[27] In 2007, Georgia moved up to 46th place. Eric Stirgus: The chancellor is hired by the Board of Regents as a 19-member body, and all of those folks are appointed by the governor and so they serve seven-year terms. It's us but for your ears. Georgias public university system said on Tuesday that former Gov. Kemp replaced them with two additional members. There's been a lot of different issues that colleges are facing regarding social issues and political issues. Eric Stirgus: I think, you know, his critics have a couple of reasons that they're concerned. 260 14th St. NW Steve Fennessy: Well, there was also some changes that happened on the board itself, right? Perdue is poised within . Its another death, wound, stab in the heart for anybody that works in the university system to have someone like this, he said. He continued his effort to cut their wages, ultimately teaming with the Department of Labor on a rule change that will result in an aggregate wage cut worth at least $170.68 million annually over the next ten yearsa transfer of money from low-wage workers to relatively wealthy farm owners. She says a lot of things. His Democratic opponent was Lieutenant Governor Mark Taylor. The Board of Regents named Dr. Sonny Perdue the 14th chancellor of the University System of Georgia effective April 1, 2022. Sonny Perdue, of course, was a two-term governor of Georgia, as well as secretary of agriculture under former President Donald Trump. Gov. [2] He previously served as the 81st governor of Georgia from 2003 to 2011; Perdue was the first Republican to hold the office since the Reconstruction era.[3]. [14][15], Perdue is not related to the family who owns and operates Perdue Farms (commonly associated with the brand "Perdue Chicken").[16][17]. Then the pandemic hit, ripping through migrant farm worker communities, who toiled on with little in the way of protective gear or opportunities for social distancing. Eric Stirgus: Publicly, I don't think he's said one way or another right now. How is that number arrived at? Perdue, Trump's first and only agriculture secretary, is a notable exception. Earlier this week, Georgia's Board of Regents announced that Sonny Perdue was the sole finalist for the job. But then prior to him, you had Errol Davis, who was a utilities company executive and he had no administrative experience in higher education. Eric Stirgus: I think, you know, there's just some uncertainty among many faculty members about, you know, who will eventually serve in the position and you know what role they may take on, you know, on this, you know, systems operations. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Anyone can read what you share. Mr. Perdues appointment as chancellor would also limit his contributions to the campaign of David Perdue, his cousin and a former senator who is running against Gov. [9], Perdue was born in Perry, Georgia, the son of Ophie Viola (Holt), a teacher, and George Ervin Perdue Jr., a farmer. But you know, obviously, you know, there's been a lot of talk recently about issues like critical race theory. What's the implication there? While Perdue puffed up the generosity of his boss, the USDA was busy botching the food-relief effort, awarding fat contracts to distributors ill-equipped to handle them, with the result that some parts of the country got a lot of food, while others got very little, NPR reported. Not that Perdue lacks national stature - he was the governor of Georgia, a heavily agricultural state, from 2003 to 2011. "There is one thing we know for sure: Sen. David Perdue will be . [58][59], Under Perdue, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) was accused of suppressing scientific publications for political reasons. He spent his 2020 like he spent the other years of his Washington stint: flattering his boss at every opportunity, and lavishing largesse on political allies while undercutting poor people and food-system workers. Perdue, a former US senator, has so far raised a fraction of what Kemp has in his campaign war chest. Kemp. In research shared with POLITICO, Accountable.US alleges that farm policies backed by the secretary could potentially have benefited his own or his familys interests beyond the two agribusinesses that were sold. [43], Beginning in 2007, Governor Perdue began to pursue the goal of making Georgia the "bass-fishing tourism mecca". The credits are meant to offset the environmental impact of land development and they can be bought and sold on the marketplace. Perdue restructured his original family trust into a new fund that he did not oversee, and the fund then sold off two of his businesses directly involved in agriculture the only assets that posed potential conflicts, according to a USDA spokesperson. His name is Sonny Perdue. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue pledged in 2017 to separate himself from his multimillion dollar business holdings that could pose conflicts of interest in his public duties. "[36], On November 13, 2007, while Georgia suffered from one of the worst droughts in several decades, Perdue led a group of several hundred people in prayer on the steps of the state Capitol. Eric Stirgus: You know, and then there have been other instances where, you know, Sonny has supported now-Gov. In 2010, at the tail end of his second term as governor, Perdue named his cousin, David Perduewho had just stepped down as chief executive of Dollar General discount storesto the board of the Georgia Ports Authority. He stated that legitimate, measurable carbon trading could spur so-called carbon sequestration by giving farmers an incentive to innovate. Senator David Perdue (R-GA) abstained, as they are first cousins. [67], Perdue's assets during his time as Secretary were placed in blind trusts, as is common to prevent financial conflicts of interest. Sanders: one of the the most fun, engaging, charming, and charismatic people Ive ever been around. Perdue: he has an amazing instinctive ability to make decisions.. Steve Fennessy: So I'm guessing that maybe he wants to stay out of this altogether, or do we know if he is going to make any kind of public statement endorsing one way or the other? [57] Current and former employees of the ERS were strongly critical of the relocation to Kansas City, saying the resulting exodus of scientific and economic talent caused disruption to federal research, especially on climate change and food security. Former US Secretary of Agriculture and former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue were named chancellor of the University System of Georgia by the Board of Regents today (USG). Atlanta, GA 30318 Thanks for listening. You know, he provided the money for the budget for the university system, and he understands how the system, you know, to a certain degree, you know, how the system works. Steve Fennessy: And when Wrigley said he was going to retire, was there kind of a shortlist floated around of possible successors? We've been hearing that Gov. Eric Stirgus: And then there's been issues that a lot of Republican lawmakers have been bringing up to in the Georgia Legislature in recent years about campus speech issues that they feel that, you know, students and groups cannot speak freely on college campuses, particularly conservatives. The Washington Post detailed several wish-list items that ADM achieved: loosening of regulations on pork production, fewer inspections, helping lobby against proposed government bans on glyphosate by Thailand and Vietnam, and promoting ethanol and biodiesel. Higher education is where I wanted to have a real impact as governor, only to be stymied by twin recessions, he said in the board-issued statement. And then also, I think, you know, there's been some criticism that he's not the best qualified person for the position. Steve Fennessy: You mentioned that there's a long political history between Sonny Perdue and Brian Kemp. We're a nonprofit (so it's tax-deductible), and reader support makes up about two-thirds of our budget. Sonny Perdue Age: 75 Birthplace: Perry, Georgia Political History: Georgia state senator, 1991-2002; governor, 2003-2011; U.S. Department of Agriculture secretary, 2017-2021. Eric Stirgus: You know, it's a pretty important job in the state of Georgia. But Sonny Perdue was there from the beginning. So that's a little strange, isn't it? This is diversity and inclusion. And so there are some ways to Sonny Perdue can help the university system of Georgia. Find them all here. [13], In 1971, Perdue earned his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine, and worked as a veterinarian before becoming a small business owner, eventually starting three small businesses. Sonny Perdue's . The secretarys numerous and labyrinthine financial interests in agribusiness and land development makes it essential that his ethical commitments be rigorously enforced so as not to create a conflict of interest, Austin Evers, the groups executive director, wrote last week in a letter to the IGs office. Yes. Sonny Perdue and Brian Kemp have a longstanding relationship politically, and then you have Sonny Perdue's cousin who is running against the governor now in the GOP primary. [31] The choices were a modified version of the First National Flag of the Confederate States of America, with the Georgia State Seal prominently displayed inside a circle of 13 stars, or the flag created in 2001 by the Roy Barnes administration. One is looking at his record, as you know, the governor of Georgia. Governor Perdue stood out for his impressive experience and leadership in public service as well as a vast understanding not only of Georgia and its communities but of the issues facing the university system as we move forward, Harold Reynolds, the chair of the Board of Regents, said in a statement on Monday. A longtime Atlanta-based journalist, he is a former editor-in-chief of Atlanta magazine. Mother Jones was founded as a nonprofit in 1976 because we knew corporations and billionaires wouldn't fund the type of hard-hitting journalism we set out to do. Brian Kemp: That's why I'm looking forward to working with the members of the General Assembly this legislative session to protect our students from the divisive ideologies like critical race theory. His committee assignments included Ethics, Finance & Public Utilities, Health & Human Services, Reapportionment, and Economic Development, Tourism & Cultural Affairs. publicly condemned how the university system selected Mr. Perdue, will be the first woman to head the institution, a large-scale, low-cost online Master of Science degree program. Launched in October 2019, a week after the House of Representatives announced an impeachment inquiry against Trump, the show began with an appearance from Sarah Huckabee Sanders. He won his first term in 2014 by fewer than 8 percentage points. Steve Fennessy: What form has that opposition taken on college campuses or in academic circles? Steve Fennessy: Well, let's unpack a little bit more this rather awkward political relationship going on. Perdue will begin his duties as the 14th chancellor on April 1, according to a press release from USG. Brian Kemp is not. Kemp can use that to the Republican base and say, "Hey, you know, I have one of the most loyal Trump guys you know, and, you know, if I appointed him to a very important position here in state government and we know we've had a long-standing relationship. [18], Perdue was elected as a Democrat in 1991, 1994, and 1996. Jess Mador is the lead podcast producer at GPB News. Brian Kemp: Obviously, this is huge for our campaign. And then also there has been, through the congressional redistricting process, you know, because of some changes insome of the districts, you know, we've had two additional changes on the regents where two members are now no longer on the board and the governor has replaced another one of those members and all three of the members that he has replaced are people who have been, you know, very supportive of the governor in the past through campaign contributions and other ways. I think Steve really was making maybe about a half million dollars when he retired, so that's way more than the governor of Georgia was making. Two-thirds of the reassigned USDA employees chose to quit rather than accept relocation. [News tape] WSB: After what the board's chairman described as a nationwide search with, quote, "numerous highly qualified candidates," in the end, the board voted to pick Perdue as the sole finalist for the job. Undeterred by the pandemic-led spike in hunger, Perdue also doubled- and tripled-down on a long-held goal: boosting work requirements for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program that would eliminate food aid forat least 1.2 million peopleabout a third of them households containing senior citizens, nearly a quarter with children, and 11 percent with a disabled person, according tononpartisan think tank Mathematica. Subscribe to the Mother Jones Daily to have our top stories delivered directly to your inbox. And you know, I think there have been a couple of state lawmakers who have publicly come out against the idea. He also talked about, you know, bringing stability to the system. That decision and the selection of Mr. Perdue are both intrusions on academic freedom, Mr. Boedy, the University of North Georgia professor, said. From the year 2017 to 2021, George has served as the 31st United States Secretary Of Agriculture. Once again, left-leaning organizations like American Oversight will do anything they can to stop this administration from helping the American people, the spokesperson said. But you know, we are hearing, you know, some of the newer members could be a lot more supportive of Sonny Perdue. [3], In 2006, Perdue was re-elected to a second term in the 2006 Georgia gubernatorial election, winning nearly 58% of the vote. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and The Georgia Public Library Service and the Georgia Archives . It is simply unacceptable for people to sneak into this country illegally on Thursday, obtain a government-issued ID on Friday, head for the welfare office on Monday, and cast a vote on Tuesday, he declared, backing up his rancid lies with a crackdown on undocumented people. He shortly thereafter became a committee chairman, then climbed the leadership ladder to majority leader and to Senate president pro tempore. He would not be the first governor to move into academia: Former Gov. [12], In education, Perdue promoted the return of most decision-making to the local level. Saeger, of Accountable.US, said the inspector general still needs to review that claim. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, it was a plum post for the political novice, which he used as a springboard that helped propel him to a US Senate seat in 2014. Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms shocked manyby announcing last week she will not be running for reelection. Some would say the most important job is, you know, making sure that money that comes from the state is sent to the schools and is being spent properly. [46], In December 2004, Perdue bought $2 million worth of land near Disney World from a developer who he had previously appointed to the state's economic development board. The North American Vexillological Association had deemed it the ugliest U.S. state flag. Perdue and a partner purchased the agricultural land in 2009 and later earned so-called mitigation bank credits for converting the tract for wetland conservation purposes, according to the watchdog organizations. Perdue will not improve the state of education as chancellor - he will only ruin it.. [21] He became the first Republican governor of Georgia in 131 years since Benjamin F. Faster kill lines boost packer profits even as they put already pandemic-stressed workers under greater strain, while also making proper social distancing even more difficult. Brian Kemp and thought Trump thought his endorsement would spell immediate trouble for the incumbent. It is no surprise that these made up accusations are coming out in the final weeks of October. [46] Perdue failed to disclose his ownership of the property in required financial disclosure forms. That's next. The design of the 2001 Georgian flag was widely unpopular, being derisively named the "Barnes flag". Secretary Perdue did nothing wrong when he complied with his ethics agreement and followed the advice of career ethics officers at USDA (at considerable personal expense) to restructure his trusts.. Steve Fennessy: Politics makes strange bedfellows. Secretary Perdue complied with his ethics agreement and followed the advice of ethics officers at USDA when he restructured the Perdue Family Revocable Management Trust into a new family management trust, in which the secretary and his wife had no ownership interest and were not trustees, the spokesperson said in a statement. A Senate panel backed a bill on Tuesday that would put pressure on local school boards to adhere to the open meetings laws and create barriers to removing disruptive parents from meetings. Sonny Perdue may soon head up Georgias public university system. Subscribe today and get a full year of Mother Jones for just $14.95. He referenced the pandemic and the phrase "Cultural Revolution." [32] Perdue disappointed some Georgians by not making the 1956 flag one of the choices on the ballot, despite a campaign promise to do so. Kemp is sort of paying back a favor. There, he managed a workforce of 110,000 employees in the U.S. Department of Agriculture with the stated objective of being the most efficient, effective and customer-friendly agency in the . Governor Pierre Howard asking for more responsibilities, and Howard obliged. This week, officials on the Board of Regents announced Perdue is the sole finalist for the top job of chancellor. In this 2017 post, I recount some of the port-related shenanigans the cousins Perdue got up to together, including launching a port-reliant export business. Steve Fennessy: When you look at past chancellors in the university system of Georgia, is that a position where the person who gets the job is typically coming from a higher educational background? President Trump is endorsing Brian Kemp's Republican opponent in the primary, David Perdue, to be the next governor. Perdue is a cousin to Trump Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. Other issues addressed by Perdue include assisting rural communities, helping farmers operate with less regulation, increasing exports, passing the 2018 farm bill, and addressing crop damage caused by dicamba. An investigationby the Food and Environment Reporting Networks Leah Douglas found that at least 40 percent of chicken plants operating at the higher speeds experienced COVID outbreaks, versus 14 percent for the overall meat sector. She currently produces the Georgia Today and Battleground: Ballot Box shows. Trump announced just days before his own inauguration, on Jan. 20, 2017, that. Sonny Perdue was its sole finalist to become chancellor, a choice that has outraged some professors and led a. June 23, 2021. American Oversight and another watchdog group, Accountable.US, claim that violates Perdues 2017 agreement with ethics officials that he would restructure his original family trust and transfer all of its stock in Perdue Business Holdings to a new, irrevocable trust that wouldnt be overseen by or benefit the secretary. USDA said the reorganization of Perdues finances was cleared by career ethics staff, pointing to the secretarys 2019 financial disclosure that was signed by ethics officials. [44], Upon the end of Perdue's term as governor, many in the Georgia General Assembly condemned the project and Perdue after an advisory council (appointed by Perdue) began to funnel additional bond money to the project located in his home county. David Perdue is saying, "I'm the big Trump guy here." The office directed the USDA chief to reimburse the government for travel expenses and other costs of the event. Sonny Perdue served two terms as the governor of Georgia, from 2003 to 2011. But her critics have said thatwhat she calls a COVID Crime Wave and her handling of the firing of Atlanta police officer Garrett Rolfe, who shot Rayshard Brooks last summer, made her vulnerable if she had chosen to run. Sign up to receive GPB Event announcements via Email. Conley. You know, I've worked with him, but you know, I just didn't feel like, you know, he was the best person for the job. The income stemmed partly from the sale of conservation credits under a federal wetlands protection program. [33] Georgia voters chose the flag resembling the Confederate flag. Like Trump, hes a former Democrat who ascended to political power (in Perdues case, Georgia governor) in a stunning upset. The latest scrutiny stems from Perdues wealth of current and former interests in agriculture, trucking and land development a complex web of trusts, land parcels, holding companies and subsidiaries. And besides the national prominence afforded any state governor, Perdue garnered widespread attention for his actions in 2007 during the worst drought in Georgia's history. Presumably, some political appointees who served in the Trump administration did so with earnest intentions, hoping to bring dignity and professionalism to the task of advancing the Republican agenda of deregulation, austerity (for non-cronies), and upward wealth redistribution. Eric Stirgus: He has some interest in the job because, you know, he realizes the importance of higher education to the state's economy. Steve Fennessy: How big is the university system? According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, "As the vigil ended, the sun shone through what had been a cloudy morning. On January 18, 2017, President-elect Donald Trump announced that he would nominate Perdue to be Secretary of Agriculture. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources figures showed 21,101 people visited the Perry facility in fiscal 2015, which ended June 30. Perdue claimed a combined $511,800 in income from Perdue Inc., a trucking company; Houston Fertilizer & Grain Co., which manages commercial real estate in Bonaire, Ga.; and StarPort Logistics LLC. [25] Perdue then used the new law on his 2004 tax return to defer $100,000 in taxable gains from the sale of land. Perdues response? after feeling punished under Trump, "Economists flee Agriculture Dept. Sonny Perdue is cousins with David Perdue, who is now engaged in a bitter primary battle against Brian Kemp Brian Kemp, who, of course, is backing Sonny Perdue. Or are they sometimes coming from outside it? Later, FALF Management Trust was created. [51], Perdue was the designated survivor on January 30, 2018, for President Trump's first State of the Union address. The COVID-19 crisis served as yet another opportunity to promote the political fortunes of his boss, without impeding his pursuit of a pro-agribusiness, anti-worker agenda. Mr. Perdue, a graduate of the University of Georgia, said he considered the opportunity to lead the university system, which has more than 340,000 students, as the capstone to a career of public service.
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