As life coach Tony Robbins said, “You can't feel fear or anger while feeling gratitude at the same time.” Therefore, when you feel yourself experiencing a low energy emotion, see if you can shift your attention to gratitude. After researching several brands, I found Plant Therapy, which has become my favorite brand for high-quality and affordable essential oils. Meditation is the best way to stop, drop, and be with yourself. I do Reiki on myself at night, to relax and help myself fall asleep. There’s something so powerful about this quote. How are you vibrating right now? Human vibrations are composed of everything from physical matter to the way you communicate the thoughts you think. Everything you need to live a life in total balance from the authority in well-being. Terms of Use   |  Privacy Policy   |  Cookie Policy   |  Disclaimer   |  Contact, Mandala Artwork Courtest of Paul Heussenstamm at, This post contains affiliate links. Stick with us here. When you lift yourself up, you bring others with you. While negative ions may sound like a bad thing, they are actually very good for us. What you think about, you become, and each thought you think creates your future. If you can’t find the time to spend in nature (or even if you can! Take a deep dive into Ayurveda - the centuries-old proven health and healing system. A vibration is a state of being, the atmosphere, or the energetic quality of a person, place, thought, or thing. There are many ways in which you can raise your frequency and the vibration of your body: Crystal therapy; Acupuncture; Sound therapy; Homeopathy; Sunlight; Plants; Using intention to raise your vibration. I enjoy several around my home, including the metal basket bowl and the carved salt lamps here. It’s time to make a friendly introduction becaus, Every day, I look at him and wonder how I ever got, We use cookies to customize content and give you the best experience possible. Give your time to a good cause. If you eat a lot of “dead” energy (in the form of meat, fried, or processed food), you will lower your vibration. Different oils give you different benefits. Just get good food, exercise daily, raise your vibration … One of my favorites is in the pic below.). While some people draw you closer, others make you want to keep your distance. Whether it’s walking barefoot on the grass (which also has grounding energy); taking a walk around nature; or even sitting in your backyard, spending time appreciating the nature around you raises your vibration. Start Practicing Meditation. Don’t have enough time? While it can temporarily feel good, alcohol is a depressant and lowers a person’s vibration. Things vibrating at a higher energy feel lighter – physically and emotionally. Here are some ways to help you to raise your vibration. Make an effort to make a stranger smile. Another reason why you’d want to raise your vibration is because we attract people, situations and experiences to us that match our vibration. When you are in a more intuitive space of being, you are more open and receptive. Anytime you get stingy or greedy with anything (love, attention, money), it lowers your vibration and it feels bad. You’ve heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” If you want to raise your vibration, eat foods with high frequencies (such as fruits and vegetables). Much of reading “vibes” is intuitive—you can tell a person’s energy when they walk into a room, for example. Himalayan salt lamps emit negative ions in the air. High-vibration food makes a person’s vibration higher. They don’t force your vibration to shift from a low vibration to a high one. Dr. Hawkins’ research was based on the idea that the more “true” something is, the higher its level of consciousness (or vibration). (That’s the basis for the Law of Attraction.). Reduce or Eliminate Alcohol and Toxins from Your Body. You can breathe in the sunlight deeply and imagine drawing … It might be your purring feline, the beautiful weather, or the fact that you were blessed with another day on this earth. Another great way to raise your vibration is to listen to chimes, Tibetan music, and singing bowls. ), channeling the Reiki energy raises your vibration. Whether you do Reiki on yourself or someone else (or your pet! Silence is the key to checking in to where you’re at and assessing what needs to be changed to get where you want to go. Just the act of lighting a candle and having it near you raises the vibration in the room. Rather than numbing out, adopt a more healthful and holistic way of life and see if you don’t feel more energetically abundant. Reiki is Universal Life Force Energy. Drink water. In simple terms, some molecules vibrate faster and some vibrate slower; there are higher vibrations and lower vibrations. When you visualize, you close your eyes and imagine yourself experiencing something you’d like to have in your life. Be sure your entertainment is of high vibration and leaves you feeling uplifted rather than depleted. Gratitude is one of the quickest ways to amp up your vibration. Each vibration varies from the next. This is the only way you can contribute to raising the collective consciousness of the world. I almost always have Lavender in my diffuser, either alone or in combination with other oils. Realize that you have more control over your life than you thought. Everything you consume is prana, or life force energy. All of these methods raise your vibration naturally because they are high-vibrational objects or activities. Take a break from electromagnetic frequencies. Meditate: This is by far my fave way to raise your vibe (download a free Sourcing meditation here). Here are 11 surefire ways to raise your vibration: Stop, drop, and be. Listening to high-vibrational music raises your vibration. Patchouli, Sandalwood, Clove, Peppermint and citrus are all pleasant and high-vibration oils. While higher energy emotions include joy, love, openness, happiness, amusement, excitement, etc. What you focus on expands. We’ll send you content you’ll want to read—and put to use. Raising your vibration with these easy methods will take time but will be effective for life. You can see some of my favorites here. great vibration raising sounds can be found on YouTube. Change your thoughts, change your life - Nothing is more important than your thoughts. The time has come for us to raise our vibrational forces! Essential oils have become very popular over the last few years, but actually they’ve been used for thousands of years. 17 Ways to Raise your Vibration Fast: 1. Does the music you listen to include violent or low-vibration lyrics? Getting in the ocean is yet another way to raise your vibration! Our thoughts, feelings and beliefs create our real, This occurred to me the other day, so I thought I', When it’s this hot outside, what drink do you en. A feeling of expansion, lightness, and happiness will take over your being, and that right there is the shift you are looking for. I love oils, candles and meditation. 3. Almost all spiritual traditions point the way toward higher realms of consciousness, and scientific studies (like that of consciousness research and spirituality author Dr. David Hawkins) have even quantified the vibrations of different states of being to create a scale of consciousness. Fire has also been used for centuries in various spiritual rituals. When something vibrates at a lower frequency, it feels heavy – both physically and emotionally. This can make a big difference to your life, opening up new opportunities, creating better experiences, and allowing you to … We know that our thoughts and intentions can have profound effects on the world around us. We can learn the most about our energy levels when we are at rest. One of the best ways to raise your vibration is by remembering and thinking about what you are grateful for. Your vibration will naturally increase from having these in your life. Crystals are known for their high vibrational energy. It is our responsibility to be aware of our energetic vibration, to know how to shift and raise our vibration at any moment, and to maintain a high vibration. When we sleep, our point of attraction is at rest. 3. Reduce clutter and create more space for clarity. Raising your vibration helps you attract high-vibrational experiences into your life. Merely intending to do harm can make plants scream out in fear. Nature is a beautiful space to reflect and just check in with your surroundings. This includes trees, bodies, rocks, animals, thoughts, and emotions. It is a high-vibrational energy that is very calming, relaxing and healing. I will have to try our your other tips. 4. 5 WAYS TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION As you may or may not be aware, everything in the Universe has a vibration; n energetic frequency. Definitely looking more into that, Your email address will not be published. They represent eternal virtue. Another easy way to raise your vibration is to spend some time in nature. The ocean has amazing vibrational energy and is literally the representation of life force energy itself. They are beautiful to look at and can have a calming energy. Out of 22 emotions (arranged from highest vibration at number 1 to lowest at 22), blame is number 15. Push away negative energy and choose positive thoughts, for they are the key to positive change. Or how great you feel when you’ve been at the beach? Luckily, there are a lot of simple and time efficient ways you can raise your vibration. So I thought I’d write a blog post about the ways that I’ve found work best to raise your vibration. I am so drawn to sandlewood and I had no idea why. Visualize your highers self. Some of you may be wondering why it even matters. Gratitude is one of the quickest ways to amp up your vibration. You have heard time and again that whatever you offer out into the world will return back to you, as dictated by the Law of Attraction. The following are 12 ways you can help raise your vibration frequency. Even a few minutes spent mindfully outdoors can completely shift your mood, which is why going for a walk around the block when you’re having a mental block or a lover’s quarrel can be so beneficial. Feeling lonely? What do we mean when we say vibrations? Get certified. Let me know below what you’re already doing that you love, or what you can’t wait to try! It has been said that the continuation of the species is due to man being forgiving. Thanks for sharing! Does social media make you feel energetic or insecure? Whether it’s walking, running, swimming, spinning, or practicing tai chi or yoga, physical exercise can help get you out of mental or emotional ruts and boost healthy endorphins. Just click on the button below, and they’ll be sent right to your inbox. This could be as simple as taking your lunch break outside, taking a hike at a local part, or for a longer stay you can go camping. And all energy vibrates at a certain frequency. A double-whammy for raising your vibration—get some exercise in the great outdoors. 5. The antidote is to be generous. This post contains links to my Amazon store. Reducing and eliminating these things as much as possible will put us in a higher vibration instantly. You can find some fun crafts or DIY projects on Pinterest, create a good meal, make a gift for a loved one, write, take pictures, draw, paint. "In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. By eating nutrient-dense, prana-rich foods, like local and organic fruits and vegetables, your body literally absorbs these things, making you more light, vibrant, and alive. Meditation is growing increasingly popular and there are good reasons for it. Find out how you can get a Reiki attunement by phone or Skype here. A good way of doing that is by writing down what you are grateful for. :), Ultimate 24-Strand DNA Activation™ & Spiritual Response Therapy Clearing. Be Sure Your Relationships Are Vibing High. Grow your practice. Fascinating info! Having those positive emotions raises your vibration. Being around nature raises your vibration. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a83bd7b525a492231472f90c08c7a56b" );document.getElementById("a4b86dd944").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); I access the power of the Akashic Records to accelerate the Law of Attraction and clear the energetic blocks keeping people stuck, so they increase their vibration and attract more of what they want in their lives. 5 Ways To Raise Your Vibration From Fear To Love Photo of selenite, scolecite and hematite on a wooden tabletop by Amanda Linette Meder #1 Incorporate High Vibration Crystals All crystals hold and give off a small number of electric charges through various effects, such as the piezoelectric effect or the van der Waals force. If the thoughts you think are pessimistic, overtly anxious, or in any way negative, you will likely find what you are looking for. Be diligent about what thoughts you give your attention to, since it can take only 17 seconds for a thought to attract another one like it and activate the Law of Attraction. Discover your Dosha in seconds and get on the path to better health. You know how relaxed you feel after a shower? “As you think, you vibrate. Like attracts like. Take well-being with you wherever you go with the Chopra app. When you are vibrating at a higher level, you feel lighter, happier, and more at ease, whereas lower vibrations feel heavy, dark, and confused. So if you think about what you want to attract into your life, I’m pretty sure it’s high-vibrational stuff – things that bring you joy and pleasure. It’s all in the choices you make, in your thoughts and attitudes and intentions. Many keep a journal where they write down two or three things, they are grateful for each day. Some examples of high-vibrational music include: new age, metaphysical, soft jazz. Great info! From the epic Indian poem, the Mahabharata: One should forgive under any injury. Take a break from the constant buzz of electricity and technology, and reconnect with Mother Nature. Therefore, when you train yourself to be present with the moment you are in, you resonate more harmoniously with the truth. 1. It is easy to tell yourself that you must have a better attitude toward life, but making it happen is quite another matter. Spend time only with people who make you feel better about yourself, people who believe in you, and are interested in resonating at a high frequency just like you are. (I actually have a Lemurian crystal on my lap while I write this blog post! ), bring nature into your home. Deepen your well-being practices and develop techniques to teach others with a prestigious Chopra certification. Himalayan salt lamps also have a beautiful, ambient glow that enhances any decor. The good news is that shifting and raising your vibration is easier than you think. Make gratitude a habit, and it will transform your outlook on life as you start to experience a spiritual awareness and appreciation for the little things. Clearing away the clutter and releasing the things in your life that no longer serve you, lightens the energy and raises the vibration in your home. 9. Your antennas are raise, and thusly your vibration. It can be tempting to succumb to a feeling of helplessness with regard to the future of the planet and all its inhabitants. When you activate your eight Sacred Geometry symbols, you’ll immediately give your energetic vibration a jump start. Just as gratitude draws more of the same into your life, so too does impatience, jealousy, and unworthiness. As Spirit exists in higher dimensions, by connecting with these higher spiritual realms, you raise your own vibrations. Does that violent action film actually enhance your mood or does it contribute to your anxiety? All these practices aim at shifting your mental vibration and raising your Qi. You can write to us about your experience, your thoughts, and any questions about the ways of raising your vibration. A few are products I don’t have, but highly recommend. 6 WAYS TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION . The past and the future are only in your mind; the only truth is now. I only recommend products that I use and love. Required fields are marked *. It’s all about the plants baby. Start your day in the highest vibration with a morning routine and gratitude. :). Forgiving is holiness; by forgiveness, the universe is held together. If you aren’t able to visualize things mentally, make a vision board and spend a few minutes looking at it and feeling and believing that is … It’s the negative ions coming from the water that make us feel so good. Any music that makes you feel good will raise your vibration. This law of the universe says that you are responsible for your life, and can manifest change according to how you direct your thoughts and emotions. The right lighting can have a significant impact on your productivity and your mood. Try it right now—stop reading and look around the room. I meditate every day, but I think I’ll add a Himalayan salt lamp too. While you are imagining what you’d like your life to be like, you are feeling what it would be like to actually be having that experience. 2. This spiritual practice helps to raise your vibration level fast so that you can enjoy those benefits without delay. In addition to anti-aging, mood, and metabolic benefits, even small amounts of physical exercise can raise your vibration. No matter your upbringing, your current situation or a bleak future, you can change the way your life is headed by taking these steps to raise your vibration. That’s just one of the reasons why you want to raise your vibration: to feel happier and lighter. If you want to give your energetic vibration a boost, consider getting an Ultimate Sacred Geometry Activation™. But channeling your efforts into raising your energetic frequency is one of the best gifts you can give the world. 2. I am frequently asked how to raise your vibration. Love is one of the highest vibrating states of being (the fourth highest level on the Hawkins’ scale of consciousness) and has the power to pull you out of even the deepest of ditches. Finally, surround yourself with people who lift you up, rather than drag you down. Clutter has a very heavy, low-vibrational energy. When you become attuned to Reiki, you are able to channel the energy through your hands. Learn to raise your vibration and watch your reality change dramatically for the better.We show you how.There are some simple but powerful ways to improve your vibration, all you need to do is learn how to celebrate and appreciate your successes every day.Here are eight tips to help you do just that. So if you’re near the ocean,you must take advantage of this way and soak up all of those negative ions the ocean has. You’ve heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” If you want to raise your vibration, eat foods with high frequencies (such as fruits and vegetables). For example, if you’re feeling a little low, tired and worn out, pull out a piece of paper and a pen, and write a quick letter or note describing how energetic, happy, grateful, excited and pumped up you are about your life, or about your day. Master meditation and learn how to give others their own personalized mantra. Now you have 12 ways to raise your vibration easily and naturally. Try it right now—stop reading and look around the room. Download the Chopra App for personalized self-care guidance you can access anywhere. Grow yourself. Welcome to our guide on the many ways to raise good vibrations in your home. 9. Turn your attention to what you are thankful for in this moment (there is always something). Everything is energy. Low vibration emotions would be sadness, grief, anger, fear, frustration, confusion, etc. Animals love Reiki! Read about these powerful ways to manifest your own positivity, light, and love. Living beings, inanimate beings, spirit; all have vibration. Do Yoga, Reiki, or Qigong or another of the martial arts. – Take a few minutes every day to visualize your ideal, best self. 4. Your surroundings have a big effect on how you feel on the inside and live your life. If you raise your vibration you’ll start attracting positive situations and people towards you. Get the sun on your face while you get your heart pumping. There are limitless possibilities. Be as selective about your media intake as you are about the quality of the food you eat, and you will find newfound energy in your day. 26 Ways to Raise Your Vibration. Candlelight gives a warm and inviting glow to any room. Try it right now—stop reading and look around the room. Whether you choose to meditate or do breath work, going within and listening to the rise and fall of your inhale and exhale can help to raise your vibration. Meditate: Similar to breath work, allowing your mind to tune out and listening to the stillness within your heart and breath can do wonders for your mood and your vibrational resonance. Keeping crystals around your home helps to raise the vibration in your home. Attune your heart to love and your energy will start to soar. While you are at it, be sure your home and work environments reflect beauty, passion, and enthusiasm for life. No two humans, animals, plants or minerals have the identical vibration. This negative energy can leave you feeling heavy and burdened. Everything in the universe is made up of molecules vibrating at different speeds. Energy and create a life in total balance from the authority in well-being to a one. Eat, but actually they’ve been used for centuries in various spiritual rituals and the salt... 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