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A: It depends on the other medications. The described approach(es), suggestions and advice may not work for you at all, or may require modification to suit your individual case. If I could do it all over again, here is a list of what I would do, in order from first to last: Phew. The allergy immunology point and the dental point are not classical Chinese acupuncture points. No responsibility, legal or otherwise, is assumed for any errors or omissions in the content of this web site. As an unknown threat that we often overlook parasite, fungal, and dental problems. Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073, United States. Dr. Yu finds that treating parasites in his patients with IBS has lead to the spontaneous healing of many other chronic diseases. Is it Possible to Bend Time? indicates that he still prescribes parasite medications 2-3 times per year to some elderly patients, even after they are initially clear. No responsibility is assumed for any errors or omissions in the content of this web site. Whether I like it or not, I have a sort of a reputation as a guy to look for parasite problems. Do them together for bonus points! 32 0 obj The following educational videos show how we figured out which parasite medications to take, in what doses. Most adult gallbladders and livers are filthy from years of toxins, chemicals & parasites. Ravenous hunger, but pale & malnourished looking (w). x\K/a37 99 +YlIOY$lv=/Y,V}`yu)a6o~WPf4X~|F7yj#0jV,Lqf}q>~R58%I i`~/cz5PN"I?Hxbh0J1BNw ttGso$RH5_x{!LeHq/(%8Hztq o.p/ yo6pmxo9nH]#b#/SqwJ=0n&AUN`W 2?6q=&&3w4`L3D/6(1|7T$LH,^*M*F=Si[>xuvUQ%F@FxDG@hYdb4>v:+{ PEW`z=unP%X)`v<5:(?c@'a(65J03#yTSUN,;!6_(*G8vT= _C=@~oQO28'Y$4FEZmHm4 0VN7(U`Mv%beLweT?d4D'~&10SSAti Upon starting parasite treatment by Dr. Retzek per Dr. Yus protocol, she had a huge Herxheimer reaction, including epileptic fits and swelling of her entire body, for which she was hospitalized. Helps patient develop a Health and Wellness Plan of Care to support their Medical Plan of Care. <> He has also organized three meetings in Europe for doctors and dentists with Dr. Yu. We sometimes noticed parasites coming out immediately, but often they came out the morning after the enema. endobj Worms: Ascaris (ve), Round (ve), Tape (v), Taxonomy unknown (v), Flukes: We had thousands of them. We use either Pyrantel pamoate or Mebendazole because they are the two least expensive parasite medications available for the US Army. Dr. Yu continued to look for more answers. He then retested the meridians and found that my large intestine, liver, and allergy-immunology (modern disease) points were out of balance (as seen in the image). While the parasite finding was somewhat surprising, I had traveled to several countries months before the sleep issues began (and we also know that parasites are not that difficult to acquire). If you would like to. We spent A LOT of time and money on these. We also took some other supportive supplements while taking the parasite medications. I dont think they are necessary; they are optional. I had been doing Acupuncture Meridian Assessment for 25 years before 2001. Parasites are everywhere in our environment, and it seems continued diligence is necessary. Oriental Medical Doctor, Licensed Acupuncturist, Director of Health and Wellness Resources. To learn more:http://www.preventionandhealing.com. Below is a list of the sources we use. Thankful for extra energy and increased vitality for the whole family! <> Sometimes it is a drainage remedy, sometimes a parasite medication, sometimes vitamins or nutrients. So in August 2019, Dr. Yu evaluated me and found that all of my meridians were initially balanced. Dad (age 41): Worms, protozoans Note that Dad had no flukes. I did suppositories nightly for at least 60 days with whatever was testing well for my parasites, and I often switched it up during those 60 days. We help patients on their journey and quest for health, developing tailored plans to combat hidden health threats, and restore the bodys condition of a healthy terrain. Dr. Yu offers Training on Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) twice a year in St. Louis for doctors, dentists and health professionals. Here are my tips for minimizing exposure and strengthening the bodys defenses against parasites: Q: You write: We learned a lot from Dr. Yu, but unfortunately he was also missing some key pieces of the parasite puzzle. What pieces? _J`p:u.?t>.4{q?Q&Wr!wyA V ,UncoN@w#w%H kNLA4w0G. MDs put people on seizure medication when they really need parasite medication, and I find it absolutely heartbreaking. Visit this page for good information about those who believe they have parasites in or on them that no doctors can see or . 30 0 obj This time, we found all of the meridians were balanced. Dr. Yu: Absolutely, based on what the meridian showing. We felt very ill. Is this belly distended or normal? My body could have perhaps tolerated larger, longer doses of parasite medications had I first cleaned up my liver a bit. I actually found the fungal cycles to be more difficult to tolerate than the parasite cycles. Once encapsulated in a gel pill format, it was well tolerated. Yuk!! endobj I now also have a whole binder with pictures of parasites that weve excreted. For more articles and information about integrative medicine, patient success stories, and Dr. Yu's new book, AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life, visit his website at www.preventionandhealing.com or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. https://www.facebook.com/groups/429159131252194/about/. Tinidazole is in the class of antibiotics, so I tried to avoid it, but we did take a few rounds. Dr. Yu encountered several miracle-improvements using parasite medication and wrote two books about his experiences:Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients, and Accidental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life. Share. Watch the YouTube video here. Use of this website and videos signifies your agreement to this disclaimer. Note that Diethyl is not as well tolerated as Mebex, so I recommend encapsulating it before taking orally, and only using 1-2 pills max of Diethyl in an enema. <> I dont know how one could figure all of this out otherwise! Nor have I found them to be more effective than a Fleet enema from the drug store. There are no studies on what MMS does to the beneficial bacteria and organisms in our digestive tract. Debugyourhealth.com is not a substitute for medical care and is not intended to address individual situations and needs. We would test again every few weeks to determine how long to take the medications. Pinterest. 13 0 obj The information presented on Debugyourhealth.com is not intended or implied to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Dr. Yu: That is correct. endstream We do 2-3 enemas per week, for about 2 years. Note that I havent done final blood testing to confirm that the anemia is 100% gone yet, but preliminary tests indicate that it is. No permission is granted to use the information in any way except to enhance the reader's own personal knowledge. In 2003, he began his practice in the USA. If you would like to donate to my work, I thank you in advance and send you my gratitude. Stay up to date with the latest from Prevention and Healing, Inc. The most heartbreaking parasite symptom for me is seizures. He also studied acupuncture for 300 hours at a program housed at Stanford Medical School. I see migraine headaches go away all the time. Human Skin Parasites Page at UC Davis. He has been practicing Internal Medicine for 35 years, Integrative Medicine for 25 years, and worked as a medical director and physician at a regional HMO for 10 years. Either hit parasites hard and fast with the correct medications, or dont try to hit at all. Q: What your thoughts are on treating with anti viral medication along side parasite meds? While my sleep had improved, it was not back to where it was prior to having worsened about a year prior. The Cowden Lyme herbs were fine with parasite medications. 2023 Infection is a first-line I am trying to fix. In general a round was 10 days for children and 20 days for adults, although variations are noted in the details. and that I gave them to my children in-utero. I started doing this when I noticed that our worms were becoming resistant to Mebendazole (Mebex), so I switched to Diethyl. Lots of steps, not a straightforward process, and unfortunately no practitioner with enough understanding to lead us all the way through. Dr. Diane Love. 2. BetterHealthGuy.com is intended to share my personal experience in recovering from my own chronic illness. He then did a provocation technique which puts additional stress on the system to find previously hidden or unrevealed issues. Often parasites need to be hit with several medications at once to die [2]. !(!0*21/*.-4;K@48G9-.BYBGNPTUT3? Q: What do you think about this plan that my practitioner prescribed? 26 0 obj It could have been that the parasites were triggering cortisol elevation while sleeping which led to the sleep difficulties. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD and the Klinghardt Academy hosted "A Deep Look Beyond Lyme" May 6-8, 2011 in Redmond, WA. If you found this information helpful, I would very much appreciate your support in keeping the site going. At work. From what you are saying about your symptoms I think he would be able to diagnose you with something for sure, no question. If interested in finding out more about Acupuncture, the benefits you may obtain for a particular ailment or condition, or to make an appointment, please call our office. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Alternative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. Levamisole was also not well tolerated for our family, despite encapsulation. Using his Acupuncture Meridian Assessment Techniques, he's often able to find clues that many others may have missed. AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life. This point is traditionally not one that is associated with parasites, but guess what? This link will provide you with information on parasites and diseases of humans world-wide. Check out the detailed instructions and tips for a gallbladder liver flush. A: We did not notice any weight loss or gain. Unfortunately, conventional medicine often overlooks these important keys. The following is a heavily edited transcript of an interview with St Louis internist, Dr. Simon Yu. See additional information. People don't think about parasites in their teeth. Dr. Simon Yu combines Internal Medicine with Integrative Medicine, and founded Prevention and Healing, Inc. in 1996. Participates in the free monthly seminar meeting on the second Tuesday of each month providing resources for health and wellness. [ 13 0 R] Twitter. Always seek the advice of a licensed health care provider before making any treatment decisions. He served as a medical officer in the US Army Reserves for 25 years, retiring as a full colonel. Sometimes these parasite symptoms might seem normal. Dont all people get back aches as they get older? endobj We switched to Diethylcarbamazine (Diethyl) in some rounds instead of the Mebex or in addition to it. Youngest child (age 3): Worms, flukes, protozoans, Oldest child (age 6): Worms, flukes, protozoans. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz from Washington University and an M.S. But fortunately for us, we have Dr. Simon Yu, MD. Q: Is it OK to take parasite medications with other medications? Controversies and challenges in research on urogenital schistosomiasis-associated bladder cancer. Trends in Parasitology, 2014. I also included some of the herbs and supplements that were especially supportive in the beginning.  In August, I wrote a blog about attending Dr. Simon Yu's Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) Training course. My brain fog has lessened but I am getting headaches. While Debugyourhealth.com uses reasonable efforts to provide accurate information, no warranties or representations are made as to the accuracy, validity, or reliability of any information which may be presented. I check for 40 main acupuncture points known for thousands of years. WARNING: Your medical problems may not be what you think or what you have been told. Copyright 2020 Cancer Patient Freedom - All Rights Reserved. Nope. They do not initiate routine parasite medications even when they highly suspect that their patient might be suffering from parasite infestations [1] Dr. Simon Yu has more information about the difficulty of detecting parasites in humans in the article Parasite Medication Usage Disclaimer Invisible Inaudible Intangible Immeasurable. We learned a lot from Dr. Yu, but unfortunately he was also missing some key pieces of the parasite puzzle. I use my knowledge of any symptoms that might be going on, like a flu going around school, chelation work, or parasite medications. 7 0 obj Feb 14, 2022 3:17 AM. It wasn't until 2001 when I came back from Bolivia that I decided to try these pharmaceutical parasite medications to see how patients responded. However, the person usually hasnt seen any parasites coming out, nor have they experienced symptom relief. All those parameters are your biological terrain. Many people think of parasites as primarily a gastrointestinal issue. 5 0 obj At first I was totally grossed out and freeeked out when I saw these things coming out of us. <> Sometimes parasite medications test well alone but not in combination. Major. A: I almost fainted when the first baseball-sized tape worm came out of my 3 year old. Facebook. He found typical Ascaris larvae in her darkfield blood analysis. Let's look into the underlying problem. I'm relying on the meridian system to go lookout in the subtle energy field, what the problem might be. Heres my take: Parasites are very hard to kill [2]. The article Are Parasite Medications Safe? has more detail about each of these medications. They love to go to the lung, to the liver, pancreas, spleen, even to the brain and eyes. We did constantly monitor our detoxification, drainage, and methylation during parasite medication rounds. Parasites in humans are the root cause of many chronic illnesses, including cancer, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, autism, and lyme, to name a few. Before I got cancer like my mother. I feel like I am having a horrible hangover, nausea, dizziness, headache, fatigue, and general malaise. I am of the opinion that it will take at least 12 months for a long-standing infestation. <> Perhaps, but leaving our bodies with chronic parasitic infections makes them prone to other infections and diseases. . Search on Ebay or DuckDuckGo for piperazine citrate. If the meridian testing response, gallbladder meridian with the Praziquantel and Albendazole, then I'm dealing with maybe tapeworm and flukes or maybe a nematode. This is the best time to detect parasites. He had to look much harder than the first time; employing even more advanced provocation techniques to unmask any remaining stressors. We ended up only taking Levamisole orally for a few days at a time. endobj The exact details of which medications we took and for how long can be found below in Parasite Medication Details. Key: f=flukes, w=worms, p=protozoan, h=recognized in hindsight (i.e. If you treat one, but not the other one, you just cannot break that cycle. This patient testimonial video was submitted with permission by Dr.med Helmut Retzek, praxis for integrative and biological medicine in Voecklabruck, Austria, www.retzek.info. No permission is granted to use the information in any way except to enhance the reader's own personal knowledge. Since then, she has had tremendous improvement. For so long. She also had a cyst in her face where she felt them moving. <> Then you can do a gallbladder and liver flush. <> We invite you to sign up for my newsletter. This was relatively easy compared to the first cycles; particularly given that there was a ten-day break between cycles which was not the case previously. Later I started basing the medication rounds off of my home testing. Some of our family members took extra DE (usually ~1Tablespoon 2x/day) for some periods of time. Medications depend on how well the body detoxes and how well the liver and kidneys function. It is technically in the class of antibiotics). If its an issue in the large intestine or small intestine, it is usually larger ones like the tapeworm, nematode. Q: What about binders? ), go to a compounding pharmacy, and pay $1-5 per pill. Klinghardt has suggested that when it comes to parasites, this is where some of the pharmaceutical options really shine and are often necessary. Quote from Better Health Guy.com. If you found this information helpful, I would very much appreciate your support in keeping the site going. Very effective for children with Autism and those suffering with the effects of parasites. Watch Dr. Yus presentation at The Forum for Integrative Medicine conference in March 2020. Our experience is that chelating while taking parasite medications was pretty hard on our bodies, and we sometimes had to stop chelation while taking parasite medications. Piperazine: This link is constantly breaking. I know a family who has tried the Gu approach with a qualified practitioner, and this is indeed what happened to them. Hbrx_]V&vm31YY6;@6J+ R'LqL3U1`mylkoBX I-&sA ?&3[4a4TvkQP Unfortunately the easy-to-use Kalcker chart has been deleted from the internet, so I have created a modified Kalcker Protocol Chart from my old printout. <> <> Dr. Yu discovered parasites are an underestimated source of many diseases after serving as a Reserve Medical Corps Officer in South America doing parasite treatment for large numbers of people. Dr. Simon Yu wrote an interesting article about a guy who balanced his acupuncture meridians with a 40 day fast. Finally, he found the only point that was imbalanced - it was the allergy immunology point. I theorize that the reason medications sometimes dont test well together is because the excretory and detox organs become overloaded. I highly respect Dr. Yu and his work. Before I got cancer like my mother. There is a grassroots movement to use Fenbendazole, an anti-parasitic, as part of a Joe Tippens protocol to treat cancer. 6WaZuDj 6 Parasites have been on this earth longer than we have, and they are hard to eradicate [2]. A complete list of recent enemas we have taken can be found in the Enema Details section. Her belly was flat after about 4 months of worm treatment. After that it was not well tolerated. With so many worms and flukes. She also performs therapies, often via IV, such as nutritional support, chelation, and blood irradiation that treat underlying causes of illness and disease. We gave parasite medication every day for two weeks to about 10,000 people. Q: Were you totally freeked out when you saw all those flukes and worms coming out? Training with Dr. Simon Yu in St. Louis - Parasitology. It was unbelievable. It is important to test parasite medications together. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br endobj Dr. Yu from my impression is one that recognizes that people from all walks of life have parasites and that it is possible. Call our office, 314-432-7802, to speak with Barb or other members of our team. Its amazing how much better one can feel after flushing! We did a provoked urine heavy metals test to see what may be happening. 22 0 obj The many reports of healing terminal cancer from patients that have tried the Joe Tippens protocol seem to confirm Dr. Yu's findings that parasites and lingering dental infections are major causes of cancer. Thankful for extra energy and increased vitality for the whole family! To my knowledge, none of these other children have ever been de-wormed. We invite you to sign up for my newsletter. As head of a paramedic unit, he treated 20,000 Peruvians for parasites. Dr. Klinghardt has commented that treating parasites is one of the first steps of recovery as he believes in starting with the largest "bugs" and working down through the smaller ones. I'm not interested in naming the name of the parasite. We used our home energy testing to find out if we should use Diethyl or Mebex (see videos below). If so, please consider donating to keep this site alive. When she visited me the first time she brought pictures of. Over time I watch gallbladders being removed, autism developing, GI issues, cancer, and all kinds of other seemingly unrelated symptoms. 21 0 obj Dogs poo all over our parks and lawns. Kerri Rivera has adapted the protocols for autism. Diethyl tablets were OK as-is for suppositories and enemas. We have taken this particular Georgia Pine Gum Spirits of Turpentine. It has been an honor and a blessing for me to have the opportunity to work with him. I was literally traumatized. Our Team Dr. Simon Yu, MD. They may have a clinic where you can be seen. Although coffee enemas are very popular at the time of writing, I havent found them to be any more effective than just plain water. 9 0 obj By promoting each of these crucial areas, you'll experience sustainable, long . His recent bookAcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Lifeis a fantastic resource for patients and clinicians alike. Kerri Riveras book adds MMS / CD / CDS to the original Kalcker protocol. Not sure exact species (ve), Protozoan: Blastocystis (e),Babesia (e), some others showing up too, but these 2 were the only ones consistent across all (e) methods. Because Ive gained so much weight after getting tapeworms. Published Dec 2, 2020 + Follow Last week, a friend sent me a post by Dr. Richard Horowitz on work to advocate for US trials. Seizures we didnt have this symptom, but I want it first on the list because it is so commonly misdiagnosed and mistreated!! I cant quite understand why this is in vogue at the moment. You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion on . 24 0 obj Dr. Yu lectures around the world and has studied Biological Medicine extensively in Europe. endobj 23 0 obj However, they are not as effective against flukes or protozoan parasites. % 10 0 obj Herbals/Naturals: Black Walnut Capsules from Seroyal, Wormwood (from various companies and we grew our own), Garlic, Papaya, Para-Rid, DE, GSE, Castor Oil. Here is a list of things we tried over the years that failed: None of the above items really worked. My Approach; What We Offer; Our Team; Join Our Team; About. Dr. Yu recommended a long-term protocol with more focus on metals specifically with the hope that it will reduce any EMF sensitivity that may be playing a role in any remaining sleep issues. My sense is that if there is an acute exposure, these foods might help prevent the parasites in humans from becoming established. We do not travel much, so Im pretty sure we picked up at least the worms in the San Francisco Bay Area. 19 0 obj I think if someone has no beneficial bacteria in the colon, then MMS might be an interesting idea. I believe the idea is to flush out any parasites that have died and might be stuck in the gallbladder, liver or bile ducts. 1 0 obj Tetiana provides infusion and therapy services to patients at Prevention and Healing. 28 0 obj Its much better to get as many worms out whole as possible. However, we saw no evidence that it helped with our parasite issues. Parasite larvae and eggs can also be in our food. <> Is your redox potential out of balance? 8A6W lmrcbJE!^20K23L;/3#lA~Jc!u#RX-bR877+)LAgxY${[3ti_v} Lz])g*&DScgS21"ezn%%_,%Q,/0k s-JWfa(*]Zz(?by35!t5xbSK 3G I think they are more sensitive than Dr. Yus methods, and they have led us to success in treating parasites. Cancer Patient Freedom does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I always use some kind of intestinal cleansing to make sure you have one or two bowel movements a day. The following instructional video show how we figure out what to put in our enema. Q: What about eating anti-parasitic foods and dietary changes? If they have perfect pH and normal redox potential, but their resistivity is out of line, then nothing works. The amounts do not come close to what you took.. Hi about to do Simon yus parasite protocol, klinghardt version not full on enough. Homeopathics: Cina, rounds of custom UNDA#s, Para-chord, Para-Solve, various NET Remedies, Constitutional Remedies. Antiparasitic foods This is a decent list of. Dr. Simon Yu combines Internal Medicine with Integrative Medicine, and founded Prevention and Healing, Inc. in 1996. 1T, 2x/day when not on Pyrantel in Kalcker for 10 days, (oil of oregano) 1 tab, 3x/day all month long, 3 tabs WB & 1 tab CP, 6 days on & 1 day off, 30min before largest meal, 1 tab 3x/day, before meals for first 2 months, 1tsp 3x/day for 2 months, 30 min before food in 6oz water, 3 tabs WB & 1 tab CP, 1x/day for 3 months, 6 days on & 1 day off, 30min before largest meal, 710 mg 2x/day for 3.5 days, then repeated in 1 month, 6 pills 2x/day continued from previous month, 2 pills 2x/day plus prazi in castor oil on skin near liver for 4 weeks, 1T 2x/day for 1 week, then 1tsp 2x/day for 3 weeks, 710 mg 2x/day for 4 days, then 1 week off, then again 4 days. 29 0 obj I've been doing DNA tests that find that people have parasite problems in dental cavitations (pockets left after tooth removal) and in periodontal problems. Personally, I have found the best anti-virals to be non-pharma products. we have used but not in the context of helping with parasites. I have yet to see an herb-only protocol that works. from a 24 hour Fasting Protocol to a 7-14 day Fasting Protocol. annab2015. Western MDs, DOs, NDs and other practitioners do not know how to diagnose, let alone treat parasites. Prevention and Healing, Simon Yu, M.D. That was developed by German acupuncturist, Dr. Reinhard Voll. This is to avoid causing other problems, namely candida, dysbiotic bacteria, and fungal overgrowth. Information presented on this site is not intended to serve as medical advice. Home. <> Radical Remission Surviving Cancer Against All Odds 2014. To use the analogy from the military training, we are looking for what I call an asymmetric threat. I had to break the dose into three and take every 6 hours.. Slowly, I became thankful that these creatures were coming out. In 2001, I was in Bolivia on a mission for Indian natives. It was all just phenomenal. Its a continual spectrum. I think most people with chronic illness, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, MS, Parkinson's, and other neurologic disorders or cancer, at least 90% of the time, have problems with parasites and dental problems.