The Saturn person tends to have the effect of stabilizing the Venus person's emotions, and much will depend on how the . Regardless of past lives, the Venus conjunct Saturn synastry couple has a chance to learn that they are worthy of love and that they can accept someone who is different from them once they feel accepted in return. In a Venus trine Saturn relationship, expect that Saturn will take the wheel. When the two have finally come up with a way to be more understanding with one another, that's the time they will bloom and grow personally. The Venus man can sometimes be suppressed and limited by the Saturn of his partner. In response to Saturns critical demeanor, Venus may withhold affection. Saturn will bring reality and practicality to the relationship while Venus will bring optimism, lightness, and fun. Venus is good-natured and tends to get more severe and melancholy with Saturn. This reading will be your guiding light, an astrological blueprint to get you on your true path towards a life of happiness, love and abundance. The karma indicated by this Saturn square Venus synastry includes teaching each partner how to see the other as an individual, regardless of the roles they both play, as well as helping each other solve past problems. The trine aspect between Venus and Saturn in synastry is an aspect beneficial for long-term commitments and marriages. He is her fortress and the reliable shoulder that strengthens her character. He feels inferior to his partner whose imperiousness or authority may be too much for him. You are well organized and reliable and tend to keep your word. This can cause friction because both people have opposite ways of doing things. And, although this combination does not in itself form a strong physical attraction, it ensures stability and strength if romance forms under the influence of other synastric factors. This is one indication of a long-term, significant relationship. Loyalty and commitment are huge in this relationship. The woman, in turn, is identified with the protection and patronage of her father. Youll have to take responsibility for all your behaviors. Even if it is an odd pair, Saturn follows his heart and curiosity towards Venus person. Synastry:AscendantNorthNodeAspects, THE ASTROLOGY OF LOVE & ATTRACTION: ARTICLES & GUIDES. The Saturn person should focus on being non-judgmental and learning aboutwhy the Venus person is a certain way. Trine happens when the planets are 120 degrees apart. both of them have the fortune to experience this relationship. A grounding force like Saturn can be beneficial for Venus. The Saturn person inspires in the Venus person the kind of love and respect which makes you want to live up to the standards you both share. Being a personal planet, this shows a particular aspect of our life. The attraction that Venus and Saturn felt when they first met is like coming home from a long journey. In Saturn-Mars karmic connections, both parties are learning to be considerate towards each others fundamental differences. However, for the case of the Saturn person, his/her love towards the Venus person could go way overboard. 2 Under Saturns constant criticism Sun person feels restricted. The Venus person may feel that the Saturn person is always there for them, while the Saturn person may feel that their partner is too dependent on them. The necessary discipline and moral stability of the partners is skillfully combined with their mutual love and respect. We all have the same points in our charts: the Sun in a sign, the Moon in a sign, Mercury in a sign, and so on. Neither should get too caught up in their own needs. The neediness of the Saturn person can become too much to handle for the Venus person. A Venus conjunct Saturn aspect when it comes to synastry can suggest that you and your partner feel safe, cared for and loved by each other. Synastry:MoonMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The Saturn would not mind Venus' fun-loving character. Venus' synastry aspect trine Saturn emphasizes the importance of working together to overcome differences. It even goes beyond visual arts, and even performing arts. This aspect supports loyalty, tolerance, but Saturn should not insist on paying too much attention to itself. These people can view it as a light aspect of their lives. You will receive an email within 24 hours please check spam folder. Saturn tends to place great responsibility on Venus and often blames Venus for the problems they faced together. Find out important dates in 2022 that can be a improve your relationships, career opportunites and health considerations. Brief description of the dynamic between partners when Venus and Saturn are conjunct in Synastry chart comparison Please support my channel on Patreon: https. Whether or not they realize it, what both people desire is true emotional intimacy and unconditional acceptance. You feel most content with familiar repeated patterns or habits and with creating financial and emotional security. The Venus person may feel restricted or downright repressed by the Saturn person. They may be singers, dancers, and painters. The Saturn person will show their love in quiet, dependable ways, but this helps the Venus person trust in the Saturn persons loyalty and dedication. Venus/Mars Venus determines the way you approach relationships, romance, and love. If these feelings are not addressed, they can lead to resentment and fights. The Venus trine Saturn synastry aspect definitely creates an opposites attract sort of relationship, but it usually works. Their connection forms potent energies that further strengthen their bond with each other. You immediately feel comfortable around each other. This is the time where the Saturn person can turn to the extreme. Since Saturn reminds us of our limitations, we can also say that it will happen to the planet it transits. Venus trine Venus synastry indicates that the two people are generally fond of each other. Saturn conjunct Mars has so much potential for growth if Saturn can tolerate Mars impulsiveness and in return, Mars tones down its aggressive nature. When Venus is connected with Saturn by an aspect, it makes these qualities even more intense than they usually are. In a Venus trine Saturn relationship, expect that Saturn will take the wheel. Being a personal planet, this shows a particular aspect of our life. In fact, Saturn can actually learn how to loosen up and be spontaneous from the Venus individual, too. Maybe others dont condone the relationship, or maybe external circumstances make it hard to stay together. Both Saturn and Venus should be willing to make sacrifices for each other in order to get through hard times. These aspects may feel like a mentor-young apprentice dynamic. *Easier aspects: You are cautious when getting involved and look for trustworthiness and quality in others, but these are also what you are willing to give. I'd gladly go to the ends of the universe and back again for him. Due to patient care and strong love, this aspect can cause a kind of marriage where each partner outgrows thieir childhood patterns to understand the realization and personal development. Venus governs over artistic expressions such as literature and poetry. This person is good-looking and friendly. This can be really difficult, but if Saturn doesnt learn to temper their authoritarian ways, they can loose Venuss light. She may take on the role of a daughter and try to fulfill her fathers expectations through a relationship with this partner. The feeling of being in love can be a bit overwhelming for two people involved in a relationship. This aspect is often seen in fated marriages, soulmates and long term commitments. Get your free personalized video Moon Reading here >>. Synastry:Venus-VenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts I often find that these planets represent people who truly desire a deep bond, but there is sometimes a struggle in the way that this is obtained. Venus synastry aspect trine Saturn emphasizes the importance of working together to overcome differences. The Saturn person needs to be wary of a too cool approach towards the Venus persons loving gestures, particularly as time passes. Over time, they can have a relationship that feels secureand fun. Saturn and Venus can work together seamlessly. Venus conjunct Saturn *requested*. There is an innate sense of compromise here because each person knows that theyre different from the other but that they can work together. Lets explore them in detail: Saturn-Sun karmic connections represent working towards a mutual goal while respecting each others self expression. A vicious circle can quickly occur. In extreme cases, the Venus person can be emotional erratic or immature. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Progressed Venus or Mars is semi-sextiling another planet. The trine is probably the most fortunate of aspects between the Sun and Venus in synastry. The Venus person may even enjoy this side of the Saturn individual because they know that they canalways trust Saturn, no matter what. Since the woman suppresses his aesthetic sensitivity, he symbolically relives the feeling of love that he had given to his father: which, apparently, is perceived with coldness. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. This aspect creates a deep level of understanding that can be difficult to find in any other type of relationship. Being ruled by Saturn, these people can remind the Venuses to also think of their responsibilities. Venus-Ascendant Aspects in Synastry Chart: The strong physical attraction between Venus and the Ascendant person. Because this person takes the wheel, there is a suitable amount of maturity in the connection. These people are likely to feel that they are friends as well as partners. As time passes, the Saturn person could feel threatened by changes or growth in the Venus persons love nature, and needs to avoid criticizing the Venus person for any new behaviors. Meanwhile, Saturn may also feel very anxious about losing the relationship or losing Venus. Both planets become stronger each time they surpass a problem in their relationship. At their worst, they attempt to restrict the freedom of the Venus person and become more like a parent figure. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my free video Moon Reading was and I know you will feel the same. But in reality, someone has to remind us to stay grounded. The Saturn person, fearing the Venus persons withdrawal of affection, loyalty, or respect, can easily become critical or demanding of the Venus person. I have profound knowledge about Emotional Energy and Healing, Angels to Astrology, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, and Numerology. You will be offered positions of responsibility and leadership, and your sense of timing is excellent. The change is not something to fear, but this is something you can embrace. If Saturn refuses, the relationship will certainly struggle. Synastry:MoonSaturnAspects Synastry:SunMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts With these lessons learned, the couple can now apply them to their lives and enjoy each other freely. This person is good-looking and friendly. Venus also rules the 2nd house, which is the house of material possessions and financial security. In synastry, Venus trines Saturn indicating a mutually beneficial learning experience for the two of them. We also have a share of responsibilities in life. Make sure you dont ignore the more unpleasant aspects of your relationship, but rather actively try to understand each other. Both crave attention and affection from their partner. Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The couple will appreciate each others stability and reliability, as well as their ability to work hard and stay committed. When people have positive Venus synastry, they naturally like and love each other. Like the charming goddess, this planet also reveals the people you may be attracted to. This aspect is very difficult but often necessary for those who need this experience for their spiritual growth. You are very aware of the value of your relationship. It also represents boundaries and limitations. The Venus person may need more romance than usual, while the Saturn person may have a hard time showing affection in certain situations. Because each individual knows how different he or she is from the other, but that they can manage to work together, there is an innate sense of compromise here. With Venus, this person can make Saturn feel lighthearted. Venus Conjunct Saturn Synastry Aspect When a man or woman has a Venus conjunct Saturn aspect with another person, it will likely indicate that one person is attracted to the other's professional drive, status or resources and the other person is drawn to the beauty and sanguine charm of the other. Venus trine Saturn You feel a strong sense of responsibility to the ones you love, and this is so natural to you that it is second nature. The Saturnian considers the Venusian lazy, superficial, and lacking self-discipline and depth. Saturn feels a great responsibility for Venus, sometimes showing excessive concern and criticism. He is also known to be the God of Time. Underneath, none of this is true, but you must dig deep to reach those layers instead of reacting with judgments. My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. Mars, however, reveals how you express your sex drive and how you go about getting what you want. Saturn feels fiercely protective and responsible over Moon, which may turn into jealousy at times. Do we run away from them? If these issues are present, then the Venus person will also have work to do and must learn how to be emotionally honest without going from 0 to 100. Both people may want something that they never reallyget in this relationship, yet they remain hopeful that theycould get the things they want. Saturn is often strict and cold, while Venus is spontaneous and fun-loving. It is not to say that there arent problems, but more that both parties are willing to work through any difficulties that may arise. The relationship feels very safe, especially for the Venus person. Just like our natal Saturn represents where we need to put our sustained effort in order to reach the next level of personal growth, in synastry aspects it symbolizes how we build our foundations, values, commitments and responsibilities in a relationship. There is less of a chance that this relationship will grow to be toxic. Individual growth does not necessarily mean growing apart. Venus trine or sextile Venus synastry suggests that you get along well and you have similar taste. Now, the couple gets to integrate these lessons learned into their life and reap the benefits. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Saturn trine Venus synastry promotes a strong sense of friendship and mutual sympathy in the relationship, as well as trust and loyalty. The Saturn person may feel that they need to control their partner in order to feel secure, while the Venus person may feel smothered and trapped. If you have the Venus square Saturn synastry aspect, remember that both people can have different viewpoints on the same conversation or event and both viewpoints will be valid. Be open about your needs with each other. You will never find it hard to love Venus. The Saturn person must also be able to express when they feel that the Venus person is acting overly emotional or childish (without being hurtful or cold) so that they can still meet their own needs. As long as both parties work together and maintain harmony within their relationship, they will surely come a long way. For example, if the Saturn person is going through a tough time, the Venus person will be there to support them. The Venus person can ask questions in a calm and calculated way that wont overwhelm the Saturn person. By playing with her fatherly image, she can add confidence, wisdom, and strength to her partner. However, the Saturn person may think that he/she is only doing this to protect the Venus person, but the truth is that deeper issues are the reason for its strictness. Saturn, on the other hand, can make Venus take life seriously. The biggest issue in the Venus square Saturn synastry relationship is that both Saturn and Venus tend to judge without trying to understand. In this variation of Saturn opposite Venus synastry the woman may be subconsciously aware of how her father was holding back the development of her personality. Both planets have a practical mindset and desire to have a stable and long-term relationship. The Saturn person will help to keep the Venus persons emotions and ideas stable, but they can quickly go overboard if they arent careful. The flow of energy is simply natural. There is less of a chance that this relationship will grow to be toxic. Saturn square Venus synastry is an unfavorable aspect for family relationships, especially if Saturn belongs to the parent. As a result, she feels that she needs to assert herself in front of her partner. Commitment, mutual respect, and intimacy are the vital energies that strengthen your relationship. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Another excellent aspect for long term relationships is Saturn trine/sextile Sun. A trine is an astrological aspect that creates a harmonious connection between two planets. shipping calculated at checkout to other worldwide locations. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my. And for Venus, Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this. Proudly created with Saturn can rain on Venus's parade, cooling her sensibilities and outward expression. Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. In the Venus opposition Saturn synastry relationship, the Saturn person may struggle to change. The man can see her as his own father, thus remembering how he was encouraged to translate creative ideas into practical form. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. In many aspects this relationship may feel too burdening to continue. Here, karma will be worked out between the roles of father and daughter until each of the partners appreciates the value of the other. This is why these couples tend to have long-lasting relationships, creating a bond of unwavering protection and loyalty. The Saturn person can see the natural light that is in Venus, yet they cant seem to loosen up. This type of Saturn conjunct Venus synastry is a karmic aspect where the man takes on the role of his father providing a solid foundation for the woman who subconsciously sees herself as a daughter or younger sister. However, with the Venus sextile Saturn synastry relationship, both people may need to work to pull these qualities out of each other in apositive way. Venuspartner admires strength and protecting qualities of the person with Saturn, who gives strength, defense andstructure. The couple will sense this too. To the Saturn person, Sun is a drama queen, whereas the Sun often gets fed up with Saturns gloominess. Saturn trine Venus synastry is considered effective in family relationships if the Saturnian is the parent. The only thing that holds back the Venus person from walking away from the Saturn person is their intense love. Again, these judgments will only dissipate through honest understanding. This reading will be your guiding light, an astrological blueprint to get you on your true path towards a life of happiness, love and abundance. You will often find these people dressing themselves up, and they can even pay a higher price for it. Synastry:Venus-PlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Sun-Venus Synastry: Opposite, Square, Conjunct, Trine, Sextile, Mercury-Venus Synastry Conjunct, Square, Trine, Opposite, Sextile, Uranus in Sagittarius: Character and Fate, Sun-Mars Synastry: Square, Trine, Sextile, Opposite, Conjunct, Sun-Pluto Synastry: Conjunct, Trine, Square, Opposite, Sextile. Despite the opposite traits of the planets, the trine will find ways for these planets to work in harmony. Synastry:Venus-UranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They have learned many of the lessons in the past. Venus quite literally uncovers Saturns insecurities. In fact, Saturn may judge Venus for all of the things that Venus likes about themselves, so the Venus square Saturn synastry relationship can really damage Venuss self esteem. Because of this, the Venus person can feel suffocated and feels afraid anymore to say what truly is on their mind. Meanwhile, the Venus person should focus on honoring the boundaries that the Saturn person sets and learning why specific commitments or routines are so important to Saturn. Synastry:Mercury-NeptuneAspects Often, there were harsh judgments between this couple that has carried over into the current lifetime. This aspect indicates mutual respect for each other, as well as a desire to help the other person grow and mature. Saturn is pleased to accept the love that Venus offers but can be too persistent and demanding of it. Instead, they must learn how to balance their needs with those of their partners so that everyone feels fulfilled. However, the Saturn person may think that he/she is only doing this to protect the Venus person, but the truth is that, Learn more about the Venus square aspect with Saturn in, Mars-Neptune Aspects in Synastry Chart: Do your, Moon-Saturn Aspects in Synastry Chart: The committed, Sun-Saturn Aspects in Synastry Chart: Commitment and, Jupiter-Saturn Aspects in Synastry Chart: Does the, Venus-Venus Aspects in Synastry Chart: The loving, Venus-Pluto Aspects in Synastry Chart: The intense. Unlike other placements, with the Venus trine Saturn synastry aspect, Venus probably wont feel bogged down by the more rigid approach of Saturn. This relationship can be very stable and safe, but it can also feel boring or predictable. Check out the Free online Tarot readings using this deck on the AstroMatrix app. They do not voluntarily seek to form a relationship; rather, the circumstances may force them to do so. Synastry:VenuswithAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Ready or not, Saturn makes you grow up. Sometimes, this is just because Saturn is truly set in their ways and cant even see how Venus is different, but Venus can still feel suffocated or even depressed around the Saturn person. Learn to say, I felt that this was rather than this was and ask the same of your partner. When these two planets are connected together in a trine, there is a great deal of ease and flow. Saturn can learn how to provide stability without being overwhelming and Venus can learn how to be fun without being too emotionally reactive. Since Saturn reminds us of our limitations, we can also say that it will happen to the planet it transits. Just like what the. This aspect is the time where you will think that everything flows on its natural course. Negative emotions are threatening to cause havoc in the relationship between Venus and Saturn. In fact, Saturn can be a grounding force for Venus, which is beneficial. The planets that Saturn contacts get a lesson in maturity. Venus is one of the most important planets for romantic compatibility in astrology. Thus, he/she will find a way to stop the Venus person from being apart from him/her. With trine, Saturn loses some of its rigidness which helps Sun person to express themselves more openly. Jealousy and manipulation are also present in the relationship between Venus and Saturn in the hard aspect. In this regard, the relationship is often built on some hidden motives (such as material gain or social status), not on frank friendship and sympathy. A classic example is a young woman marrying an elderly man for his money: it is clear that deception will not take long to manifest here. When she projects this burden onto the man, he feels underestimated for his receptivity. Venus trine Saturn would help each other grow and thrive without needing to change each other. Saturn is the Roman God of agriculture. You will learn by trial and error your own rhythm of timing, and when making a move or taking action feels right to you. This can be a bit threatening. The man can play the role of his father to avoid feeling vulnerable to the female aura. If the person with the Saturn has a Saturn placement that causes it to be full of fear and defensiveness, if it constantly feels inadequate and suppressed, it will take it out on Venus, who will feel hurt and betrayed, and surmise that Saturn's desire was a lie. Saturn shows how we face our responsibilities. You will never find it hard to love Venus. Venus people, like the appealing goddess that rules them, are appealing as well. Copyright of 2023. Because this person takes the wheel, there is a suitable amount of maturity in the connection. The Saturn person's conservative and parental nature would make the Venus person feel trapped within the relationship. You will find yourself unable to resist the pull she's emitting. I've always been there for him in any circumstance. Find out important dates in 2023 that can be a improve your relationships, career opportunities and health considerations. AstroMatrix Tarot combines a variety of different style tarot decks but still maintains classic tarot symbolism. Saturn conjunct / opposite Moon aspect in a relationship feels serious and powerful right from the beginning. Saturn has a stabilizing effect on the relationship and will calm Venus down if necessary. The romantic synastric analysis is the interaction of houses between two birth charts. This passionate love will find its way to inspire the couple to build the relationship stronger. Since this aspect creates a deep level of understanding, it can also lead to complacency in the relationship. Sometimes, this aspect can be karmic (if the couple had past lives together), but many of these lessons have already been learned in a past life. You feel committed to building a traditional sense of domestic security, and providing practical material comforts which will enhance your family's future over time. This will go more smoothly if Venus is in a practical sign, such as Capricorn or Virgo, and will be more difficult if Venus is mutable. However, the Venus person will also recognize that the Saturn person will provide true security, yet they probably feel like part of their personality gets rejected when Saturn sets cold rules. Saturn trine and sextile Venus aspects are marked by a sense of commitment and mutual gain. Synastry:Venus-NeptuneAspects If the Venus person is able to show the Saturn person some appreciation, then the Saturn person is often more willing to compromise. Learn more about the Venus square aspect with Saturn in Venus Square Saturn Synastry. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. When they start to feel critical of each other, this is a sign to step back and worth through these judgements before they affect the relationship. Synastry:Mars-SaturnAspects There are a few tips that can help this aspect work better in a relationship: This trine creates a sense of karmic harmony that can be difficult to find in any other type of relationship. They can lighten up the mood of the serious Saturn. Financial problems are likely to arise. The intensity of their passion towards each other can go overboard and lead to become emotionally suffocating. Venus will also be willing to compromise if Saturn can try to have some fun with them.