In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #37, Derpy briefly takes part in the Crystal Empire battle against the umbrum on page 13. I'm Derby Hooves! After Derpy's name was removed from The Last Roundup, Hasbro has not put the name Derpy in merchandise. 2:19 – standing in the crowd for Trixie’s show, 2:29 – flying above the crowd, 4:50 – back on the ground, 18:04 ~ 18:31 – in the crowd congratulating Twilight, 19:08 – looks at Trixie, 19:15 – glaring at Snips and Snails, 20:29. 4:45 ~ 7:38 – in the audience at the party for Applejack without wings or a cutie mark, 14:52 –. The episode was actually centred on the character Applejack, but most fans remember the episode for Derpy’s short scene. Later, she takes the place of the star, since she wears one on her head. She appears in Sweet and Elite along with many other ponies during a shot in the song Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know), wearing the same paper bag that was part of her costume in Luna Eclipsed, in addition to a pearl necklace. [9] Faust later stated that "it sounds like [the name has] finally landed on 'Derpy Hooves'". 9:47 ~ 10:03 – in the crowd at Fluttershy’s first fashion show, 10:00 – cross-eyed, 10:25 ~ 10:35 – at the sidelines of Fluttershy’s red carpet, 15:50 – joining the crowd around Fluttershy, 16:43 ~ 18:39 – in the audience of Fluttershy’s latest fashion show, 16:47 – in the upper-right corner behind Lyra Heartstrings, 17:10 – watching Fluttershy up close, 17:20 – perks up at Fluttershy’s accident, 17:29, 17:30 – watching Fluttershy skid across the stage, 17:41 – watching Fluttershy act like a dog, 17:47 – cross-eyed and displeased, 17:53, 17:56, 18:37. She flies by Rainbow Dash and compliments her work, but bumps into a pillar behind her and sends it hurtling to the ground. Later, she appears in the crowd at Iron Will's seminar. As a non-playable character, usually called "the pony in the box", she hides under a box at random locations and gives the player bits and occasionally gems when tapped; the text of quests involving her suggests she is well-liked by the other characters and they will go out of their way to interact with her after she is uncovered. 1:28 ~ 1:45 – standing in front of the vegetable stand. Or something. For both of these, her eyes unintentionally[51] appear straight. 2:06 – standing cross-eyed in the street, 2:11 – staring cross-eyed at Scootaloo’s trick, 14:40 ~ 15:13 – standing in the crowd for the talent show. [39] Gaia Online lists her name as "Ditzy Doo" and her description is "Accidentally went north to get the southern birds! The episode marked the 100th episode and shoutout to the fans, including Derpy’s voice reprise by Tabitha St. Germain. Derpy's first appearance in a crowd scene in the pilot episode was noted by fans due to her eyes being askance, or "derped". Among the more prominent reactions to this change was an in-character monologue voiced by BaldDumboRat in which Derpy apologizes for any offense she may have caused and that all she ever wanted was to make people laugh; an abridged and animated version of the monologue by 47times was even more widely disseminated and, as of April 7, 2012, has over 500,000 views on YouTube. [citation needed] She has also been shipped with Twilight Sparkle,[4][5] and with Prince Blueblood.[6][7]. She also has a line of dialogue in each, but in the latter her speech is muffled. It doesn’t matter what you call her, Derpy Hooves, Bubbles, Stoneface, Ditzy Doo, she will always hold a very special place in this fandom. In addition to sketches drawn in 2008, she drew a new sketch of Derpy which sold for 2,151 USD. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Larson tweeted on May 24, 2015 "I dunno, maybe Muffins is a nickname? 17:10, 17:57 - In the crowd at the Sisterhooves Social. At 15:12 during the Goof-Off, she does a staring contest with Cheese's rubber chicken, Boneless. TOTALLY ADEQUATE COSTUME!" Ponies often respond to Derpy in a similar way that they respond to Pinkie Pie: they consider her behavior strange, but accept it as part of her nature. At least one story portrays Derpy and Ditzy as completely separate ponies, not related in any way. 17:47-50 on the right side of the crowd during the procession. This moment brought to you by your fellow /co/lts (and of course the lovely people of Studio B), and of course the community. By censoring Derpy's name, eyes and voice, Hasbro has both turned its back on the My Little Pony fanbase and given in to the meaningless pressures of an angry minority. One of the first fanfics to pair the two up was My Little Timelord, started in February 2011. In Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell and Rarity and the Curious Case of Charity, Derpy briefly appears but is not addressed by name. A special edition Fashion Style toy of Derpy titled "2012 Special Edition Pony" doesn't name the pony on the product packaging or in publicity material. The episode's writer noted that the character's name in the script was originally Ditzy Doo, and she was requested to change the name to Derpy as a "tip of the hat" to the fans. Derpy Hooves, Ditzy Doo, Bright Eyes, etc At first, her face wasn't supposed to be visible in that particular scene, but a later layout change uncovered it. This alternate Derpy also appears on cover A of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #19. In the remastered version of the opening sequence that is first used in Lesson Zero, she appears in the top window of the first train car. One blogger with experience working with disabled children wrote a lengthy - and very frequently reblogged - piece detailing her disappointment not just with the show, but with a number of fans who wouldn't recognize why Derpy's appearance would be offensive. Hasbro removed The Last Roundup from iTunes in late January 2012, and WeLoveFine, a Hasbro-affiliated online store that sells, among other things, t-shirts with fan-made designs, removed references to Derpy from their catalogue. "[20], Jim Miller in a June 13, 2015 Twitter conversation explained that the name was changed to Muffins for legal reasons. In Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, Derpy appears giant-sized in Ponyville's shared dream, serving as Spike's mounted steed in the fight against the Tantabus. Derpy, also known as Muffins and Ditzy Doo, is a female Pegasus pony who was given the name Derpy Hooves by the show's internet following due to her cross-eyed "derpy" expression in the first episode. [citation needed], On some occasions, fans ship Derpy with Rainbow Dash in a ship called DerpyDash. The name has since been adopted by the crew and Hasbro. This conflicts with the frequent depiction of Derpy as a single mother; some fans have attempted to explain the discrepancy by making Sparkler a family friend, while others have added her to the Derpy Hooves family in one way or another, such as being adopted by Derpy. Duplicates: 11:18 – one duplicate in the audience, 11:56 – four duplicates riding the Ferris wheel, 12:12 – nine orange-haired duplicates in the crowd, 12:19 – one orange-haired duplicate. In keeping with the fictional character he is likened to, Doctor Whooves is frequently depicted as having a "normal" (i.e., non-alien) companion, usually Derpy Hooves. 0:23 - on a bridge near Goldengrape and Daisy; 0:51 - flying through the air; 20:26 - winking at the screen; 20:53, 21:06 - in the crowd during, 20:28, 20:55, 21:16 - at the Summer Sun Celebration (with orange mane). [5] The name she was given, Derpy Hooves, is derived from the slang term "derp", which is associated with someone who behaves in a silly manner and is often connected with crossed eyes. No Voice Actor. 2 talking about this. Like Derpy 'Muffins' Hooves? In early 2012 the fandom dubbed character Derpy Hooves was recognized by name in the show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. It's made of muffins! An early fanfic portrayed Derpy as the mail carrier for ponyville, and this portrayal has stuck to the point that it is an almost universally accepted trait among fans. Derpy Hooves makes her first appearance. Derpy's odd expression has led to a great deal of fan speculation about her character. It was sold exclusively at the 2012 Comic-Con convention, Hasbro's My Little Pony Fair convention and the Toy Shop website; the item went out of stock on the website the same day it was put on sale. The game's description of Lazy Fan states, "This cosplayer’s cunning -- just like a FOX! Larson Reveals All Sorts of Fun Things Cut from Episode 100, Nick Confalone on Twitter: "Just a tiny example of great boarding and @TheBiggestJim's direction: the script said "Derpy waves." Other cards list her as Bubbly Mare, Equestrian Mailmare, Backup Racer, and Weather Mare. Ditsy Doo (Derpy Hooves). [53][54] Alberghetti was reminded of herself in the portrayal of Derpy as an "accident-prone klutz". Another later update has her as a playable character named "Mail Muffins", outfitted partly from Crusaders of the Lost Mark, from To Where and Back Again - Part 1, from Secrets and Pies, from The Break Up Break Down, from School Raze - Part 1, and partly from My Little Pony Best Gift Ever. More designs were later made available on WeLoveFine and at Hot Topic retail stores, and afterwards Derpy was featured on the Comic Con 2011 promotional poster. Read her entire history (minus today’s events atm) here. Derpy has her first significant speaking role in The Last Roundup. In the Croatian HRT2 dub, Derpy is voiced by a woman, but is referred to as male and given a male name (Dupko). I expected a "Wtf", and I got...Derpy Hooves! Alert viewers of the show noticed a googly-eyed Pegasus mare in the series' first episode, standing in the background in the crowd at Twilight Sparkle's welcoming party. Hasbro also pressured their licensed vendors to pull items that referred to the character (such as the shirts from Officially licensed apparel sporting Derpy was first made available on August 2011 at the online store WeLoveFine,[26] though the store carries fan-designs which refer to various characters by various fan-given names. In The Cart Before the Ponies, Derpy participates in the Applewood Derby driving a go-kart made out of a box with an unnamed male colt. In some fanart, Derpy is either classmates with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy during flight school, or colleagues with them. Depending on the work, they may even be roommates. A Pony Poem image posted by the official Facebook page of Gameloft's mobile game on July 2, 2014 refers to her as "Derpy Hooves" in a poem attributed to "Scott H."; the accompanying text of the post itself initially used the name "Derpy" but within two hours was edited to instead simply use the term "her".[38]. 11:54 - Seen among other ponies cheering as pumpkins were thrown. January 21st, 2012 As of Season 2, Episode 14, The Last Roundup , Derpy has been officially named by Studio B, and even given a voice (done by Tabitha St. Germain). Though originally just a animation error by the animators, fans latched on to the odd-looking Pegasus, and she became one of the first background ponies to be given special fan attention and characterization.Eventually the producers of the show took notice and began giving Derpy walleyes in all her appearanc… In A Hearth's Warming Tail, during the song Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again, Derpy helps trim the tree, but she drops the star that goes on top. At 21:26 her eye appears for two frames during the fade. Incarnations On BTVA: 6 Versions from 6 Titles. #MLPseason4 FUN FACT We avoided hiding that certain pony in any episodes before her return today to keep it more of a surprise. 8:31 - 8:35 - a Pegasus filly with the same color scheme, obscured behind Apple Bloom and ", 7:00 - in the doorway to Fluttershy's chicken coop, 4:30 - in the crowd, cheering for Rainbow Dash, 10:06 - in the squares during the song in her 'Bags outfit' from Nightmare night to the left side of Rarity (One row below, Four columns to the left). How else would you expect her to fund her lifelong 'showing up in the background' hobby?" [44][45][46] Hasbro's My Little Pony Facebook page referred to her as Muffins in a post on May 24, 2015. For season two, she has gained a scripted-character status rather than an arbitrary background pony and she is considered a "Where's Waldo"-type challenge for the fans. In My Little Pony The Movie, Derpy appears during We Got This Together at the Friendship Festival wearing a party hat like a unicorn horn. Due to this, she is usually shown as having a great love of muffins, which can border on obsession in some cases, going on a rampage when Sugarcube Corner runs out of a special type in Epic Rage Time: The Incredible Derp. A common running gag is that Derpy keeps emptying Carrot Top's fridge without her permission, despite many attempts by Carrot to secure the fridge or prevent Derpy from raiding it. The game's description of Mail Muffins states, "Yes, of course this pony has a day job. 'Derpy' first spoke in an episode in January, but critics said her name refers to 'derp' - an explicit word used to mock the disabled - and described her as a 'giant retard joke'. It was suggested that Ditzy was the mother of her, Sparkler, and Dinky, Ditzy herself not being present in Ponyville for "unknown" (or undecided) reasons. I...actually think this would work out pretty well surprisingly. Quite often, however, works featuring Derpy place her somewhere on the following four-point scale, one attempt at categorizing the different interpretations the character enjoys in fan labor: In the early days of the fandom, most portrayals of Derpy tended toward the two extremes of the spectrum. However, other stories may portray Derpy as being a victim of teasing or bullying due to her strange eyes, which may lead to Derpy being portrayed as isolated from other ponies or very lonely, such as in Isn't it Great to be Different? As a playable character, called "Lazy Fan", she wears her Dr. Caballeron costume from Stranger Than Fan Fiction. ", Tabitha St. Germain replying to an e-mail from a fan about Derpy's voice. 08:24-32 between Chrysalis and Cadance, 08:32-3 on the left. (Ask Question thre, M.A. Most notably in the background of the surprise party Pinkie Pie threw, where her signature "derp face" caught fan's attention. Fan characterization of Derpy's personality varies widely, but she is almost always depicted as being the Ponyville mail carrier, and having a fondness for muffins. In the Battle of the Bands, Derpy participates in a band with "Blueberry Pie" … Replaces Rainbow Dash on the Ponyville team when she fakes her injury. Since Hasbro had already given the episode a green light, he didn't order fixing Derpy's eyes. In some fan labor, such as BaldDumboRat's tumblr Lovestruck Derpy, Derpy is depicted as being in love with the Doctor. Though originally just a animation error by the animators, fans latched on to the odd-looking Pegasus, and she became one of the first background ponies to be given special fan attention and characterization. The voice actress assumed she was a colt, and not a filly, so tried to make her sound like a nasally boy in her neighborhood, lowering her pitch which made it a bit rough sounding. "[22], In the script for Slice of Life, she was referred to as "Derpy" for the sake of labeling. Their efforts included several online petitions and coordinated - but ultimately unsuccessful - attempts to get the hashtag #SaveDerpy to trend on Twitter. The TARDIS decides to land in Ponyville in 1931 instead. The character is addressed by Rainbow Dash in The Last Roundupas Derpy, where she speaks for the first ti… Derpy is often associated with mail and letters, and is said to be extremely diligent in her rounds. 3,259 likes. My Little Pony Fan Labor Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The scene was later edited to make Rainbow Dash no longer call her 'Derpy' and make her eyes no longer-cross eyed. A pale purple pony often called Sparkler (her official name given in merchandise is Amethyst Star) is seen with Dinky Doo in the episode Sisterhooves Social, suggesting she is her elder sister. [55] Derpy was originally named "Ditzy" in the episode's production and was portrayed as "ditzy" by the writer, Amy Keating Rogers. In the fanfic, My Little Timelord, Derpy claims her eyes are "derped" as a result of serious injuries obtained as a filly when Doctor Whooves crashed his TARDIS. 8:16 In the crowd. Larson revealed Hasbro called her Muffins in the credits. She shares the majority of her scenes with Dr. Hooves. 2,841 likes. 14:18 - On the far right of the crowd at the bottom of the screen just barely showing her head. Derpy makes a brief appearance in the doorway to Fluttershy's chicken coop in May the Best Pet Win!, an episode otherwise devoid of background ponies. Derpy is voiced by Tabitha St. Germain in both cuts of the episode. Carrot Top is typically associated with Derpy in fan works and commonly portrayed as Derpy's best friend. Derpy's only line in season one is "Muffins!" Hey guys! She makes a brief cameo in Sisterhooves Social among the crowd listening to Granny Smith's announcement. [29] A limited edition 2013 San Diego Comic-Con MIMOBOT designer USB flash drive of her bears the name "Derpy" with a trademark symbol, though on Mimoco's website is only referred to as "Fan Favorite"[30] and "Fan Favorite Pony". In The Cutie Pox, a wall-eyed Pegasus filly with the same color scheme as Derpy appears briefly for one shot in the schoolyard, with most of her body obscured by Apple Bloom and "Princess Erroria". Lauren Faust participated in a charity auction for the 2011 Japan relief effort by donating several of her My Little Pony Friendship is Magic production sketches. See image of Tabitha St Germain, the voice of Derpy Hooves in My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree (Movie). The identity of Dinky's father is a matter of controversy among fans. 18:28-35 in the bottom right. 11:09 – embarrassed and at last cross-eyed after dropping cartoonish items for delivery on Twilight's head. Because Derpy is often portrayed as being childlike and cheerful, the mother and daughter are sometimes shown happily playing together at children's games. 15:32 ~ 21:19 – at Diamond Tiara’s cute-ceañera. She continues to drop ranks every subsequent competition as her eyes get worse and worse, and by the time Rainbow Dash is in first place, Derpy is only one step above a participation sticker. PonyVisation by allowing me to use the great "Everfree Shadows" track. Derpy’s Door is a Photoshop meme of fan-favorite background pony Derpy Hooves from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic slamming the door in S5E09 Slice of Life. Derpy was one of several background ponies chosen from a palette and placed in the scenes on the whim of layout artists. The scene was later altered so Rainbow no longer names Derpy, in addition to her voice being altered and eyes being less crossed. A unicorn filly who appeared in the background of several episodes bears an uncanny resemblence to Derpy, and was soon adopted by parts of the fandom as her daughter, Dinky Hooves (or Dinky Doo when Derpy is named Ditzy). She sends Big McIntosh's package to Sugar Belle in the mail but accidentally smudges the receiving address. Derpy is one of the background ponies but also the true elder god of gods. In Putting Your Hoof Down, she first appears in the market scene approaching the asparagus stand while bearing muffin-sealed saddlebags, where she reacts to the stall holder's lack of asparagus. Of the two panels that she appears in, the first has her appearance modeled from Lauren Faust's sketch. In Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2, she receives it back from the rainbowfied Mane Six. A month later an edited version of the episode appeared on iTunes which did not name the character and removed her iconic derped eyes. High quality Derpy Hooves gifts and merchandise. Fandom output regarding the Pegasus has mostly returned to normal, pre-controversy levels and motifs. More My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki. When Princess Celestia removes the spell from everyone, Derpy finds herself fighting with Mayor Mare and returns to her derped-face self. The 2012 convention exclusive, in its box. In Green Isn't Your Color, she is heard gasping in shock at Fluttershy's catwalk antics. That episode also confirmed her name within the show as "Derpy". Sabrina Alberghetti comment on deviantArt, discussing the episode. Her last two appearances are at the beginning of Life in Equestria and shortly after the main ponies are walking together to the balcony. BaldDumboRat, who voices Derpy in a number of fan projects, has mentioned his disappointment with Derpy's "canon" voice, but has also criticized those fans who presume to speak for the mentally disabled. [11] Lauren Faust notes in her Bronies Documentary interview that she imagined Derpy as a "Harpo Marx kind of character who didn't speak and who no one really called out by name", leaving her mysterious and "a blank slate for the fans. However, while bobbing for apples, she accidentally pulls the plug, causing all the water in the bob to go down the drain. You can find the embed after the break! [21] "Clearance type things" that don't "fall under executive 'meddling'. Competitive circuit scene was later altered so Rainbow no longer call her 'Derpy ' and make eyes! Audience before the show next to Dr. Hooves Twilight derpy hooves voice head for two during. Hasbro also pressured their licensed vendors to pull items that referred to the character addressed. 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