The latakia is there, right up front, and bold indeed! Join over 18k members to reviewexclusive content. For as heavy and robust a smoke it is regarding flavor, it is also an incredibly mild smoke. A Latakia lover's treasure Islay malt scotch and rose water, as in a smokey, brine, iodine, perfume, incense sort of way. Poi conoscendo come lavora Craig Tarler non si pu trattare di errore. I can imagine the dedicated Pirate Kake lover sitting alone at home, after all his friends have fled the toxic smell, grumbling to himself about how he never liked having friends anyway. This stuff, (yes stuff is the right word) is just plain brutal. I Highly recommend this blend to all latakia lovers! Smooth, full flavoured, smoky, with mild tangy spicyness. There is no bite to this blend no matter if you are puffing lightly or chugging like a freight train. Surprisingly to me with such a stated high content of Latakia, mild enough to start at day break and end the evening winds. Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.. Three and a half of five stars ----------------- Xmas 05 update. But, I rather parrot and babble on a bit longer. The tobacco's are easily discernible, and while the Latakia is up front and not hiding, they are in fact well balanced. I really wanted to like this tobacco, but I find the heavy latakia blend to be too parching to enjoy regularly. This is a fantastic blend. Other than many expect, Latakia is a very low in nicotine and tongue friendly tobacco which is very strong in taste, though. Pirate Kake is fantastic: I could smoke this stuff every day, all day long. The satisfaction this baccy gives me is immense. I tried to give it 5 stars but somethings messed up. Its almost nothing except latakia. Fantastic. I think Craig Tarler must have been some kind of wizard to pull this off. Tobacco Grove Pipe and Tobacco Pirate Kake will fool you with its robust and hearty taste. I rediscovered this blend over the weekend. This blend is GREAT! . This will keep you going. Also, clean the pipe after each use, as this stuff will lead a silty residue. I disagree strongly with those who say Latakia is strong, and there in lies the trouble here. The fact that you can purchase large quantities at bargain prices is also a plus and encourages big purchases for cellaring purposes. , . Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco Share Tweet Product Stock MSRP Price Qty Cart Pirate Kake 2oz Tin $11.25 $10.99 Save 2% + - Description Details A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) UPDATE: 12/3/2013 Not just a lat bomb. Above all, smoke it slow. I'm also getting a little cocoa and berry flavors. Burley and Oriental tobbaccos harmonize and smoothen the taste. The smoke was heavy yet disappeared quickly, but whether I sipped or puffed it stayed heavy until half way down the bowl when it grew even thicker and did not disappear. if you liked 1792 but found iy just past your comfort level strengthwise the you should give this flavorful, after dinner smoke a try. 0. Pairs up well with Islay scotches. I was also surprised at the fact that I got a little bit of complexity out of this blend. So I went ahead and ordered it. I love Latakia but just why. :) Strength is mild to medium because you cant take a lot of vitamin N from the latakia or the oriental, maybe from the burley but I dont think its a lot of burley in this. And finally, this has a very heavy room-note. do so, it is very very good. It is more fun to let others get a taste of something that old. And even then it took me a while to admit there were other tobaccos present. Wonderful pressed cake is just right for the cellar and aging. $11.90 - $58.65. End of speech. If that's your cup of tea though, you will certainly enjoy this one. Tried this for the first time today. It reminded me of smoking a burnt out matchstick or if you were to smoke the smoke off of a meat smoker. Maybe it isn't well balanced, but for an after-dinner smoke, when you have feasted on smoked meats, it is delightful. It certainly doesnt disappoint and is a wonderful smoke. Glad I gave it a shot and a second try. God might be in the Va/Per or aromatic camp. Don't get me wrong, this a good tobacco, but I don't understand all the fuss. It lights easily and stays lit. The Latakia is delicious, thick, and creamy. La nota ambientale molto particolare sgradevole ai pi. The moisture is perfect, you can put it directly in the bowl or can leave it to dry as long as you wish. Fully recommended, but is only for people that fully enjoy Latakia and not for pipe begginers. Not for the faint of heart, has some punch to it! Finally another Latakia forward mixture without any Virginia. Mind you, I don't regret trying itthe tobacco's were good quality, it's just that this blend is not for me. Pirate Kake is good for what it is but the other tobaccos add nothing.Good blend but will not be buying any more its just a bit too far out there. Next time I mixed in a little more and then a little more and a little more and then I ran out. I reccomend this to someone looking for the strongest possible dose of latakia. It has not been a nasty surprise this buy, otherwise. It seems to mellow the Latakia a bit, taking the edge off slightly and making it a little creamier. I like Burley tobaccos as well, I just don't think this blend uses it well. Once you are habituated to it, you are pleasantly surprised from time to time by the sweetness that comes through, possibly as an artifact of your palate adjusting to the overwhelming flavor of the Latakia. While the cavendish cut burley does not contribute to the taste in any way, it gives this blend a smooth, cool and even burn. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. You must be 21 years or older to make any selections on this site - by doing so, you are confirming that you are of legal age to purchase tobacco products or smoking accessories. Pirate Kake is very smooth and it produces copious amounts of fragrant smoke with consistent flavor. Woody sweet, unlike the charisma tic strong and musty sweetness of Cyprian. Purchased From: El Fumador - Sewickley, PA. 70 % latakia that should tell you something . THE ROLLS ROYCE OF TOBACCO. Not drowning out the others but definitely the Captain of this outfit. Best smoked after a meal (not before) or it will overpower one's palate. The Crumble Kake is a pleasure to deal with, not to moist and just dry enough to run through your fingers as if you are digging up a treasure from some tropical island beach. Surprisingly the nicotine content is not that high, mind you Latakia on its own is no Howitzer either. Update 6/14: I had upped the rating on this to 3 stars a while ago as I began to appreciate it more when I smoked in as a leisurely, late night smoke, and not as a daylong choice. Similar Blends: Reminded me of Bill Baileys. Or, at least I thought so. It took two matches to get started and required only one relight. Wow, holding in the hands a brick of this extremely dark brown-black blend (no light-colored bits in it!) The smokiness is front and centre throughout. It requires one to slow down and enjoy the ritual and preparation of a great pipe smoke. So much good stuff, you'll want to exercise restraint and reserve its enjoyment for once-on-a-blue-moon situations. I don't get any depth or complexity, just a basic smokiness. I would not suggest it to an unexperienced mainly aromatics smoker butif you enjoy classic english mixtures or perhaps good dark flakes do not miss it. I like them when they're blended together. Any drying, IMHO, would lessen the wonderful smokiness, which is the star attribute here. Highly recommended to the lat bomb smokers. It had a high moisture content as well. This blend is LOADED with it for sure, and there just isn't any other way to put it. But what does come as a surprise, even though this packs a heady punch of smokiness, there's still a small amount of room for the nutty Burley and woody Oriental's; the Burley more-so. Smoky and tastygreat room note and a delight to smoke! If you are not a fan of a lot of Latakia, take a pass. I was expecting it to be one dimensional, but while not complex, it's not boring either. I found it pleasant and will smoke it again even though this is not my usual type of smoke although I am coming to enjoy more English Blends. The VA's may be lower in percentage, but they are first rate and their earthy sweetness are obvious. The tobacco smokes evenly, and burns to a white ash afterwards. If you're a latakia fiend, you have to try this. But as you go deeper the Latakia conquers the palate bringing with it an intensely rich, savory and smoky flavor. Though not similar in taste, its like nightcap, in the sense of a heavy desert like tobacco, or your last smoke of the day. If you don't like Latakia, why are you reviewing a blend that's 70% Latakia then bashing it because it's one dimensional or monochromatic? But i mixed about 60% of this w 40% of comoys #4 and majic happened. I do believe the time worked in my favor as the sharpness did mellow some. Turns out I am. I recommend a small bowl with a longish stem for best smoke. But I knew that would probably be the case going in. Skip to content Wishlist My Account Checkout Shopping Cart $0.00 0 items in the shopping cart No products in the cart. We all had the same conclusion that this pipe tobacco reminds one of a fine cigar. I also get some almonds, vanilla, and a bit of anise/licorice. It's definitely loaded with latakia but it just doesn't overwhelm the blend. Pipe Used: Invicta PSF POY 2014 Blasted Bulldog. It has a pleasant aftertaste. I love how C & D presses the mixture into bite-sized chunks almost good enough to eat. And that is how i know i have a 5 star smome on my hands. You have been warned. Salty leather about sums it up. The Burley and Turkish help to smooth out the smoke and add faint delicious undertones, but the Latakia is supremely dominant throughout the smoke, and never falters. Usually I only find it in blends with plenty of perique. Bought a ton of this 2 years ago and after the first bowl immediately turned around and bought a pound. I even caught some orange notes amid the smoky coolness. Love them. Mix in a little cavendish burley, add a touch of the Turk,and press this in a 70,000 ton vise and you have PIRATE KAKE! At the time i had no idea what Latakia was or why 75% matered at all. Overall, a good smooth smoke that had no bite. Cornell and Diehl Pirate Kake Tobacco $11.05 G.L. Flavoring? I love the full-on tastiness of this tobacco Im going to bury (cellar) a ton of this treasure. The oriental component is actually very noticeable. I didn't find this blend to change much in the bowl. This one is just not for me. Highly Recommended! The scent and taste are both compkex. Although PK is very obviously a strong lat bomb, I found it to be remarkably smooth, much more so than Star of the East and that PK is actually one of the finest smokes I have had the pleasure of smoking. This is a very smooth and great smoking tobacco. . Description. I think it was a dollar an ounce if I can remember correctly and I even called on the phone and placed my order. Thus the medium rating. A very cool and pleasent smoke. The turkish offers nice counterpoint, but no standard campfire, woody, earthy et al aromas to be had on this trip. It takes a few lights to get going (possibly my own fault) but, once its underway, it goes fine all on its own with minimal fuss and the flavor is latkia spicy creaminess that is very strong. No Flavoring detected. Pipe Used: meer. Presentation: A hearty, dark dense block. Being the impatient person that I am, I wanted to sample this blend immediately. For the Latkia fan, its a must. This is the first latakia blend that i try, and i'm lucky this be the first and my favorite blend. Needless to say, the Latakia dominates from beginning to end, but it is not entirely one-dimensional. This stuff is ridiculously good. I like Latikia, but this may be just a bit over the top for me. Ten Russians is still the latakia heavy blend I reach for but this is a nice step down. Rubbed out a bowl and packed it straight away with no drying. But it is strange how the strong aroma of Latakia will start to grow on you. The tin aroma is that of hay in a barn. I fell in love on tin note (also didnt know what that was at the time) that love grew and grew bowl after bowl. The latakia here overwhelms this blend. So, if you're a latakia lover give this blend a shot. If you are a latakia freak, as I am, then I will venture to say you are going to like this blend a lot. This was the 1st time I understood "creamy" as a description for smoking. There's something about the experience that's like drinking neat tea. Put a pinch in a very large bowl of mature Virginia and youll have something nice, but by itself its just nasty. I was not expecting to like this as much as I did. Good sturdy blend for those afternoons/evenings when you want to slow down and count your dubloons, leathery campfire notes with a hint of spice from those orientals just enough burley to balence the blend out nicely. However, I didn't find the same results in smaller pipes or even my briars so I might have just had an off day. The Burley just donates body and rounds up the mixture. It burns dry and relatively cool. copyright intellectual property of the reviewer and STC Holdings LLC and may not be I think it should be renamed Pirate's Death Wish. At first light the Latakia wafts by the nose and oh boy,try this if you need a Latakia drip tube. I only plan on smoking this on occasion myself. I don't get much sweetness, but it's not astringent either. Pre light draw is sweet latakia and some oriental notes. Also this blend delivered the most pleasant aroma of any tobacco I've lit up before, and always gets me comin g back for more. Moisture level is perfect for smoking. bomb. This is the first time I ever smelled a Latakia tin / pouch note. I know it says there is some orientals in there, but I don't know. I consider wondefull, fully taste, flavour and scent. I open the tin and bam you are smacked in the face with the leathery campfire smell of the Latakia. Mild to medium nicotine content. Awesome!.. An enjoyable time except for the musk of the galley! 1. I'm NOT a latakia smoker. Easy to rate, easy peasy: highly recommended. Also, this is a big pipe blend, we're talking Group 6 and beyond. not good. Bomb". One dimensional taste. Ok folks, this is what it is. ste es un tabaco para los Latakialovers. Being a Pirate Kake fan I'm starting to love some of the Captain Earle's offerings more and more. Room note? I like Latakia, but I wouldn't consider myself one that likes it to totally dominate the blend. The room note is very strong actually. Certo per fumatori che come me adorano il Latakia lappagamento pieno, la qualit della materia prima indubbia, ma manca sulla variazione tipica di altre EM della ditta (ad esempio Star of the East), piatto e mono-tono, non assume carattere e larmonia. He gave me the remaining tobaccos he had. tin provides four bricks of crumbly, rich black tobacco with a few random flakes of lighter orientals here and there. Room note? I find it starts to mellow out a little after six months so I keep a stock on hand for aging. Tobacco Reviews | Cornell & Diehl - Pirate Kake (Sea Scoundrels) As a Latakia lover Id say this blend is heavenly. It was around 1999 and I had not been long into pipe smoking. I find it to have a very rich, flavorfuly smokey, pleasantly toasty, note. But at first light was this smooth and beautifully flavorful tobacco ! Barely any sweetness in the blend, and if you do find it, it doesn't stay. The quality is there, no questions asked. Details. Just what I like. that is dense and smellsof Latakia. There's not much to say about this one, except Latakia. I have not had the need to dry mine out and it smokes exceptionally cooly and dryly. The best thing about this blend is that I always know what I am going to experience whenver I light it up. This is actually a very well rounded blend. Consistent flavor, good body, and lots of smokeyou can almost chew te stuff! The components come together quite nicely and gives a nice load of nicotine in this offering from C&D. I like this so much! I smoked it fast, and it got very very hot. How ever you choose to consume it, PK is a GREAT blend. Pirate kake is smooth, and it has a strong smell, but oddly enough my wife, who always complains about my smoke if it's not a sweet aromatic, came out once and sat next to me and said, "Whoa I don't know why I'm saying this but I like the smell of that." It's almost as if the smoke is too heavy to be moved by the imperceptible drafts in a house that will carry most smoke away. Great job C&D! It does stay lit well. C&D Pirate Kake :: Pipe Tobacco Reviews :: Pipe Smokers Forums of Not even sure if you could order online like you do today. If Nightcap is Wagnerian, this is a brass band. If not I will be happy to take it off your hands. I got hints of this flavor throughout the bowl and I must say, I like it! It is what it is. But this is just TOO much. Very pleasant smoke Great flavor. If you smoke it on a low heat like incense, you can enjoy the very delicious aroma of Latakia. Smoke it really slow and steady to truely enjoy the experience. The cake itself has that delicious campfire aroma to it, but it doesn't seem to come out as much in the bowl. Almost nothing but latakia but nicely laced with cavendish and some Turkish. This is one you should try. 10-13-2022. Delicious and not overbearing although it is heavier than most other blends, and it should be, because thats w hat it was blended to be. I tend to think either C&D is using some very old Latakia or that this blend is not 70% Latakia. The flavors are mostly Latakia, Latakia and a little spice from the Turkish tobaccos. LET THEM SMOKE KAKE. I found several blend that match my taste bud, but i keep going back to PK when i craving latakia. It?s one-dimensional, but you don?t smoke Pirate Kake for complexity, you smoke it for a major infusion of Latakia. The Latakia is pretty much is the main driver, and the orientals do give some tea like qualities. The smokey latakia is up front (though I wouldn't consider it a lat bomb), and floral riding shot gun and mildly sweet in the back. It's my go-to comfort smoke. At first puff, you may think this will be a one-dimensional smoke, but soon the latakia smooths off to a very rich, heady, slightly sweet smoke. This was confirmed by the frequent relights during the first half of the bowl - mea culpa. A hack I do with cake when loading the bowl is use a good ribbon cut as the first pinch. The strength is mild-med, nic is mild at most. Heavy smoke. The little black clump of tobacco you get in the tin is relatively easy to work with, but that's small redemption for the Latakia overload that follows a crumble, a load, and a light. I first tried this in a Ser Jacapo LB Maxima Maxima. I like itbit heavy for those in the same room if they don't like latakia but nice when one is alone. Hey gang! Absolute yummy. C&D managed to hit a very nice flavor note! I bought this because I found a 6 year old tin at a local B&M. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. The actual cube of Latakia, I mean. Stay tuned for the results. I mix it three parts Dunhill Early Morning Pipe to one part Pirate Kake. CORNELL & DIEHL PIRATE KAKE PIPE TOBACCO | Cigar Standard I don't think I will be buying another tin, but it was a good experience. The initial flavors are of sweet latakia and incense like orientals. I am a Latakia lover. Nevertheless it is a smooth blend. I know I like it, but I am not sure if it will always be in my stock. Cornell & Diehl: Pirate Kake 2oz Pipe Tobacco - Although BLB is wonderful in its own right, I have to say that this blend takes the cake. Sipping at this one, it didn't get too overbearing in its intensity of flavor. THE BEST PIPE TOBACCO EVER. The note is brighter and more lively than others,which serves to create it's own bold, lusty personality. Heavily features smokey, leathery flavors along with a little bit of sweetness to it. I've had english blends once or twice for fun but don't really like them. I also consider in the same level of quality as classics: 965, Dunhill Standard Mixture ad Presbyterian. A friend sent me a large sample of Pirate Kake a few months ago. Its over 70% Latakia, so if youre not into Latakia, this probably isnt the blend for you. Fans of Lapsang Souchong tea (also very smokey) will love this. Same thickness, same density, and some of the same smell. yes, I am in lust at the moment, but love might follow. A must for all Latakiaphiles! I did find drying it out a bit gave the best results and minimized the relights. Awesome stuff. It seemed to have dried out some, so I have tried rehydrating it. ! I'm stocking these deep. Still, it's a pretty impressive cake and it pairs best with a cup of two day old black coffee (which I'm also fond of), or a guinness. I agree with the previous reviews that it is rather linear and lacks balance, but if you're looking at Pirate Kake like I was, it's because you wanted that lack of balance; I wanted as much Latakia as possible. Once it's lit, you'll get exactly what you signed up for, which is a big dose of latakia taste and aroma as well as a little buttery sweetness in the background. Occasional notes of dark baker's chocolate, hickory, and brine. Not an all day smoke,. I highly recommend it. Not pleasant. If you want to try something interesting (and I'm sure that you do) then mix this about half and half with Captain Black White. A great value in bulk . Pirate Kake is what it is- a no apology latakia laden blend. When smoked immediately after opening the package, the aroma becomes watery, so it is best to let it dry. Love the pressed bricks that lie waiting in the can when it is opened. This stuff produces huge, thick clouds of smoke which never dissipate. Frankly, I am not sure, but I do know that somewhere this one crosses the line. To the Latakia lover this should be a delight. Pipes. It is a good blend but could be better if it were 50% latakia, 30% matured Virginias and 20% orientals, in my humble opinion. Rich, smooth, tasty. It was very smoky yet smooth (smelled a bit like a camp fire). of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth. Closely behind the Smoke were a pleasant medium Earthy and mild woody flavors backed up by a light pleasant sweet butter, a mild spicy flavor, a light toasty and light nuttiness as well as a mildly spicy flavor. They did not change and they played very nicely together willingly letting the wonderful smoky flavor lead the way. I don't want to ever do with out this blend. Great for an everyday smoke if you like latakia. Pirate Kake is a good smoke IF you love latakia. If you want to get your wife out of the hose but she refuses, light up a bowl of Pirate Kake. For starters, this is very concentrated latakia - almost meaty, creamy, rich. Strength: Room Note: Taste: WOW August 10, 2017 By: Nick b. Enjoy + Require buying + An all-day smoke Four Stars Rating, Purchased From: 8 oz tins from pipesandcigars. About mid bowl it seemed to mellow out and I did get some nice sweet notes. Very well behaved in the pipe. Not a rush but a steady buzz- nice in this dept. YES! I can taste it from time to time, not in a nutty burley taste but more of a vegetative way. Well, the description states it has LOTS (emphasis theirs) of Latakia, and it does. Not an everyday smoke, but a great cold weather pleasure, to mix up the rotation. If you like latakia, this is the one for you. Perfect flavor & strength. This stuff lives up to its reputation as Latakia Central. It is a perfect smoke to end the day's demands or to stir up a boring afternoon. I recommend this to any Latakia fan, and for anyone looking for a warm blend to smoke on a cold winter day. As it says, Latakia predominates, but there are some sweet spicy notes making their presence known as well. $10.99 Save 2% +-Add. Pipes; Tobacco; Accessories / Misc; Info The Pipe Nook PO Box 599 Cantonment, FL 32533 Call us at 850-610-2032 Sometimes I find myself puffing like a freight train, I just cannot get enough of this blend in one bowl! And the bricks were pretty cool, I must say. Once you puff it very slow it will reveal beautiful oriental spices - peppery cardamom and pine needles - never overpowered and with a nice complexity. Left a little oily residue on my fingers. I fall in between. I revisited me old block of Pirate Kake about a week ago, and found it had dried quite a bit more than I wanted it to. It's as if Pirate Kake is the tobacco I didn't know that I wanted. There is a relatively low nicotine content in this blend. So well named? This is a very smokey and savory tobacco of high quality. I love the fact that it's such a wonderful smoke JD and Beau sit down every week and talk about the rich history and elegance of pipe tobacco, the custom blends found only at the Country Squire, as well as general shop talk.
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