Gabriel liked Kris as much as he'd ever liked anyone despite the bad blood between Kris and his half-brother, Rhyn. If you've ever had a sack race, you know it's … She was more nervous than he'd ever seen her. How do you wipe out an entire town down to the rats without anyone else ever finding out? Would she ever outgrow the things mama had taught her? Examples of If I Ever in a Sentence. He was the first real person she'd ever met. No one ever considered it because it wasn't important. It's the only deal I ever lost that I didn't mind losing. he answered. Everything was documented, every visit, every doctor-scrawled record, every prescription she'd ever taken. Inside was the most beautiful gown she'd ever seen in a mysterious shade of dark blue sprinkled with silver sequins. Neither Napoleon nor any of his generals had ever before seen such horrors or so many slain in such a small area. "I don't think I've ever had a human question me," he stated, eyes flashing golden topaz. If my pa ever finds out, I'll get a whipping for sure. After all, no one in history has ever been able to look into the past the way we do. If ever he was a man of perfect happiness, it is now. 2. There are some situations where “ever” is used in positive sentences: There is a rule in English which says you cannot use double negatives, which means that any time you use “nobody” or “nothing” you cannot use “never” but you use “ever” instead. Not even on his collar—on his shorts, where there's absolutely no reason for lipstick to ever, ever be. —used as a more forceful way to say "rarely" or "seldom"I have seldom if ever been so embarrassed. Unless you're using magic on her, there's no way any woman – Immortal, deity or human – would ever choose to stay with you. He couldn't lose the only other woman he'd ever cared about. both the brightest and dumbest man ever met. But if ever there was a country of fogs, that was the one. Andre alone has ever shown me any kindness. If ever she wanted help, there he was to give it. I think you're the most perfect person I've ever met. Alex was ten times the man Señor Medena would ever be. We are both culpable for sending the only innocent soul either of us has ever known to Hell. He paced around the parking lot for a few minutes cursing the first woman to ever deny him, and then stormed back into the bar, grabbed the red head, forced her to look into his eyes and growled, "You will not scream.". He also wasn't going to let the Dark One hurt or threaten or even talk to his mate ever again. "Have you ever met a water sprite?" In that case, then, if you ever hurt me, I'll throw myself to the ocean! First, never ever wear the suit with all four buttons fastened. Martin she was carrying his child? ever example sentences. It's difficult to see seldom if ever in a sentence. I don't remember ever feeling underdressed, though. Don't you ever wish you had someone to share your troubles with? No one would ever be good enough for Sarah in Jackson's eyes, however, as far as boyfriends went, this guy seemed pretty amiable. He appeared more unsettled than Katie had ever seen him. Have you ever seen the web of a black widow? Unwilling to see her death, she closed her eyes, never imagining she'd ever be hurtling towards some distant planet in an escape pod booby-trapped to kill her! It was a great horseshoe crab--the first one I had ever seen. Don't you ever second-guess what I tell you. Of all the mortals and immortals alike he'd ever known, he'd never considered one a friend, not since his father's death. "Best Council meeting ever," Kiki declared. His life was such that no man could ever say, "Ben Franklin has wronged me.". Has anybody ever told you that you're beautiful? Have you ever seen a murder first hand, someone being butchered before your eyes? enquired the horse, seriously. I began to wonder if Martha would ever get her baby back! Today in the English Sentence Database, we are going to focus on some example of "have you ever wondered +..." sentences all of which are interrogative sentences… What a horrible life he'd lived, if this was the best it'd ever been for him! His last lover – the only other he'd ever taken – had been the opposite of Harmony. 3. Ex : "et, mais, si, que" Pop by if ever you feel like a chat. I kicked in more coins to our marriage than Paul ever did. What does If I Ever mean? It was a good, perfect little life, so much more than she ever expected, with the exception that her best friend in the universe-- Kiera-- might as well have been dead to her as far as Romas and his clan were concerned. Jared.s form contorted then grew twice his size as he shifted into a creature unlike any she.d ever seen. He hadn't paid much attention to any woman in many, many years, but couldn't help thinking her one of the most attractive he'd ever met. It wasn't somewhere she'd ever venture, even in daylight. If you’ve ever thumbed through any of my articles here at Honey Copy, you know how in love I am with the sentence. Do you ever miss the countryside? In truth, he had noticed that Hannah looked like the first Ancient.s mate ever found, Lilith. Would she ever reach the point that she felt comfortable about spending the money he had earned before they met? If there were something more between them, would he ever entertain letting her go home? Far calmer than she'd ever been, she crept down the hallway. (ready) " I swear my mom is ever present. How to use even if in a sentence; Example Sentences; Even if you take a taxi, you’ll still miss your plane. PCI - AGP risers, never ever used them although I have seen them advertised. If ever there had been a war of conquest, that was one. He.d lost the only thing that.d ever mattered, and the only person who ever truly loved him. A miraculous turnabout both me and my wife never ever thought could happen " . While it was feasible, Quinn's equipment was cumbersome and there were the ever present problem of absolute quiet, not to mention the security issue. How, in God's name will I ever reconcile this? Definition of if ever there was in the Idioms Dictionary. He said I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. (present) " We are visiting the ever popular Rome. If ever a man deserved happiness it is he. If Darkyn ever, ever hurts you, you have a place to go. Though rough around the edges, Rhyn was the best friend Gabriel had ever had. It looks as if it's going to rain. He deserved an apology, and she intended to give him one - if she ever saw him again. It was cold and large, not the kind of place she.d ever choose to live. however: [adverb] in whatever manner or way. According to a usage note in the fourth edition of The American Heritage Dictionary, "But may be used to begin a sentence at all levels of style. Maybe he wondered - maybe he knew - if his father had ever held him as he held his offspring right now. Did Paul ever talk about working a mine up there? He couldn't remember ever feeling so … off. The land's as pretty as any place God ever created but that doesn't make it worth a lot of dollars and cents. Ever the gentleman, Wynn cleared the table and returned with two drinks: warm, spiced wine. Decent wasn't the word she'd ever use for Rhyn. There were few things in life she was certain about, and one of them was that she'd felt safer with Jule during their short time together than she ever did with her father. He didn't think he'd ever be able to rationalize that both Deidres had gone to Darkyn instead of trusting him without resentment. Jackson hunted him down, beat him mercilessly, and then threatened to stake him if he ever went near Sarah again. How had he ever turned a blind eye to her? "If I ever have the good fortune to escape from this island," he said, "I will be kind and obliging to every one. Sentence 3 means that abuses might not have definitely changed. Holding this back is the most incredibly selfish act I've ever seen. 'If anything, we have too much food.' "Were you ever before shut up in a cave, far under the earth, with no way of getting out?" But if it's not exactly the right amount, it's too much food. It was a regular dream—just clearer than any I've ever experienced. 4. I doubt the trip will ever come about as each of us seems content with our hands-off, albeit revered, relationship. "Nishani, no man would ever turn down such a request," he said, amused. With a low brow and piercing gaze, gravelly voice, a perfectly sculpted body and rugged features, Gabriel was the sexiest man she'd ever seen. "Edith was too damn selfish to ever kill herself," Shipton growled. With her back still toward him, she asked what must have been the most difficult questioned she ever voiced. He was, by far, the most handsome man she had ever seen. You ever find it odd you feel comfortable waking up to find me here? When she opened her eyes, he was gone, and she was just as confused as ever. There was no way a monster like him would ever be interested in his blood monkey! You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Once Damian came back, Dusty was going on his first vacation ever. When she completed her task, she stepped up on the velvet chair, after modestly lifting her skirt ever so slightly. You did what no one else has ever done and convinced the Dark One to stop slaughtering innocents. That's the silliest thing you've ever said! "Don't ever call me that," the devil snarled. Gregory Slayton: I didn't mean that to be public but obviously I stand behind it, look, this is a great country. Why would you ever do such a silly thing? This sentence means that we might have just the right amount of food. Nowadays, you'd be scared someone would kidnap a child but in the old days, no one ever thought of that stuff. She'd never wear anything but turtlenecks ever again! (forgive, forget) " How will I ever learn this? That doesn't sound like any minister's wife I ever knew! She continued to the small women.s boutique that stocked every kind of facial and body care product she.d ever heard of—and many she hadn.t. Well then, we're on our way to happiness ever after. 2. She doubted she'd ever get used to his towering size or strength. It is used to emphasize that something will still be true if another thing happens. ... Often followed by "one" if used at the end of a sentence or by "this is it" if used at the beginning of a sentence. The first ever steel rails were laid in 1857 in Derby railway station for the Midland Railway. 4. Kiera could be the most stubborn and frustrating woman Evelyn had ever met, and she'd sworn off any man, let alone an alien. He wasn.t sure he ever saw her with it on at all. "I'm as ready as I'm ever going to get," Lisa responded without emotion. What if he was the only person on the planet that could ever touch her again because of her wacky visions? The largest vamp she'd ever seen stepped into the hallway. If I were rich, I would buy you a car.. asked the king. 2. He shook his head wondering if he would ever truly understand this woman. She didn't think she'd ever win with him, but she was thrilled knowing she'd done something right. The bed was the largest she'd ever seen, with a finely spun silk bedspread of pale yellow. Do you ever find it difficult to follow the Code when it seems so wrong to do so? All he ever wanted to do was play with his stupid baseball, and she'd taken it and thrown it into the forest. (learn, memorize, remember) " I don't think this plan will ever succeed. Do you not ever wish to have a family, to be as happy as your father was so long ago? God, did that ever come out of left field! Any practice work I've ever seen was done by rote. / Accent Reduction / Accent Neutralization / Reductions / Linking / Improve Your American English Pronunciation / Improve Your Pronunciaton / Accent Training Audio Files / sound natural when I speak / accent modification / … Please can you tell me whether whenever is the same as when in this sentence: My dad said “I can get help whenever I am in financial need.” My question is can I interchange the above sentence by saying “My dad said I can get help when I am in financial need.” With thanks. When we first accepted Mr. Cooms' generous funding, we established this secure connection in case he ever had a need to contact us. She was very much ashamed and hurt, for it was the first time that she had ever been in disgrace at school. He hadn't ever been without his healing powers. There was nothing Wynn could ever do to make things right. He glared at him with his face barely an inch away and hissed, Let's get one thing straight, Skippy, Sarah is the best woman you and I will ever know. It was the first time Alex had been there since the stabbing – and the first time she had ever seen him look frightened. The brutal display of strength and speed was unlike anything she'd ever seen. He prayed to all the deities he never, ever grew aloof and callous towards the humans. Damian was the strongest man Two had ever met. She asked if I ever let you talk for yourself. The sweaters weren't just the most vibrant shades of autumn, they were softer than anything she'd ever experienced. Looking over the largest vamp she'd ever seen, she had a feeling a confrontation between them wouldn't end well for her. Passe me voir si jamais tu as envie de parler. He found himself hating the feeling instead of relishing it, like he thought he would if their roles were ever reversed. How to use If Ever in Sentence? No woman had ever elicited a response like that from him. He.s the most flawed of anyone ever met, but he.s a more honorable man than you.ll ever be! If anything, she was exhausted and in a recovery room unlike any she'd ever seen before. Alex and Carmen were the only parents Destiny had ever known. He didn't know much about the woman staring at him except that she was the strongest person he'd ever met. 151+66 sentence examples: 1. to move as if accompanied by a singsong. If I were rich...<-- I am not rich, but I imagining what I would do if I were. I idealized them as the bravest and most generous men that ever sought a home in a strange land. Your hair is the most beautiful color I've ever seen. She rarely if ever sings anymore. The Zero Conditional – “If + present form + present form” “If you heat ice, it melts.”. How could you ever think you'd rule the underworld, if you didn't take it seriously? "I should like to learn to do that--oh, ever so much!" Wiggling her toes in the plushest carpet she'd ever felt, she leaned against the window sill, exhausted yet wired. TIP Sheet VERBS. If he ever leapt off another building, he'd choose pavement, which might have some give to it. Would Dean ever make such irrational and illogical decisions if faced with a test of his love? And I have a million questions, you can't hold anything back, I want the whole truth, no more lying, ever. No one in her family ever questioned her innocence. You're the sweetest person I've ever met. Even if means whether or not. She mourned the loss of all she'd ever learned or known. She made sure her computer was solely a word processor with no on line capabilities so no one could ever hack into it. If you ever go to Edinburgh, make sure to visit the Art … As birds migrate to somewhere beyond the sea, so these men with their wives and children streamed to the southeast, to parts where none of them had ever been. : Too much of this ballast, and the ship will wallow in the river, endangering the crew and more importantly the cargo if the ship were to capsize. For three weeks the old prince lay stricken by paralysis in the new house Prince Andrew had built at Bogucharovo, ever in the same state, getting neither better nor worse. She wanted to feel his large hands on her body and to find out what it was about him that made her feel like he was the only real person she'd ever met. Stretching, she couldn't ever remember feeling so relaxed or deeply sated. Ol' Woodie was the greatest pitcher ever. Then he added, "If you ever have a problem, I want you to know you can come to us.". Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever stop seeing that. Were victims ever suspicious of their attackers beforehand? I've been hearing a lot of rumors about a round of layoffs on the horizon. he smiled. No one but Sasha and me left in your Council, and I doubt I was ever really a part of it. 1. No one in the family ever discussed the details. Bianca was warm and sweet, the kind of woman who deserved better than he'd ever have to offer. He listened, though, curious what kind of deal human-Deidre had made with the only goddess to ever outsmart the Dark One and Immortal Laws. What does if ever there was expression mean? As long as she was willing to accept that was the only part of him she'd ever have. Kris, he knew, was the best Immortal warrior ever known. The conductor said it was the worst quake he ever knew. All Rights Reserved. It was the craziest thing I’ve ever done! The slim, tall boy seemed to grow taller, as he answered, "I'll not be the servant of any Englishman that ever lived.". It means progress at an ever increasing pace is inevitable. If you ever want to leave here, you will follow my instructions. No telling how long he had been in contact with Alex – maybe ever since he moved to Arkansas. "In a sentence, the verb expresses what the subject does (She hopes for the job) or what the subject is (She is confident). If ever a man was near it, you have been. if ever conj conjunction: Connects words, clauses, and sentences--for example, "and," "but," "because," "in order that." While his form was large enough to be a man the size of Damian's Guardians, his voice was terrified and gravelly, as if he hadn't ever spoken to anyone. He deserved it for kissing her and making her feel things she never, ever, ever imagined she'd feel for any man, let alone a monster like him. It will make us all profoundly wise, wiser than the wisest person who has ever lived. He wanted her, and nothing had ever made her happier in her life than when she saw the depth of his emotion in his eyes and lived through the consuming intensity with which he made love to her. I'm not ever going to know them if I never meet them, am I? Evelyn, her best friend and landlord, shifted beside her before waving a manicured hand at the clear night above them and asking, "Ever wonder what's out there?". No one has ever been able to see into my mind. No woman had gotten through his guard ever. A true friend is for ever a friend. She took me in as a favor to my father and will release me, if I ever wanted it. Don't you ever try to use one of those on me again. I don't think we'll ever learn when reality took over from fantasy. "I wondered if you were ever going to come back," she said, moving eagerly into step with him. Take a look at the two following sentences. Without ever facing him, she turned and left. In this lesson, we've highlighted the topic phrase "have you ever" in blue for easy to understand. “Anything is Possible” So long as you were not given “Life Without the Possibility of Parole” That makes things a bit more sticky. If ever he were captured it might be used against him. She possessed promising coordination and ability to learn at least the basics of the warrior's trade, skills no other nishani had ever needed. Everyone who had ever been close to him died horribly. Rhyn said nothing more, aware it was all he might ever have to remind him of the mortal intended to be his mate. 6. If ever anything were clear, this is the clearest. As they strode into the gardens toward an awaiting helicopter, she couldn't help but think she'd just stepped into something far greater than she could ever imagine. This Deidre was everything he'd loved about his ex-lover: her spontaneity, sense of humor, beauty combined with the purest human heart he'd ever known. Places neither of us has ever been together. Isn't it the most beautiful place you've ever seen? "This is the stupidest thing ever done," she said. A sidebar quoted the vocal congressman who continued to push for an investigation while an accompanying article contained the ever increasing rants of the defense bar. In the United States, sentencing law varies by jurisdiction. He had never experienced this intimacy with a lady of breeding, and knew that if her family ever learned of their actions, they would demand restitution for his behavior. ever in a sentence - Use "ever" in a sentence 1. I'm not sure Edith Shipton ever has enjoyed that much. I am now going to the war, the greatest war there ever was, and I know nothing and am fit for nothing. "What ever happened to Ed Plotke?" She didn't know how she could ever eat again. 1. if ever conj conjunction: Connects words, clauses, and sentences--for example, "and," "but," "because," "in order that." (should it ever occur that) si jamais conj conjonction: mot de liaison entre deux propositions. With respect to luxuries and comforts, the wisest have ever lived a more simple and meagre life than the poor. However, he left Wilamowitz seldom if ever achieved ". Deidre couldn't remember it ever happening before, but it almost made sense to her. Maybe it was her imagination, but it felt like he squeezed her hand – ever so slightly. But I am making a simple statement that life is better now than it has ever been. If ever team-work is required, now is the time.
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