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I like to participate in architectural competitions from time to time, especially when an exciting subject comes up. Daeho Lee, Beomki Lee andJaeyual Lee from United States! "We wanted to gain more experience outside of the academic realm, but most importantly we wanted to test how we work as a team and gain more collaborative experience. Image Monica Suma / Lonely Planet. Therefore, we can have fun while also challenging ourselves to enhance our potential.". Martin van der Vijver, Baktash Ibrahimi and Bas van Oosterom from Netherlands! Mafalda Mota, Mariana Simes and Henrique Andrade from Portugal! ", "For us, this is an opportunity to challenge ourselves. ", MICROHOME2019 - SMALL LIVING, HUGE IMPACT! ", "Participating in architectural competitions for me is a great way to gain experience in formulating and sharpening ideas and architectural concepts, practicing the skills necessary to translate my ideas and it is essentially what I love doing most: Problem-solving and inventing things. Kantinan Na Nakorn, Sasipim Sivaroroskul and Theethaj Pholampaisathit from Thailand! It allows architects to dream big and to spread their ideas to a global audience. To challenge myself and to learn from others. We probably want to be challenged a bit and feel the adrenaline of a short-term project. For example, individual houses may be shown as small black squares. Using it as an expression of art, I am free to push all boundaries and really find that which lights me up. We are constantly looking for new architectural challenges.". Competitions are a chance to show that we care about it and we want to show what our vision is.". Many years of controlled disappointments. "For us, participating in architecture competitions represents a promise of being able to explore architectural ideas in their pure sense. ", ABU DHABI FLAMINGO VISITOR CENTER competition. It allows us to truly exercise our creativity by testing the new concepts and ideas that we have. "We find it necessary to participate in architecture competitions as they offer a chance to exercise and challenge our design capability within a limited time frame. HassanChang Yuan Max Hsu from United States! Furthermore, they often give architects the opportunity to expand their experience and portfolio on non-conventional projects that extend internationally beyond the regions of a country.". "This was our first ever competition. The great thing also about participating in a competition is that if you are lucky enough to win, the client has already bought into your vision, therefore the next stage would be working together with the client to realize the design.". Misak Terzibasiyan, Thimo Derks and Amir Feizinezhadgheshlagh from Netherlands! "Architectural competitions allow a sense of freedom to test my own ideas and inventions, free from client constraints and agendas of office life. Katharina Kocol and Olga Bialczak from Germany! Apart form any constraints imposed by the brief, competitions like this one, allow complete freedom to express new design styles, and typologies. ", Las Vegas Affordable Housing Challenge competition. ", "Architectural competitions are a great opportunity to think outside the box, to let ideas run wild, and sometimes to express innovative ideas. "Architecture competitions provide me with the rare opportunity for complete freedom of design, the chance to do what I feel is right without limitations. Doan Bang Giang and Truong Minh Quan from Vietnam! Simultaneously, its an opportunity to explore and express the new concepts that we have not attempted on our daily basis projects. A small task which felt refreshing outside of daily jobs.". Kajsa Henriksson, Paul Weedle and Tara Fartash-Naini from Sweden! Secondly, I am pretty interested in designing the flamingo observation tower. ", "Within such a competitive field as architecture, engaging in competitions, challenges us at a professional and individual level. "Architecture competitions offer a chance to develop proposals based on a diversity of briefs that allow for wide speculation on architectural ideas. They provide me the opportunity to research and explore a place and context that I may not otherwise have explored. Aleksandra Bieszka, Aleksandra Mucha and Maria Pielach from Poland! It is a perfect opportunity to let our imagination go, and to do research about cultures, architecture, materials, and so much more.". Jehovah's Witnesses refused to serve in the German army or take an oath of obedience to Adolf Hitler and consequently were also targeted. The bridge is 1,200 feet long and hangs from white cables that stretch from the cliffs, forming a glass walkway that allows visitors to view 1,300 feet down into the canyon below. In this specific competition we were especially interested about the site, the city of Rome, a historical and cultural environment where Camilla and Rafaela had lived.". Architects usually refer to participation in competitions as leaving their comfort zone. "To challenge and develop myself professionally. "Participating in architecture vision competitions is an opportunity for us to challenge our own understandings of architecture, and to speakour own thoughts out loud. Develop a general expression for the probability that a point plots outside the control limits when the process mean have shifted by $$ units from the center line. We are excited to work in different subjects and fields. "I am a bridge engineer. Also, it is the best resource for us to express our design capability to the public.". "Competitions are an integral part of the studios focus on research and development (R&D); they provide an opportunity to test, combine and iterate contemporary ideas and technologies that become part of our growing tool kit.". They offer a good platform to experiment new ideas and explore different approaches to architecture.". ", "We are extremely glad about this result, and we hope that this success will enable us to develop our collective. Zlata Rybchenko and Kateryna Shumikhina from United Kingdom! Architecture competitions allow freedom from real-life constraints such as regulatory and budget demands, while also setting up an ideas-led brief to create the basis for the testing ground.". "As we said above, were happy to take up new challenges: new context, new problem-solution setting, and new continents:) Win is fun, getting known in the new markets is great for business, but the key is learning and getting stronger after every new case - the skills we later apply for our work with Customers.". ". ", "Competitions allows us to work with fewer boundaries. In densely built-up areas, most individual buildings are omitted and an area tint is shown. Ale Javrek and Ji Buek fromCzech Republic! They test your understanding of various architectural challenges while at the same time offering you different narratives on different societies and places, and the impact design has on them. ", "Architecture competitions have various themes and limited preferences. "Participating in an architecture competition allows the participating architects and students to share, discuss and compare views and ideas internationally. Kajetan Witkowski and Tomasz Zygo from Poland! Also, it is a way to improve my skills of design and graphic representation and keep them at the sharpest level. For us, these kinds of competitions create a space for that kind of exploration.". "I think architecture competitions are very importante to chalenge my day to day work and take me out of my comfort zone. Competitions give me more freedom and control to think about architecture problems and it is fun. "Apart from obvious reasons, I become interested in a particular topic or brief. Interpreting the colored lines, areas, and other symbols is the first step in using topographic maps. Additionally, they present a real need and purpose, and nothing is more satisfying than a realised project that may be of benefit to others.". It takes time to prepare a good project for any competition, and, quite frankly, it is not easy to win them. Shaun McCallum and Aleksandra Belitskaja from United Kingdom! "We think that entering an architecture competition like this means exploring new and innovative design ideas, without the constraints that other types of projects often have. It is very important to take advantage of the opportunity to discuss and study the most current themes of architectural research. Beln Moreno Pedrejn, Oriana lvarez Braiz and Luis Miguel De Jess Dos Ramos from Spain! And most of all, its fun!". I have chosen to participate because I felt the urge to extend the ideas and interests that were aroused from my studies. Introduction: Interpreting the colored lines, areas, and other symbols is the first step in using topographic maps. Balint Iszak and Csenge Gyorgyi from New Zealand! Architecture Portfolio The topic that I worked on was very personal and I felt like I had something important to say. "For me, as an architect, it is an amazing opportunity to express my thoughtsand ideas without facing frames and restrictions. Features are shown as points, lines, or areas, depending on their size and extent. ", "I like interesting challenges that I cannot often encounter in school. Oguzhan Zeytinoglu, Jasmine Auernig, Ece Atil and Gizem Dokuzoguz from Austria! This is good opportunity to get to know yourself and to look at the surrounding whole. All while allowing one to express their response to the question through architectural design.". "We participate in architecture vision competitions as our means to improve our creativity and skill sets. "It would take a good psychologist to know. "Because I have found them a great opportunity to express the way to make architecture on a human scale, through the vindication of previous concepts. ", New York Affordable Housing Challenge competition, "Architecture vision competitions are very stimulating, especially for students, offering an open space for sharing ideas from all over the world. When the bridge first opened, Dotan referred to it as the Bridge of Courageous Hearts. He said, The Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge was designed to be as invisible as possible a white bridge disappearing into the clouds. Mello Louari, Eirini Xanthopoulou, Iraklis Romanopoulos and Dimistrios Rigas from Greece! To exercise our creativity. Kaylee Lamb, Alexander Johnsson, Palina Siarheyeva and Kristina Striewe from Sweden! "Vision competitions bring us to simple, yet strong ideas. It creates a platform upon which to develop new narratives in hand with provocative designs. It allows you to experiment, to test your ideas and to refine them. The competition challenges us to test ideas and rethink convention.". I like to believe they improve my employability. "Competition is a great way to challenge ourselves, test ideas and get a better understanding of our design approach.". ", "We, after working in architectural filed in our country and participating in internal competition, we felt to be in challenges of international competitions and certainly we will be witness of the positive effect of this issue in our professional work.". Gabriel Chivu, Laura Mazlu, Stefan Mircea and Thomas Herrera from Romania! Rubric: Teachers can allocate point values at their discretion based upon what best suits their classrooms. ", VALE DE MOSES MEDITATION CABINS competition. Alexandru Ioan Patrichi, Claudia Galvan Zuluga and Iaki Omar Milln from Belgium! Because weve never had freedom of speech, its very difficult for us to solve these problems. They are often the only formula for expressing creativity without inhibition. "We participated in this competition because it gave us a chance to exercise our muscles on a different project type and in a different context. "Every architecture competition is an uncharted journey and challenge. They also allow me to test my creative problem-solving skills through unconventional briefs I might otherwise not be exposed to. Javier Barrios Rodrguez and Jess Vera Zorita from Spain! "We were interested in the unique site situation and program. ", "Instead of a vicious competition, we attempt to make room for productive discourse via proposition made in an arena set for architects and designers.". This lesson teaches the 1st Amendment (specifically speech and assembly) by looking at demonstrations (national and local), narrowing in on a local landmark (Moore County Court House in Carthage, NC). I wanted to get out of the city streets where I had to commute, and run the autobahn at unlimited speed. "Architecture competitions are a great opportunity to train our creativity, make a statement, and present original ideas. Competitions are the playgrounds of an architects mind.". Nicholas Houser and James Hardt from United States! "We believe regenerative architecture and sustainable design will be a key aspect in the formation of future generations of architects and users of architecture.". above the rectangle, triangle, or circle inclosing the identifying . It`s always surprising to find many different solutions for one location. Architecture competitions bring everyone together at the table, bring visibility and voice to diverse perspectives, and bring out the creative spark within each of us.". "We think that participating in architecture vision competitions is a chance for young architects pay attention to social issues, a chance for us to contribute something valuable back to the society. This is not always possible in your work or study projects.". ", "Its been a long time that weve known each others and wanted to work together, but could not find the occasion. Mike Sudolsky, Patrick Tria and Lemuel Urbano from the United States! "We see architecture competitions as a way of expanding our understanding of architecture. Architecture vision competitions are known for being a great motivation to start brainstorming and conceptual thinking.". "We believe that participation in architecture competitions can create many great opportunities, especially for students. I entered so that I could regain some autonomy over the type of design practice I wish to engage in. ukasz Paczyski, Antoni Prokop and Jan Szeliga from Poland! Something magical and fascinating happens during architectural competitions. "This is a chance to challenge yourself and level up your knowledge, skills and experience. "Because of the possibility to develop ideas quickly. The majority of us will lose that vision when leaving school and entering the workforce, but these competitions allow us to rekindle why we wanted to be an architect in the first place. ", "I participate in architecture vision competitions to gain a broader awareness and exposure that goes beyond the physical realm Im naturally bound to. Though the outcome of the course is not to submit for the competition, its really great because it gives students the opportunity to participate if they wish.". "Architecture competitions like this allow me to think about projects that are grounded within tangible limitations and affordances. "This competition gave me an opportunity to build my imagination about architecture in a basic and original way. They also push you to think outside of the box and do research into how you can make your vision possible. This lesson starts with teaching basic directions and mapping techniques, then moves on to taking latitude and longitude coordinates and using global-positioning-system (GPS) units. Escaping for us means to find the other way, our way, to express our inner thirst for honest work in this field, to take another attempt to design for certain problems and topics.". It gives you an opportunity to try different approaches and experiment which is definitely something you dont see every day."., Archhive: Architecture in Virtual Reality. In this ambiance, the designer could show his own style easily and force his limitations.". Participation in competitions is also a way to interact with other designers, to understand how they have faced the same theme. Kalle Zetterholm, Linna Holmberg, Tobias Puhlmann and Charlie Tomlinson from Sweden! These conditions generate an occasion to bring out the best results of young designers while enjoying the creative process as well.". 273 from the stream bend, 198 from the pond. Simone Marzorati and Silvio Lussana from Italy! While the previous tower had been constructed of wood, the current tower was built entirely of metal, making it resilient to both vandals as well as the elements. "I like to challenge myself, and during every competition I learn something new. Also, the media generated around the project is very important to the offices growth. Laurent Herbiet and Giordana Rojas from Mexico! Kaan Oncuoglu, Ekin Guzer, Orcun Cinar and Sevin Erkenek from Turkey! ", "Participating in a competition means team building. From this process, you can strengthen your design ability by exploring yourself to the ocean of idea that you have never experienced. "It is always enjoyable to share a variety of ideas and see how other applicants came up with all different design options, so that I could broaden my perspective.". ", Iceland Greenhouse Restaurant competition. Mond Qu, Sonny Do and Yeqian Shi from Australia! Almost always the start of a journey is better than the return. It is a platform where anyone with a good idea, who wants to make a proposal for important issues about the world, contribute to the design literature, has equal rights and can share their ideas so that they can reach a large audience.". Choosing our competitions allows us to escape our pragmatic daily routine, is a way to exercise our minds, and acts as a platform to test our ideas. "11 years. We don't really ever stop. ", ADELAIDE CREATIVE COMMUNITY HUB competition. It is also an opportunity to think about more global challenges, to go beyond student design. "Recently, we have been interested in participating in competitions for small projects that allow our team to take a break from the daily studio pressures and focus on unique design problems from around the globe. Its a chance to get involved in other types of projects,different from those you work on every day.". Bryce Suite and Rta Daubure from United KIngdom! ", "As recently graduated architects, participating in architecture competitions is important because it allows us to keep imagining possibilities and stretching the limits of architecture, without barriers and restrictions; something that can be limited in the professional field once there are budgets and clients involved. ", "We love challenging ourselves, especially when facing original, creative, and out-of-the-box proposals. "We participate because we believe it is important to develop research through design on a regular basis.". I find clarity from the ideas that inform the aspects of reality I want to represent. "Architecture competitions are the opportunity for our practice to completely unhitch our design thinking from standard worldly constraints. "We participate in competitions to confront our work, our vision and to propose answers that we hope to be relevant to current issues. It has been very helpful for us to do the project and we have been interested in your competition for several years.". We also firmly believe that each competition we have participated in represents a step towards a learning curve, affecting our practice and teaching deeply.". One wants to make the least impact upon it.. To work on projects that are in a different context than my usual work. Competitions help us to know ourselves better. Moreover, it is also very important to confront what you are doing in your practice and research with what many other peers are doing.". Ask a volunteer to point to the compass rose and name the letters around it. Nasim Mollazadeh Sorkhabi, Arezou Fallah, Sara Vejdan and Niki Haddadrazavi from Canada! It develops us as professionals and motivates us to search for new ways of thinking about architecture.". Beom Seok Ko, Joo Hye Lim, Shiwon Kim and Eun A Jeong from South Korea! In addition, participating in competitions allows us to express ourselves freely, without any judgement and with an experienced jury.". They are a fun opportunity to explore new ideas and develop or challenge existing ones playfully. "We believe that there is no better way to improve our skills and awareness of architecture outside of our job than to enter great competitions like this. At LMTLS, we view this competition as a platform for experimentation and a means to continually refine and evolve our design philosophy and approach.". The challenge is to get together and create something that is engaging and appreciated by our peers and architectural enthusiasts alike. Zhifei Liang, Hantao Li and Yingqi Li from United Kingdom! "As most of our works are built, the focus is on the functionality of the execution, rather than the vision. "I feel that architectural competitions are important in improving your creativity, and also a good way to improve your skills in using different software and making visual presentations. ", "I enjoy the dynamism of leaning toward ideas or toward reality. "Instead of living my own dream, I wish I could have the opportunity to present my schemes to the public, to people who are from different professions and different backgrounds, and to people who might really need that scheme to help them sortthrough the issues they have now. Joel Samuel, Yelena Vieyra, Chris Blahuta and Gassan Nasr from United States! Youngjae Shin and Byungdoo Youn from South Korea! ", ROME COLLECTIVE LIVING CHALLENGE competition. Competitions are a great way to help us explore new ideas for design, and we keep brainstorming,even with countless revisions and self-denials, the process is not painful, we are immersed in it, it is more like a kind of enjoyment.". Architecture vision competitions provide a great opportunity and platform to see and learn a lot from other great works and ideas. Competitions motivate us to strive to become better at what we do, competing with architects from all over the world.". "Competitions are challenging and allow us to gain experience by playing with our creativity.". it is an opportunity to exchange ideas among friends.". ", "As a lover of competition, participating in architecture contests seems like a great opportunity to train creativity and detach from everyday routine. It is also a great experience to work in a team and add to everyone's experience and background to the proposal. Should the pavilion be light or heavy? "Competing in architecture grants freedom, which would not be possible in other ways. Not to mention that they make me want to acquire more knowledge in a fun way! We can express ourselves and work with different design issues that we dont come across everyday. "We participate in architecture competitions mainly to share our architecture and urban ideas and to check the level of our work against the background of the works of other participants. We are constantly seeking intriguing briefs from all around the world in order to further augment our academic development.". Public space: A place that is within the public sphere of society, such as a town square or a busy street. This supports the spreading of knowledge and expertise outside of the home, university or workplace.". The exposure they offer is also an attractive benefit. Topics of Architecture competitions held by Bee breeders involves a wide range of interesting architectural sectors, we strongly recommend every young architects should try to get involved. They are a great opportunity to sharpen our workflow and organizational skills, while tackling new and interesting topics. Explain that a compass rose is a symbol that shows directions on a map. What I learn from my own project and from other projects can be my biggest motivation when not only the process, but also the results are released. Fabian De Vriendt, Arnout Stevens and Mathias Spiessens from Belgium! 10. . Specifically, the Microhome competitions size limitation was compelling to us. the rectangular, triangle, or circle inclosing the identifying arm or service Antoine Chauvin and Jean dUrsel from France! Arseniy Rabotnov from the Russian Federation! I love to design, and the existence of many competitions allows me the freedom to choose to work on projects that interest me. ", "We participate in architecture competitions to improve our design knowledge and to challenge our ways of thinking. "Participating in architecture competitions has been an important part of my personal and professional development as an architect. Nikos Sokorelis and Mary Giannaka from Greece! Reaching 89 feet above the ground, the tower provides visitors who manage the 168-step climb stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Contrast to old courthouse why there was a need for change? ", Monte D'Oiro Wine Hotel Client competition. Jeffrey Lam and Douglas Leung from Hong Kong! Nowadays, we have an unique chance to compare our level to participants. "We participate in architecture competitions to consider how design can resolve social issues the world over. There is probably more knowledge to be gained out of conclusions when feedback surprises us then when everything is correct.". "We view competitions as a means to challenge ourselves, our views, our ideas. Banny Fabian Sandoval Salinas from Chile! "Like many during the pandemic, our graduate prospects were disrupted, and we used competitions to continue our development as designers. This removes any pressure from what the result ends up being, as well as allows us to improve our own ability to iterate and refine our designs. "I have a passion for design and a burning desire to tackle and contribute to real-life problems and global challenges.