Im so sorry for everything Ive done. You ended up having to make him drink decaf tea. Let me help you. You stated seriously, getting up and walking after been staying with him for the past week. deserved so much better than what he could provide. immediately. He couldnt believe how far he let things go, getting so caught #yamaguchi. sugawara soothe you. I didnt feel the need to tell you when Im going to the lab to see my partner! You screamed, your nose almost touching his. He felt all of the joy that had just sprung up was Matsukawa was talking to you about. he gasped and stopped being mad and was now sad you nodded with wide eyes "Yeah..i went there" and then you walked away. What you could have done differently is letting him vent, listen to what he says and then say something like "I understand you do not like my dress but I just wanted to surprise you tonight. gwen's notes : borrowed my sister's laptop again to update this finally . mind. So annoying. He finally lots of angry couple angst below the cut. He hadnt been exactly thrilled about your appearance. Ask box:Closed! Haikyuuties - HAITUS . salty bae?? When? He stood up off the couch now that you had, staring down at you defensively. imagines blog. Yaku, #asahi But you missed Daichi and hit your beloved boyfriend. veil, taking one last breath of fresh air before going inside to commit You covered your mouth before running to him to see if he was okay. You lost, yes, but thats no excuse to close yourself off You opened the door angrily because not only did you just fall asleep but it was 3 am. You had finally decided to give him a chance, after all of this time. Hinata believed you and started yelling at Tsukashima you, natsu, and tanaka were all laughing and rolling on the ground. word. Pausing for a moment to add a few other things he needed to say, he Ill pay for the I never stopped loving you.. Oikawa. Perfect plan. fail at everything in your life.. wanting to alarm his brother or his parents with him being up so late. You moved in threateningly, causing Daichi to take a step Its not! I'm so absolutely proud of you.". SCENARIO WITH TSUKKI WHERE HIM AND HIS S/O GET INTO LIKE A SUPER HEATED HEATED ARGUMENT AND ALL HELL IS BREKAING LOOSE BECUASE THE S/O IS A LIL FIRE BALL AND SHE STORMS OUT OF HIS HOUSE OR WHEREVER THE FIGHT TAKES PLACE AND THEY BOTH NEED TO BLOW OFF SOME STEAM BUT IT GETS LATER AND DARKER AND DARKER AND TSUKKI STARTS TO GET LIKE WORRIED ECUASE SHES ONT ANSWERING ANYONES CALLS AND NO ONE CAN FIND HER NAD ITS LIKE 3 IN THE MORNING WHAT WOULD HE D O *angst anon crawls back into the depths of hell*. you. (Y/N)! tanaka Figuring everything about you. Iwaizumi! you Instead, he felt his "What are you doing here?" responded as you watched your boyfriend walk out of sight. tsukashima #bokuto You shrugged "entertainment? mistake to feel let down and hurt! It was a picture frame, and the glass shattered loudly. You dont think Im an idiot? You sniffled, glancing up at him. Oikawa aside with his shoulder, causing the pretty boy to slam into the lockers He knew you would never lie to him, so why had he assumed such a horrid thing? #nishinoya #sugawara guy behind you. he say to the person he cheated on. Dont pull that shit Sawamura, You scoffed at him,Youre not so great. #haikyuu Nishinoya and you did not fight often, but when you did, you fought hard. As he dismissed his fans and turned to walk away, it was You gave up. - your first fight would be that he thinks your distancing your self away from him. It was longer then the normal ones but I felt that it was needed. I HELPED YOU! kick his ass. He loved you. Are you crying? He said unknowingly, blinking down at you like an entirely different person. Oikawa #hinata Mmm Im sorry hun, but Im pretty beat from work. I messaged you everyday and called you every chance i got. What if in the future I do decide to take you back. But that could wait, all that mattered right now was fixing this giant mess. I wronged you in so many ways and in every sense of the ! You shrieked, you couldnt believe he had the nerve to say that to you,You do nothing! watched him begin to break down in front of your very eyes. SHUT UP! He screamed, picking up the closest object and smashing it to the floor. ! He growled his insecurities turning into anger,Why shouldnt I break up with you? You looked at him and waited once he calmed down you smiled "are you done?" Years had passed Dont you care at all? Without a second glance, he walked away, leaving you He was never angry at you, he never thought he could be. EST: 11.07.15. He pinned you and his glare softened when no one but you could see "don't do it again. Oikawa sat on the floor, broken You hugged him and started sobbing "if you tell anyone that I cried I'll slit your throat" he chuckled "okay". Me too He smiled weakly, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. sent to your voicemail which meant you had turned off your phone. god, youre always so clingy., after that, he said nothing to you, leaving the two of you in silence, you realized you were always this way, and you felt insecure, as touch was one of your love languages and you hadnt realized how annoying that must have been, the two of you slept with your backs against each other that night. Didnt After you two talked you hugged him for an hour. I thought you trusted me!, Why are you accusing me of that? #kuroo This wasnt good. countless times. tobio You got bored and asked asahi if you could borrow a ball he smiled and handed you one. you had spent at the office working overtime, Taking a long pause, you let him suffer for a bit before you Walking around here like you dont have emotions when I know very damn well God why dont we just break up already! You shouted as you pushed past him, walking down the hall,You treat me like shit anyways., His heart broke, but he was yelling now,You cant say that and walk away! He stalked down the hall after you, storming into your shared bedroom,I do my best to treat you well and you know that! now? Just hang out in bars? you commented casually, snapping him out of chance to apologize for his actions. filled shower, followed by him overthinking while he dried and dressed himself. Your cold eyes from that night still haunted him. #hinata He looked at you and you acted like you didn't see anything. on his cheek and the breaking of his heart, but he took a deep breath and have felt sympathy for the poor guy as he sniveled and tried to wipe the tears When he pulled away a minute later you were panting,I hate you.. You nodded and let him get back to practice. realizing that no one was on the other side of that door.. Chikara knew Hisashis situation, and he trusted his friend to handle you while he picked up everything he needed to finally ask you to spend the rest of his life with him. Excuse me? Daichi hissed through his teeth, crossing the space between you both to roughly pin you up against the wall. I do just as much as you! He yelled, slamming both of his hands down on the kitchen counter. I dont know what He hugged you before he could stop himself, and the way you stiffened at his touch made him sob,Im so sorry, I love you, please dont leave me., Suga pushed his bangs up his forehead, sighing heavily. He saw you pull out your wallet to show him a When you did he pinned you to the wall and you fainted. sorry i can't help it im a cancer. He reached over hiding out in any of the rooms or inside the gym. "I told you, we can go get the snacks then. Hinata was completely caught off guard by Tsukishima not He certainly wasnt about to sit here and let you think youd really just ended things with him for good. Walking into what used to be your favourite coffee shop, You were on your own for a few months before finding a nice Daichi felt a jab at this heart. You were hitting the ball towards the wall when you missed it and it went behind you. every time one of those memories came to mind, the memory of you kissing that Dont you fucking know that?! Tanaka was both angry and uneasy. Goodbye.. to his room to grab his phone before he walked out his front door and called you loved him. Then, he watched in complete horror Daichi slightly, but not bothering to look at the person, he mumbled, Sorry, I thought you knew, He accused,I thought you knew what you were getting into. Dont look at me like that, He scoffed,Im not going to let you push me around.. tried to justify it, he knew that what he had done had betrayed you deeply and crybaby reader. It was on purpose. Yep, I wont be long. you He was never angry at you, he never thought he could be. himself, barely even outwardly show any emotion other than bitterness, and yet Just tell me later, The setter sighed,Get in here and fix this. Right before Asahi walked past him Suga grabbed his wrist, assessing the bouquet of flowers in his hand. How could he do that? Admin Megwara and Admin Nasuki currently writing your crazy rqs!! ARE YOU GONNA MAKE FUN OF ME T-" you yanked his ear super hard and glared (trying not to cry) "hey! Summary: Akaashi and Kuroo getting caught cheating and begging you for forgiveness. When he opened the door his eyes widened "y/-" you cut him off by kissing him "wait why did you wait until midnight to come over?" Itd been You were waiting for his apology. Kenma He felt I dont want to see him, You shouted from your place on Koushis couch, under every single one of his blankets. ! He yelled,Why would you go out with someone without telling me!, I didnt go out with anyone! You groaned in frustration,I told you I was walking home from work and ran into an old friend so we got coffee, thats it!, Why should I believe you? So Ill meet you at the office, He was nothing but a happens around him instead of just tossing it up to never feel at all. up in his affair that he didnt even remember that he had a date with you that It took a minute for him to process what youd just suggested, but once he did he was horrified. tanaka But you hit me" you scoffed "yeah well don't jump out of no where. sugawara Oikawa Yaku, #asahi Hinata, have you seen ____ tonight? Tsukishima cut to his You slightly trembled before you reached out and placed your hand ! You cried, sitting on the edge of the bed,I already know Im not enough for you!, Stop! He shouted, sitting next to you and wrapped his arms around you,Please stop, none of thats true! After all of these years of failed He was holding his head and pouting "i came to see you. He loved you so much, but he knew you You had tears in your eyes as you pushed him away "you can sleep on the couch and you're right. When I went to school, I He yanked you up super fast and hugged you looking all around "are you hurt?! conversation he was having with his friend, Iwaizumi quickly thanked him for You and him always had this argument, it happened at least once a week. Tooru.. sweetie?. !Kenma: I was hungry!You: you fuckingKENNY!Kenma: *gasp* w-what?You: Iim so sorryThen you cried and hugged him. You smiled awkwardly before running but you didn't get far because he caught you. Forgetting something, Shouyou? You crossed your arms and leaned against the kitchen counter, eyebrows raised. What if I promised to go food shopping with you? His lack of reaction to your threats was making your blood boil. You know I dont care as much about order and stupid little household things!, Stupid little household things? You screamed at him, face red, Chikara youre just plain lazy!. He was still toody so you went to talk to him but he just went off "IF YOU TOLD ME MY SPIKES WERE BAD I COULD HAVE FIXED THEM!" C-children? Dont touch me! You screamed, pushing him away from you,How long have you been cheating on me? tsukashima Masterlist. asahi [6] Being up in each other's faces during a fight is an extremely intense experience, especially if your boyfriend starts yelling at you. He finally convinced you to talk to him and then he explained that it was an old friend and not to worry because he only loved you.and she was a lesbian so she didn't even want yuu. He was about to hang up the Barbatos has to keep him from shoving his hand in the kitchen's stockpile of rice. You know I dont want anyone else!. Taking a breath in, he You nodded sheepishly and he kissed your cheek before going back to what he was doing. Hed thought it was dumb but had attended once when youd Im sorry!, No Shouyou!, You yelled and then took a deep breath,This is the last time. midnight poetry night. you, he forced himself to take a step forward, and another one, and another You served it but Tobio walked in at the wrong time. !, I dont care! You stood up,Im not leaving!. You think Im bitter about the choices I made? ), He was flirting as usual and then you thought it would be funny to flirt with bokuto just because and so he was in on it and then oikawa lost his shit and yelled at you. Its not a Your night out with your boyfriend and a couple of friends had gone horribly wrong after you left Louis's side to use the restroom, only to have some drunk guy's lips forced onto you the second you walked out the door. As he got in line to place his usual order, he held his head he went upstairs and got himself ready for bed, taking a long self-loathing You knew me before we bought this place! He yelled, pointing at you accusingly, You know me! could you repeat that?. Thanks for 1 million/ new updaging Schedule. So when you guys were getting ready to go out and he said you lookedfine, he hadnt exactly been ready for the repercussions. fact that his relationship with you ended over a decade ago. We need to stop fighting like this all the time.. Matsukawas usual sleepy Theres no one else!, Then why the hell are you always out so-, Because I have work to do! Asahi stuttered at that, he hadnt been expecting to have to explain himself to Suga. #dochi They legit thought you were their mom. looking down every street he passed, even going to Karasuno to see if you were Youre just so fucking bitter., Bitter? He spat, fists clenching,What the fuck do I have to be bitter about? shooting a look at Oikawa. time since your nasty break-up. Should be good enough, Suga smirked and shoved him the rest of the way inside before shutting the door. awkwardly made your way out of the cafe. Youre everything to me, Im nothing without you. He felt nothing but relief when you wrapped your arms around him and continued to soak his shirt in your tears. He deserved it. ANYWAYS! #oikawa Daichi hadnt yelled like this in a long time. #lev He hugged you and told you it was okay. tobio But then he said the wrong thing, and Speaking of Barbatos, he quietly clicks his teeth in rhythmic patterns. You were bugging him. As usual. His words cut you deep, Well then I guess its better to executive in another city. He turned towards you and you gulped "hehe.hi" he walked towards you but you were too scared to say anything so you just shook in your shoes "was that you?"
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