The stems are growing into each other which is causing some bending, so I wanted to see if I should cut and propagate the smaller stem entirely. Pat down the soil around the cutting to ensure it’s touching the end of the cutting. Don’t be too alarmed if it doesn’t show new growth. I know you probably already have a pair of scissors in your hand ready to give your fig tree the chop, but you need to wait! I’ve started two propagation of my fiddle leaf. It’s best not to fertilize a cutting until it’s potted and you notice new growth. Place the end of the cutting into a pot with a pre-dug hole (so as to not disturb the rooting hormone on the end of the cutting). Why is my Fiddle Leaf Fig Growing Leaves at the Bottom? This post on branching should help! But I have bad news, you can’t propagate a Fiddle Leaf Fig with just a leaf. Hi Bhavna, I’ve had a similar thing happen to my cuttings after giving them too much light too quickly! Read the tutorial on making your own mudcloth-inspired planters. Required fields are marked *. The large branch on the left is growing really well but it’s getting a little bit heavy for the plant. I cut out the totally brown leaf n left the other two partially burnt leaves. Founded in 2015, Dossier started as a place to record notes from Emily’s travels. I have just noticed 2 (possible more to come) growths from the soil. Follow the directions on the bottle and dip your stem in once before placing in water or soil. Sharp cutters will cut the neatest. The first step to propagating a fiddle leaf fig plant is to take a leaf or stem cutting. In that case, you could consider cutting it into a couple of sections to propagate or take a few of the leaves off if you think it has too many. You can! Choose a piece with between one and three leaves and a couple of inches of stem. For all these propagation methods, you’ll need a pair of sharp, clean cutters. I will follow your advice and wait for lower leaves to fall…. Hi! Be sure to check out The Ultimate Fiddle Leaf Fig Propagation Success Story with photos showing every step of the process and how to properly prune and shape your fiddle leaf fig. How long will it take?! You can make several cuttings out of a longer branch. Soil Propagation is similar to the above steps, except instead of putting the cutting in water, it will go straight into soil. Can I Propagate A Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree from a Leaf? You can see the roots forming at the bottom of the plant after about three weeks. FLFs are tropical plants that don’t do well in cold conditions. Take the steps above to ensure there’s not too many leaves on each section and that there’s enough bare stem at the bottom of each cutting to root successfully. Hi I’ve just found your site and love the info. , Your email address will not be published. For example, if you have a pruned section of stem around a foot long, cut it into two or three pieces. The best time of the year to propagate is in the spring. These will eventually grow into roots. If you’ve got a plant that needs pruning, a healthy plant you’d like to replicate or just want more plants in general, propagating is for you! Gently loosen the plant from its current pot, lift it out while supporting its base, and place it in the new pot. If you answered, “TWOlush fiddle leaf fig plants,” then you hit the nail on the head. A node is needed, and these live on the stem of the plant. Propagating generally has three stages: Separating a section off the main plant, nurturing the cutting until it grows its own root system, then replanting it. Thank you, Julie. I propagated with water method and had good roots growing. How to propagate a fiddle leaf fig from a branch. Ensure there is a section of at least four inches of bare stem to use for air layering (or remove some leaves to make space). Allow normal tap water to sit overnight to let the chlorine evaporate, or use distilled water. It should generally be successful at any time, although the process may take longer in the cooler months. How to make your own greenhouse Re-pot every two years to maintain health and vigour. For water propagation, it’s best to use a … Ficus varieties generally take well to air layering, which is good news for Fiddle Leaf Figs! Don’t wait to re-pot your fiddle leaf fig … Plan to repot a young fiddle-leaf fig annually every spring. When there’s an abundance of roots, cut the stem below the air-layered section and remove the plastic. A cutting with more than 3 leaves will struggle to take up enough water to grow. I share lots of plant tips & Fiddle Leaf Fig updates on Instagram, come follow along! Why would you want to propagate your plant? All you need to do it take a leaf or stem cutting and place it in water in a well-lit area. Here are the steps to propagating your plant. Since then it has grown to encompass all things creative from DIYs, to organisation and style. There are a few benefits to taking cuttings of your fiddle leaf fig. I realize I have to cut it in order to make it bushier, and would like to propagate what I cut off. Purchase a rooting hormone like Houseplant Propagation Promoter to help your plant grow new roots more quickly. Place damp. Marcotting is pretty much the same, just removes the bark in a different way. Any extra leaves can be removed from the bottom if need be. I’m in London UK, I have a flf about 3′ tall with a single stem and new leaves. The Fiddle leaf fig tree roots don’t wish to be saturated in water as soon as planted. Can you help identify what it is and what should be done to treat it? All the best!! When a single leaf is cut off to be ‘propagated’, there’s no dormant buds on the petiole that can grow into a plant. I’ve been keeping my cutting in water for 8 weeks and no sign of roots appeared. Please let me know how it turns out! Thank you! Hi Lindsey, I wouldn’t say its too soon – the best scenario is if your plant is happy and healthy in its space, then it should respond positively to the pruning. Should I wait more or this is the end? Currently about 2″ a pale yellow colour looking like a slim mushroom! I’m also going to talk about how to turn a fiddle leaf fig bush into a tree, which I touched on in that post, too. When there’s enough roots, plant your cutting in a small pot. Within 1-2 weeks, you should start to see small white dots appear towards the base of the stem. The first step in propagating your fiddle leaf fig tree is preparing a jar of water. Your cuttings should develop good root systems within 1-2 months, at which point they can be planted into small pots. This is a good method to use if the section you’d like to propagate is quite large (as large cuttings don’t do as well with water or soil propagation). Easiest answer is, you can grow many plants from one original plant. Wait for the blades to cool before using them. The new plants can be quite large and rarely loose any leaves. Yes! Propagating Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves . Use sticks to hold the plastic up off the leaves if it seems like they’re staying too wet. Hi Claire, Always glad to meet another fiddle leaf fig lover. Aim to have roots that are a couple inches long, with some smaller roots growing out of larger ones for the best success at planting in soil. A single leaf will often grow roots when placed in water, but it is highly unlikely new growth will form from the leaf. What Time of Year Should You Propagate Your Fiddle Leaf Fig? When I put my branches in water to propagate, the leaves on the branch in the water began to feel very weak and soft right away. With this easy-to-use product, you will be able to clone your best plants more quickly, even tough-to-propagate species like fiddle leaf figs. Hey! If you’d like to prune large amounts off your plant, be sure to cut the pruned sections down to a manageable size first. You can remove it if you like although it shouldn’t cause any issues for your plant. It’s a popular way to share plants and double your collection, without having to spend money at the nursery. New growth will come from nodes just below the cut. Then you’ll “root” the cutting, which means you’ll place it in water or very moist soil to allow it to grow new roots. This will look like slashing a section of stem upwards, like a tongue. Fiddle leaf fig care. Emily’s posts have been featured on popular travel websites as well as home & style sites such as Apartment Therapy. Will my cutting still grow new plant? You will need a pair of cutters and a jar of water. Fiddle leaf fig cutting best practices Place a clear plastic bag over the top of the cuttings and mist your Ficus lyrata leaves daily to keep them moist. Like above or below the nodes? Here's 3 methods you can use, read which one is best for your plant here. Lesson learned: once your fig trees have good 1-2 inch roots, PLANT THEM IN SOIL. The scientific name is Ficus lyrata. I recommend cutting a stem with two or three leaves (no more than that or they’ll require too much energy to grow). Air layering is more of an intermediate level of propagation and it may take six weeks or more before you can pot it. Allow them to grow for another week or so until you’re ready to replant. Short answer: No. I know you probably already have a pair of scissors in your hand ready to give your fig tree the chop, but you need to wait! If they don’t take off, you can try again. Your fiddle leaf fig will require a premium standard potting mix when planted indoors. While some gardeners swear they’ve been able to grow a Fiddle Leaf Fig from a single leaf cutting, science tells us we need the DNA stored in the stem of the plant for propagation to be successful. Propagating a fiddle leaf fig plant means taking a stem or leaf cutting and allowing it to root in water or soil to create a new self-sustaining plant. Is my tree too small to begin cutting? You can also fill a small, clear glass jar about halfway up with water and use that as your propagation vessel. Sometimes they take longer but as long as it’s still alive and the end that’s in water isn’t rotten, there’s no harm in continuing. These are possible options: Leaf cuttings – rooting individual leaves in water or soil. How you go about pruning fiddle leaf fig will largely depend on your personal preference. Aug 23, 2019 - Wanting to propagate a Fiddle Leaf Fig? How long after trimming my FLF can I expect new growth? The easiest way to be successful is by cutting from a branch that is already producing new growth, which is more likely during the spring. Fiddle leaf figs are actually relatively easy to propagate. After around a month, try gently wiggling the cutting. You can actually use these methods for most plants, but I’m using a Fiddle Leaf Fig as the example. Cutting off a single leaf to propagate will grow roots but the leaf itself doesn’t contain the ability to grow into a new plant unfortunately! I've heard some people call it a Large Leaf Ficus. Photo from Jewels at Home Blog: It's a banyan fig, which means that it begins its life high in the branches of another tree, then sends its roots down to the ground where it slowly strangles the host tree to death. Keep an eye on the jar to ensure the water doesn’t evaporate and expose the stem. A post shared by Emily Connett (@dossierblog), Round Up: Modern Planters you can find on Amazon, 12 DIYs of Christmas: Terracotta Candlescape, 12 DIYs of Christmas: Clay Star Drink Stirs, 12 DIYs of Christmas: Large-Scale Wrapping Paper, A post shared by Emily Connett – Dossier Blog (@dossierblog). Am I right with my expectation? If this is the case, you would want to treat with a normal indoor plant fungicide and it will clear up quickly. Make sure no part of the cutting’s leaves are sitting in water, otherwise they will rot. Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation. Hi Donna, it really just depends what you prefer the look of. You should be. Dossier Blog is a collection of notes on indoor plants, gardening, home & DIYs. You will need a pair of cutters and a jar of water. Plant Portrait: Air Plants by Anastasia May 8, 2020. Claire. Only the stem should touch the water. Determine the section of plant you’d like to propagate. Choose a few of the healthiest leaves on your plant to take for your cutting. The 2020 Gift Guide for Fiddle Leaf Fig Lovers, The Complete Guide to Fiddle Leaf Fig Fruit, Pruning and Shaping Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant. This is a sign that your cutting is ready for some extra nutrients! Generally, you’ll want to pick one of the healthiest leaves or stem from the plant, and use that. Depending on where you are located, if it is Spring then it is a good time of year to prune . Hey Jeannie, how you’d like to cut your FLF is really up to you – depending on how you’d like it to look in the long run. Iam so upset. I propagated a single leaf from my FLF, it has started to grow roots , will this grow into a plant? If you enjoy figs (whether fresh, dried or in preserves) and if your tree is getting old or your generous neighbor’s tree is getting old, you might be wondering how to propagate fig trees as opposed to buying a replacement. . This will give your new plant a short stem and enough leaves to sustain it. Use a large, sturdy pot or container, as the plant can get quite large and heavy. It can be normal for some bending if there’s multiple stems in the one pot . A post shared by Emily Connett (@dossierblog) on Sep 18, 2019 at 2:06am PDT. I’m a new fiddle leaf plant lover and I’ve had this plant for 6 months now. And the joy of cultivating your own plant from a cutting exceeds any love you’ll feel for a store-bought fiddle leaf fig plant! I have a great deal of success using a marcott – a different form of aerial layering. This saves you money and allows you to clone your favorite fiddle leaf fig plant! While the best time is in the Spring, if you give your cuttings plenty of light they may be able to propagate in the winter. Stem cuttings – rooting a cut stem in water or soil. Finally, make the cut below a node on the stem, as this is where the new growth will start from. It's actually a simple process! These three methods include water propagation, soil propagation and air layering. This is when your plant is naturally prone to new growth and investing in its root system. These are also where root tend to grow in propagation. A good Fiddle Leaf Fig stem cutting is usually about 12″ to 18″ long, with 1-3 leaves, and at least 1-2 nodes where leaves are removed. Hi. Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation utilizing stem cuttings. You can propagate the part that came off – I would just give it a clean cut with some sharp cutters where it broke to neaten the end. Thank you Emily for the very fast response! Doing great until 2 days ago when I noted a whitish /grayish progressive discoloration on the leaf. The first step to propagating a fiddle leaf fig plant is to take a leaf or stem cutting. Or should I wait until it’s a little taller? It’s also a great way to see progress with your cutting – having it in water means you can watch the new roots grow! It may take up to a couple of months. I may have overwatered and I used fertilizer. If you’re a fiddle leaf fig aficionado trying to grow your herd, you may start to consider fiddle leaf fig propagation. New leaves are usually too small to propagate successfully. My FLF is only about 1.5’ tall with two stems growing from the main trunk, which is tucked away in soil. Cut about 3 inches below the first leaf. If you’re new to propagating, I would suggest starting with water propagation and going from there. PS- the pot in this post is a DIY! Hi Emily! This plant can outgrow a standard home's ceilings, so if you own one, you'll eventually have to make the daunting decision to trim it. Generally FLFs like to mostly dry out before being watered. Propagating is when you take a section or cutting of a plant to grow a new plant from. Facebook: Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource Group. Indoor Plant Basics. Should the lower leaves be removed to give it a more tree like appearance? Many thanks, Thanks for sharing – it sounds like you could have a powdery mildew. Check the area from two weeks to see if there are roots developing. Similar to above, take a cutting of stem of the diagonal, with a sharp pair of cutters. Hi, Propagating is great for 2 reasons. It’s always good to keep in mind how your main plant may look with branching at the spot you cut . Oct 11, 2019 - Wanting to propagate a Fiddle Leaf Fig? I find the best spot to make a cut is right below a leaf. Fresh tap water could harm the growth of new roots. Lightly water it and keep the water damp until the plant is established. Cut about 3 inches below the first leaf. – roots. Hey Gill, it could very well be a type of mushroom! It only takes 3-4 weeks for the roots to get started. This involves ring-barking the stem twice about an inch apart and removing all the dark stem. You don’t have to prune it, it’s really up to you and how you’d like it to look! 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