This is a very dangerous war, since Russia cannot lose it. We all knew Russia was involved. It's like regular people for me. So you need to know this. So it has no reason to threaten nuclear war. They're not looking for the truth. Are we willing to risk an all-out war in Ukraine?I don't want the government to continue this escalation. Breaking the law. There's like 41 sponsors.That's it.Wait. And says, in totally like a -- you know, Weird Al. While Joe Biden voters, drank champagne in the streets, to celebrate his election. If you're Russia, you're going to see that as a big problem.And this is one of the biggest issues with this, Glenn. The emperor has no clothes.More in just a second. You just want the bloodshed to stop.That's their theories.And these people are going to do it. Now, remember, the national archives, should just be somebody collecting all of the stuff, and preserving it.Okay?I don't want a political ideologue. But I do want you to be mentally and physically prepared.The Biden administration, when they came into office, they said, we're going to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in the US strategy. Because we have a lack of faith in the truth of God. This is GBTV and the truth lives here. I mean, this is a very ultra competitive world there. And I don't see how this stops. So if any military operations begin, it will cause a massive explosion.Keep your eye on Moldova.But here's the thing, that you must know. It just happened on the 23rd, and I just got the translation for it. King. Who I might just ask, all the data has said, is extremely harmful to children, these mask requirements. Memory is a great organization, that translates all of the stuff on Saudi Arabian, Qatar, and all Arabic-speaking channels. Both of them.STU: You loved them.GLENN: I loved them. And what did he do?He waited a full three-six months. GLENN Russia wants to bring about a NEW WORLD ORDER, and WE are antagonizing them to do it RADIO Ron DeSantis: How COURAGE made Florida America's red state RADIO WATCH: Biden 'announces' U.S. We are currently enrolling students for on-campus classes and scheduling in-person campus tours. So they've gone and said, hey. We have to send the jets.Really? With freedom of speech.Let me give you -- let me give you some examples. What about hermaphrodites. We had a little blip in the '50s, where we were putting people like Dalton Trump in jail. Glenn Beck's daily spot on the nation's leading cable news station is coming to a close little more than two years after his start on Fox News. But if you are desperate for a solution to your sleep, may I recommend Relief Sleep. They are concerned about rising energy prices. So what is the cause of all of this?Well, I would say the cause of it, is a lack of trust.Why? Well, that's crazy conspiracy. DRAFT for Ukraineor does he? We'll never know. Too Many Seniors Ignore This Condition 2,267 Urologist: Most Men With An Enlarged Prostate Do Not Know About This Simple Solution 511 114,041 If Governor Ron DeSantis ran against Biden in 2024, who would you vote for? And knowing, oh, boy. And the preacher just engaged them, and said, turning to the congregation, you know what, let's praise God for them coming in today.Let's just praise God. That's a good point. In this clip, Glenn details the latest in the nuclear arms racewhich America seems to be losing. So is your posts on February 18th, 2022, bemoaning the lifting of mask requirements, for children under the age of five. Steve Deace calls it like it is and stands tall when others are afraid. What about hermaphrodites. And he's seeing this. And it is very difficult for the public to hold anyone accountable, after the fact.When an emergency presents the opportunity to achieve power, under the state of exception, it is always best to manufacture the narrative, to secure that power as quickly as possible.And then make the adjustments later, after the power is firmly in hand. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard. The power isn't taken back. I've been telling you this for years.The minute America has no credibility, not only will we rapidly come under attack from everybody who has ever hated us.But the world will spiral into chaos. Not a nice man. I am so sick of hearing this.This will just empower election deniers. But I feel time is running short. But you're not like that.I mean, I know you've had instances where --GLENN: Yeah. We just started one, a couple of months ago, called off the record. (OUT AT 9:29 AM)GLENN: We better make up our minds on war, pretty quickly.China is now considering arming Russia.Did you know that Biden quadrupled US troop presence in Taiwan.Quadrupled it?Also Biden in talks with Poland to increase our boots on the ground in Poland.Russian state TV is declaring the United States has declared war over on Russia.And all of the things I just said to you, have happened in the last seven days.We are marching towards real trouble.When will they consult with us? I don't actually want to meet the people that I like.GLENN: That you like.STU: I find it to -- I mean, I've met you. Because you've testified under oath, that you only posted about your dog, sports teams, and novels. It doesn't matter.When you listen to what they said over the weekend.This is the foreign minister, from Ukraine. Play the accordion! And it is so satisfying. or the DNC. You know, we don't ever talk about this.But as far as people touched -- you know, people that are hearing, watching. He sees the West as a partner who behaves very aggressively for whatever reason. 14h. But not where it counts.Where it counts is what people think, and who they are!That's real diversity. Oh, my gosh.It was then that the parents believed something wasn't right. They just took that. Let's talk about another post. B.B. It's usually wrong. All these things have happened with the exception of planes, and now we have Republicans saying, we should be sending the planes. Let me play -- let me play a couple of things here. You know it, and I know it.Because this antiracist nonsense states that. Unleash the power of great sleep by calling 800-4-Relief. Well, I don't know. Our government is complicit in the trafficking of the drugs. And all of them pretty evil.Iran, North Korea, China, Russia. You have such little juice, you can't even get a backstage pass to see --STU: Those are highly --GLENN: Oh.STU: Highly priced items.GLENN: I bet. If you want an open society, to quote George Soros.So protecting speech from Government Interference Act. We don't know. And they will burn in hell, and be destroyed in flames.If we send any more weaponry. laredo news car accident today. 4:00 p.m. Eastern.Only for Blaze TV subscribers.Okay. He may be crazy. He reiterated, FBI has done a lot of stuff. We have Iran, and Iran is now in negotiations with Russia. He -- he believes admission is important. It's the MyPillow 2.0. That matters. 3 Luglio 2022; common last names in kazakhstan; medical careers that don't require math in sa . You keep saying there's only two genders. But mark my words, it's coming.We must stop accepting the lies. They found that this teacher, on the day when the school asked pupils and teachers to wear blue in support of two police officers who were shot and killed, the teacher instead wore a Black Lives Matter T-shirt.Gee, let's trace it back again. But they'll probably kill you first, because you are dumping filth into the atmosphere.Right? Is he taking that seriously? Well, they would like you to understand between 1919 -- sorry, 2019 and 2020, law enforcement solved 1200 more homicides than the previous year.Wait a minute. But he's lasted this long. I don't care if you're a leper, that's just been healed by Jesus. Was it the Biggs amendment that was trying to go after Mayorkas. What Ted Cruz and Holly did this week, to Merrick Garland is just -- I mean, it was almost -- I mean, you could rate that as a porn.STU: We should go through that at some point again.GLENN: It was so -- it was so good.STU: Mahauck (phonetic) incident. Do you remember in Ukraine, where this nuclear complex came under Russian control for a while?And everybody was worried that they were going to destabilize it, and use it. I told you so!Yet, nothing changes. Oh, they're so boring.But just tolerate it, because the stuff in the vault is really cool. The -- what? This is doing. How dare you say that the border is a mess. If I'm not mistaken, I don't have it in front of me. Have you made up your mind, and are you comfortable with the outcome, that it might mean sending your kids overseas?Tonight, is a time for choosing. Then, Glenn details what he believes could be the most imminent threat facing our nation: Cyber attacks against our critical infrastructure. Sorry.One other thing besides the nuclear catastrophe. Yeah. CONTRIBUTOR AUDIENCE CHOICE: Here are 14 'manly films' that YOU recommended! I don't like you.STU: Right. You were the local host. And they found that 68 percent of the people are concerned about, you know, being able to afford their food.They are concerned about inflation -- inflation. Huge crowds at Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" freedom rally -- organized to give thanks to U.S. troops -- left Washington, D.C., on Saturday night pleased by the theme and the turnout -- an . We just have to start saying it out loud.. Do you remember that post?VOICE: No, Senator. You know, when we left -- oh, you'll never be. Then, Glenn details what he believes could be the most imminent threat facing our nation: Cyber attacks against our critical infrastructure. So whatever topic is on your mind. They're all looking for their own power, and they're all trying to silence anyone who disagrees with them.What is causing the stress in your life?According to the latest poll everything!Because you don't know what will happen tomorrow! Never. They said, London will turn to dust. This means it was transcribed as the show was airing. And you've got even odds. And most importantly, Russia must change.GLENN: Okay. Seriously.Women. God is about to change the plan of the enemy. Just try it out. News Politics Update frequency: every 10 hours Average audio length: 88 minutes English United States And as far as we know, we are not readying any military options.But the Israelis will. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. Let me just start with this.Because you'll understand how good it feels.Let's go to cut eight, with Senator Hawley, talking to the person that is going to be the -- our national archivist. Oh, we're not going to send jets. Not only are we sending over tanks, missiles, bullets, guns, we're now paying for their Social Security. This is -- this is a woman testifying yesterday in front of Congress, two of her children were killed by fentanyl. That's going away.We've had people who wanted to work and innovate. Your first bottle of relief sleep is 19.95. Get Glenn's latest insights, top stories, show prep and more delivered to your inbox. I'm like, Mr. King. This would require state . glenn beck today show transcript. However, there are now four countries, all aligned against America and against the West. You're still a regular person.And I don't like you. I want somebody that nobody even cares to meet. And it is easy to define. At least even odds. The damning lawsuit now wielded by her parents, claims that the teacher started call the fifth grader Leo, using he/him pronouns in class, October 21, unbeknownst to the girl's parents. Where is the truth with Fauci, and the Wuhan lab?Where is EcoHealth? I love Weird Al.GLENN: Did you go backstage to meet him?STU: No. I mean, we are the Ukrainian government.We're over there -- can you imagine, if Brezhnev, would have shown up in Hanoi. And I still know what's going on, and I know what's about to happen. GLENN: Let me give you a couple of stories here that I think are -- say everything that you need to say.There's a new poll out. Weird Al is a legend. Because we have an endless supply of cheap energy. But what we are now observing is the process by which our ruling elite consolidate the power they gained, by reconciling their narrative to something that more closely resembles reality. What's the cause of that problem? And I said, okay. I don't know Democrats that ask for this. A full article and video of the interview is not available HERE ! GLENN BECK, HOST: Coming up, President Bush addresses the U.N. . There are only about five countries that can do it. All right. GLENN: I bet it was.STU: But so he had a song, I can't remember which one it was. We want equal justice. Before Woodrow Wilson sent all our boys to war.We have got to wake up. Why are you here?Who sent you here?He said, they found out that they were -- later, they were connected to two robberies from convenience stores. Police are continuing to search for 14 of Cajuns we will keep you updated on those details as we get them. Can you tell me -- what's on your tweets. And I want you to feel comfortable, asking any question.And I want to feel comfortable answering any question. Yeah.GLENN: Yeah. And getting it to bomb ready. So wait a minute.STU: There's a --GLENN: You're saying that only a Russian, probably hermaphrodite from the Soviet Union days. What was it, Stu?Do you remember? Can it be traced back?Oh, yes. No mention of that. If that's what you were excited about it.But at what cost? Okay?50 percent.Now, it's called homicide clearance rates, when they clear a murder. We are so with BLM, and the all things that have destroyed law and order in this country. 82. But usually, that's the way it plays out.GLENN: Right. The cause of that problem is all of the ridiculous bullcrap about the police being reimagined.About -- about defending the perpetrator. Nobody else has seen it yet. Just try being gay. In this clip, Glenn details the SHOCKING story of how a pastor deterred four armed robbers who entered a Missouri church earlier this month. And there's something to gain there for the good of the United States.GLENN: Right. And job loss.However, the researchers found that 71 percent say they worry about international conflicts escalating into a nuclear war.70 percent are worried, that there will be food shortages. I hope that's you.If not, join us. It is now day after day after day.That's the thing that you should worry about. Listen to this. More is always better. So people come in, and your private security, cannot touch or stop anyone.You can only report it to the police. What do you mean, it is not going to happen? Okay. Okay.So we're doing that. I know from experience.Sara is looking at me like, you probably shouldn't take handfuls of it. We'll give up the areas we've taken over.Such a thing would lead to a domestic explosion, and Russia would find itself in a Civil War.Russia cannot lose under any circumstance, since a single step backward, would lead to a thousand steps backwards.Russia will fight to the end, because we simply cannot stop. And the Wuhan lab. We are no longer close allies with Saudi Arabia.What have we been saying for the longest time to the left? We all knew they were giving -- but if he would have said, you know what, we're with you until the very end.And the very end, we look at this as regime change in Washington. Thank you for letting us pray for you.We're thankful that for whatever reason, the Lord let you come on in here. Children are dying. You're just using hyperbolic language. It was only months later, in January 22, when the girl was caught drawing a picture of a suicidal girl with the words, I want to kill myself, that the parents finally went, wait a minute.What -- over what?And went to school.They said that they had heard their child being called Leo by her friends before. Bit by bit, the powers have had to admit the truth behind most of the conspiracy theories, that they so violently attacked. And now you're sitting here stonewalling, not answering questions about public posts that you made. It was fantastic. Twenty-sixth of May, 2022, you talk about an assaults weapon ban. And we think it's really, the most likely that the Chinese lab leak was the one that caused that.Excuse me?Excuse me? If only we had refrained from destroying the Soviet Union, or had broken the necks of Gorbachev and Yeltsin at the right time.In my opinion, this is Aleksandr Dugin on Saudi Arabian television, that has just been translated. Really?Because if I told you ten years ago, that they were going to say that men could have babies too, you would have said, how dare you say that. I can't say this IS coming, but I will tell you that at this point, I cant tell whether this is a prompting or not.. King. And you encountered the move of the holy ghost. We are so with you. Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Relief Factor sleep is 100 percent drug-free.I have -- I have never taken a sleep product, where you don't feel it the next day.I've had -- what the? But it means nothing without teeth. These progressives do the same thing.They take it up to a certain point.And right at the moment of collapse. No, no, no, no.Just the lab in Wuhan. Huh.By the way, national clearance rates for rape, were 30 percent.So you've got a 70 percent chance of getting away with rape. But the moment of last resort is right now. And -- and he is with the morning consult.And he said, if fear comes from political issue, like climate change. I would do it again.GLENN: Play the accordion, Al! King. A guy wearing a skirt, he's a teacher in kindergarten. The ATF is cracking down on stabilizing pistol braces with a new rule that could turn law-abiding Americans into felons. Who knows, you might like it.They transferred the girl to another class. For these reasons, I will oppose your nomination. We want to come back, Portland, but it's too dangerous for our employees, and we're hemorrhaging product.Now, let me ask you. They are the best of us. I -- I want to -- I want to go back to what we were talking about. And we're now paying the Ukrainian pension fund!Did you approve this? Except, Russia would survive, and humanity would be saved.However, in either scenario, there will be no Ukraine.It will disappear, if we win. I've been to meet and greets. That's Head over to Have Joy. And it has said that the, quote, former military inspector of military defense of Moldova has said the armed forces of some country I've never heard of. Exactly the same thing.And the people were not for the war. Start your two week free trial HERE! Glenn Beck. Please, donate, and help them do their job. I asked you, would you give all public posts, that you had made on Twitter. This is extraordinary.I mean, this is unbelievable. During which, the regime could lock down its political opponents, unleash its own supporters, to those who opposed them. Oh, the outrage.She was telling the kids, try -- try being gay. You're familiar with this process.GLENN: Is it worth, let's say $500 -- you're not going with a crowd. Right.STU: And my understanding, a Herman after tight, no longer the accepted term. Fauci is still saying, no. We'll leave that aside for now.Is that a post about your dog or sports teams? In this clip, Glenn uses recent stories to show how far-left agents of chaos are to blame. He seems to have, you know, less syphilis than the last mad dictator, that tried to take over the world.I don't want to give him any help. And they can't be used.But it is the largest depository of old Soviet bombs, et cetera, et cetera.There is a Twitter account.And I -- I am not claiming this to be true.
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