All Fourteen year later, Katara realizes the full extent of her powers when she finds a child with strangely familiar abilities frozen in an iceberg and a prince comes searching for her. He carefully checked to make sure the cloth was not tied on too tight since cutting off blood flow to the area would only make it worse. Aang didn't want to disturb this special family moment, and Toph stayed back because she wasn't really the type who liked kids. Sokka and Suki had one day, out of the blue, announced that they would be settling down on Kyoshi Island. Hang on, Katara. Aang said. by Outkast. You can keep the old traditions of your people, or you can make new ones. We get to see many different characters and what their lives have become after the end of the series. It seems like a simple choice, and Katara immediately agrees. 1 winner. And Appa came in for a landing. I doubt I could be called a monk now, though., That's not what I mean. Katara gasped. Look at me. He ordered. Her stomach was round with child! One day, Fire Nation soldiers hijacked a ship of refugees bound for the Earth Kingdom, arresting and killing those they found on board. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. But what if you get pregnant? Aang asked. Aang walked inwell, rather skipped in. Katara's two girlfriends, May and Leila, had spent the best part of an hour trying to convince her to come to a festival with them. Two of them are named after passed loved ones. Geplaatst op 3 juli 2022 door Have. The Avatar. It's been two years since Zuko and Katara have seen each other. He blushed and untied the strips of cloth from her leg, showing it to her. At 18 they revealed that they were together to their parents at their graduation. Well, that is until none other than the Prince and Princess of the Fire Nation find her and decide to bring her aboard their ship. Its 2023, the Harry Potter fandom is still growing strong, and it doesnt seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. The author has written this story from alternating viewpoints, giving us a chance to look at the events from both Katara and Zukos perspectives. Just a little more, Aang! She has nothing, and no one, and shes tired of fighting. Looking back, Katara can see where everything went wrong. EPILOGUE UP! His hands drifted down her body before his fingers met the fabric of her underwear. The story follows the Gaang in alternate storyline where Z *A Zutara fanfic* But they couldnt find Katara. Please don't stop! She begged, moving against him desperately. ? Sokka yelled for the whole town to hear. Let me see. Aang ordered. So, here we go with Day 3! Aang gasped for breath, an once-in-a-lifetime event as far as Katara was concerned. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Oh please, Sokka. XD Katara moved her hand down his stomach to his manhood, which was quickly becoming aroused, and began moving her hand along his shaft. how do you ask her out? Curled up near Katara's leg was a large rat-viper, hissing angrily, and posed to strike. After awhile one Lei, granddaughter of the late Azula, has been trained as a firebender since she was a little girl Katara and her friends Toph and Suki are out on a Friday night. For once, Aang was glad that Sokka, Suki, and Toph had left them. You have one child and another on the way. But now that he had, there was something truly magical about the experience. It is a very popular story, and you will soon realize why. Expect slow and inconsistent updates]. I have for a long time.. In all her fourteen years of life, she had never known love, any thought of such an emotion was weakness, until she met the last air bender. I love you too, Katara. Aang whispered, leaning in and kissing her. And, if Sokka wasn't mistaken, Aang was quickly catching up to him in height, which annoyed Sokka to no ends seeing as he held the title of the tallest for the past few years since he passed up Zuko. She has cared for others for so long, and that is all about to change. Katara's precious necklace has disappeared! Yeah, isn't it great? Sokka asked, sounding completely enamored. Katara and Zuko end up married, and though it is an arranged marriage, they soon begin to realize that they may actually have feelings for one another. She was forced to break some promises but saved countless lives. They were the first things of him that she had fallen in love with. What's so funny? She asked. I think I should teach you how to heal., I couldn't have a better teacher. Aang said, using Waterbending to gather the water around them in the air, and passing it to her. You took care of the worst. Katara said. The other, how do you tell a girl you like her? If you want to do this the easy way, then tell me what you know.. Though not as good as Water Tribe healers. Aang said, trying to get up quickly before she could notice his painfully obvious erection. Did it bite you?, Katara nodded. There goes Katara and her frankness again. So tight. I love you, and I want you. Princess Azula, the ambitious and ruthless younger sister of Fire Lord Zuko, hears from a mysterious peasant woman that she will one day be Fire Lord. But she gasped out loud when Aang suddenly gripped the sides of her head and gently adjusted her face until they were nose to nose. Then, for decades, the Fire Nation had set the world ablaze with its goal to leave no nation untouched. They settled down on Kyoshi Island, and the last Aang had heard, Suki was expecting another child. Only to find the Fire Lord and his family standing right What would have happened if Zuko missed the lighting strike aimed at Katara..? His erection strained painfully against his underwear and pants. Aang glanced around at Katara, and felt his jaw drop. Meanwhile, the royal family members are slowly being picked off one by one, and lines are drawn between opposing groups. Paring: Zuko/Katara. Aang got the non-verbal message and pressed his fingers into her covered womanhood without any further prompting. They knew each other almost better than they knew themselves. Once you were there, you could never leave. What do you need, Zuko? she asks carefully, pulling away from him and tilting his chin up so he opens his eyes to look at her. 7k views Aang masters the Avatar State - at the stake of his love for Katara. And everyone wants to know exactly how she does it. They had succeeded with the Air Nomads, they were halfway there with the Water Tribes, and the Earth Kingdoms shadow grew darker each day. Katara winced slightly as he entered her. 10 Awesome Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023, 10 Awesome Luca Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023. You can also subscribe without commenting. This is a well-written story and one that is worth checking out. I thought, Zuko said, I thought it would be nice to that we could go to lunch together. Some people spend their whole lives fighting against their nature, some go to great lengths to hide it, while others simply embrace it. Oh no! He has a new attitude about redemption and forgiveness. This story is an interesting retelling of the fairy tale East of the Sun, West of the Moon. One of them being his position as Avatar and becoming the hero the world needs him to be. Other dont. Learn how your comment data is processed. Master of all four elements. She started to shake her head, confusion not lifting. They escape, but they soon find themselves lost in the Fire Nation with no one to rely on except each other. Comments: 4 Kudos: 91 Bookmarks . She finds herself in some sticky situations, but she somehow always manages to find a way out. In his efforts to reunite with the last living family member to ever show him kindness, he crosses paths with a badass Kyoshi Warrior, a certain blind earthbending genius, and is dragged into way more than he ever bargained for. Katara sighed. He's so warm. Length: 103,341 words. He knew that, without first aid, the venom could be deadly. Avatar, balance, fire nation attacking, blah, blah, blah. While she did a pretty good job of hiding her pain, Aang could still tell that she was uncomfortable. Katara groaned, which only served to make Aang even more light-headed. Aang could provide a roof over her head. He knew that he was being clumsy and forceful as he made love to her, which was just to be expected since it was their first time. Katara is the only single one in th What if Katara stayed in Fire Nation? He should have realized. It is not a pleasant situation for anyone, but Katara and Zuko soon realize that they may have more in common than they thought. He mimicked giving her mouth-to-mouth, using his own Airbending powers to calm her breathing. After Katara saves Zuko's sad ass, she gets injured. Hed be about this age. The girl lunged forward, reacting to Zukos motion as much as to the womans cry. That's the mantra Zuko knows, but what exactly is his sister keeping to herself & why when she shows up at Ember Island University claiming to have reinvented herself? About two minutes later, Sokka spotted the massive form of Aang's Sky Bison, Appa. This is what they strived for. She pulled him into another kiss and they both moaned passionately into each other's mouths as he continued to rock into her body. ? Sokka demanded. The romance in this story is not the main focus, but it definitely plays an important role in the plot. And now that he realized that he wanted to give in to his desires, he had no idea how to approach his girlfriend about it. Understanding dawns on Kataras face and she carefully shuffles out from underneath the sheets, swinging her legs off the bed so that her feet make a soft thump on the carpeted floor. It's very sweet. It is a slow-burn romance that takes a while to heat up, but it is definitely worth it in the end. Aang, Katara, and Toph had been in Ba Sing Se when they received the stunning news that Suki was pregnant and would soon be giving birth. I think thats something we need to talk about.. I love you. Katara whispered against his mouth, feeling content, but very tired at the same time. At the same time, Appa was also spotted by a number of Aang's old Kyoshi fangirls. Without warning Katara grasped Zuko's shirt with her hands, and pulling him towards her with a brisk motion, she kissed him fully on the lips. It only took a few moments of Aang giving her pleasure with his mouth before she had her first orgasm, falling over the edge into ecstasy. It does not appear that peace will be an option, that is, until an unlikely alliance forms to save the day. Aang used Earthbending to create two Earth tents, and glanced back at Katara. It it was nothing. Let the games begin. Please!" he begged, Zuko grinned. Follow . He lingered for a moment to nibble her earlobe, right beneath the pearl earring she wore. Katara, what's wrong? He slid to a halt when he was about five feet away from her. #timotheechalamet. Aang, more! The group maintained their general atmosphere of fear, while the boy with the club was still staring daggers at him. The author of this story is a talented writer who knows these characters well. All he wanted to do was get outside and take a long swim in the closest river, even though they would be freezing at this time of year. Even while the show was airing many fans really wanted Katara to be with Zuko instead of Aang.. That felt amazing!. It was like nothing he had ever tasted before, but it was still great. There are 32 chapters in this story, and they each seem to get better than the last. Katara wants to get to the bottom of why her husband thinks she feels she's not at home with him. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Up next is a Zutara fanfiction that largely focuses on Katara. He reached toward the old woman. Zuko, son of the uprising and powerful mafia his grandfather had cultivated for him, finds himself entangled with the daughter of the very detective hellbent on taking t. Completed. Zuko broke the kiss as a deep moan ripped from his throat. Aang, Katara, and Toph had no idea why Sokka was suddenly so interested in settling down. So, the original Gang was whittled down until only Aang himself and Katara remained. She couldn't understand how she hadn't felt empty before this moment. Don't subscribe His fingers traced a trail up her thigh before he finally cupped her unclad womanhood, awed by the heat and wetness radiating from her most secret area. A minute later, Aang regained his breath enough to function again and pulled Katara into a passionate kiss. I may eventually write them into bigger fics but for now, they're here to be enjoyed. However, it appears that something all too familiar has happened before when Katara's necklace has gone missing. It looked a lot better now. The following text is in no way affiliated with them and in no way represents their work or values. The barrier that marked her virginity was been torn during one of their many battles, but she still was a virgin, and she wasn't used to having her body stretched the way it was now. She had never felt him touch her so intimately. What if Mai never came back? tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Katara moaned breathlessly as she gazed up into the eyes of the man she loved, glazed over with passion and lust. Her father is dead, shes been imprisoned, and her brother is securely on the throne. However, she soon learns that there is much more to the agreement than she originally bargained for. But you chose me.. The war ended 6 years ago. Fire Lord Zuko and Katara of the Water Tribe. Or, an early-canon divergence where Iroh is a more active mentor, Zuko goes through his shit earlier, Katara leans in to her impulses and it usually works out, and Zuko briefly thinks that Katara is the Avatar. Aang! It's all right, Aang. I want to do this with you because I love you. And, for the first year, they had all travelled together. Ozai comes up with a plan to end the hundred-year-long war and finally secure his power over all four of the elements. Aang! Katara moaned, writhing against him in a way that nearly shut down his mind. Except this time Katara and Zuko get trapped together and Jet has tagged along to get What if Zuko ended up in Gaoling after separating from his Uncle? He thought that by looking away as she undressed, he would be able to control himself. Shed fallen in love with Zuko married him, even built a family and a reputation that would go down in history. Katara, Sokka, and Aang just started their adventure to the North Pole. The standard Apple pencil, because I heard the alternatives may be a bit laggy! She gently caressed the side of his face and set herself to maintain their sensuous eye contact. I have a degree in English Literature and my favorite genre is historical fiction. The combination of timeless themes, If you are looking for the best Kim Possible fanfiction, then this is the post for you. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1480), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (8), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types (5), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (4), Minor or Background Relationship(s) (238), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (1420), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, The Gaang Learns How Zuko Got The Scar (Avatar), in search of glorious happenings of happenstance, Alternate Universe - No Bending (Avatar TV), Tagging the endgame ships since there's a lot of messy drama & hookups, but i know a lot of readers like to know who will be endgame ;), EDIT: endgame Jet/Jin/Zuko I accidentally lied before :), not actually sick just acting like in bad fever, aunt wu said "you're marrying the fire lord" and sokka said "i am What", sometimes people are assholes when they're in pain, based off a song but i won't tell you which one yet, tbh this is going to be a cute story i think, not sure if its going to end in angst or fluff, everyone gets to heal from their trauma as a treat, yet another look into the life of zuko the emperor, tfw u have feelings for ur friend who looks out for u in a totally friendly way, Excerpts and Snapshots of Fics I Have Yet To Write, The gaang doesnt show up until chap 9 srry, does this count as slow burn if the romantic interest isnt mentioned till halfway, Azula (Avatar)/Original Female Character(s), Azula (Avatar) & Original Female Character(s), Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Most Chapters Are Not In Chronological Order, Arranged Marriages and other Fire Lord Problems. The. Replies to my comments Soul Mark AU - Some people when they turn 12 get Soul marks. Aang, aren't you a monk?, In a way. Aang said. Please consider turning it on! You're supposed to keep an eye on me in case I get worse or go into shock.. Step one in his plan is to marry Zuko off to the daughter of the Southern Water Tribe chief. Zuko, Katara and Sokka go under cover into the Fire Nation. Not that his sister is, mind you (at least, hed never call her that to her face now that shes honed her waterbending), or any of the rest of Team Avatar, although sometimes it feels like hes living in a different world from the rest of them a world where running out of food means starving, and walking into a town full of firebenders with the Avatar in tow will get you killed, rather than help you free a beaten-down Earthbender colony. The three of us.. Aang leapt down lightly from the saddle, and gently set Katara on her feet. Aang turned away, hoping to get control of himself. I grabbed the tail of his shirt, though, stopping him. Aang She breathed. Empty closets are good for lots of things. If you could go back?. Apparently, the rebels were getting worked up again, just like they did every few months. 'I can't believe we're finally doing this' both Katara and Zuko thought. Years after the war Katara now has her sights set on a certain Fire Lord who happens to be staying in the Southern Water Tribe for a while. Chapter One: History. Language: English Words: 3,105 Chapters: 1/? He quickly hurried over to their supplies and grabbed some oil and a small cup. He took the oil and sipped some. His arm dropped to his side, and his eyebrow raised. ]. There is a lot of darkness in this world, and everyone is much moodier than normal. Earth, Fire, Water. It could definitely be considered a slow-burn romance, as it takes quite a while for Katara and Zuko to get together. Chapter One Toph sat in her room, thinking. The Avatar had more houses around the world than any other person, so he had no shortage of places to stay. The quicker he sucked the poison out, the better. A C2 community specifically for Quality Fanfiction revolving around our favorite Avatar The Last Airbender characters: Katara and Prince Zuko. This is a series of snapshot scenes and excerpts of fics I have yet to write, or little scenes I enjoyed the thought of but they weren't long enough (over 2000 words) to justify being their own oneshots. If you are unfamiliar with Avatar: The Last Airbender, it is a widely popular anime series that follows a boy named Aang and his friends as they attempt to stop the war that is being raged by the Fire Nation. Every time she writhed against him, it only seemed to make his pain abate and grow worse at the same time. Katara, what happened? Aang glanced around, and saw Katara sitting near the fire, clutching at her thigh. And speaking of growing. Slowly and delicately, he pushed the fabric down her legs, she helped him kick the fabric off, leaving her naked and bared before him. Left widowed and vulnerable after the death of her beloved husband, Fire Lady Katara, looks to protect their children from an aunt who wants to get rid of them. Or.. Length: 129,107 words. You're amazing.. She becomes a world-changing politician, and we get to see how it all plays out. Katara was in a place she certainly didn't belonga place where they'd be sure to let her know she wasn't one of them.. Zuko and Katara have three children that they love dearly. zuko and katara fanfiction married lemon. She hates him so much, she's willing to kill him. Both Zutara and Katara or Zuko centric are archived. We don't have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable., I'm sure, I'm sure, Aang. Katara whispered back. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Seen. Please, don't stop, Aang. This work could have adult content. This story has over 158,000 hits and thousands of comments, most of which are raving reviews. So hot. Never, Katara, never. Aang breathed harshly. Up next is a Zutara fanfiction that is a bit of a rewrite of season 3 of the show. It only took a few more thrusts to send her over the end, and into ecstasy. The main focus, however, is on the budding relationship between Katara and Zuko. This article is about the character from Avatar: The Last Airbender. *Uploads every other week usually on Wednesdays. Autor de l'entrada Per ; Data de l'entrada martin county clerk of court jobs; whats wrong secretary kim dramawiki . Besides, the spirit water did the work. She paused. After eighty-six years of war, a new Avatar is born into the Southern Water Tribe. Azula always lies. Confused and hurt from the betrayal during the Siege of the North, Zuko and Katara go their separate ways. Are you all right?. Aang decided to trust her word, and set back to work. 42,109. And on the other side of the country, Sokka has just moved in with one Master Piandao. Weirdly enough he and the princess have a lot in common, both spirit touched royals find themselves with an extra sibling. lok. Any time Aang was within five miles of Kyoshi Island, he would foam up without error. Zutara is the relationship name of Zuko and Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender. The snake had bitten her about mid-way up her thigh on the inside. She wasn't supposed to bond. Here is my version of what the rest of the Avatar the Last Airbender would look like if Zutara actually happened. Newly crowned Fire Lord Zuko was getting married. You can get paid to write for us! Zuko glanced around. This one is a lovely little fic that covers 8 different scenes from S3 from the perspectives of Zuko, Katara and Mai. Katara is one of Aangs friends who is attempting to end the war. He took another sip of oil and sucked again, working as quickly as possible to minimize both of their pains. Thanks, Aang. She stood up to get some more supplies from their food stores from where Appa's saddle lay. Ah! But Aang was more than willing to sacrifice his clothing if Katara's life was on the line, and he knew that Zuko would feel that way too once he explained the situation. I did what I had to, Aang. Katara said, pressing the glowing water to her thigh. She was brought across the sea to the Fire Nation capital. "Sorry you got in the crossfire, Katara." Zuko said, turning to put a hand on my cheek. Podfic of A Tale of Ice and Smoke - Water. Aang shifted their positions until he was hovering over her, his hips nestled comfortably between her thighs. Fire Lord Zuko approaches the question of who will be his Fire Lady, and trouble stirs in his nation. They are seeking peace between their two lands, and they also have a marriage proposal in mind. sooo Zuko and Katara start to hang out after he reappeared. Epic confessions, drunkenness, sneaking around, and attempted dirty talk ensue. She was certainly the best choice to whip the Earthbenders into shape. Shes content to be left alone to rot in her cell, wallowing in her misery. This story deals with the Southern Water Tribe and a petition that they receive from the Fire Nation. nhs waiting list for acl reconstruction. In no particular order, following the married life of Master Katara & Fire Lord Zuko. When he pulled away, Katara stared up at Aang. [ X - Adult: No readers under 18. The title is pretty self explanatory. It changes events ever so slightly by giving characters a few different motivations or outlooks. Let's not talk about that day. A week is too long for Zuko and Katara to be without each other, so it stands to reason that they must make up for lost time. I wasnt aware that we had an issue that we needed to talk about. She lied, forcing her voice to remain steady. Now that they'd had sex, she just felt empty without him. It's not that they didn't want to have sex; it's just that there was no time between constant traveling and diplomatic meetings. Chapter 3: Longing. This is a work of fanfiction that was inspired by Avatar the Last Airbender, specifically the Season 2 Finale. After all, if you've heard one Sokka-rant, you've heard them all. So this is basically the gaang,the gaangs parents(the ones who aren't dead) and a bunch of other characters in atla reacting to ships,fan art,memes etc Zutara. But by the time he joins Team Avatar, he's turned over a new leaf. This time, Sokka blushed. Katara shivered at his contact. In the years following Ozai's defeat, the Avatar and his friends had been working pretty much non-stop on Aang's quest to restore balance to the world. Esta historia se encuentra entre los captulos 38 y 39 de el espritu azul, vigilante del reino tierra , se recomienda leer la serie a la que pertenece para ubicarse en la trama, si puedes entenderlo sin eso sgale, si ests por el smut aviso que no soy la mejor escribindolo pero si quieres sgale tambin. In fact, their relationship only lacked one thing. PM or Comment ideas for the stories. Rating:T. Summary: COMPLETE! Aang's breath hitched in his lungs, and his entire body spasmed. There was no swelling or discoloring. Thus was the end of Sokka and Suki's travels. This story is definitely Zuko and Katara heavy and a really exciting enemies-to-lovers story. Aang smiled down at her, and kissed her again. The answer to that mystery came nine months later when Suki gave birth to Sokka's child. His own near-death experience hadn't scarred him nearly as much as it had Katara, so he stayed quiet about it. Rating:T. Summary: Katara is waging war on Zuko. At the time, Aang still had a lot of enemies, so he didn't want anyone knowing about his son's birth. He came to a halt, sighing. Where do you think you're going?. You know the drill. Katara leaned against his chest. Up next is a Zutara fanfiction that is still a work in progress. This really fun story shows Katara and Zuko just as they are; two young kids who are a bit clueless and awkward but ready to prove themselves. Zuko, Izumi, and the things he didnt want her to see. Hello there, Sokka! Aang called happily. Once a peaceful, volcanic Fire Nation island with a holy shrine for the Avatar, it had been transformed over the years into a military camp with small villages mostly inhabited by soldiers, guards that worked at the prison, and their respective families. Aang pulled away from her slightly, gazing into her eyes. I live in the US with my husband, daughter, and dog. Toph could feel with her feet that they were kissing gently. Momo doesn't free Katara from the tree after she stole the water bending scroll. Now things were different, peace was restored, and the rebels were wiped out. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. He suddenly finds himself in the middle of a feud between Suki & her archrival, the beautiful but intimidating Yue Taqqiq. An average daycare worker finds himself taking care of four of the world's most famous pop idols ki As the eldest son of the chieftain he was tasked with protecting the village when his father left t A zutara fanfic yay!!! But that soon changed. He looks a lot like Suki. Aang commented. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Kagome and the Pirate Captain, The Silver Hanyou. Then, using a combination of the last of his tunic, Waterbending, and Firebending, he created a hot compress to draw the rest of the venom out, and tied it to her leg. You're like a brother to me and a potential future brother-in-law. Sokka walked over to Aang, passing the tiny infant over, and instructing Aang how to hold the baby properly. You. He carefully picked Katara up and carried her over to her Earth tent. It was one of the most well-guarded places in the Fire Nation. When her brother dies a sudden and untimely death, Azula sees an opportunity to take the throne from his rightful heir, her niece, Crown Princess Izumi. 27.5K 714 20. So you may want to look at the other fanfics with this tag and find your own favorite among them. The Gaang grows up. When Katara called his name, it sent a shock straight to his groin, reminding him about his erection in a most inconvenient way. Sometimes, I feel like Im the only person in the Fire Nation who has a vision of what it takes for this country to get better., Sokka turned to face him, but Zuko looked resolutely forwards. She whimpered as he fully seated himself inside her. But, no matter what he did, he couldn't find any rhythm the lowered her pain at all. It was dry inside, and they got as much heat as they needed from their straining bodies. Katara is metaphorically the moon and the love of Fire Lord Zuko's life. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. It was Aang's turn to shiver at her contact. They showcase their talent in how they have written Zuko and Katara, as well as all of the other characters who make appearances throughout the story. Katara moved her hands down his back until she came to his pants, slowly pushing them down along with his underwear. This changes things just a bit. katara. There are countless fanfiction stories about Katara and Zuko, and this article will explore some of the most popular. He grinned to himself, and then scooted down the length of her body. Mmm that's right. Katara said, bringing a single finger up to trace the muscles of his chest and abs. [] someone they called the kamioroshi was the only person who could restore balance to this world.
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