions and compulsions. From my own experience, I would guess that the fear of certain illnesses may still the leader. In addition to emotional reasoning, black-and-white thinking and magnifying can play an important role as well. The answer is a combination of cognitive and behavioral treatment strategies that together define cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). What is most interesting about the obsessive fear of HIV is that for all the handwashing and avoiding, HIV is not an environmental contaminant. Obsessions can revolve around the fear of: These obsessions might center on the feeling of uncleanliness. However, contamination OCD can be a bit more complex than that. Some patients can only touch something that has touched a feared substance or object, and only later do they go on to touch directly what is feared. Contamination obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common type of OCD in which obsessions and compulsions revolve around dirtiness and contamination. Their hands often become bright red and chapped with cracked and bleeding skin. Many people with OCD have obsessions about contamination or using the restroom. Behavioral researchers have long known that stress and trauma are associated with a higher risk of developing OCD. Fear of coming into contact with potentially harmful things like viruses, bacteria and bodily fluids. Try using these methods to help you manage your symptoms day to day. Brain scans also reveal differences in estrogen receptors and in the amount of white and gray matter in the brains of people with the contamination and cleaning symptom dimensions. The Nature and Moral Significance of Disgust. If you think youd benefit from talking with others who have OCD, you may want to check out the IOCDF OCD support groups list for local groups or the IOCDF online or telephone support groups list for remote support groups. Basically they enhance the activity of serotonin, the brain chemical implicated in this disorder. Other times people need long-term treatment to keep symptoms in check. Part 1, Fear of contracting a disease from casual contact with blood, Fear of being irresponsible in terms of allowing self or others to become contaminated by blood, Fear of being overwhelmed with disgust about blood, Excessive avoidance of situations or environments where blood may be present (i.e. The problem, however, is that compulsions fail to guarantee success. Genetics of obsessive-compulsive disorder. a red mark on a wall), Checking for blood or for cuts in the skin (on self or others), Reassurance seeking online (or elsewhere) regarding blood-borne illnesses and how they are contracted, Reassurance seeking from others that they have not come in contact with blood, Mental rituals, such as mentally retracing what could have touched what or mentally repeating reassuring statements, Scrutinizing the behavior of dentists, doctors or any other professionals who may be exposed to blood (yours or others), There are no documented cases of contracting HIV through environmental contact (i.e., touching infected blood), There are essentially only two ways to get HIV the use of shared hypodermic needles in which blood from one person is literally extracted and put into the bloodstream of another person, and unprotected sex with an infected person in which semen or vaginal secretions are essentially pushed into the bloodstream of another person through tears in the skin of the mouth, vagina, anus, or penis (other ways of contracting it include transmission from pregnant mother to fetus and transfusions of infected blood [which is no longer an issue due to testing standards]). Attend family therapy with them, if its an option. It may even extend to having a dirty car to be driven only when contaminated. "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a debilitating mental illness that consists of unwanted intrusive thoughts that cause high levels of anxiety followed by compulsive behaviors performed in an attempt to temporarily relieve the anxiety. 2005-2023 Psych Central a Red Ventures Company. Emotions Revealed: Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life. Davarinejad O, et al. OCD is well researched. People fear blood because they associate it with being sick, contagious, unlovable, incapable of being around others, ashamed and rejected from society. Research says inflammation and life stress may connect these conditions. American Psychiatric Association. You might have thoughts about how something could have been contaminated and how it might make you or someone else ill. In order to be diagnosed with OCD, you must fit the following criteria: Contamination OCD specifically can include the following symptoms: If you think you might have contamination OCD, its best to seek out a therapist who is experienced in treating OCD. According to the DSM-5, you need to fit the following criteria to receive an OCD diagnosis: The nature of these obsessions and compulsions can differ from person to person. Inside the body, very cool stuff indeed. Some dangers, like predators or harsh weather, were easy to recognize, and our ancestors evolved straightforward behaviors to manage themsuch as the fight or flight response. These triggers can gradually become more challenging. The clean world is usually a much more restricted area than the dirty one, and is often limited to special places at home or at work. In cases of obsessions regarding contamination, many people with OCD will engage in ceremonial hand washing, bathing, or grooming techniques. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) causes repeated actions or thoughts, and it can manifest in a variety of ways. Exposure and response prevention (ERP). While you might want to help them clean their house excessively or reassure them that they wont get sick, they need to learn to cope without engaging in those compulsions. You experience obsessions, compulsions, or both. DSM-5 emphasizes that compulsive acts can take up a lot of time. This can also be called bathroom OCD. This can involve fearing that youll urinate or have diarrhea in public. Similarly, if a thought about blood is present in the mind, mindfulness enables you to see it for what it is, a thought about blood. While there are many treatment options for OCD, ERP and SSRIs are the most effective. If I am not certain, then I may have gotten some blood on me and it may give me a terrible disease. Contamination OCD is one of the most common subtypes of OCD. Its not a thing. I have a OCD fear of body fluids, especially sperm and blood. Some people become preoccupied with arranging objects in a certain order, often because of a kind of magical thinking or magical ideation. ), Checking, reassurance seeking, or analysis of items that may or may not be blood (i.e. Contamination OCD is simply one kind of OCD. However, research from 2019 disputes this link. They can disrupt a persons social, academic, or professional life. If the OCD demands certainty and certainty is unavailable, then why would I certainly avoid sharing a needle but not certainly avoid hugging a person who looks like they might have once shared a needle? Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. A monozygotic twin difference study. Similar to symmetry and order compulsions, checking compulsions have been associated with anger and trauma. By observing and allowing, you are weakening the glue that binds unwanted thoughts to compulsive urges. These dangers were invisible, undetectable, and could remain dormant for months after the initial contamination, making them difficult to avoid through simple cause-and-effect learning. Contamination OCD is simply one kind of OCD. It is the virus that causes AIDS, it is incurable (as of this writing), and it is loaded with all kinds of stigma and misconceptions. And, for what its worth, thats a pretty common diagnosis. Anxiety Disorders, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Federal Financial Conflict of Interest Policy, Forms, and Training, Contamination OCD: Blood, Fluids & Bodily WasteOh My! Some people have intrusive thoughts and fears about harming others or being harmed themselves. The causes of contamination OCD are the same as the causes of any other type of OCD. hospitals), Avoidance of intimacy and sexual behavior for fear of catching or spreading blood-borne diseases, Excessive avoidance of sharp objects, Band-Aids, or anything that could be perceived as causing or having come in contact with exposed blood, Excessive washing to ensure there is no blood on the skin or clothes, Excessive cleaning of items feared to have come in contact with blood (i.e. So, the urge to do compulsions continues to go up over time while the obsessive fear of blood never abates (and actually worsens over the same period of time). Can Stanley Cup-Winning Goaltenders Have Anxiety and OCD? (2019). What this means is that nobody wants to be the cautionary tale or the first person made famous by getting a terrible disease from casual contact with blood. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). It's also common to have more than one specific phobia. Microphobia: Fear of small things. It is relatively weak in that everything pretty much kills it quickly (heat, cold, air, water, saliva) but if it can make it from one persons blood to another, it has a slight chance of binding to one of that persons blood cells. (2020). This is called contamination OCD. There is a further category that includes things that are more vague. It may be a total stranger or a member of their immediate family. (2022). A study of psychiatric comorbidities in irritable bowel syndrome. You only need to be infected once to get sick, so you always need to be actively protecting yourself. or call 410-927-5462. Acceptance and commitment therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and imaginal exposure are also commonly used to treat OCD. Magnetic fields interact with nerve cells in your brain in an attempt to lessen your OCD symptoms. An obsession with contamination can lead to a cleaning compulsion. Antibacterial soaps, peroxide, and disinfectants, such as Lysol, can be used to excess by some, causing further skin damage. We avoid using tertiary references. This dirty world usually takes in most of the outside world, and can also include parts of their home or work areas. These articles are about special topics related to OCD and related disorders. Other common compulsions include repeating mantras, prayers, or safety words to ward off danger or reduce anxiety. But what do these look like, and how are they related? Basic self-care, like sleeping adequately and eating a balanced diet, can be helpful. The two worlds may exist side-by-side like parallel universes that are never allowed to meet. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a maladaptive reaction to these ordinary but unpleasant experiences of disgust, discomfort, and unease. You explain what you fear will happen if you dont follow through with a behavior or rituals. SSRIs would have to be prescribed by a doctor or psychiatrist. This type of therapy encourages patients to gradually encounter increasing doses of that which is contaminated, while resisting washing, checking, avoiding, or conducting magical rituals. The neural correlates of obsessive-compulsive disorder: A multimodal perspective. These emotions and behaviors evolved over geological ages as a vital survival systemand while it functions differently, this underlying machinery is the same in OCD suffers and non-sufferers alike. Mayo Clinic staff. Compulsive cleaning is often related to fears of contamination, and compulsive arranging can be caused by a need for symmetry and balance. Some people fear that these substances may cause harm or even death. As with other kinds of OCD, contamination OCD is treatable. The internal voice that says ewww is also saying run away. Normally, this would not pose much of a problem, unless you felt you needed certainty that you were far enough away. As with all kinds of OCD, treatment can help you manage the symptoms of contamination OCD. (2013). The best outcomes happen when people are diagnosed early and start a robust treatment program right away. Bradford MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 2011.