St. Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109 AD), !? (*) SR. MARY EPHREM NEUZIL ' OUR LADY OF AMERICA' (1956-1959):--Visions recently officially condemned by the Church as 'not supernatural' and of human origin. "The families may not even find out until after the person has died.". people go there. with a daily prayer life, things will work out according to His Will. I spent literally weeks doing research about him, but could 3) Does the new mystic preach anything denounced as a heresy or a doctrinal error by the Church? shows what the Catholic Teaching is on this subject and how to spot a fake mystic when they deviate from the traditionally accepted teachings. -- appears to be a 20th hoax prophecy addressed to Hitler, possibly with the aim of influencing him. How so many bow down to his power. It is sufficient here to say that the Holy Catholic Church refers to this belief as the Antichrist's deception. (*) !? You said: No, I don't but one of my colleague may. On Sunday November 3rd the Sunday World resumed their scurrilous and defamatory attacks on Christina Gallagher with their so-called 'exclusive'. Tomasuccio de Foligno (b?- died c. Promotes a variant of the Millenarian heresy. Read carefully about it, and you may discover, as we have, that there is something not quite right about him. The finances of the organisation were highlighted by the recent purchase of a building in New York for $2.2m, which officially opened yesterday. recent book on Medjugorje is by Donal Foley, and published for many years. [Next film!]. -- 'stigmatic mystic', some prophecies proved fake, the fruits of her visions were 'disordered', she was eventually condemned by the Church. Doctors and saints of the Church have taught for centuries. People would go to her for help and advice, but obviously since she believes these pictures and prayers have provided her with protection, essentially she's being taking risks - physical, emotional, social and financial risks. "We have presented a lot of medical and scientific evidence to my parents and they refuse to listen as her propaganda once again is brainwashing people who have been conditioned by the Catholic Church.". Ministry around the visions an ecumenical money-making racket that refuses to submit to the local bishop. 'Visions' used to start an Ecumenical group and charity not attached to the local Catholic diocese, an offense that can be punished with excommunication. Almost all the false visionaries in the world today seem holy and devout. and Salvation, Relationships var navR = document.getElementById("SAW_SideNav_ID" + NavCount + "_Right"); "The Catechism Explained: An Exhaustive Explanation of the Catholic billie jean king, and the first lady of ukraine, olena zelenska, to discuss their accomplishments in the battle for women's equality. is christina gallagher approved by the catholic church. harm in her going! My mother would be feeling that loss and want to connect with that. In order to clarify the issue for the faithful I issued another statement, regretting the development and expressing grave misgivings as to the wisdom with which Mrs Gallagher had been advised and had acted in the matter. Fr. Gallagher claims various items which can be bought from the House of Prayer will protect people from harm. The Tuam Diocesan Office has recently received a considerable number of media enquiries regarding this matter. (*) BL. Chris and Elle. Heretically mixes up the Age of Peace with the New Heaven and the New Earth, also defies logic regarding the nature of time, and the Three Days of Darkness. 1700s)-- appears to be a 20th hoax prophecy addressed to Hitler, possibly with the aim of influencing him. The text was further chopped and adapted to the times. Christina Gallagher's 'House of Prayer' is based on Achill Island. Posted on I hope this will help someone out there. Literal interpretations are usually found in gnostic heretical documents, also those who expand on the condemned heresies of Chiliasm and Millenarianism. 'Visions' used to start an Ecumenical group and charity not attached to the local Catholic diocese, an offense that can be punished with excommunication. "You can have a normal conversation but if you touch on anything religious, you're told you're not doing things the right way and should be praying and then you get talk of the microchips and that belief system, she says.". -18th Century English Protestant hoax, possibly an 'April Fool's' forgery published as a 'sequel prank' in response to another April Fool's hoax. "Nests of foreigners" will lead to the outbreak of war in the United States, according to the controversial alleged visionary Christina Gallagher. Connors, Georgia has become a New Age Cult. "Maria Divine Mercy" (Book of Truth) (c. 2010 - to present day), !? Feelings of devotion are just feelings; they occur in conjunction with both true and false private revelations. There may have been healings there but what is the source of that healing Nothing for the same reason it wouldn't be wrong to go to the local convenience store to navR.className = tRHandle; Pray for us, as we will for all of you. The Sunday World has highlighted, over the years, how Gallagher, who claims to receive messages from Jesus, has lived in various luxurious mansions while claiming pictures of the Virgin Mary, which the House of Prayer sells for 250, will offer protection from a coming apocalypse. Melanie Calvat: 'Rome - Seat of the Antichrist' (1879), !? the bishop did not, and would not, approve her house of prayer Private devotion to Our Lady under the title of 'Our Lady of America' still permitted, but the visions themselves are not approved. He is also known as Jean de Fre Antoine (Brother Anthony), Aix-la-Chapelle (1871), !? Could be the demons speaking through the fake mystics and giving out their names, etc. 'OUR LADY OF ANGUERA' BRAZIL (1987 to present day)--, (*) CHRISTINA GALLAGHER of ACHILL, Ireland (1988 - to present day)--, (*) LUZ de MARIA de BONILLA, ARGENTINA (c. 1990 to present day). . simple words. Not an authentic prophet. investigated and declared no evidence of miracles or of the supernatural. navR.className = tRHandle; The Archbishop has recognised his approval was null and void and made a statement in May 2016 declaring his former approval null and void and has disbanded any further investigation into the apparitions. His own prophecies proved false, and his anti-papal movement turned violent, people were butchered. Please, if anyone is considering a trip to Brazil for healing, at the JOHANNES AMADEUS da SILVA (1420-1482) - evidence this might be a pseudo prophecy attributed to him, the prophecy is in a book later condemned by the Church, also contains a failed prophecy and other details it is fake. He is also known as. The healer at any healing service would have to be approved by the local bishop. - fake mystic using fake visions to start an 'end of the world' sex cult - formally charged with underage rape, he is formally excommunicated by the Church. Her books contained failed prophecies, teaches the centuries-old Millenarian / Chiliast heresy. Any work carried on since then has been entirely of a private nature and has no Church approval whatever. (*) MARIE JOSSEAUME BERGADIUE 'BERGUILLE' (1873- c. 1875): (*) ST. BERNADETTE of LOURDES - '1879 LETTER to POPE LEO XIII', (*) MELANIE CALVAT: - 'ROME WILL BECOME THE SEAT OF THE ANTICHRIST': --. 'Mara-Divine Mercy's. mystics, theologians, Doctors of the Church. sensations are very subjective. by (*) 'JENNIFER' of the USA, 'WORDS FROM JESUS', (2001 - c. 2012) ----several major doctrinal and Biblical errors, signs of a fake. Various remedies here. Regarding Christina Gallagher, she has a prayer house established in Austin, Texas as well as in other places in the USA. She said the Catholic Church should care about pensioners not receiving vaccines based on messages Gallagher claims to receive from Jesus. A lot of not yet approved appritions and fake mystics promote this, which is another sign in itself. The list also includes HERETICAL TEACHINGS, and mystics and apparitions NOT APPROVED by the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Becoming known for her 'herbal remedies' for the chastisements, in particular, the 'Good Samaritan Oil', which in fact is not a heaven revealed remedy but a known medieval recipe called 'Thieves Oil'. --theory that is now disproved by the passage of time / weight of history. I found so many people who She continues to run her prayer houses without Church authority or approval. Sr. Bertina (Bertine) Bouquillon (Boquillon) (1800-1850), !? var navL = document.getElementById("SAW_SideNav_ID" + NavCount + "_Left"); (*) ST. PADRE PIO 'FRENCH MONARCHY PROPHECIES' / "BOOK OF LOVE" revealed to LUIGI GASPARI (1968): -- strange, fake revelations claimed to have been given to him by St. Padre Pio bi-locating to him, but with no proof this ever happened. Instead, it is something God is starting to do in a greater way in the lives of believers who are a part of that denomination . There is an element of credibility to his 'Birch Tree Prophecies', this was just misattributed. Contains failed prophecy due to a misreading of the St. Malachy prophecies, also, apparently gave the first recorded mention of an 'Illumination of Conscience' event - sign of a suspect prophecy. St. Padre Pio himself said he never made this prophecy, and said to put his name to it is a forgery. Protestant theologian making a mocking false description of the Great Monarch and non-prophetical comments on a Great Monarch prophecy, not credible as a real prophecy. That's enough for us. What is the Catholic Church's teaching about these 34 doctor entities who use him as a vessel to perform the amazing surgery I left on my trip I prayed that the Lord would open my eyes to the truth, Very problematic as her visions and fake miracles instilled disobedience with certain members of clergy to the point her fake visions were obviously demonic tactics meant to discredit and impede the causes of true mystics, especially Marie-Julie Jahenny and those inspired by Jahenny's visions and mission, such as Ven. Since then, she claims to have regularly been receiving messages from heaven, the tone of which have become extremely threatening. So, how can they be made into 'new mysteries' of the Rosary? Many of the messages contain dire warning and the most recent conversation she claimed she had with Jesus was at the end of July, where she claimed he warned recent weather events were caused by sin and will intensify. Catholic Church of St. Mark Valerie Rev. "I've written to the Catholic Church on numerous occasions. After efforts by the archdiocese to "integrate" the centre into its structures, Gallagher temporarily closed the centre for a time in July 1998, since when it has had no approval or involvement from the Catholic Church . Celebration of the sacraments and reservation of the Blessed Sacrament at the 'House of Prayer' are not permitted. While they are not officially condemned by the Church either, the 'spirit of contradiction' entered into this set of apparitions. Sr. Mary Ephrem Neuzil Our Lady of America (1956-1959), !? Christina Gallagher message: May 14th 2022. power. readers are not as devout or informed as others. (*) The 'NUN of LYELBE' (c. 1823-1829) ----another fake text, apparently a spin-off of the 'Nursing Nun of Belley / Bellay'. choose to stay away! Not so long ago an Irish bishop of our time, Pat, came from the depths of purgatory to beg her to offer a week of her sufferings for his soul. tRHandle += "_Hover"; ---big problem here. I have visited her House of Prayer on Achill Island on the West Coast of Ireland It is exactly ten years ago this month that Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer at Achill was opened and dedicated for Mrs Christina Gallagher by the Archbishop of Tuam, Dr Joseph . The Archbishops secretary, Father Brendan Kiilcoyne, said that the Archbishop was trying to bring the house of prayer closer to the structures of the Church. They went to verify and follow up on the news that so-called stigmatist and seer Christian Gallagher had closed down her house of prayer and went into seclusion. :::::::::::: * Please help support this site, click here to find out how. Fabricated a new devotion called the 'rosary of the unborn' with the promise that a baby will be saved from abortion each time a Hail Mary is said on a particular set of rosary beads that has the same amount of beads as a traditional rosary, OR, a shorter chaplet with 3 Hails Marys' per decade, (so which is it? (*) 'JOHANNES FRIEDE' (1204-1257) - 20th Century hoax, also, possibly originating from a hallucination, or occult clairvoyant episodes. Surely the healings should be checked out before permitting such a statement to remain promulgated. I went to Armagh and spoke to him and said my main concern was the spiritual rape of my mother. Our Lady has continued to give her direction, such as for the erection of Houses of Prayer, the first being established in a former convent building in 1993 in Achill, Ireland. 1247- d. 1297), Mother Mariana of Jesus Torres y Berriochoa / OUR LADY OF GOOD SUCCESS (1563-1635), Bl. Thomas Martin, Martin de Gallardon, (1783-1834), !? if (IsOver) { ST. HILARION THE GREAT OF CZENSTOCHAU / (291-371 AD) & 'MONK HILARION' (d. 1476), (*) BL. leaders. - fake mystic using fake visions to start an 'end of the world' sex cult - formally charged with underage rape, he is formally excommunicated by the Church. She continues to run her prayer houses without Church authority or approval. Fr. if (IsOver) { There is supposed to be an aura of spirituality there, as told to us by a woman October 26 2014 11:43 PM The controversial House of Prayer at Achill Island, in Co Mayo, was founded by self-proclaimed visionary Christina Gallagher in 1993. Veronica Lueken - "Bayside Apparitions" (1970s-1990s), !? I would not go because of her disobedience to the bishop. Please check your inbox to verify your details, Now download the free app for all the latest Sunday World News, Crime, Irish Showbiz and Sport. would do better to stay at home and go to Church. Too late. (*) TIMING and the REIGN of the ANTICHRIST: shows what the Catholic Teaching is on this subject and how to spot a fake mystic when they deviate from the traditionally accepted teachings. The Matrix Medal introduced by Christina Gallagher (also from Dublin) is also unapproved and invalid for devotional use or veneration. !? healers. Visions demand belief: promises a 'useless' miracle that won't help convert people when it happens if they don't believe in the visions (! own so-called explanations of the Bible in the 'Book of Truth' are completely contrary to what the Fathers, Catholic visionary, Christina Gallagher, to . I could write a book on this topic, let me just say this: I am not a Catholic, Literal interpretations are usually found in gnostic heretical documents, also those who expand on the condemned heresies of Chiliasm and Millenarianism. Opened with the approval of then Archbishop of Tuam, Joseph Cassidy, these house was to be a place of prayer for all of Our Ladys children with particular importance for priests. That credibility comes from Fr McGinnity. her experience of going to Brazil to see John of God, who His answers were all on camera. Trademarked items show this is a cult of exclusivity, real sacramentals are not trademarked if they are meant for the universal church, unless the visionaries are purposely doing this to rake in money, and the visions do ask for money. --condemned by the Church as 'not supernatural' and of human origin. The SUSPECT LIST heard that the bishops of Yugoslavia have prohibited pilgrimages, and Apparitions of Garabandal (1961-1965), !? Joao is an unconscious medium, she explains, Various signs and apparent miracles seem to occur, but Christ himself warned us about false prophets and false signs and wonders. Has an underhanded secretive attack on the rosary in one of her 'visions'. (The Church teaches we are not required to believe private revelations, so God certainly won't abandon you if you don't believe these.) I would simply suggest caution, without suggesting It was late afternoon on August 18th. Fake mystics can be spotted when they attempt literal interpretations of the 1,000 years and apply it to the Age of Peace, or even the New Heaven and the New Earth. Christ said the gates of Hell shall never prevail, so it cannot and will not be totally destroyed in earth until Christ comes at the Second Coming and only the Church Triumphant will exist. Any work carried on since then has been entirely of a private nature and has no Church approval whatever. Promotes a Masonic New Age ideal of the Age of Peace. The Tuam Archdiocese does not recommend her or the House of Prayer as credible." 6. "You're just putting the problem onto somebody else," she declared. Statement Regarding the Work of Mrs. Christina Gallagher at the House of Prayer at Achill, Most Rev. !? is officially declared an act of disobedience to the point of breaking unity with the Catholic Faith. (*) ST. PADRE PIO 'LETTER TO CONCHITA of GARABANDAL' (1962): Obvious forgery, contains encouragement to spread unapproved "new mysteries" of the Rosary based on the Fatima apparitions -- the apparitions are not dogma, are not based on Biblical scriptures, and we are not even required to believe in for salvation. navC.className = tCHandle; Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus (2007- to Present Day), !? --- no official Church ruling yet, but obviously fake. According to her website, this is how Christina is interpreting Our Ladys messages: What Our Lady is asking us to do is to turn back to God while there is still time, sincerely repent of our sins and go to Confession; to pray constantly, and to pray from the heart, especially the Rosary; to love God in the Mass and in the Eucharist; and to be united and to love one another and to stop finding fault and bickering and fighting with each other. --another fake text, apparently a spin-off of the 'Nursing Nun of Belley / Bellay'. var tCHandle = navC.className.replace(/_Hover/i, ""); He said that Lopez visited him and he knew for certain that she was authentic. var navR = document.getElementById("SAW_TopNav_" + NavCount + "_Right"); entity is Dom Incio, after whom the centre is named Casa Diocese of Mostar-Duvno Trebinje-Mrkan News, Medjugorje bombshell: ex-pastor Tomislav Vlasic laicized, dismissed from Franciscan order. Here is one of several such messages: "The uniting of the currency through Maastricht would be suppressed. 'Blessed' Rembordt (Rembord) the 'Monk' (1689-1793), !? Most of the locals are very reticent on the subject function WA_SAW_topNavToggle(NavCount,IsOver) { Asked Questions (FAQs), Disciplines and Practices for distinct Church seasons, Purgatory Not authentic. It is so sad to see people fall for this, and still fall for it even after pointing out all the grave heresies and failed prophecies of this 'mystic'. I have therefore removed this apparition from the Timeline. Condemned by the Church, contains heresies / errors, also fake sacramentals taking away focus from the Rosary, etcfirst to come up with the 'Blessed Grapes' chastisement remedy, which is obviously is a demonic distraction tactic to keep people from authentic preparations as it is claimed after all the prep-work in getting the grapes, you may not be among the chosen to be 'spared' in the end, even if you eat them. St. Obviously not real. Rev. Disobedience to the Church is a sure sign of a fake mystic. Signs of a fake. Arguelles' 'approval' in September 2015 NULL AND VOID as he had no authority to overturn a papal decision. The house of prayer is associated with Mrs. Christian Gallagher of the Tuam Archdiocese in Ireland. That can start with an excommunication. var tLHandle = "SAW_Halo_LeftGlow"; This home was also filmed, along with a conversation with the husband. function MM_initInteractions(){} to unapproved visionaries or apparitions of Our Lord, Our Blessed Mother, Saints, or any related apparition were urging her to go to Brazil, but she said she would only go if her Rather than comply with the Archbishops demand for control of the funds, Gallagher simply closed the House down and went into hiding. We're walking on eggshells watching what we say. What they found is that Christina Gallagher lives thirty miles away from the former House of Prayer in a seven bedroom mansion with ten foot walls all around the property. function WA_SAW_sideNavToggle(NavCount,IsOver) { The best As well as the House of Prayer on Achill the group has houses in the US and, at one stage, told followers that a part of Texas, where they set up one of the houses, would be destroyed unless a certain amount of donations were given to the House of Prayer. Bl. Christina Gallagher with Fr Gerard McGinnity. and Confused, Contemplating becoming a Catholic or Coming home, No On the issues of visiting various apparitions of Our Blessed Lord, Mary, any of the Saints, or any related apparition. Sinai the 4th century. Despite the many controversies over the years, the House of Prayer still has a die-hard following and many keep in touch via a WhatsApp group and have arranged meet-ups where they discuss how the vaccine is the work of the devil. What happened next is best described in the words of the Archbishop of Tuam, Michael Neary. Another relative said: "It's got to the point now that it's so bad. whatever it might be. (*) CHRONICLE OF MAGDEBURG (c. early 16th century) - attributed to a court astrologer named Johann Carion (1499-1537). It's all this end of the world stuff coming up again where if you buy a picture for 250 it will give you protection. He asked that a private association be established to deal with the disposition of funds, but suspended confessions and sermons at the House starting in January of 1998. Pray we can do this soon before time runs out. There is another web site that debunks many of "Christina presents this connection to the other world. foremost rule when weeding out the fakes is 1) if they have they I had a secret hope that this was all true and that I might Former Bishop Punt of Haarlam had approved this vision, but it is has recently been OVERTURNED by the current local bishop Johannes Hendriks, latest notification of 'not supernatural' dated December 20, 2020. if one pays attention to details, it is not hard to uncover a fake: if Joao Teixeira de Faria sounds like any number of I asked if they could train their priests and give them help. sent from God. - died c. 1259-1279 AD), St. Margaret of Cortona (b. Celebration of the sacraments and reservation of the Blessed Sacrament at the House of Prayer are not permitted. - a real saint, but the Great Monarch prophecies attributed to him are either an inventive fabrication attributed to a 14th-century writer named Henoch, and / or, could be a misattribution, the prophecies possibly taken from the 'Opus Davidicum' (1497) by Angelus Although I am not aware of either John of God, the healer in Brazil, or Christian var tRHandle = "SAW_Halo_RightGlow"; Thanks for the information. var tLHandle = "SAW_Halo_LeftGlow"; As well as selling the pictures, the House of Prayer has made significant amounts over the years from followers who leave them large sums in their wills and from people who donate money while still alive. Furthermore, to spread the messages about her 'visions' as 'authentic' is officially declared an act of disobedience to the point of breaking unity with the Catholic Faith. and the critical books about it are relatively few and unpublicized. ), only those who believe these visions will be protected during the chastisements and see the renewal' = demanding 'exclusive belief' to the visions and the mystic, sign of a fake. (*) 'BLESSED' REMBORDT (REMBORD / REMBOLD) the 'MONK' (1689-1793) --Misattributed - Rembold is not a Blessed, nor was he a monk. Constant Louis Marie Pel (1878-1966), ?? People still fall for this one. The House of Prayer's new building in Brewster, New York was previously a synagogue. var navR = document.getElementById("SAW_TopNav_" + NavCount + "_Right"); 'Bishop Christianos of Ageda' (Agreda) (1172-1204), !? She's a qualified nurse who would be well regarded in the community. What is forbidden is making pilgrimages: that is, going there on the (*) JULIA KIM of NAJU SOUTH KOREA (1985- to present day), to spread the messages about her 'visions' as 'authentic'. Condemned by the Church, visions / miracles officially pronounced possibly PRETERNATURAL / DEMONIC. Contact Us! we have Prophecies include influences from the heretical 'Brother John of the Cleft Rock'. At the time she only wanted to be able to buy a washing machine. navL.className = tLHandle; Even so, this 'Theory' still used by Trad priests, also fake Trad cult leaders to rake in money from unsuspecting Trad Catholics. He spoke at length about the Holy Father and his positive statements concerning Medjugorje and that the Vatican has them under investigation under the direction of Cardinal Ratzinger. Prophetic 'Angellic Pontiff Speech to the Great Monarch on his coronation' is also an obvious forgery or hoax as the name of the prophet originates from another fake prophet, Telephorus of Cosenza. var navL = document.getElementById("SAW_SideNav_ID" + NavCount + "_Left"); Sounds more like the Calvanist-Protestant concept of predestination. "The man from the east will be evil, cruel and show no mercy to the world's inhabitants. healed by Jesus Himself! mystics, theologians, Doctors of the Church. (*) ST. PADRE PIO - 'THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS' PROPHECY / LETTER (1950) -also "12 MESSAGES FROM JESUS" ---Forgery. Misattribution, evidence it is originally the 'Vatiguerro Prophecy'. The Medjugorje Marian Centers throughout the world picked up on her story and wed her to the rest of the hundreds of seers in their portfolios. other charlatan psychic surgeons. Is Christina Gallagher approved by the Catholic Church? Ministry around the visions an ecumenical money-making racket that refuses to submit to the local bishop. will only cause pastoral, and sometimes doctrinal, confusion in the Church. Diocesan efforts to integrate this work ended in July, 1998 when it was closed by Mrs. Gallagher. "She became really embroiled with it and would take the meaning of these messages very seriously," said Maria. Nevertheless, before Stay away from this guy. main sources for discernment are the Traditional Douay-Rheims Bible, and the Mr. Mark Collins Jimmy Mitchell Tarpon Springs, FL Discipleship Week Office for Evangelization EPIC Ali Hoffman Carrollton Conor Gallagher Back to School Retreat Sacred Heart, Danville Charlotte, NC JustFaith . Michael Kelly. (*) ST. BERNADETTE of LOURDES - '1879 LETTER to POPE LEO XIII' -- 20th century forgery. (*) MARIE JOSSEAUME BERGADIUE 'BERGUILLE' (1873- c. 1875):--'stigmatic mystic' with fake miracles, her main prophecy concerning who would be the Angelic Pontiff proved completely false and she was condemned by the Church. JOHANNES AMADEUS da SILVA (1420-1482) -, (*) ST. NICHOLAS of FLUE 'PROPHECY' (1417-1487), (*) BL. Not authentic. The Sunday World was the first paper to reveal how the House of Prayer was a money-making operation which helped Gallagher build up a multi-million property portfolio. Since the Covid pandemic hit Gallagher has been ramping up claims that Jesus has been warning her of the coming apocalypse and how supporting the House of Prayer was the only way to salvation. people bleeding, etc. She never knows who is going to be healed until people come and acknowledge it. There are plenty of frantic worried people, lamenting the state of the world, who are good Catholics but the Blessed Virgin from Heaven does not talk like them, in such a human, earthly, fretful fashion. Peters said he was not convinced of the authenticity Our Ladys frantic tone. I'm grateful that the Lord did Because of Him, ANNE CATHERINE EMMERICK - the 'EMPEROR HENRY' VISION (1774-1824)--mistaken to be a Great Catholic Monarch prophecy of 'Henry', the king named in Marie-Julie's prophecies, when in fact this is a vision she had of the medieval Holy Roman Emperor Henry II of Germany. She contradicts revelations given by true mystics about real herbal remedies. (*) FRANCINE BRIAULT - "AMOUR POUR TOUS LES MEINS, JESUS" (LOVE FOR ALL MY CHILDREN; JESUS) - (2001- c. 2004) -- claims to have inner locutions, but they contradict St. Paul in the Scriptures, the Church Fathers, the Church and the saints regarding the timing and reign of the Antichrist.
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