This is Gods message for YOU today: You havent seen anything yet! Known for their transparency and honesty, Wayne and Sue have helped hundreds of couples find freedom and transformation in their own marriages. Love your thoughts on the supernatural catch. Thanks for hosting the linkup. This is precisely what God is expecting to do for His church during Harvest '90. So, think about the great things the Lord could do in your life then realize Hes able to do immeasurably MORE than anything you can possibly imagine! This refers to not allowing unbelief in the big picture of what He has set before us to creep in. Like Peters disappointing night of fishing, our attempts to serve the Lord in our strength will yield empty nets every time. The moment you launch out at His word, the possibilities become as endless as the horizon. Although we may complain about what we seem to lack, just like the early Christians, God assures us, ALL things are ours! Get ready for a great catch! That you've never been before. 1 Corinthians 2:10. Faith begins where mans power ends.. God gave the clearance to Go and to launch out into the deep. They are building a life-giving community and welcome innovative leaders to get involved in reaching neighbors, nations, and generations with the good news of Jesus Christs love and power. Satan has two primary tactics for neutralizing our obedience to Christ discouragement and fear. This article will help you get more value from each page of the hymnal. . All I can do is attempt to make up for it. 2., 3. We launch out to preach the gospelto tell broken, shattered people that there is salvation through the blood of Jesus. Thanks Amanda! Sue and her husband Wayne lead a nonprofit called Life Bridge Today and attend Upperroom Dallas. " This is a faith that expects results. Peters obedience to Christ wasnt the reckless abandon our culture lauds. God bless you. By his own admission he had worked all night and had caught nothing. With over 25 years of marriage and ministry, Wayne and Sue have a heart help couples to build marriages that last. "Launch out into the Deep!" Prayer Day 7 Read Luke 5:4-11 4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. Chapter 2 When Christ releasedPeter to Launch, Peters season shifted. First, Peter had listened to Jesus teach all morning. ALL of His promises to you are Yes and Amen (2 Corinthians 1:20). In todays accommodating culture, we are willing to dabble in service for the Lordwe may even wade out a bit further than the Christian next to usbut we insist on staying near the shore. He has been teaching us, preparing us, step by step providing the insight, tools, strategy, for that coming movement. "Command to Launch Out into deep" (Vs 4) 2. What a word for the new year 2020. The dual mandate to "launch out . It requires the full cooperation and involvement of every department and service of the church. Dont get sidetracked with other focal points, but with laser focus stay the course.. See ourPrivacy Policyfor more information. Great things will happen only as we launch forward in our service to Christ. Recognize that what Jesus calls us to dowhether it is in witnessing, giving, serving, forgiving, or emptying selfis usually in exact opposition to human reasoning. It means you leave the shallows behind fully surrendered to the directions of the Captain. Time's clock has struck the hour when the church must embark upon a new revolutionary Spirit-led soul-winning adventure of unprecedented magnitude. even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. (Luke 5:4, 5) Your success is attached to your obedience. George Mller said it well: There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Jesus, really? 4Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. BUSINESS -Spend money to make money. Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all . Notice that Christ commands us to "let down" for the catch. Our ministries become more about service than about reaching lost men and women with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is calling you to go deeper in Him to trust and rely on Him more. Launch out. The Lost Books Of The Bible: Should We Accept Or Reject? This is the act of complete surrender. May all your Goals come true in 2020. Samantha Young, Into the Deep. If you continue without changing your settings, you agree to our use of cookies. It was a beautiful day and a new beginning! Jesus told Simon to launch out into the deep and let his nets down for a catch. Peters decision to launch out was purposed obedience. Not only did they catch fish during the day in deep waters, they caught so many fish that their net was breaking and they had to get their partners to come and help them. Moody Radio820 N. LaSalle Blvd.Chicago, IL 60610(312) 329-4300. They were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken (v. 9). "Nevertheless at Your word I will" (Vs 5) 4. Into the Deep: Directed by Kate Cox. Do you wonder how God might bless your obedience? We have to expand our vision so that we can understand and believe God for everything He has for us. Now when He was through speaking, He said unto Simon, "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draft.". Only 30 percent (less than one-third)2 said they personally share the plan of salvation with someone else on a regular basis. If he can snag us by either method, we forsake faith and return to human reasoning. In that moment, Peter had the choice to either serve his emotions and give up or crucify his flesh and submit to Gods Word and Launch. Launching out isnt about expanding our reputation or filling our ego. When we launch out into the deep, past and present evangelistic results will appear unimpressive in com parison with what a united, obedient, expectant church will accomplish under the mighty power of the Holy Spirit. You will find many new features in it. . Because they had seen Jesus ability to provide for them when they obeyed Him! The breaking nets and the sinking boats are some of the challenges of deep-water evangelism. They had to signal the other boats to come out and help them. They were not yet (that happens after this event). God speaks in accordance to His word. The Lord is telling us to go DEEPER to trust Him more so He can direct us to His coming harvest in our lives. This is Gods expectation of every life, a life of fruitfulness borne out of obedience and absolute dependence on His words. Barrigada, GU 96921 Peter learned the techniques perfectly. After toiling all night without success, it seemed hopeless to cast the net by day; but Jesus had given the command, and love for their Master moved the disciples to obey. PO Box 23189 Maybe, youve been casting your nets, in the wrong place or youve been casting at the wrong time. Though we have been toiling (like Peter) for many years in mission mobilization through the evolution of SVM2/ GMMI and it sometimes feels we are not making much headway, the Lord is saying, keep faithful, listen to My word, dont get timid, dont rely on feelings or what you can see, dont hold back, dont be afraid. He is calling us to a renewed faith in Jesus to act on His word as we obediently do our little part (launch out and let down the nets), even when it seems small. Let your faith make you fly. Thank you. A thorough submissiveness to God. Launch Out into the Deep. All representative texts Compare texts ^ top. Soon afterward he [Jesus] went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. After Jesus was through speaking, He says to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught" Notice that Jesus doesn't command Simon to do this. We have the right to expect Gods blessing in our lives, but first, we have to maximize the full capacity of our faith. Psalm 34: 8-10 "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. Both boats almost sank. It is common to get sluggish in any work after a while. O fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. He wants to increase your impact on other people. In fact, listening to Jesus teach made the tedious work of washing nets go faster. And when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Put out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. -Expand: increasing stock, larger building, better location, hiring more employees, etc. But because you say so, I will let down the nets' " (Luke 5:5, N.I.V.). Jesus is constantly calling us to launch out into deeper waters. I want you to give me that chance, but if you don't, I need you to know I never lied when I told you that you're extraordinary, Charley. Every church is to launch out into communities, preaching the everlasting gospel, winning new converts, organizing new church groups, and confirming new believers in this precious message. The fishermen had left them and were washing their nets. Revelation in prayer is all related to what the Lord has said. It is still plausible that the Holy Spirit could bring revival to our spiritually darkened nation. He invites us to launch out into the deep. Note well the confident expectancy in the phrase " 'I will let down the nets.' Simply click on the button below to reach us by form, email or phone. 00:00. Dont be bashful about asking for what you need. While battling his own demons, E. A. Simmons has dug deep within himself to understand other people's view of the universe they live in, their own reality, their own thoughts. He wouldnt be pricing new boats or scouting out more partners. Many have access to Gods Word and sense the Holy Spirits prompting. Many Christians are eager to launch a new business, career, hobby, or relationship. By His command, we are bound to reap plenteous in the deep sea of life we have once endlessly toiled without a single reward. In Luke 5:1-7 we find the account of Jesus teaching on Lake Gennesaret, and afterwards of the disciples launching out and letting down their nets for a draft of fish.. And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret, And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were . The draught of fishes was miraculous, yet neither the fisherman nor his boat, nor his fishing tackle were ignored; but all were used to take . Study online. When she prayed about which book to write first she was Seventh-day Adventists believe in inspiring those around us to experience a life of wholeness and hope for an eternal future with God. The deep encompasses the masses as well as the elite, the aristocracy, and the intelligentsia. Dont forget to drop your comments below if you found this prayer helpful. Remember Gideon? First is the impressive catch. This is why we launch out! 5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing book on any . With statistics like these, is it any wonder that American Christians are stagnant and cold, with little spark of revival? . There is only one answer to this condition, and that is the spiritual discipline of service. is an official website of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, 2021 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Terms of Use Now, in response to Christ's command, they are overwhelmed by the massive catch that breaks their nets. Prayer Points On Launch Into The Deep Tags: Prayer points on Launch out into the deep meaning, Prayer points from Luke 5, Launch into the deep sermon, Harvest of launching out into the deep, Prayer Points on Luke 5 6, Scriptures for supernatural turnaround, Biblical meaning of launch, Launch out into the deep KJV, Into the deep in the Bible, Examples of breakthrough in the Bible, Launch in the Bible, Lord of the breakthrough sermon, Supernatural turnaround sermon, Put out into the deep water sermon. Isnt it amazing how God desires to bless us and pour out His abundance in our lives? He was constantly getting in the way, and, when the chips were down, he denied even knowing Jesus three times. This is a classic example of the efficacy of faith and works in proper combination. but just as it is written, "Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, When we are willing to follow Christ into deep, unfamiliar waters, we will have closer fellowship with Him. Helpful. As Paul acknowledged, God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us (Ephesians 3:20 NIV). And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14). But many, alas! God in the flesh now entered the environment of a common fisherman. Simon, may I use your ship?. On the day of Pentecost Christ's prophecy came true when three thousand were caught alive for Christ. We dont reap the harvest by complaining but we reap the harvest by sowing Do something and God will have something to bless. ?when things arent looking good for you. ?when you want something, Let us catch them alive and keep them alive in the dynamic fellowship of the church. Launch Out Into The Deep - Sherry Stahl Get a Soul H2O Devotional Book Sampler when signing up! Launching Out into the Deep, Part 3 - Treasured Truth - As we continue to look at what it means to launch out into the deep, we'll see that Peter didn't understand the capacity of the blessings that Jesus wanted to bestow on Him. At thy wordit was the stake on which Peter hung his decision to launch out. We need not fear if what we are doing is in God's will. Reality bites, and he has not held back in painting a picture of the world in both its light and shade. Jesus had healed Peters mother in law and they had watched Jesus heal all the sick brought to Him the day before (Luke 4). 79% of the food that passed through the warehouse went out to 600 charities that the food bank supports at no cost to the charities or the . It's time to wake up and make our dreams come true Time is always moving and it will not wait for you. But if you say so, Ill let the nets down again., When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, Oh, Lord, please leave meIm such a sinful man.. Many Christians only want to comprehend what is apparent /obvious. God created man with a unique type of strength. There was no Bible yet in the days of Joseph, so God made Himself known through a dream. God will reward you and the Ministry for what you have been doing to fulfill the Great Commission. Whether youve toiled in your marriage, in school, in business, or on the job, trust God that success is waiting to meet and overtake you in the deep. Congratulations on the launch of your new church! The story began with Peter and his fishing partners experiencing lack in their circumstances, but then suddenly they found themselves having more than enough! But if you say so, Ill let the nets down again. And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! Let your faith take you somewhere. Simon Peter was so overwhelmed by the supernaturally abundant catch of fish, that he fell at Jesus knees and said, Master, leave. You can change your cookie settings through your browser. Do you hear Gods Word? For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. These fishermen had no doubt had big catches over the years, but nothing like this. The deep is a place that extends far below the surface and is potentially . Launch Out Into the Deep Paperback - Illustrated, May 2, 2013 . TEXT: 4 "Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught." BR: Luke 5 (4) INTRO: Jesus was standing by a lake. Would you like to catch a draught of fish? Launching out into the deep in this beginning stage of Harvest '90 gives unquestioning priority to evangelism in all forms and on all levels of the church organization. We have a saving, redeeming judgment-hour message that must be given to all mankind with compelling passion. Now is the time to press forward in faith and let down our nets in a widespread and orchestrated way among church networks, denominations, campus ministry organizations. It was the result of a man who had unmistakably heard Christs command and calculated that Gods power was greater than his limitations. Jesus called Peter to be his disciple on a rough day. This passage has been one God has used many times to speak to us, confirming its significance in our journey. If you dont know what to do, then ask: Lord, what do you want me to do? Christ will take you out of your area of comfort, and you will find that you prove God in ways that you never thought possible. They dont realize it, but their navigation system is only programed to work by faith; it freezes when consulted by fear. Gods voice comes to those who are expecting and ready to hear from Him. * Jesus Calls Us Deeper When Jesus had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish." "Master," Simon replied, "we worked hard all last night and didn't catch a thing. Its a sad thing that the shallow waters of Christianity are largely invaded, leaving the deep waters isolated. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In prayer, shallow Christians cannot access the imaginative, creative, understanding and emotional connection to our Creator. Like Peter, our response to Gods Word will either invite His blessing and power, or it will hinder it. He also knew that you caught more fish in shallow water. Showing favoritism to one child over another causes all kinds of trouble in families. Only the deep waters of Gods Word and His presence bring these blessings. GMMI is setting a course to see the following broad, macro focal points implemented as initial steps of letting down our nets. There is more to the mobilization strategy the Spirit has given us, but these are priorities to get us moving in the right direction this year. Your success is attached to your obedience. Often when people hear her voice or name they realize that she has already been a daily inspiration to them via the airwaves. ASV. The best lies in the deep. The storm may be raging, but if you are where Christ has called you to be, and you are doing what he called you to do, he will bring you through. This has the notion of fellowship and partnership. But notice that Peter needed to act on Jesus instruction in order to receive the intended breakthrough. Its one thing to receive Jesus as your Saviour; its another thing to wholeheartedly follow Him as a disciple. It is high time to abandon our cozy harbors of complacency, self-satisfaction, and undisturbed religious contentment as we launch out into the deep of soul-winning action. The deep is where the harvest is. Many Christians see the spiritual need surrounding them. How deep He does not say. What a perfect week for a first service. That you've never been before. In the language of Peter the church must confess, " 'Because you say so,'" we will launch out into the deep through faith and obedience, will trans form our hundreds into thousands and our thousands into hundreds of thousands. Learn more. White Wings #104. We learn from this narrative, the necessity of human agency. From this moment forward, he would be a fisher of men. We are definitely over our heads and in need of sweet-Jesus-prayers. That's because he was too small in his thinking. Launch Out Into The Deep. There's a harvest waiting for you!
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