them to healthy fire-tolerant condition for our future generationsinstead Bush is not the anti-Christ and is not to blame for the world we now find ourselves in. all living things therein. Enjoyed Dr. Bill nights on KGO and learned so much. On his show, Wattenburg answered questions about everything from car repairs to physics and . So let's stop reaching to both extremes just to argue on a forum. The book landed Wattenburg on TV talk shows where he debated the merits of feminism opposite people such as the Gabor sisters and Gloria Steinem. Yup, now you're catching on. The developers dont care about the surrounding area that they are developing and as a result, nature conflicts with man. fires or at least limit their extent during peak fire season. From the first linked article that some chose not to read. They also are looking for two men who were seen throwing flares into the bushes. That paper is definitely not a bastion of conservatism. That is sad. I'm guessing either the homes burned due to falling embers landing on the roofs, or fire from the underbrush within the forests reached the houses. State, 7905 deaths. [This message has been edited by AndyLPhoto (edited 10-28-2003).]. so-called environmental organizations, such as the Sierra Club, and resist Who would rather enjoy an artificial forest over a natural one? its National Park Service dogma of let fires burn did to Yellowstone in 1988 Library Group plan. lightening fires can be allowed to burn in off-peak times because they will be rationalize what its National Park Service dogma of let fires burn In 2011, management flipped KGO from news talk to all news (a format change that flopped in the ratings) and Wattenburg lost his job along with hosts Gene burns, Gil Gross, Len Tillem, John Rothmann and others. That undergrowth are the next generation of forests as the older trees die if left alone. How to Reach Dr. Bill Wattenburg; Call-in numbers for radio program: (10:00pm to 1:am Saturday and Sunday nights) (408) 808-0810 (415) 808-0810 (510) 808-0810 (650) Pacific Bell screwed up, and forgot to create this prefix in the new area code. Nearly 11,000 flashes jolted California in a 72-hour span earlier this week, kindling 367 wildfires that have since consumed a staggering 770,000-plus acres. I admired him immensely. Even when I was drawn into my 20+ years of idiot liberalism once I got into my 20's and I had now political . [5] He published numerous articles in scientific journals and continued to do research as an adjunct professor at Cal State, Chico. to show their visiting superiors that they have dutifully applied Gods fire Dr. Bill was one of my favorite people to listen to period. Many lawsuits have been filed in San Diego and L.A. county by the Sierra club to stop the thinning of brush and trees. BTW, did you know that when forests are clearcut and replanted, they're typically replanted with fast-growing hybrid pines who's only purpose is for paper pulp? by Dr. Bill Wattenburg August 18, 1998 A major focus of the environmental movement and ecology studies is supposed to be the preservation of our natural resources. However, after signing the bill, there were soon indications Forest NYC confirmed COVID-19 deaths 6840, probable deaths additional 4059. They know The cruel irony is that any camper who lets an uncontrolled campfire burn That is not the case today, as described below. ], ------------------ - New mods for your Fiero from Fiero Performance Bayern in Germany. National Park Service officials. Phone . Failure to recognize this difference between the consequences of Allowing private companies to salvage this To get all the local news, including many stories you cant find online, pick up the Post every morning at 1,000 Mid-Peninsula locations. we can now replace Yellowstone with Los Alamos. Yes, *when* the timber barrons did that. There is a precedent to this official stupidity. equilibrium. While kind to children, Dr. Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act). Massive Dr.Bill Wattenburg - Open Line To The West Coast - YouTube 0:00 / 44:10 Dr.Bill Wattenburg - Open Line To The West Coast 7,473 views Jul 29, 2015 74 Dislike Share Save Jnas mir Jnasson 73. Mr Wittenberg! The investigator reported: "The first task was to cut 2,000,000 tons of 'overburden' dirt and rock off the top of the mountain and move it a half mile away, where it was dumped into a deep canyon. Just an awesome man! Hed take great pleasure and joy talking to an eighth-grade student on the air about a homework assignment usually it involved a science question and Dr. Bill told the kid to call back after he got his grade and keep him (and us) updated. only thinning excessive numbers of small trees and reducing the fuel and debris on the But many self-proclaimed He was on the fire himself four hours later." Wattenburg keeps two large bulldozers specially equipped for fire fighting at his ranch in northern California. A demonstration of the Truck-Stopping device designed by Dr. Bill Wattenburg and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, that enables a police cruiser to. Tillem, the Sonoma-based attorney, was also fired, along with weekend hosts Dr. Bill Wattenburg and Joanie Greggains, and meteorologist Lloyd Lindsay Young. UPDATE: 4/21/21 @ 10:09 a.m. (WLNS)- Lansing Board of Water and Lights has clarified to 6 News, that the building affected by a fire on Tuesday was the Delta Energy Park Plant. themselves whether what was done in 1988 by park officials was an act of divine wisdom--or Your arguement is really lame. Government officials are now promoting exactly the opposite. Completely natural forest management would also include letting fire run its course. to recognize this difference between the consequences of natural fires of a lightning strikes do not ignite sufficient wildfires, the fire-worshipping Eventually, large areas of the I remember Ira Blue, Jim Eason, and Dr. Bill. forested areas that deserve to be burnedas the let fires burn religion This is the Quincy Library Group plan. The trees they plant are not natural types indigenous with the area. There are no trees on these mountains so none of this conversation even applies down here. Susan Wattenburg. It was formulated by local environmentalists, For a physicist, he had some interesting friends, such as Clint Eastwood, who would call into his show on occasion and gave Wattenburg a few cameos in the Dirty Harry movies. Once they were let go or retired, KGO turned full blown liberal/progressive. Caring for the environment is one thing, but when the policies that are pushed don't jive with science, then they create more problems then they solve. This was a few days after parting ways with KGO-AM. sierra club lawyers have caused the current forest fire problem in the West. Typical drive-by comment! I've even heard rumors that terrorists are behind it. My prayers go out to his family. The fire codes are already strict out here but once the firestorm starts nothings going to stop the buildings from burning.Many of the Fire lanes have been closed due to litigation by the environmental organizations, and its the same story with controlled logging.Hopefully we can have a common sense approach from here on out.Well have to see.For once we would like to have some Texas humidity oh, about 100 percent. Experienced He is a senior research scientist at the Research Foundation, California State University, Chico, and a scientific consultant for the University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and many other institutions. Controled burning may work in some areas to prevent fire but not in others. resource for our economy also provides the money to clean our forests and return Some of his recurring topics were whether premium gasoline was worthwhile, nuclear power, and criticism of the environmental movement. (full name: The season is the only way we can clean up and protect our national forests and avoid their let forest fires burn dogma. Eventually, the entire forest becomes a fire break because it has implementation of the law, as it soon did [see letter He consistently enforced the radical policies The land grows as it does naturally, as it should be, not through mans idea of what it should or should not produce regarding the natural plants density per given area. U.S. So he trys to change the natural process and as a result, screws up the environment, which in turn comes back to bite him. It's nature's way. washed away from hillsides by rains before new root structure can save it. This unnatural fuel load creates intensely hot forest It takes periods of time longer than since Columbus first set foot on this continent for forest ecologies to mature and stabilize. incinerated and destroyed by massive wildfires that could have been prevented This unnatural fuel The present government policies on forest management will guarantee that example of what will eventually happen in all of our forested areas unless we mount a The logged forest is the one most appealing to wildlife, and will survive a fire because it is not filled with brush and small trees that would provide a means for the fire to leap to the taller trees.For those not familiar with current forestry practices, modern logging uses newfangled equipment to take out exactly the trees desired, without doing the damage that old methods (lots of roads for trucks, dragging bundles of logs with bulldozers) cause.This is made possible by the new types of logging equipment now in common use. While Burns' dismissal meant the end of . If a fire does start in the privately held forests, it is rare that any catastrophic fire ever starts. In the early 1970s, Wattenburg was an inventor and physics professor at UC-Berkeley whose life took an interesting turn when he authored a best-selling book on sex, How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress, under the pen name Will Harvey. In 1999 -- the most recent year for which comparable figures are available -- chief executives at nine of the nation's 10 largest environmental groups earned $200,000 and up, and one topped $300,000. lumber companies back into our forests. natural fires of a hundred years ago and the all-consuming forest fires of 6 days ago 6 days ago. Lake Tahoe. Oh, and they also block road and freeway construction and expansion. service officials wouldnt listen. The tens of millions of dollars given to them by the Dept. Bay Area News Group, by Paul Rogers Original Article. demonstrate to their superiors in Washington how they are using fire to cleanse amounts of precious top soil is then washed away from hillsides before new root structure local environmentalists, the U.S. Forest Service, and timber industry representatives happens today in forest fires during summertime. Bill had a gruff, suffer-no-fools attitude with adults. will be burned to blackened stumps if there is no way to stop unnatural forest salvaged for good lumber before they rot and become nothing more than massive And we can just imagine if they were given the flexibility what would happen. If we let nature take it's course, there would be no rivers with dams making power, not California aquaduct delivering water all over this state.. Lots of our daily things that we have become used to would exist. retooled their machinery to process small trees and make good lumber out of the The real problem isn't being addressed - the human population explosion. 2018 Woolsey Fire, California Credit: Wikimedia. The shore has trees but even 1 mile inland starts to become desertous. A bill to implement this plan was These fires should be natural, not manmade. The opposition groups and officials who call themselves environmentalists to the editor (The Burning of YellowstoneAnother Perspective, Science, 6 Nov 99, p1051). to build campfires next to the gas pumps at service stations. Foundation, California State University Chico (Chico, CA 95929. I doesn't suprise me that the term money comes up in articles such as these. that the Clinton White House would buckle [see fifth paragraph in previous link] under to the power-hungry, still typifies most of the burned areas in Yellowstone today and assess for Anyone who Al Gore appeared at Lake Tahoe in 1999 to announce the spending of a square meters of national forest will be charged with a criminal act, while a government burning down the house. After its gone there is no turning back. Apr 16, 2020. Might I also dare to point out that immigration, illegal & otherwise is exacerbating this situation? Quincy His intelligence blew me away right away. KGO use to be a good radio station to listen to. Unfortunately, a fire storm is what usually Native Americans often torched brushy areas that Nature did Anyone who walks through an old-growth forest can see Same could be said about the war in Iraq except the pipedream is a pipeline and the science is the art of deception. You live in the midwest. Forest fires do promote forest renewal, but only when the fires do not today. is better for the ecology long-term than a forest that continues to live. organizations that have taken over government policy know what they have done. In contrast to the historic practice of gold panning in California, Wattenburg orchestrated[7] mountaintop removal mining to get at the gold beneath an entire mountain in Plumas County. Then I realized that many people make decisions based on emotion. [4] After that, he was a consultant to various engineering and defense-oriented businesses. As an inventor, Wattenburg had eight patents to his credit,[citation needed] one being the first home alarm system using electrical wiring for its communication medium. The taxpayers must now pay to remove them. Caring for the environment is one thing, but when the policies that are pushed don't jive with science, then they create more problems then they solve. is then allowed to spend tens of millions of dollars of scarce research funds to cover up Thank you Dr Wattenburg. ], These and other sayings tonight on:UNFOUNDED COMMENTS6:00PM on Channel 7, Do a little research on President Clinton selling off old-growth forest saying that there is "about 375 board feet of salable lumber in every thousand year old Douglas Fir. They know that all our forests, even the few No garage to work on your car, no yard, virtually no peace or privacy? The Sierra Club headquarters has vehemently opposed btw taxes support firefighterstax cuts hurt firefighters. lightening) reduced the combustible fuel load on the forest floor. Man should live in harmony with nature, not try to control it or destroy it. their funding agencies. even a few square meters of national forest will be charged with a criminal act. all-consuming forest fires of today. unnaturally intense forest fires during peak fire season. wont allow firefighters to extinguish lightening fires. standing rotten in our forests and of no value as lumber. He appreciated my comments and treated my politely and fairly. This is insane, a deliberate waste of our most Then there's the problem of too many people. (707) 808-0810: U.S. Mail: Bill Wattenburg KGO Radio Native We've all studied history in school, we've all heard and read the stories of past mistakes, but when it comes down to decision time, too many act on how they *feel*, rather that what they *know*. They insisted that there was some divine small trees that are needlessly burned and wasted by the governments insane excessive numbers of small trees. hundred million dollars to clean up the forests and save the ecology of There is no evidence that enviromentalist started the fire, and it would defy logic. So many hours I listened to you, I can say none were wasted. Bill was known for his larger-than-life personality and for being outspoken when he didn't agree with something. Letting forest fires And what a counterbalance he was. . most beautiful national park is then allowed to spend tens of millions of Any thinking person, scientist for sure, can easily The official policy now is that roads As an author, Wattenburg published two books for the general public: one book, Best Jokes From Talk Radio, is a compilation of risque jokes heard on talk radio; his second book, How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress, is a fictionalized version of Wattenburg's exploits with young women in the 1970s. Wattenburg made brief appearances in three Clint Eastwood films: The Dead Pool (Nolan Kennard), Pink Cadillac (pit boss), and True Crime (radio reporter). Dr Bill warned California for years to thin the forestry to prevent wildfires. And we use those pieces of information that sustain our position. Notices of Public Sale Many other good scientists and experienced foresters But much of it is not actually used to protect the environment. burn policy that congress should allow. Notices of Trustees Sale I heard that one of the fires was started by a "lost" hunter you shot off a signal flare. The let Actually, yes. Informative, involved, interesting and the human closeness felt thru radio! Cloverdale Rural Fire Protection District. ordered that hundreds of lightening fires be allowed to rage unchecked during Hmmm, don't see many hands raised. be renewed. Please dial one of the other numbers listed here. How predictable and typical of you to insinuate that the environmentalists and liberals are responsible for this series of fires. consequences of a wildfire in our tinderbox forests today. There is also a place for selective cutting and timber management. Copyright 2023, The Daily Post. When our forests were in fire I remember years ago he talked about our forests. Should have listened to him back then! Dr. Bill. these same forests go up in smoke! I wonder why he was carrying signal flares anyway. There are large fish kills on a regular basis due to runoff and hoglot manurepond spills. constructing fire breaks and conducting controlled burns during off-peak fire fires. His wife Carol is also a very nice and kind person. He was a strong supporter of former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger, as well as former president George W. Bush and the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Logging interests? scarce government research funds). Additionally, he frequently discussed his support for American-made automobiles, arguing that the performance of such cars rivals that of equivalent foreign cars. var vglnk = { key: '648e5b7ed9eabf8d014415b9e7a6c157' }; (function(d, t) { var s = d.createElement(t); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = '//'; var r = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]; r.parentNode.insertBefore(s, r); }(document, 'script')); Dr. Bill Wattenburg has been railing on the environmentalist's out here on the left coast for some time. Lightning alone will eventually set fires in all these forests. Incendiary conditions now prevail because of decades of accumulated brush, You demonize Bush because he and those who influence him have big businesses and money. You? I am proud to have been a fan, and will watch his cameos for years to come. rich ecology is a ghastly example of horrible judgment that the let forest fires Club, and resist implementation of the law. We use hype. Tom Daschle fearing that he wouldn't get re-elected put his state on the fast track to having his forest's thinned. I was just watching Hardball and they showed a picture of Hillary "NOT - wink wink - running for President" with someone behind her holding a "Sierra Club" sign. that only natural fires can cleanse our forests and renew them.
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