eros conjunct lilith synastry

No worries. This brings out their dark side. They have lots of soulmate connections in the charts and both make really strong NN conjunctions and squares in synastry. I have Dejanira in Pisces in the 4H. Ive never seen the Descendant explained so clearly or succinctly before. I suppose I should add that. Lilith brings up deep and primal sexual energy sometimes accompanied by feelings of anger and rage. I think Chiron is extremely important in any synastry chart because it speaks to the deepest wounds created between two people. Sydney, you are amazing. 5. A later relationship was abusive (a psychopath) His Nessus square my Sun My Fortuna conjuncts precisely his Dejanira and Moon. One person is kind of riding the other one in this. Not all people with a prominent Dejanira are victims I disagree.I think they will be until they can truly overcome it with God. We talk about it often (3rd house moon overlay) its just a bit overwhelming sometimes like a sweet dream one moment, then an absolute nightmare. Or rather nessus and dejanira support negative aspects since these are asteroids. It is not pretty at all. Moon oppose Pluto and Moon square Pluto could tend to be dark because they are powerful and not with a harmonious flow. When Eros touches the Sun, the energy of both the Sun and Eros awaken between . Thank you for your reply. Dark sexual relationship synastry top 5 | Signing. Things were so passionate that we were bankrupting ourselves on planet tickets, so after a whirlwind 4 month courtship I quit my job and moved in with him- on the other side of the country. It can ruin possible healthy relationships. The puzzle pieces are coming together for me.. finally. I would say that there must be wonderful soul connections that keep down the abuse that would come up without these. I hope I can do this in my articles. Its not a square but there isnt much info out there on the conjunction. Good afternoon, thank you for this article This is based on experience and charts, as are all my theories. I haven't been able to find much discussion about this connection and I'm really interested in hearing stories from other people who've experienced it. Also, I try to be very direct to counter the tendency in many Astrologer not to take a stand. This aspect almost certainly speaks to karma from a past life marriage. Telling people that something will happen to them because of an aspect is what you in particular FEEL is going to happen, but that is not the truth. The issue is that me disagreeing with you being fatalistic (because what you say is not what always happens, not even 60% of the time because I have nessus/dejanira aspects with most people that are close to me, and I have never been abused or attacked in any of those relationships) does not mean that Im not accepting the truth. his moon is in cancer so depending on what time hes born, there are 2 scenarios :1) my Saturn squares his moon but my sun and north node would conjunct it 2) my Pluto would square his moon but our moons would be in trine. Who does whom, so to speak? Does nessus still be working as a tendency to abuse? The exception would be the person who overcame it through God. The Sun person naturally understands who the Moon person is and vice versa. so what would it be? Lilith desires sacred sex above all things. People tell me the same thing they tell me with Nessus. Lilith conjunct Ascendant This ascendant descendant conjunction alone does a very interesting thing in the chart. That is why I, affectionately, call them too hot not to cool down. There are certain aspects I see in these dark,nuclear passion relationships. I have this aspect with someone Im seeing. Maybe, the good aspects just out weight this one. 2) I just started going out with a guy, we have good chemistry and just checked our natal charts and see we share amazing aspects except for my dejanira. Did you know I had one? Even with a trine this 8th house effect enhances both the good and the bad ? Another asteroid that is dark is Dejanira. Those interpretations CAN happen, but they are not destined to. It was a relationship based on dates and romance instead of the realities of life. Mars conj Saturn is not good. They have transcended Nessus conj Dejanira, which is a new situation for me to see. However, this person would have to play it out before he overcame it. When these relationships end, it is not pretty. I wasnt abused as a child in any way. I believe her Dejanira is conjunct his Nessus by one degree. And as far as I know theres a strong correlation between nessus and psychopaths/abusers. Posts: 9778 From: Death Star . I will try to maintain rock solid boundaries and not get led into any weirdness as nothing is amiss yet. Hi Amiann Ami, no one can describe astrology better than you. They may not be able to see what you are up to and you could use this for your gain. Obviously the hard ones, like by a square or an opposition, adding to the (possibly) destructive passion! YES. To summarize, I would say that Mars/Pluto could be passionate sex and passionate emotions but no soul.If a chart had no Moon aspects and Mars/Pluto aspects, I would say it would be a fling. my sun in exact opposition to his pluto (I have this aspect in the natal chart) and my pluto in conjunction with his sun in an orb of 7 even far he can feel it? Thank you again. Also, there is no abuse either way. Priapus is likewise called a "minor rustic God" or even "an oversexed gardening God." This is a difficult aspect, but the couple often meets in this life to try and heal the wound. I can relate to everything Ive read from you. lol. You never want to leave your beloveds side until they put you in the grave. These are too many questions for text. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. That mars/nessus of his is also square his moon/pluto. With any Chiron aspect to the other persons Juno, there was a wound created through marriage in a past life. Lilith Conjunct Ascendant Synastry Sun Conjunct Lilith Synastry This connection will burn as hot as the sun! Further, there is such a thing such as free will. Thank you, Amiann. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Asteroids and aspects do not control people. If that does not float your boat, feel free not to read. so, quick question, where do I post it? Their capacity for intimacy and shared desire to melt into the fires of transformation is nothing short of total risk, which each are compelled to take- no questions asked. There was some sort of karma created, whether the relationship was painful or whether one person abandoned it. Thanks for your posts Ami. You are very welcome, my Friend. "I want to welcome you to my website. I get into this discussion a lot with people. I could not agree more with this. For your daughter, watch out she does not get sexually abused. "In Greek art Eros was depicted as a winged youth, slight but beautiful, often with eyes covered to symbolize the blindness of love. Do you think the way it plays out ties into whatever our attitudes toward Eros/Lilith themes (erotic transformation, primal urges, etc) were to begin with? Positive aspects speak to a generally happy marriage, but there is still karma to be worked out now. A Lilith conjunct Mars synastry creates an intense hot affair that can lead to abuse of power and hostility, and this couple must learn to take care of each other before passion consumes their lives. Hi Would an eighth house overlay make these destructive or strengthen ? I am so thankful to have such a resource like this for guidance. They often indicate a desire to sexually conquer/arouse one another. We are to take the blueprint that is given and then do what we want with it. Their chemistry is obvious even after all these years but she did recently reveal that some light BDSM play is involved. The planets, asteroids, and stars do not cause only one particular outcome. What if a man has Dejanira conjunct a womans Sun? I have my dejanira conjuct by one degree with my AC line. I was shocked to see it in this couples charts. 3. . Love, They may cause each other significant pain and strife, but God help any outsider who dares to point it out. How about choose one aspect and I will try to help, T. Not to be rude, but this is incredibly fatalistic. what would the double wammy of sun and pluto look like? I guess ill post mine and then our synastry chart. If someone does not want to accept the truth, that is their choice, but I, personally, will not do their chart. Would the aspects to the venus offset the negativity that the Dejanira implies? The nessus and deja conjunction is in Cancer. You find them sexually attractive. His dejanira is in opposition to his vertex. Its completely okay to stand by what you wrote. At the end of the day, that is all this god and goddess really ask for.". If you want to ask about 2 aspects, I will try to answer but an answer on the whole relationship needs an entire chart reading. You example above is only if a woman has Dejanira conjunct a mans ASC, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus or NN, you will be his victim. Any feedback on the roles being reversed? I reply to the comments out of order because I do it on the central comment form. I never heard of these asteroids, especially being linked to abusers and victims. Thanks you, Jos. What is your opinion on I dont do the Draconic. I have this kinky fantasy specifically for him putting a really big needle into me as part of a medical procedure but this isnt my kink or fetish. It is really rocking my world right now <3. It needs to be 3 degrees, tops, so no worries there! Eros in Aries makes a person love the chase. In mythology, Eros was the god of sexual love and desire. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Ascendant opposite ascendant (1st house on the 7th house overlay). There is no superficial way to get to know Lilith through the experience of the erotic. His sun/jupiter/neptune/venus are on my venus/saturn trouble spot in scorp. There is so few information on these aspects so I really appreciate reading more about it here and in the forum. I have not seen it fail in all of my chart work. Thats like saying everyone with their own natal mars square pluto aspect makes them destined to be molested. Moon conjunct Pluto is the strongest of the Moon/Pluto aspects because the conjunction trumps any other aspect in strength. Things dont come out until marriage, sometimes. Yes very passionate.50shades of grey is just childplay. <3, Hi AmiAnn, do you have any thoughts on this? That is why it is so powerful. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. This vertex conjunction shows up again like in my previous relationship. Well, maybe, but dont most abusers have a history of childhood abuse themselves? It always starts this way. I have seen it in a few people, only. I wouldnt think my mars/Pluto semisextile is as strong though it can do damage. You truly made my day! Think sitting next to a roaring fire. PS I checked the synastry of a man I know for sure was abused by his own father physically and emotionally, throughout his childhood, and this mans Nessus is conjunct his fathers Sun. Can you relate to it or are just worried in general lol. She has never treated me as less than, and she is extremely giving. If other aspects and planets in the chart point to marriage, then it was probably a romantic, attractive marriage where the couple did not see each other all day, did not share a bedroom, had a large household staff, lived apart, etc. That is why it feels so life and death. Before I leave this subject, I will add my theory. His ascendant is at 24 Virgo and has 0 Virgo in his 12th house. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. YOU are the most important person to me. How fortunate we are to have such a wonderful body of info to help us! I have found that when someone's personal planets make strong aspects to someone else's natal Eros, a strong sexual bond and attraction is indicated. Mars is the planet of passion, desire and sexual drive and Eros is the physical act of sex Re: Lilith conjunct . Her NN on his 7th makes me think its a past life hold. my mars is there too though, trining his Scorpio pluto 0.25 we have physical heat but plenty of fighting. It may seem challenging but we share many conjunctions and trines/sextiles. Is it a similar power to the conjunction? You could post it in my Forum if you would like, Eva. You can have Mars/Pluto with a fling and not feel a thing in your emotions.We have the same kind of weighting with the conjunction, trine, opposition and square as we did above. We are dealing with very primal emotions here and we all know what primal emotions and passions can do if a person is not careful. Yes, I was thinking about this. I would need to see more, Jenn! Hi Ami, Ive been quietly enjoying your site for years now and am finally reaching out as Im intrigued by your work on nessus/deja and recently entered into a relationship with someone (not romantic) who I discovered has nessus and mars conj my nn exact. That never ceases to amaze me, either! I just got into astrology a month ago and find it fascinating. with Dejanira conjunct his natal Saturn, Mars. I really have not looked at these aspects in signs, though. I didn't eroticize his everyday actions. Keep an eye on anyone who is near her. To be honest, few people overcome Nessus. Dejanira trines my Ascendant. I was wondering how much weight can have the orbit in a synastry.. for example, I have with a guy a Venus trine Pluto, but 5.46 orbit.. does it counts? Dejanira is the victim asteroid. and should I post the picture of the chart (I usually get it from I remember the first time I discovered how to read a synastry chart; I worked with mine and my boyfriends for about 6 hours. There is NO way this will work out well, in my opinion. Thank you, Kay <3 How do we honor Lilith in our lives? Next, I have uncovered that in my Draconic Dejanira is 1 degree conjunct my natal Scorpio Moon. Thank you Ariel! Does that fit and I applaud your willingness to face yourself. I always seem to have the opinion that these people are somewhat evil yet gullible and innocent and therefore they deserve to be abused. Thanks! It can also happen that there are changes in your love life when the Vertex is triggered in your birth chart by some transiting planet or progression. The Lilith conjunct Mars synastry aspect means that this relationship is made up of two fighters. It can be done but it is rare that someone reaches that level of spiritual mastery. If it has not of yet, it may be a new relationship. That being said, the charts WILL play out, imo and ime. I am worried about being the abuser here. Things DO offset things but one must look at everything to see a final answer which is my goal when doing charts.I am not trying to sell myself here, just trying to show that your question is too deep for a quick answer, my Friend. Most karmic astrology synastry reports dont take Chiron into account nearly enough. Can my Fortuna have some healing effect? If you want to end it, be upfront and be kind. I think you will have the urge to abuse. M. What are the exact Sun/pluto aspects Maria? I also have Nessus in 22 Virgo exactly opposite my Sun, conjunct my Asc in 18 Virgo, and I am NOT an abuser, unless its in self defense.Either way, I dont enjoy hurting people. It gives no leg room, and its fearful to people. And when you really think about it this line of thought deserve to be abused is quite sociopathic in nature. Lilith, both Black Moon and Asteroid 1181, brings up deep and primal sexual energy sometimes accompanied by feelings of anger, rejection and rage. Does it matter if he doesnt have pluto in aspect to my venus (mine is 19 Libra)? -Eros conjunct their personal planets ( Sun,Moon,Venus, Mars etc.). It "wakes up those areas inside of us and causes us to express them sexually, free from the restrictions of reality. However, it's recommended to do an individual birthchart analysis before analyzing the Synastry to see the personal needs and potential for maintaining a healthy relationship. What does that mean? Eros in Synastry seems appropriate to discuss for this time of year. His dejanira is conjunct with my sun. The Nessus is usually the abuser but in this case, it was the son. In some past life, at some point, weve been married to almost everyone weve dated or had some type of relationship with. My Dejanira is square his venus (-0a) and conjunct his vertex (0s). If it feels too, too good to be true, it often is. Your analysis is lovely. . This will be HOT. I had waaaaay more rage than he did (granted, there were reasons for that) and said things so hurtful that I wince now when I think about them. Are they married, Lo. I had a very intense, psychically damaging and life changing relationship with a man whose Eros was directly conjunct my Lilith, and also more loosely conjunct my Neptune & Descendant. I always question the role of house overlays and given this topic the 8th house comes to mind. Also, It doesnt suit me. 1) Planetary house overlays (1, 5, 7, 8, 9 = most important) 2) Planetary aspects. orb). It is a true soul mate aspect, to me. You may be fated to marry. What are your thoughts? That is what I was saying. I dont want people to get the wrong idea and then get scared over a small aspect. The relationship seems to end in a certain way, too. That Pluto/DSC has been a source of confusion and frustration for me for a while, but now it makes sense. Hi, anyone can tell me more about a double whammy Pluto-Venus? Lilith on the ic is one of the more potent lilith synastry to have even in the composite. There is always a risk with Eros when he falls on a personal planet of point, and meeting Lilith is the greatest of them. His Nessus makes no major aspect to my planets, except a 3 orb trine to my Mercury and North Node, and Vertex..could this mean well step on each others toes when it comes to reaching our goals? In these dark, sexual relationships, you feel the raw passion and soul mate connection like no other. Wow, Pluto conj the DSC may be looking for partners who have strong primal power and you may not have accessed your own. They made my day, Jeanie. I am curious about the dejanira/nessus aspects. His 8th house Nessus is conjunct my 7th house Dejanira (2s), opposite my moon (-1s) and square my mercury (2a). Maybe also Mars/Uranus? . However, Moon/Pluto in conjunction does not have to turn bad. He may have little sympathy for her weakness. Grace dear Next: Synastry Books Compared . Lilith and Ceres conjunct in the synastry chart Your rebellious free spirit and nurturing sides are enmeshed. Eros is looking for his equal to explore the realm of creative intimacy. Thank you for this information! Lilith cops the craziest projections - that she could cause miscarriages or tried to wreck men's marriages via 'erotic nightmares' and so on. The fear can totally destroy someone over something that they read as if its fact. It is the passion of lovers and the pure, primal love of a mother for her baby. Required fields are marked *. Am I right? I know how important moon moon aspects are to you, Venus pluto aspects This really highlights this magnetic quality to this conjunction and creates a situation where each individual holds the . Is there a good part to Nessus/deja conjunct? Hi Amiann, how do you think nessus square neptune would play out in synastry, lets say if its almost exact. Thanks SO much for your kind words. If I had read this as a 14-16 year old, I wouldve been waiting everyday for my mother to start emotionally, mentally, or physically abusing me, and it would have put me in a constant state of fear because I didnt know much about astrology or how complex and fluid it is. thank you again for being so welcoming, Thank you so much, Sovietlana! Nessus is the abusers asteroid. The pairing can easily fulfill the other's sexual desires and unlock some of their naughty fantasies. Any comments will help. But interested to see how things unfold. His Nessus conjunct her midheaven. You made my day, Juice and Welcome! Can it be dangerous amiann? As I see more pieces, I think my awareness shifts, and I do feel like that makes a difference. I generally cannot stand them, and their tendency to be arogant and conceited towards anyone who doesnt think the way they do does come across as downright abusive to me. I am prone to being attacked in this way. Does the man walk up to you and tell you that he wants to abuse you because you seem like the perfect victim? Do we exile her from consciousness or build her a sanctuary for potent, creative expression? There is also a near-exact conjunction of his north node to my Eros. Conjunctions, oppositions, and trines are best. This transit is positive as well as painful, destructive and revelatory. They have a very imaginative sex life. We also had a Juno Vertex conjunction. You have such a sweet spirit. I am not surprised this happened to you. If one does not see any abuse when this happens, my opinion would be that they dont know the person enough lol. This relationship can be really passionate, fiery, and exciting. Amazing emotional+sexual chemistry though there was some bumps in the way. And my pluto trine his sun and, Mars sq Pluto can be violence and/or violent/strong passions. Free Horoscopes charts, calculations Birth Natal Chart Online Calculator Ascendant, Rising Sign Calculator Astro Portrait: Sun, Moon, ASC Personal Daily Horoscope Transit Chart Calculator Secondary Progressions Solar Arc, Solar Return, Prognoses Synastry, Composite, Davison Chart Traditional Astrology Calculator Sidereal Astrology Calculator Draconic Astrology Calculator Various astrology . OkI really cant comment on the sign, per se. Pick your top two questions and I will try to help, my Friend! If you do not have either of these in the natal but have them in synastry, it will play out the same way. I meant in synastry her saturn conjuct his deja 1 degree, Thats ok. Aww She may ride his case for being a victim like say, get over it etc etc, Pingback: Dark sexual relationship synastry top 5 | Signing. I agree with Sydney. Is this a synastry, Ariel? The opposition would be the same but not as locked in or as intense. DRACO CHARTS (DRACO-NATAL/ DRACO-SYNASTRY) Originally posted by kellyaroman What is a draco chart in astrology ? Im 30 with a mother that is 32 years older than myself and have never experienced any abuse, and Ive been alive and around my mother long enough to experience it. I write the truth not to placate people but because the truth is the only thing that heals. You lose about 25% but still have about 75%. Uranus/Mars in synastry can be kinky. Deep soul love, incredibly painful at times. Nessus conj the NN in the natal would be a person who would likely be abusive. Please please do Nessus conjunct Lilith in synastry?? Crow Symbolism: Spiritual Meaning Of The Crow, 6 Effective Studying Spells For Exams, Class, & Enhanced Focus, Winter Solstice & Yule: Rituals, Traditions, And Ways To Celebrate. However, if you have Nessus/Dejanira and Mars/Uranus, particularly in hard aspect( opposition and square), it may make for dark spice, shall we say. Maybe, maybe not. I am not mad, I am correcting you for instilling fear in people with your claim to truth. I do find it funny that I have Dejenira in 5 deg Sag, since most of my arch enemies were Sags. My mother has her Nessus conjunct my sun and she has it conjunct her own north node, and my Dejanira is conjunct her moon, and there has NEVER been any type of abuse. A recent past life will influence every bit of the relationship you have now.