3.Simon Girty (17411818), an Indian trader born near Harrisburg, Pa., and raised partly among Seneca Indians, had been employed as an interpreter for the Americans around Fort Pitt as early as 1759 and as a scout during Dunmores War in 1774. These documents include muster rolls, payrolls, strength returns, and other miscellaneous. I have been on other campaigns against the Indians which I cannot now by reason of my old age and consequent loss of memory detail to any person. Patterson mentions fleeing Hamiltons fort at one point to Keeneys Fort because it was better fortified. No. That he entered the Service of the United States under the following named Officers and Served as herein Stated. Aux Etats-Unis, des lves du primaire. Summary [ edit] The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. he says the News of Burgoynes Surrender had not Reached there.4, Lt Cane was ordered down the Country to Bring up the Cloathing for the Remainder of the 13th Virga Regt now here, But as the Cloathing is not Yet Arrived, and the men Being in the most distressed Condition, I have now sent Capt. On the other hand, they were fearful of being attacked on our frontiers by the British and Indians out of Detroit. Brodhead and his troops returned to Fort Pitt on Sept. 14, 1779. . Dixon mustered for the 1778 trip, and ended up at Logans Station in Kentucky. This is a comprehensive list of Americans in the Revolutionary War. After fighting at First Manassas and in Jackson's Valley Campaign, it served in General Early's, W.Smith's, Pegram's, and J.A. The return includes three companies of the 13th Virginia Regiment and two companies of independent Virginia troops, a total of 256 men, including 15 commissioned officers, 28 noncommissioned officers, and 213 rank and file. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. I shall be 80 yrs. Mar 11, 2023 1790 Early Slave Bill of Sale (Virginia) $500. Gibson made an error when adding the figures of one row of the return, resulting in an incorrect total of 258. State Troops recruited men from Botetourt, Augusta, Hampshire, and Frederick counties and West Augusta District. Thomas Jefferson, the Governor of Virginia, wrote to William Campbell (who had been placed as commander of the three joint county militias in that area) on July 3, 1780, to change his plans from going on an expedition, to instead protect the Lead Mines at Fort Chiswell, as they were a higher priority. Rockingham County Virginia to secure the marriage of Daniel Trout to Catharine Grub b.] However, it ties in nicely with the Griffin narrative, in that they both describe being mustered to transport supplies for James Byrnside, almost certainly via packhorse, to the Fort Pitt region. Private James Amberson, previously of Capt. 4.White Eyes, or Koquetakeghton (c.17301778), a leader of the Turkey clan of Delaware Indians, was elected principal chief of the tribe in 1776. It was again reorganized and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 1 January 1781 to consist of two companies. The regiment moved by train to Manassas but was stationed on the unengaged right flank during the battle. We were stationed at Col Logans until General Clark returned to Kentucky from the Old Chilecothe [sic: Chillicothe] Indian Towns. [M[y Father and my self each had a settlement right of 400 acres of land the title to which we perfected[?] I know versions of his diary exist elsewhere, but the war time entries can be found, Thank you for sharing that, Adam. Combined with the ones we already knew about, they paint a good picture of the importance of Byrnsides Fort, as well as James Byrnside himself during the Revolutionary War era. John Sproull's Co. Lt. John Williams's Detachment Company not indicated 14th Infantry Regimental Staff Capt. While he was there, the Shawnee attacked the Graham family. 13th Virginia Regiment - Brandywine Soldiers Category: 13th Virginia Regiment "The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. It was again reorganized and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 1 January 1781 to consist of two companies. This narrative doesnt expressly mention Byrnsides Fort, but its apparent from the wording that he was in the same militia unit in 1778 formed by Capt. Theres strong evidence through these narratives that our fort was in active military use from around 1774 through 1782, which for the most part is the entire timeline of Lord Dunmores War and the American Revolution. description ends , 10:22526, 247, 253, 260; Russells undated letter to Congress is in DNA:PCC, item 78). The said Gilmore crossed the River Kanhannay (Kanawha) for the purpose of hunting and was fiered upon and kild by the Indians. Their party suffered only slight wounds., After the Battle of Thompson Island, Brodheads troops proceeded to Conewago, where they found abandoned Seneca towns. He commanded frontier garrisons on the upper Ohio river at Fort Pitt (Pittsburg) and Fort Henry. Travelled to a place near the Crab Orchard [in Lincoln County KY], we encamped at night. Upon the evening of the same day, 13th of October, 1862, with my husband and a lady friend, we accompanied the detachment of his own regiment which carried his body to the grave. The regiment would see action at the Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, Battle of Monmouth and the Siege of Charleston. How much more then must our apprehension of Danger increase when we find that by an Act of Assembly we are to furnish 34 Men More for the Continental Army. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. I am with due respect, May it please your Excellency your Most Obed. The 13th Virginia Regiment, much of which was comprised of militia from the western counties, such Greenbrier, was stationed at Fort Pitt at this time. That he was a sergeant and acted as such during said three months tour, that he received his warrant as such, but not supposing that it would ever be of any service to him has long since lost or mislaid it and does not now remember to have seen it for at least forty years. The fortress was constructed in 1778 under the direction of Lt. Col. Cambray-Digny, a French engineer, and named in honor of General Lachlan McIntosh. The 13th Regiment was formed in February 1777 at Fort Pitt. Subscribe now and get each blog post by email. Their Wives and Children were soon after forced to fly into Forts, to escape the danger of a savage Enemy, at a time when provisions were scarce in that part of the Country and must have suffered much since. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. [fn p. 14: on May 11, 1848 in Harrison County Indiana, Mary Catherine Trout, 72, filed for a widow's pension under the 1848 act stating that she is the widow of Anthony D. Trout, a pensioner at the rate of $80 per annum for his services in the revolution.] THE MEXICAN WAR. Book excerpt: A definitive guide to veterans from Blair County, Pennsylvania who served in: Revolutionary War; War of 1812; Mexican War; Civil War; Spanish American War; and, World War 1. GW visited Kiashutas camp in the fall of 1770 while on his journey to find bounty lands in the Ohio country, and in October 1774 Kiashuta visited GW at Philadelphia (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. Wright, which we know took place at Byrnsides Fort, who was then sent to Fort Chiswell, and then on to Kentucky: Living in Monroe County, West Virginia on Sept. 17, 1832. I returned home to Greenbrier my place of residence after serving in this tour 30 days. Enter your email address to get automatic notification of new posts to this blog. That he entered the service as an Indian Spy in the spring of the year 1776; that he was then just entering the 18thyear of his age; that at the time he entered the service as a Spy he was a private in the Company of Militia Commanded by Captain John Henderson; that he then resided in that part of Virginia which is now in the County of Monroe but whether it was then Botetort County or not he does not now know [present Monroe County WV formed in 1799 from Greenbrier County, which was formed from Botetourt and Montgomery counties in 1778]. It seems he was mostly garrisoned at William Hamiltons fort on Muddy Creek. I shoud have sent the whole of them But at the time of Capt. That again in the Spring of the year 1777 he entered the service as an Indian Spy on the 15thday of April and was discharged as before on the first day of November following having that summer performed a tour of six months and a half; he again went into service as an Indian Spy on the 15thday of April 1778 and continued in said service until the first of November following having again performed a tour of six months and a half and that he again commenced his expedition as an Indian Spy on the first day of May 1779 and continued in service until the first day of November 1779 having performed a tour of six months that summer, making in all Two years and one months services which he performed as an Indian Spy. Henry Baughman to protect a company of movers to Kentucky. Each time they marched to Fort Chiswell, which existed for the purpose of guarding the lead mines, of which Chiswell himself was the first owner, hence the naming of the fort. Joseph Marechal's Co. Capt. A Guide to the United States War Department, Revolutionary War Payrolls1776-1784 A Collection in the Library of Virginia Accession number 36989 Library of Virginia The Library of Virginia 800 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219-8000 USA Phone: (804) 692-3888 (Archives Reference) Fax: (804) 692-3556 (Archives Reference) That again in the spring of 1782 on the first of April he volunteered and served on spying parties and in Hamilons [sic] Garrison untill the first of October under the command of the said Capt William Hamilton That he recollects in this year that he went on a spying campaign in company with Lenard Cooper John Shoemate Jesse and John Aursbourn[?] [T]hey crossed over Gauly [sic: Gauley] Mountain onto Rich Creek and down the said creek to Gauly [Gauley] River discovered some Indian sign on Rich creek came to Gauly river which was very rapid [illegible word] to cross they agreed to waid two and two together in order to support each other against the current of the water Jessee Aursbourn and James Claypole agreed to walk in front directly they stated they was washed down by the current both lost their Guns and Aursbourn was drownedd and never seen afterwards they then returned returned to their Garrision dureing all the periods that he has named he was he was engaged in defence of his countary either in Garrison with an embodied Corps under competent authority or out on spying parties and followed no civil persuit and endured much of the hardships of Indian hostilities. 1778, having lost his entire right forearm due to an injury in the military service. Both Pennsylvania and Virginia were claiming to own Pittsburgh. Note: The annotations to this document, and any other The regiment was disbanded at Fort Pitt on 1 January 1783. The 11th Virginia Regiment was a Continental Army regiment that fought in the American Revolutionary War. He aided in retaking eleven American prisoners from the Indians after killing two Indians in the engagement. preserve, publish, and encourage the use of documentary sources, relating to the history of There seems to be confusion about whether this is the same fort as Arbuckles Fort. modern editorial content, are copyright The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. William was a son of William Harvey II(1744-1819)and Polly Jane Robinson Harvey(1749-1844). Theyre the best documentation we have on life and service on the Virginia frontier. He served as Captain at the battle of Germantown in Colonel William Russells Virginia regiment. It was also at McAfees Station in Kentucky where Capt. The competing officers would engage in a power struggle in a letter writing campaign against one another to Gen. Washington. Each of these expeditions ended up diverting men to stay and guard the mines, as they were constantly under threat by the local tory groups in the nearby mountains. The reason Capt. modern editorial content, are copyright The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. That between the 20thand 25thof Aprile in that year he was drafted under the command of Captain John Woods to go to New River that he served three months under Captain Woods on New River after which he was discharged and returned to Burnsides Fort. Benjamin' Harrison Company - 13th Virginia Regiment" of Fairfax, Virginia, USA, as well as other members of the Reed "Revolutionary War - Capt. Historical data on wars and the local area is also included. When the said Genl Hann (Hand) discharged his troops in the month of November in the year seventeen hundred seventy seven when this said declarant after being Honorably discharged returned home. It reported 16 casualties at Cross Keys and Port Republic, 111 at Gaines Mill, 34 at Cedar Mountain, 46 at Second Manassas, 22 at Fredericksburg, and 36 at Chancellorsville. Inthe Library of Congress, Manuscript Division,inWashington, D.C., there are several muster rolls of the Thirteenth Virginia and the Eighth Pennsylvania Regiments, as well as that of a Virginia militia company, all of which served at Fort Pitt and accompanied Colonel Hill was promoted to brigadier general. He served to the best of his recollection under this draft three months. The reason for this was that some of the mountain-folk of Montgomery County were organizing for a takeover of the Lead Mines at Fort Chiswell. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. He also served during the American Revolutionary War as an officer in the Virginia state militia, raising a regiment from Gloucester County and supplementing . virginia civil war reenactments 2022. It's possible it was incorrectly annotated. . [23 March 1820]. He started to the place of rendezvous on or about the 14thday of February and met at James Byrnsides the place of rendezvous on the 15thday of that month 1781. This was in Greenbrier County Virginia. The company was assembled in Greenbrier County Virginia they were then marched to the fort Chessel then in Montgomery County Virginia (Fort Chiswell now in Wythe County). It fought mostly with the Army of Northern Virginia.[1]. At the end of that year, their service was extended for the duration of the war. This little statement was given in support of his his brother, Peter Dixons, pension application. The fort was under siege by 200 Indians making it the second largest battle against the Indians within the bounds of present day West Virginia the first being the Battle of Point Pleasant. Previous Engagements: Northern New Jersey, Defense of Philadelphia, Philadelphia-Monmouth. . < J. Alston wm culled to tbe cbnir, and R. A. MoKoight appointed Secretary pro t*m. Tlio Chairman having called tbe meeting to or- ,0 In or about the year 1782 I again volunteered under the same Captain Wright and marched to the relief of Doneleys forts on the frontiers of Greenbrier County with a force of about 45 men commanded by the said Captain Wright whilst at this fort the Shawnee Indians made an attack on the fort and killed 4 men we however repulsed them with several killed & wounded having fulfilled our tour we were discharged. The 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment raised in central and western Virginia for service in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. Revolutionary War, 1076: 783-802, 1077:860-867 (CSR); Heitman, Register, 249 John Griffee Isaac Fisher [pension application S39524] and James Claypale that they left Hamiltons Fort and traveld along what was then called Lewises Campaign why that was the rout that General [Andrew] Lewis had marched his troops from Greenbrier to the Battle of the Point fought against the Indians at the mouth of the Greate Kanahawa in the fall of 1774 [sic: Battle of Point Pleasant at the mouth of Kanawha River, 10 Oct 1774]. public. This is George Dixons own pension narrative, which follows: [H]e entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated That he entered the said service in the month of September AD 1777 A volenteer of the County of Greenbrier in the state of Virginia, in the Company commanded by Captain James Armstrong, marched from the said County of Greenbrier [illegible word] the Kenhaway to Point Pleasent [sic: Kanawha River to Point Pleasant] on the Ohio River Captain [Matthew] Arbuckle commanded said Garison [Fort Randolph] at Point Pleasent. But he was about to be replaced. Note: The annotations to this document, and any other That he does not reccollect that any thing of importance took place in the immediate neighborhood of the Fort but that the Indians were constantly prowling about through the Country and committing murders and depradations on the persons and property of the frontier setters insomuch that the people were kept in constant alarm, That in the year 1778 he again entered the Service of his Country in Burnsides Fort on the 1stday of May and continued in Service until the 1stday of November following that he was commanded this year as before by the aforesaid Captain Wright. The gates were opened and they successfully got into the fort in order to assist in its defense. On 24 May 1778 the unit was assigned to the Western Department (Fort Laurens), and on 12 May 1779 it was reorganized and redesignated as the 9th Virginia Regiment. He was confronted with the same issues that previous generals had faced before him: shortages of supplies, food, and men. Jefferson responded on February 17, 1781, that he was sympathetic to their need for self-protection, and that he would undertake to approve of a possible postponement until the threat level decreases. 34 vols. That the nature of his services as an Indian Spy was to leave Cooks Fort on Indian Creek now in the County of Monroe [near Red Sulphur Springs] and be out from three to four days each week and then return when others would go, the same length of time, that their practice was for two to go together & when they returned an other two would start out, that the Companion who was mostly with him was a man by the name of James Ellis that he does not know what has become of him but supposes he is dead as he was considerably older than himself. That in the year 1781 he again entered the service on the 1stday of Aprile and continued in service until the 1stof November following. Companies recruited men from Hampshire, Berkeley, Botetourt, Dunmore, and Prince Edward counties. that sending the 13th Virginia companies at Valley Forge to Fort Pitt would result in similar demands being made by members of the . Then returned home to Kentucky, and were discharged by Col Logan, at the Fort, in Month of January 1781. That would have been the 1778 trip to Kentucky. Sullivan for that purpose, and hope your Excellency will Give such directions as will Enable him to Return as soon as possible.5 I am with the Utmost Respect your Excellencys most Obedient humble Servt. See Jefferson Papers, 3:479. https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/03-12-02-0514, From Washington to Gibson [29 December 1777], All correspondence between Washington and Gibson, National Historical Publications and [T]hat they traversed the country which included the head waters of big and little Stony creeks the head waters of the Indian draft a branch of Indian creek and the head waters of Wolf Creek; that the distance or space of country over which he had to travel was supposed to be upwards of thirty miles, that in performing the duties of a spy they had to carry their provisions with them it being against the nature of their Oath and instructions and also jeopardizing their own safety to make a fire at knight no matter how inclement the wether might be; and that during the whole time that he was engaged in the service as an Indian Spy as aforesaid he was not engaged in any civil pursuit. 1 Image Add a Fact Owner: Fold3_Team Anyone can contribute Created: 10 Oct 2013 Modified: 10 Oct 2013 View Count: 32 (Recent: 1) US 5th Maryland Regiment: War of 1812 : Wshingtnsnphw: Before Time: US Artillery: Field Guns, Foot Artillery, Horse Artillery, Limbers : . Gen. Peter Muhlenberg: September 14, 1778: redesignated the 9th Virginia: . He was discharged from service during the winter having continued in service six months. This was generally in Greenbrier County after which time he was verbally discharged by his Captain. Records Commission. Archives. Hill Monument completed in 1843 commemorating the first battle, or at least one of the first battles, of the American Revolutionary War? Col. John Gibson which regiment was attached to the command of Gen. Lachlan McIntosh. or, as presently, several Revolutionary records buried in a collection of agreat library. The Swopes settled on Wolf Creek. He then served back on the Greenbrier River at John Van Bibbers Fort, at what is present day Lowell, West Virginia now Summers County. Many records include addresses, dates of birth and death, burial places and other information. 13th Virginia Regiment Frontier, Native Americans, Strategy, The War Years (1775-1783) May 11, 2021 May 12, 2021. I highly recommend it. 13th REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS 1 national color 2 state colors 14th REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS (see First Heavy Artillery) GW had known Kiashuta since 1753, when Kiashuta had acted as a guide on GWs mission to warn off the French troops on the Ohio. Apparently the value for this particular expedition was anticipated to be $50.00. Militia Publisher Richmond, D. Bottom, superintendent of public printing Collection library_of_congress; americana Digitizing sponsor Sloan Foundation Second Regiment of Connecticut Light Horse Militia, 1777.
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