Its a very sad state of affairs One of the more intriguing is the Vatican Necropolis laying underneath Saint Peter's Basilica. He cannot say who and is under an NDA which prevents him from saying a whole lot more than he does. When are my dead love ones going to get there glorified bodies? And here we are right in the middle of what is symbolically written in Revelations, Joel, Ezekiel, Daniel etc. Often overlooked by the nearby Colosseum, San Clemente is a hidden gem that is definitely worth a visit. The Vatican has a long history going back to the early Roman days. One kilo bars of gold are the size of smartphones. I heard him say this. Thank you for getting back to me. Thanks so much for contacting me Debbie! The reality of the Military in charge is a Fantasy, although it is probably real, we just dont see one little thing. I am a follower of Jesus, as well. Besides History books having to be rewritten so will the Bible. New excavations are opening up a 2,000-year-old underground road that lies beneath Wadi Hilweh Street in the Palestinian neighbourhood of Silwan, leading from the Siloam Pool (where Jesus healed. NO one will talk about the Anthrax shots given to us Veterans (took 4) that never saved one life but ruined many ! And Ive heard theres even a possibility that the enemy has altered parts of what we have now as scripture ugh conceivable depending on the character of the men who had access to the original manuscripts. Hi Mitko! 650 planes full of gold and the large tunnel with it, with couple of shots of that would encourage people to believe more). How exciting to hear from someone who lives in the general area! In the 12th century, 1190, during the second Arab invasion, Almanzor conquered all the Portuguese territory until he reached Tomar. I do not think we will get all of the money promised at once or it would shut down the economy but we will not be scrimping from one day to the next anymore. The Regavim Movement, a group dedicated to the protection of Israel's national resources, filed a petition against the Jerusalem Municipality last week demanding they take action against the tunnel. Been studying them for 4yrs now. The Regavim Movement filed a petition against the Jerusalem Municipality on Tuesday, demanding law enforcement against an illegal subterranean tunnel dug by the Church of the Dormition on Mount Zion, in the heart of Jerusalem's Old City. Marilyn, I agree with 99% of what you, the Alliance, Trump, White Hats, FLYNN, Juan O Savin, Dr. Charlie Ward, Mel K, Judy Byington, Lin Wood, Ann Vandersteel etc., BUT, I personally have not seen one thing that they all say is happening happen. I am not understanding the new end time change from what I was taught, rapture, marriage supper, christian judgment from our book of life after we are resurected and in Heaven. Answer (1 of 2): There's a tunnel between: * Washington, DC and * Rosslyn, Virginia. Thank you. SO all you people who are sceptic, have no faith, faith in Jesus and HIS Father! I've used it plenty of times: (Wikipedia) It's ok. One gets used to it. Also, if he has the degree, his title should be To one another! Currently you have JavaScript disabled. I dont know how this will be, or how quickly, or anything else I do believe Trump has been chosen by God to lead the world through such a strange and difficult time. The greed of people and organizations is unbelievable. Stay strong, Sister! Over how many thousands of years has it continued to be stock-piled? Also, please remember he has to be very clever in what he says. Thank you Father for all these blessings. What really is eating at me is the 14 Billion Trump gave for vaccines and now he is tell to get them as he says he got one ! Hi Debbie, This DVD is more than 2 hours long and the info will blow your mind off. Very much a fantasy list of people that we wish are dead, arrested, hanged, inprisoned or totally out of commission. Hi David, There are tunnels all over the world. I totally agree with you Jesus is the ONLY answer. Its the energy someone receives from another. Pres Trump was and is anointed by God. That way you can keep your spirits and your faith levels high. Much is given to us who have our eyes open so we can comprehend a little of what is going on, while those who have still been sleeping can be drip fed with reality. Its the last part of a poem by Matthew Arnold called Dover Beach. The drills are called "Guardians of Velayat Sky . To show the people what it would have been like under their globalist regime. The House of Lords that owned the British East India Company wanted to keep gargantuan profits from soil resources in India, China and North America in only their control. This to orchestrate world wars to finance monetary policies to take the resources of America to serve the House of Lords that owned the British East India Company. As Charlie likes to say, we are all just a little part of the overall puzzle all are important and as we share together we solidify the truth and thereby help others. Available on Hi Marilyn, No, not one of them. Did you know that the Vatican has an escape tunnel? Interesting chaps, the Martians. I really like Charlie Ward. Hi Roger! Now we go to the 5th demention and life happy everafter. Looks really interesting. 4 Min Read Viral claims on social media purport that a recent U.S. military operation rescued 35,000 "malnourished, caged and tortured" children from tunnels beneath New York City's Central Park. Just to be clear about this, Im a Christian. Anyone who knows basic math can tell you that there is no way there was a quantity of gold that equaled 60 metres high, by 120 metres wide a relative newbie in this Anon world. When you look at the overall of how the n/w/o have been in charge of what happens, it isnt good. Tours of Western Wall tunnels show new underground area in Jerusalem - CNBC We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. 6 Sept. a huge tunnel in the Philippines was destroyed - accompanied by an earthquake. Look out for bank bail ins like Cyprus some years ago. The Apocrypha books are important ! Thank you for transcribing Gene Decodes work. Even though, people ask for real evidences, (i.e. LOL You will be more careful next time Im sure! There was more gold than you can imagine found in the tunnel under the Vatican City. You can say these things are happening, & I believe they are to a degree, but I have no family or friends that will follow the research or believe me. President Donald Trump rally live in Perry GA - 9/25/21. Honestly, if he would have condemned it, they would have humiliated him on msm. The John Birch Society and Schiller Institute exposes these plots. So there was more gold than you can imagine found in the tunnel that connected the Vatican with Jerusalem. Clones my but hangings prove it arrests, prove it. He has a weekly show. Quantum Financial System. Assets will be transferred into other hands for legal ownership. How to Understand Symbolism in Revelations, How They Connect Wicked Secret Underground Cities. I wonder if there are any inspired books that have been suppressed that would be interesting and surprising. Il livello del mare Adriatico nella parte nord (dove abitavo) calato di circa 20 centimetri. Out whole education system will go under a review and be rewritten to line up with facts instead of the D]eep S]tates fantasy. Deep below Rome is "a very mysterious" basilica - YouTube Good job on the math, agree. Very true and scary! Though small in size, this place of worship was also used as a burial place for the Knights and is believed to have served as an important site for underground Templar initiation rituals over the centuries. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. During that time he got himself involved in things that he is not proud of these days, but not a lot different to a lot of young fellows. we must all remain ever vigilant exposing evil. etc. Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, Many draw attention to the order's early occupation of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and what relics the Templars may have found there. Thats what I say! As many say, it is for the children, and Im with you on that. Hi Tom! Basically, I really believe we are indeed watching a movie play out before our eyes. I am living in Bulgaria in a town named Plovdiv, and it looks like it is on the route of that tunnel. He had 28 or more attempts on his Life and I am leaning towards divine intervention, like Trump is the Modern day Moses, but now I am disappointed and confused ! God created everything that exists, so if the Annunaki are real like the series Ancient Aliens claims, God created them, as well. Because there has only ever been mined across the world 190,000 tons of Gold! The 1500 Mile Tunnel From the Vatican to Jerusalem - Before It's News It is very hard trying to bring truth to people when the source of what is going on is not direct or always clear. Interesting information. Be encouraged! Wonderful. Nesara/ Gesara, Please go to Duck Duck Go or You Tube and put these words in individually. Somewhere in the modern city of Acre lies their command center, and possibly their treasure." Wikimedia Commons Researchers found a new network of secret tunnels buried . Isnt that how anything is produced. We will be well off. Loving money, and ever being greedy for more money, which brings with it power, which ultimately leads to total control of others. That was the first question posed to him. Medieval Erdstall tunnels dating back centuries have been found in . Copyright 2023 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes. 6000 different maladies. As in Blow the Trumpet in Zion, Sound the alarm in My Holy mountain. Perhaps the most disappointing theory, and possibly, by far the most likely, is the idea that the Vatican's Secret Archive holds no earth-shattering secrets at all. These people thrive on low vibrational energy. Feel free to contact me further if you would like. For us, most of us had no idea it was going on but He sees all! Si parla anche di un tunnel che collega lItalia con lAmerica . What makes this tour Special. Thanks for sharing this much appreciated. Live in what we have been given , and heed the warning in Revelation 22:18 21. What If The New World Order Was the Beast of Revelations?