Also the was the place where Jeannie Lin published her first books set in China, so they are willing to look at different settings. Plus I was really bummed that shes not going to finish her Silver Daughters trilogy (about three sisters who run a tattoo shop); she had published the first two books and there was a big cliffhanger at the end of book twobut instead of using her final book to complete the series, she published a coda for an existing couple (from ACT YOUR AGE). Would a 5,000 word erotic HR short receive the same treatment as a 120,000+ word inspirational tome? Granted, most people have been really understanding about it, but a number of people outside of the field really dont get it. Covering theory, applications, and research, this comprehensive book has become the gold standard of health behavior texts. 2012 A Lady's Lesson in Scandal. She wrote back a very personalized, kind letter, which made her my hero AND my favorite historical romance writer. is meredith duran still writing. I havent noticed anything in recent years by either. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. That occurred to me as well! Im still writing some romance but Im also moving over to historical detective stories. Ive never read anything by Meredith Duran but would love to start! I believe if I read the interview right she was all but forced by her editor to write contemporary and I understand if the voice does not sound right because the voice fits a historical not going make the contemporary sound right. She wrote a couple of SF romances that I loved and it seemed she planned for more that universe that just never materialized. I dont mind it in contemporary romance or even a time travel, but I really dislike 19th century bluestocking heroines that write like modern bloggers.. I love the exotic setting of Written on Your Skin.. Im nodding my head at the notion that light-hearted, fluffy romances with one-dimensional characters are popular. Is it difficult to balance academic writing with novel writing? She is the author of twelve novels, all published by Pocket Books. I hope shes doing ok. Still, I had my finger crossed when I read Lady Be Good and, luckily, I wasn't disappointed.. London, 1882. Im back to devouring romances after a several year dry-spell and this sounds like just the sort of author whose books I really want to read. As for the self-published authors, it can definitely get tricky. Her website had an under construction notice the last time I tried to access it. Ive been hoping that Duke of Shadows will show up in my librarys catalog, but I think that Ill be buying Bound by Your Touch if I dont get it free here! I am a massive fan of Judith Ivory, and Bliss is one of my favorite books of all time.). And thats a good thing. (No one is forcing this particular price point by decree, but a number of erotica authors have essentially made an unofficial pact to never charge less than $2.99 for smut lest customers start expecting $0.99 jollies that would only earn an author $0.35 per sale.) What romance author do you miss the most? I would love to try a new author. I also miss Sherry Thomas writing historical romance. On the one hand, Meredith Duran's writing is stunning. As for books priced less than a dollar, again, thats not too uncommon for the kinds of shorts that self-pubbers crank out. Bound by Your Touch sounds great! ELIZABETH DIE AND LEAVE US WITH NO MORE Ive seen too many careers ruined by petty Twitter fights, and I dont think mainstream publishers can or will protect controversial authors from that unless theyve grown financially too big to touch. L.Heath. I also miss her. Meredith was born and raised enamored of British history. I didnt know this. There is no need to dumb things down for the audio audience; we can keep up just fine. I relisten to the books periodically, I hope they come back someday. Privacy Policy. On the flip side, new generations of writers emerge every year to follow in their footsteps. Like that line in movie The Devil Wears Prada where Miranda lectures Annie and tells her shes wearing a particular shade of blue sweater because Miranda and a few select others made a decision years ago that that blue would be fashionable and promoted in magazines and high fashion until it trickled down to the level of the market where Annie bought it. Her last novel, Shadows, was published in 2013. Hi Meredith! No. Yes, shes still writing. And, to make the good news even better, the incredibleBound by Your Touch will be followed with another release in August, Written on Your Skin. Im looking forward to yours! Couldnt make it through the next two. Meredith Duran - Historical Romance Novelist Coming February 27, 2018 BACK FROM THE DEAD, AN EARL SEEKS VENGEANCE. I have to be careful though not to push this trend notion too far in my own mind because I suspect theres lots of push back out there dark romances, nostalgia for traditional masculinity, etc., all from books I avoid when reading for pleasure. See if your friends have read any of Meredith Duran's books. What I find particularly remarkable about the authors youve named is that they each have such a distinctive voice that if you put an unlabeled excerpt of each of their books in front of me, I would know instantly who had written what. Personally, I am not interested in her YA series. I miss LaVyrle Spencer and Muriel Jensen and, although I think shes still writing but never fast enough, Kathleen Gilles Seidel. You arent pleased by certain narratives, so you dont have to read them. Do you know of any data or scholarship on this? She hasnt stopped writing, but in the Afterword to her last published romance (NOT YOUR SHOE SIZE), she announced she was no longer going to be writing romance; she plans to write in a different genre and publish under a different name (Dangerfield provided neither her new name nor the new genre). Im not on Twitter, but I understand Stein has tweeted that she is still writing but went through a bad case of writers block. The more books the better! So great to meet you! Whatever route you decide to take, good luck to you! (I know she shut down her blog, but before she did, I believe if I remember correctly she mentioned that it was not profitable for her to publish and she could make more money and be under less stress as a ghostwriter. And I miss authors who may be an image of my youth, they might not work for me anymore, maybe: Iris Johansson (I do not like her crime books, same for others that come up), Judith mcNaught, Catherine Coulter, Tami Hoag, Elizabeth Lowell, Suzanne Brockmann, I just remember my enchantment when a new book came out . Even though I absolutely adored the last Meredith Duran book I read, my experience with her writing has been pretty erratic to date. On the other hand, it creates a never-ending cycle of the same old stories with just minor tweaks. Apr 22, 2018. Ive been saving it for a special occasion, I think. :). But, I could be wrong. Sorry for typos. Ive never listened to them. (I hope this doesnt end up a double post! I miss new books from Meredith Duran and Meg Maguire/Cara McKenna. Please enter me in the contest. True, she didnt quit writing entirely, but shes definitely shifted her focus from romantic suspense to thrillers with some romantic elements (as opposed to central romance). (Granted, your average erotica short is 5,000 words, but KDP still considers a short story a book.). For credit unions, social media presents a unique opportunity to interact with members beyond b Just a small irritant: At least now between blogs, twitter and other readers one can glean some kind of answer or update. Laura Florand, especially since she took a hiatus (which I understand, life happens and is complicated, but I want to maaaaybe have a tentative year for that book) before the final book in her La vie en Roses series, which also has a twist Ive been wanting to read about for a while,now. Also, when I was briefly toying with the idea of a book that would consist of an around-the-world chase, she was all for that, and I dont recall England being anywhere on the couples itinerary. It wasnt about Torie, and that makes me sad. I dont necessarily believe that books are shorter today if you take into consider self-publishing, for instance. I wanted to read those old opinions, see if something changed or stuck our. I think my most missed are already mentioned. Cyber dating abuse represents a new form of dating violence that has been gaining worrying dimensions. Id love to read some but I dont know of anyone doing research on this area. I think in some novels the age of the author slips in somewhat even if they are writing someone younger. So theres that to start with. I just wanted to say that I loved The Duke of Shadows. I didnt post often but I read a lot of the posts, and I clicked on your Amazon links whenever I bought a book to show my support. I used to look more at e-publisher but many of largest romance geared ones have gone out of bussiness and what is in the bookstores are a sea of ballgowns and simple plots that I can predict what is going to happen before I even open the book and it drives me crazy because I want to read a book and it seems that I can not get one that I can sink my teeth into. Listening to characters supposedly conversing in a pub or bar without hearing background chatter or clinking glasses its just plain weird!! I miss Liz Carlyle and Susan Carroll both of whom wrote meaty, complex books. I think someone said Sorenson was publishing under another name, but I could never really verify if that were the case. Just by looking at Top 100 lists on Amazon in a particular book category over a set period of time, I can observe current trends. Many include authors interviewing other authors or fangirling including Bec McMaster interviewing Amanda Bouchet. I enjoyed the first two. I see a lot of authors will post what and who they are currently reading or their influences and I think its brave in this day and age as people can be quick to draw conclusions. Looking forward to what sounds like an incredibly good book and a new-to-me author. Id love to read more by Judith McNaught, Deborah Simmons and Lyn Viehl as well. Now a doctoral student in anthropology, she is happy to report that all three goals have become her favorite things to do. It seems that these days most single titles are arround 80k and that means that you can not do as much with the plot as you used be able to do. "How kind of you to confirm what I already know. So many series would abruptly stop or authors would just disappear off of the shelves with no explanation. I had been waiting and hoping for years that Judith Merkle Riley would publish again and was so saddened years ago when it was announced she had passed on. It is so wonderful. William Devaliant, Lord Lockwood, was born into a charmed life. Does anyone know if Karyn Monk and Isolde Martyn are still writing? Did publishers study what was selling well in their lines and decide it was the most profitable? I also suspect the fact that the narrators have a long-running, frenemies bromance going on on Twitter has a lot to do with the reasoning behind this book. I voted for it in several categories in the latest AAR best books poll. And, I have to admit that Nardi is absolutely one of my favorite characters (just re-read Bliss a few weeks ago) so I am definitely looking forward to learning James. I enjoyed Duke of Shadows and the far-flung setting in India. QUITTING WHEN A PERSON HAS SUCH, I so miss Duran. I read about half of book 2 with much the same reaction and I quit at that point. I hope that the influnce of Harlequin Historicals rubs off on to the AVON books and not the other way around because I really would hate to see them turn into Regency only publisher. It may be harder for authors who want longer books, more complex stories or more conflicted heroes and heroines to make a living if they are going against what is hot or trendy. facebook, twitter, etc. Your Wicked Heart. I just cant cope with the romance community as it is right now, and historical romance sales have gone right down since the Amazon scam authors moved in. Shes publishing regularly. $$('.authorBlogPost .body img').each(function(img) { James has spent the last few years deliberately attempting to wreck his own life; Lydia has spent these years focusing all her passion into her scholarly work. Or just my device? She was an auto-buy for years! I must say I miss Laura Kinsale- though her missing status isnt so recentI understand that her research, writing and resolutions all took much out of her-but WOW, so did they take much out of me, as the reader. Sure, they talk a great deal about diversity, originality, and whatnot, but their HR catalog tends to neatly fit the status quo- with some exceptions, of course. (None of them have incited the sort of ire leveled at Patrick Rothfuss and George R. R. Martin, however.). I think McKenna said writing wasnt fun anymore and took a job in another field (I know her children are still fairly young too, so perhaps the decision to stop writing was also driven by family concerns). And, in the meantime, Ill console myself with all the wonderful contemporaries that have come out recently and hunt down every obscure, out-of-print historical I can get my hands on. I dont believe in any hierarchy of quality in fiction, but I think each of the others above brought a literary sensibility to their work. Chicago North's Spring Fling was an amazing and inspiring weekend; I'm back home and filled with a fire to write. When I read comments like this, Im immediately thinking of how different my own reading experiences must be to others. I know we will never agree on this point before Doomsday, but art can definitely exist for arts sake without an inherent agenda beyond pleasure. Is American national culture going to be able to critically assess the results? While their concerns are valid, I'd Steven Johnson on LinkedIn: [VGC] You against the writing machines: I miss Lynn Viehl, too. The Duke of Shadows is one of my favorite re-reads and I have to say it did remind me of the meaty romances from a few years ago (I sure do miss those deep, detailed books). I had been keeping up with the blogs about it. I hear I am quite popular., I deserve better such a dangerous, mad thought for a woman to entertain., Words are not the only way we communicate, you and I. Duran grew up with a love and obsession with British history which led her to set many of her novels in 1880s Britain and Victorian England. (Harlequin definitely plays it safe by putting queer romances under their Carina Press imprint.). Still, going to make my way into another Duran book next. She has gotten a lot of positive reviews. Plus some new to me authors to explore. And, without giving too much away, what readers can expect from your August release, Written on Your Skin? But having been brought up with older parents I enjoyed the more traditional aspects of the heroine and still enjoyed many books originally published in the 60s or 70s where the heroines were pursuing adventures in their stockings and skirt suits when any modern heroine would be grubbing around in jeans.
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