But this is an inference, and not a certainty. 39When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away,and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Your email address will not be published. WebWhen they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Quick Answer: How Far Is Israel From Jerusalem, Quick Answer: Why Do Ethiopian Look Different, Question: How Far Did Nehemiah Travel From Susa To Jerusalem, How Far Did Paul Travel From Damascus To Jerusalem, How Far Did Paul Travel From Jerusalem To Damascus, Quick Answer: How Far Did Joseph And Mary Travel To Get Jerusalem, Quick Answer: When Will Ethiopian Airlines Resume International Flights. It was an immediate departure. It shows that this man was truly seeking after God and wanted to get his life togetherso much so that he was willing to spend big money for access to the Scriptures. How did the Ethiopian eunuch get to Jerusalem? There is an interesting quotation in the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia that states, The Sabean inscriptions found in Abyssinia go back some 2,600 years and give a new value to the Bible references as well as to the constant claim of Josephus that the queen of Sheba (Saba), was a Queen of Ethiopia.. 39 0 obj <> endobj 7. Of the other 13 occasions, 9 were not miraculous and 4 were miraculous (as people were caught up to heaven). What can stand in the way of my being baptized?[37] 38And he gave orders to stop the chariot. The text doesnt say that he appeared there instantly. Yes, there is enough evidence that Philip did not impart the gifts of the Holy Spirit upon the Ethiopian eunuch. To travel from Mero (the court of the Candace) on the lower reaches of the Nile to Jerusalem, he had to travel well over 200 It is believed that he travelled by donkey and camel and that he was accompanied by a group of servants.The eunuchs journey came to an end when he met the apostle Philip. 22:16). For it says the Eunuch could not see him [Philip] anymore. Eunuch is a term used to define a male whose testicles have not created, been ruined or eliminated. What did Philip the Apostle do for a living? I have heard there are seven heavens. Sign up for our newsletter: How far is Ethiopia from Jerusalem by chariot? Enoch lived a life that showed the confidence that remained in his heart. Ethiopia (the upper Nile region) saw vibrant church growth in the As explained above, just because the Lord suddenly took Philip away doesnt necessarily mean that miraculous transport was involved. The geography as well as distances included naturally allow the Jesus Route to be walked as a collection of day-hikes for a total amount of 4 days, with every days walk being in between 13 as well as 19 km (8 to 12 mi) in length. Clearly the txt says, ethiopian did not see philip. What did Jesus mean when He said He would not eat the Passover again until it was fulfilled in the kingdom of God (Lk. Questions are good! And some believe that this is an example of teleportation (instant relocation), but this is a supposition. Are you willing to prioritize him first in your life? How Far Did The Ethiopian Eunuch Travel - The Prospect WebEthiopian Eunuch The. It was filed under Answer, Christian, Spiritual and was tagged with astral travel, baptised, Ethiopian, Holy Spirit, miracle, Philip, teleport, transported. Lessons Learned from the Ethiopian Eunuch - wsidecoc.org Christianity would likely not have taken hold in Ethiopia as it did. To become a eunuch for the sake of a job (career) was probably not something this man took lightly. What does the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch teach us about the power of baptism? It is not clear exactly how far he travelled but it seems that he went out of his way to make the journey. Well, Ethiopia is a predominantly Christian country, and Id like to think that the person who started it all was this Ethiopian eunuch. According to biblical accounts, Gaza fell to Israelite rule, from the reign of King David in the early 11th century BCE. By the 1st century A.D. there were around one and a quarter million Israelites living in Egypt, primarily in the northern cities such as Alexandria. Second, he was a Gentile, and at best could have only entered the Court of the Gentiles, but that too was now unattainable. 26Now an angelof the Lord said to Philip,Go south to the roadthe desert roadthat goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.27So he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopianeunuch,an important official in charge of all the treasury of the Kandake (which means queen of the Ethiopians). I agree with brother George Hawke. All rights reserved. Answer yes he was. 26, 36), and, after his conversion, he advances his way ( , v. He later on was informed by an angel of the Lord to go to the roadway between Jerusalem as well as Gaza. The Ethiopian eunuch travelled to Jerusalem by chariot. Wow what great and mighty power we have as children of The Most High God. How many miles did Jesus walk during his ministry? Let us know about your decision. Yet this didnt intimidate Philip, and he had enough boldness to ask the eunuch,Do you understand what you are reading? (Verse 30). What does history say about the first Christians of Africa? We consider virtues like humility as weakness, or wrongly assume that if were humble, it automatically means that someone is taking advantage of us. Copyright 2001 by the author or Christianity Today/Christian History magazine.Click here for reprint information on Christian History. Really think about it. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus and travelled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea (Acts 8:39-40NIV). This is also the same word that is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 referring to what most call the rapture. It takes a very humble heart to admit that you dont fully understand the Scriptures and need someone to teach you, especially when you have as committed of a heart as the eunuch had. Honestly, many of us are ready to be the Philip in other peoples lives. After Philip was carried away, he appeared some time later at Azotus (Ashdod), a town about 50 km (30 miles) away. We would love to answer any question you have or help suggest next steps on your journey. Were here to help you find ways to make sense of tough life issues, discover insights from Gods Word, the Bible and connect with others who are experiencing lifes journey. In this case, the Ethiopian eunuch was a eunuch because he was working closely with the queen, and there was to be no funny business between the two. In Ethiopia there were many Black Jews, who claimed the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as their God. Was Philip miraculously transported to Azotus, a town that may have been 30 km away? The eunuch then continued on his way rejoicing in his new faith.The story of the Ethiopian eunuch is a remarkable one. Philip told the Ethiopian eunuch that he could understand what he was reading if he went with him. I so wish that Jesus may miraculously transport ministers so they could not be lords over Gods heritage, building their kingdoms. The Ethiopian Eunuch. There he instructed and baptized the Ethiopian eunuch; next he was captured away by the Spirit and discovered at Azotus (Ashdod); and after that travelling through he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea (Acts 8). This is not surprising as the eunuch was traveling south towards Ethiopia, while Philip traveled north to the town of Azotus (Ashdod). 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There are a few major references to Ethiopia found in Isaiah, 18:1, 20:3-4, and 45:14. And also both Philip and also the eunuch dropped into the water, and he baptized him. I at least better have a confirmation to personally meet him! How many books are in the Ethiopian Bible? In this brief account we are told that Philip left the Ethiopian suddenly after the baptism at the direction of the Holy Spirit. and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? Question: How Far Did The Ethiopian Eunuch Travel. Content may not be taken from this site without written permission. The Eunuch is reading aloud, as all the People of Jewish faith are instructed to do from Isaiah 53. Choose Print or Kindle at Amazon.com Published as 'God's Honorable Mentions'. It shows Philip the Evangelist baptising an Ethiopian man, a eunuch, on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza, traditionally marking the start of the Ethiopian Church (Acts 8:2639). Travel would likely be by boat and then overland using chariots. Shine a little light on it. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Jerusalem and Gaza is 6,069 km= 3,771 miles. Gaza and the West Bank are claimed by the de jure sovereign State of Palestine. After Philip baptized the Ethiopian treasurer, When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Question: How Far Did The Ethiopian Eunuch Travel The Bible Journey | Philip's Journeys The Ethiopian eunuch was a court official of Queen Candace. Stop deceiving readers with you unbelief! You are so wrong in my opinion !! Where did Philip meet the Ethiopian eunuch? He afterwards was told by an angel of the Lord to go to the road between Jerusalem and Gaza. Your email address will not be published. WebPhilip Tells an Ethiopian about Jesus. The Ethiopian eunuch was converted to Christianity by the Apostle Philip. Philip and the Ethiopian Do you have a humble heart? Philip asks the Eunuch if he understands what he is reading, and is invited to explain this writing.He promptly baptizes the Eunuch in the water. How long was the road from Jerusalem to Gaza? We hope youll come back again and again! Instead of being occupied with the person God used to assist in his conversion, he was occupied with Christ as he went on his way rejoicing, which is much more important than Philips mode of travel. Your email address will not be published. 51h 40min. 40 - Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch The Ethiopian eunuch is an example of atrue believer who is willing to do whatever it takes to follow God. Are the angel of the Lord (v.26) and the Spirit of the Lord (v.39) the same character? Is there anything in him that you want to imitate? If you read it in the physical sense you wont see it, but if you read it in the Spirit, it will be clear as day! What did the Ethiopian eunuch do for a living? 6. the Ethiopian As soon as the Ethiopian eunuch came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way It was the ancestor of Ethiopia. What can we learn from the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch? From remote antiquity, eunuchs were employed in the Middle East and in China in two main functions: as guards and servants in harems or other womens quarters, and as chamberlains to kings. Take a moment to write that down before diving deeper. Instead of worrying, the eunuch left rejoicing, for he had found Jesus who is sufficient and that he now needs no man to teach. Eunuch is a term utilized to explain a male whose testicles have actually not established, been damaged or eliminated. How long did it take Queen of Sheba to travel to Solomon? The owner of this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to, amazon.com, endless.com, myhabit.com, smallparts.com, or amazonwireless.com. This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship,28and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the Book of Isaiah the prophet. A round trip journey from Ethiopia to Jerusalem is far when you have to Weban arduous journey of more than fifty miles but the journey of the Ethiopian court official was even more difficult. Wheel not revive us again? Were eager to teach others and share what weve learned, and we can all get there at some point. God opposes a prideful, arrogant, haughty heart (James 4:6). When Luke describes the miraculous disappearance of Jesus, he doesnt use the Greek word harpazo (Strongs #726), which is used in Acts 8:39. Since the 1995 Oslo Accords, Bethlehem has been administered by the Palestinian Authority. The outcome could be history making! Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts Answer: He read from the scroll of Isaiah. Certainly there was a Semitic strain in the royal line. None of these words mean a type of supernatural transportation. Ive often heard people say, I dont understand the Old Testament, or I mainly read the New Testament because it applies most to my life today. Whats interesting though, is that Philip took an Old Testament Scripture and related it to the New Testament gospel message. Currently when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him say goodbye to; as well as he went on his means being glad. Currently the Ethiopian eunuch prepared to hear the Scripture. What does history say about the first Christians of Africa? Why did the Ethiopian eunuch go to Jerusalem? when you have to take months off from work. There are two versions of his death, the first being that he died a natural death but the second one says he angered a local king who ordered him nailed to a bed, covered his whole body with paper, brimstones, oil, asphalt and brushwood and set him on fire. What do you like about the Ethiopian eunuchs story? eunuch, castrated human male. Perhaps he used his influence to convert many high ranking officials to the true gospel message, and those influential people went on to convert others. Traditionally, Bartholomew also served as a missionary to Ethiopia, Mesopotamia, Parthia (in modern Iran), Lycaonia (in modern Turkey), and Armenia. This remarkable journey is thought to have taken place in the late In the second case it was via means of the troops and in the first case it was via means of the Holy Spirit. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. There he instructed and also baptized the Ethiopian eunuch; next he was captured away by the Spirit and also found at Azotus (Ashdod); and afterwards going through he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea (Acts 8). Feel free to share your takeaways in the comments below! In Biblical times Ethiopia encompassed the territory of what we now see as Ethiopia, as well as Sudan and Somalia. hVmoF+bpu/@av@AsDb The other occasion this word is used by Luke is when Paul was in Jerusalem and the Jews accused him of speaking against their religion: The dispute became so violent that the commander was afraid Paul would be torn to pieces by them. The eunuch, we are informed, is an Ethiopian official who has journeyed to Jerusalem to prayer and is now going back to Ethiopia (vv. The Ethiopian eunuch could have brushed Philip off or even questioned why some random guy would have the audacity to ask him if he understood what he was readingbut that wasnt the eunuchs response. Its about 800 miles from the court to the temple, as the crow flies. The verse says, And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing (Acts What was Philips job before he met Jesus? Whyte's Bible Characters. Immediately after coming out of the water, the Spirit caught Philip away. (The road from Jerusalem to Gaza is 50 miles long, and causes the main coastal profession path mosting likely to Egypt.) He finds that on arrival in Jerusalem, he has several strikes against him. It was south of Egypt and was a mercantile kingdom that brought goods from the sea trade by caravan north through Israel, Damascus, and Syria. By this journey of his, he wished to show them all (how he would act): so far were they from being earnest in this matter. But, while here, they testify and speak the word of the Lord. We have no clue). xxi. A 1958 quote from the Children of the Sacred Heart in Northern Rhodesia puts it this way: "When Jesus was persecuted by the European Herod, God sent him into Africa; by this we know that Africans have naturally a true spirit of Christianity.". Acts 8:29 The Ethiopian Eunuch It shows Philip the Evangelist baptising an Ethiopian man, a eunuch, on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza, traditionally marking the start of the Ethiopian Church (Acts 8:2639). After the episode recorded in the first part of this chapter, Peter and John stay in this city of Samaria for an apparently short time. For more on this subject, see CH issue 51: Heresy in the Early Church, issue 64: Antony and the Desert Fathers, issue 67: Augustine, issue 79: The African Apostles, and A History of Christianity in Africa by Elizabeth Isichei (SPCK/Eerdmans, 1995). Answer: That anyone can be used by God to spread the gospel no matter their background or circumstances. There are two versions of his death, the first being that he died a natural death but the second one says he angered a local king who ordered him nailed to a bed, covered his whole body with paper, brimstones, oil, asphalt and brushwood and set him on fire. The eunuch joyfully accepted Philips words. So lets go deeper into what the Scriptures say about the Ethiopian eunuch: A lot of people dont actually know what a eunuch is, but just so you dont have to Google ita eunuch is a man that has been castrated to serve a specific role. You can discover a new path for living. God, who knew this mans heart, had already decided to intervene. So this eunuch travelled a round trip of 3200 miles just to stand outside the temple to worship! Book of Numbers 12:1 states that Moses was criticized by his older siblings for having married a Cushite woman, Aethiopissa in the Latin Vulgate Bible version. Alright, lets walk through this! Having a wholehearted devotion to God means apply the word of God to your life immediately. How Far Did The Ethiopian Eunuch Travel To Jerusalem We all should imitate his heart! Just totally ignored the original question. Verse 35 said that Philip took the passage of Scripture that the eunuch was reading (which was Isaiah 53:7-8), and from there was able to tell him about Jesus. Philip travels in the The story of this event is recorded by Dr. Luke in Acts 8:26. WebThis Eunuch returned to his land, and began to spread abroad the news that the awaited Messiah had come and fulfilled the Prophetic writings and that salvation was the gift of God Sign Up for Daily Lessons to Feed Your Spirit. Distance between Ethiopia and Jerusalem is 2564 KM / 1593.3 miles. The vast majority are afflicted with prostate cancer. Do not expect a direct reply. Commentators explain that words desert in Lukes account can refer either to Gaza or to the road. Philip They then return to Jerusalem to Was Philip transported miraculously after the Ethiopian was Sitting in his chariot, he was reading the Book of Isaiah, specifically Isaiah 53:7-8. This Eunuch returned to his land, and began to spread abroad the news that the awaited Messiah had come and fulfilled the Prophetic writings and that salvation was the gift of God to all who believe in and follow Jesus. Perhaps he went on reading and found Isaiah 56:3-5! Where did Philip go after he baptized the Ethiopian? Philip works his way north along the coastal road that runs through the coastal plain. Zipporah is mentioned for the last time when she, her sons, and her father join Moses at Mount Horeb (Exod. Philip Answer Gaza, also called Azzah, is first mentioned in Genesis as one of the border cities of Canaan ( Genesis 10:1519 ). When did the Hebrews or Israelites become known as Jews? Early Christian writers Clement and Eusebius both report that Mark preached in Alexandria, Egypt; Eusebius notes that he was martyred there. Observe him also casting (people) into prison before this. The verse says, And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing (Acts 8:39ESV). And do not let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off.. If you would like someone to pray for you, click the button and well connect with you. Answer: He returned to Ethiopia and began preaching the gospel. The road meanders so its likely Your email address will not be published. (LogOut/ Alexandria was one of the three most important "sees," or church centers, in the ancient world, along with Rome and Antioch. 26, 36), as well as, after his conversion, he advances his way ( , v. The geography and also ranges entailed naturally allow the Jesus Route to be strolled as a collection of day-hikes for a total of four days, with every days walking being in between 13 as well as 19 km (8 to 12 mi) in size. One of the most devoted, humble men in the Bible is someone you rarely hear aboutthe Ethiopian eunuch. The cases of conversion in the book of Acts provide us with a wealth of instructive teaching whether we are a Christian or non-Christian. After this, Philip was suddenly taken away by the Spirit of the Lord, and the eunuch went on his way rejoicing (verse 39). The eunuchs journey make up his existence on the means (, vv. Due to the volume of mail, we cannot answer all questions. Acts 8 is the eighth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. In Matthew 19:12, Christ explains three types of individuals as unfit for marital relationship, particularly those that have actually been castrated (which all exegetes take as indicating eunuchs); those birthed unable (con- genital eunuchs) and those who, by their own complimentary choice and for the glory of Gods Kingdom, avoid marrying (voluntary .