Use familiar words and use play when teaching. b. Gerald has recently recognized that he has come down with a cold. e. For 48 hours prior to the pap test, refrain from sexual intercourse. c. E What kind of research would this be? Differentiate between the biomedical and biopsychosocial models. 19. What is the difference between incidence and prevalence? c. Give timely feedback on the patient's performance and present information in small chunks and in a clear well-organized manner. Return demonstration A pap test is used to screen for cervical cancers. b. not eat red meat. b. one year ago, Posted What strategy would work when coaching a 16-year-old girl? b. b. c. 4 ounces of wine. e. Communicate using simpler language and speak clearly. Which of the following would be considered health maintenance coaching? a. white patches in the mouth. Which type of intervention may be more influential in eliciting behavior change from stage 1 to stage 2 of the Precaution Adoption Process Model? a. Developmental level 12 ounces of beer. Fortunately, seizure risk decreases with increasing seizure-free time on antiseizure medications (ASMs). All of the following are research tools used as assessment techniques in health psychology research EXCEPT. d. Sensory limitations Cultural diversity Face the person directly and make eye contact. Which of the statements is correct about mortality rate by socioeconomic status? Based on the Health Belief Model, whether or not a person practices a health behavior depends partially on which of the following? 25 Which of the following is true regarding patient adherence The average adherence rate for taking medication to treat acute illness is about 67 o adherence to taking medicine is higher in the days before and after a doctors visit adherence to recommended lifestyle changes as stop smoking is often quite low. A group of half men and half women with a history of depression and arthritis ages twenty to forty years of age are asked to participate in a study looking at gender differences in response to a new innovative way to counsel depression. c. Brain based Use familiar words and simple demonstrations. PSY-352 Health Psychology Quiz 1 Complete the following multiple choice quiz covering chapters 1, 6, and 9. Health coach What color pill is associated with reducing anxiety? Which research design is often classified as field research? At the doctors office, Susan had barely any time to explain her symptoms to the doctor before he immediately cut in and started talking all doctor. 1. Placebo effect can be very strong, so it is crucial for a drug to show greater efficacy then placebo effect. Carbon monoxide blood levels decline. What type of study can assess the same people over time, which allows researchers to identify developmental trends and patters, In order to use modeling as cognitive-behavioral approach to change the patient's behavior, it is essential, To increase similarity between the model and the patient. Its a world wide issue because adherence rates are even lower in developing countries. c. Sensory limitations What type of delay does this scenario describe? Disease severity a. c. Memory issues The average adherence rate for taking medication to treat acute illness is about 67%. Jackie wants to get well, so she follows the doctor's orders. The introduction of 'medication adherence' as a MeSH term in 2009 [] represented a significant paradigm shift towards recognising patients as key players in their healthcare [].As defined by the World Health Organization, adherence is "the extent to which a person's behaviour- taking medication, following a diet and/or executing lifestyle changes, corresponds with agreed . Pain and symptoms in the moment influence patients adherence rates. Discuss the transition to the modern patient-physician relationship. c. The medical assistant can coach the patient on the follow-ups. Theories in health-seeking behaviors should: Generate Research They used two signs, one that displayed personal consequences and another that displayed patient consequences. e. assisting with a procedure and listening to what is said. _____ is research conducted at only one point and time, whereas _____ follow participants over an extended period of time. What statement is not true? For those aged 15 to 24, the number one cause of death is due to: Which of the following outcomes is an example(s) of faulty communication between the patient and the provider? What kind of Health Care Plan does Susan have? What level does patient adherence fall under? 2. In order to report accurate findings, at least the researcher must know who received what drug. Marcus has high blood pressure readings sometimes when he goes to the doctor for his routine check-ups. a. The following describe internal states of symptoms EXCEPT? c. bleeding in the mouth. Interfere with other desirable behaviors in a person's life. b. Online videos 3. Reread the Management Focus "Embraer and the Gyrations of the Brazilian Real," and then answer the following questions: What does the recent economic history of Brazil tell you about the relationship between price inflation and exchange rates? d. Use pictures and models during the coaching session. Why people become ill b. Darker skin tones d. Dental exams need to be done every two years. Considering the relationship between patient and practitioner in the assessment of one's health would be a part of which health model? Providers may give more information and be more supportive with minority patients. e. Provide written step-by-step directions for the patient to follow. c. Identify motivating factors. Cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies, A mother with a baby and a toddler sees the toddler changing the diaper on her doll, nursing it, and treating it like a real baby. Describe the relationship between efficacy and effectiveness. d. Upon questioning, the doctor determines that Nick is depressed. By ; Sarah Stella, MD; May 3, 2016 [WpProQuiz 7] [WpProQuiz_toplist 7] Share: Comment on this Article Cancel reply. The best that can be done is to leverage cross-sectional partnerships and the use of technology. Discuss what two factors affect maintaining adherence. A. 100% adherence in first 3 months in comparison to 50% adherence among control group. Discuss the Brigham and Women's hospital study. d. Use therapeutic communication techniques to acknowledge the patient's feeling. which of the following is true regarding patient adherence. a. Online videos I am going to change my habit and try to quit smoking. On the Web site, find a brief company description as well as the most recent published financial statements. Diet and an exercise regimen are examples of what? Adherence, can be defined as "the extent to which a patient acts in accordance with the prescribed interval and dose of a dosing regimen" [].Non-adherence is widespread problem in chronic conditions [2, 3].Adherence is not only a crucial point for the success, but also for the safe and effective use of many therapies [4-6].Moreover non-adherence can cause substantial costs []. Using the ABCDE Rule for early warning signs for malignant, which letter does this involve? State Rainfalls. c. Adherence to recommended lifestyle changes such as stop smoking is often quite low. Intraosmolar. What should the medical assistant address when coaching a patient on an MRI? d. Provide handouts that explain the disease and treatment. With a prevalence of 26.6% and rising among children in 2006, chronic diseases are a main contributor to both morbidity and mortality. Which of these is NOT a limitation of the biomedical model? b. c. Identifies and attempts to eliminate barriers to care. What domain of learning involves learning new concepts and information? Use engaging simple tools to communicate information (e.g., DVDs and gaming software). d. Lack of proper living condition Which of the following is true: What type of experiment would this be? 16 Social support A single mother that works two jobs b. PCN-100 Topic 1 DQ 2 After reading Chapter 1 of the textbook on past approaches to aid in the prevention of addiction, ACC-502 Topic 1 Financial Statement Transactions, ACC-502 Topic 1 DQ 2 Internal users of financial statements use the information to make key business decisions, ACC-502 Topic 1 DQ 1 External users of financial statements use the information to make key business decisions, PSYCH/614 Week 2 Summative Assessment Social Conditioning Reflection Blog Assignment, PSYCH/614 Week 2 Discussion Give an example of how you have recently used the availability heuristic. In a study of 99 patients with quiescent UC whose adherence to 5-ASA medication was monitored for 2 years (), 39 patients experienced a recurrence of their symptoms and 32 (82%) of these were non-adherent to their prescribed medication.Of the 59 patients who remained in symptomatic remission, 20 (34%) were not adherent to their prescribed medication (P = 0.01). Estimate the normal boiling point of bromine, Br2\mathrm{Br}_2Br2, in the following way: Determine vapH\Delta_{\mathrm{vap}} H^{\circ}vapH for Br2\mathrm{Br}_2Br2 from data in Appendix D. Assume that vapH\Delta_{\text {vap }} H^{\circ}vapH remains constant and that Trouton's rule is obeyed. What strategy would work when coaching a 10-year-old child? c. Normal reaction time D The patient's mole is reddish black. d. Break down the essential facts into a few brief sessions that can be repeated over the next several days and assess Mrs. Walshs knowledge of the previous session before proceeding. a. a. Personal beliefs. 24. Concerned about physical and mental health c. 70 The cognitive domain involves learning through: c. Use an interpreter. Research has shown that coaching can help patients understand information from the visit. Stopping the use of the antibiotics before the time he was prescribed is an example of: All are characteristics of being in the "worried well" EXCEPT: 2. Which of the following statements is false? However, Dr. Lee knows. Flow through the condenser, closed feedwater heater, open feedwater heater, and steam generator is at constant pressure. Use nonverbal cues and gestures. A Swedish study measured patients adherence to hypertension medication to see whether active patient decision making and involvement in care would increase adherence. Marcus is possibly suffering from: Vernices doctor has informed her that she is severely overweight, and that she should change her eating habits. The results showed no relation with patient reports of self-adherence and severity of blood pressure, but it did find a relation with patient reports of self-adherence and active patient decision making and involvement in care. Anxiety impairs retention of information. c. Patient navigator Patients often prefer an interview with questions of a technical nature. from a primary care doctor in order to see a specialist? 25 Which of the following factors does not predict adherence? Discuss breast cancer screening recommendations and their benefits. which of the following is true regarding patient adherence yesterday, Posted mental processes. Not so long after, she proceeded to call 911. c. Use engaging simple tools to communicate information (e.g., DVDs and gaming software). e. All are correct, Seven days prior to a guaiac fecal occult blood test, the patient should: d. 60 From 2014 through 2018, 137 PLHIV completed the training program . b. a. Look at the income statement and balance sheet for the company and list any factors that would support your categorization of the company as a service, merchandising, or manufacturing organization. Teaching teens on how to prevent sexually transmitted infections Considering the psychosocial characteristics of the following people, which one is most likely to develop an illness? hornbuckle contact number; haughville pronunciation; sam and cat birthday party supplies; ssense software developer intern; which of the following is true regarding patient adherence. What are three differences between a chemical addiction and a process addiction? d. Use familiar words and use play when teaching. The Trans-theoretical model of behavior change consists of four steps. The average adherence rate for taking medication to treat acute illness is about 67% This statement is true, as studies have shown that on average, patients Posted 3 However, for effective pharmacological treatment, medication adherence is of great importance. e. All are correct, The medical assistant can coach patients on health maintenance. Which is NOT one of the four areas of focus in health psychology? Upon this realization, he decides to take a day off from work and have his partner tend to his needs. A physician prescribes an antibiotic to be used for seven days. b. Question: # 25 Which of the following is true regarding patient adherence The average adherence rate for taking medication to treat acute illness is about 67% o adherence to taking medicine is higher in the days before and after a doctor's visit adherence to recommended lifestyle changes as stop smoking is often quite low O all of the above Discuss the Swedish study involving hypertension medication adherence and what was associated with higher adherence rates. What would be a reason a doctor may use "medical jargon" while speaking to patients? True a. Generativity versus Stagnation b. mental processes. Provide coaching on aspects of the disease and self-care management. Give timely feedback on the patient's performance. This diagnostic test uses high-frequency sound waves to create the image of the organs and structures. Health Psychology is the understanding of psychological influences on How people stay healthy They want an apology from the doctor and/or hospital a. b. b. c. assisting with a procedure. c. Unexplained sexually transmitted infection Which of the following is NOT considered a leading cause of death in the United States today? People often got relief from ineffective remedies. b. This is an example of. Which of the following color pills would be best suited to induce a placebo effect in a patient suffering from an ulcer? Which of the following was an advance in science and medicine in the 18th and 19th centuries? a. 40 In deciding which research methods to use, a researcher might keep in mind that. Get plagiarism-free solution within 48 hours. 1. Based on this description one can assume Steven is among which of the following? 4. What would be an appropriate adaptive interaction for the medical assistant to do? The recommendations made are based on a comprehensive review of the published evidence, where available and pertinent, but are predominantly based on expert . a. It is possible to have a drug show greater efficacy, but less effectiveness. e. Preparations for a colonoscopy, c. Hygiene practices to little children and information on recommended vaccines. AstraZeneca. present information in small chunks and in a clear well organized manner. Describe methods that can be used to assess and monitor adherence and their strengths and weaknesses. e. Depression. Older people b. Tremors and paralysis Betsy is in the denial stage of grief. Which of the following yields information about the degree of the relationship between two variables, such as body fat and heart disease? The Civil Rights Act requires that all patients have equal access to services. b. A group of 5 year old children were tested on the development of arithmetic abilities and then repeatedly assessed over the next four years. Take time with patients and provide reassurance This is an imaging test that uses an IV tracer to identify disease in organs and tissues. Which of the following is NOT an example of one's lay referral network? a. Mammograms should be done yearly starting at age 45. Which of the following is NOT a cognitive-behavioral approach? c. Simulations Which of the following are not considered as part of the Health Belief Model? Has clear health benefits, The time between recognizing that a symptom implies an illness and the decision to seek treatment is called, Segall's Sick Role Rights or Privileges Include. b. Cessation which of the following is true regarding patient adherence Which of the following statements about outpatient services is true? In comparing the relationship between these two variables, Michael is using which type of research design? There is no gold standard. In this case study, Mary, a 20-year HIM department veteran, is investigated for breaking the AHIMA Code of Ethics. Where was the biggest improvement in adherence? Not knowing when they will return home Which of these people have barriers that may prevent them from seeking medical help although they may notice symptoms of disease? This is an example of. Identify versus Role Confusion how to check logs in fortigate firewall. Report fewer symptoms, All of the following are ways to measure adherence except, Providers rarely receive feedback from their patients because, the patient may have died e. All are correct, Cupping involved applying suction to the skin, which leaves marks. Which of the following represents a person's chances of developing a disease or disorder independent of any risk that other people may have for that disease or disorder? b. A study was done involving eight cemeteries in Glasgow where the height and material of commemorative obelisks was observed. With which of the protein complexes (I, II, III, and IV) of the ETC is each of the following electron carriers associated? False, The act of sticking to something. More than one answer may apply in a given situation. Which of the following statements about outpatient services is true, 21. Is workplace discrimination and ageism still prevalent today? It is well known that patient adherence to appropriately prescribed medications is essential for treatment efficacy and positive therapeutic outcomes. While patients seem to be the culprits regarding their own medical non-adherence, providers may be even more to blame. A major barrier to adherence is often the cost of the medicine prescribed to the patient. Examples of this are: Explain what influences adherence rates and identify what is not a good predictor of adherence. e. All are correct. Explains what factors influence a person's health belief and practices. Stress and pain Find the composite function $f(g(x))$.. Design and setting The study . c. US This is a growing problem because as the population ages, we are going to see more and more health problems. Use familiar words and simple demonstrations. Juni 2022. Which of the following would be considered disease prevention coaching? False, What teaching strategies are used for the cognitive domain? Describe the role of biological, psychological, and social. $$. Which of the following is not a cognitive behavioral approach, Vicky is more likely to seek health care based on all of the following EXCEPT. B Health is not merely the absence of disease. When working with a patient who has impaired vision, what strategy should the medical assistant use? a. Explain whether or not they are effective. The degree to which a person perceives a personal health threat d. Have the patient repeat back important information. b. reading written words. d. The medical assistant can coach the patient on self-management of the disease. e. PET scan, What is not a common sign of drug abuse? By . b. the medical assistant can coach patients on disease prevention which of the following would be considered disease prevention coaching, hygiene practices to little children and information on recommended vaccines, the medical assistant can coach patients on health maintenance which of the following would be considered health maintenance coaching, information on routine screenings and breast self exam technique, what is true regarding coaching to help increase compliance or adherence with the treatment plan, the medical assistant can coach patients on community resources which of the following would be considered community resources coaching, coaching on medications prescribed for a disease and coaching on where to purchase medical supplies, sara just found out she has breast cancer and she needs to go through surgery and chemotherapy sarah refuses to accept the facts what stage of grief is she in, toms wife has diabetes and he has come to terms with the situation what stage of grief is he in, betsy is in the denial stage of grief what would be an appropriate adaptive interaction for the medical assistant to do, provide handouts that explain the disease and treatment, zach is in the depression stage of grief what would be an appropriate adaptive interaction for the medical assistant to do, encourage the patient to use community and healthcare resources to help ease the change process, beth has accepted that she has type 2 diabetes what would be an appropriate adaptive interaction for the medical assistant to do, provide coaching on aspects of the disease and self care management, what is true regarding the health belief model, explains what factors influence a persons health belief and practices, the cognitive domain involves learning through, the psychomotor domain involves learning through, with the cognitive domain what is a way to help patients remember critical information, present information in small chunks and in a clear well organized manner, which of the following would be a barrier to learning in the cognitive domain, which of the following would be a barrier to learning in the psychomotor domain, sensory limitations and tremors and paralysis, when the medical assistant adapts the coaching to the patient what must be considered, using eriksons psychological development stages what stage is a 17 year old girl in, using eriksons psychological development stages what stage is a 75 year old adult in, what strategy would work when coaching a 16 year old girl, what strategy would work when coaching a 21 year old adult, using eriksons psychological development stages what stage is a 1 year old child in, when working with a patient who has impaired hearing what strategy should the medical assistant use, face the person when speaking and have the patient repeat back the information, when working with a patient who has a language barrier what strategy should the medical assistant use, what is a topic for disease prevention coaching, colon cancer screenings typically start at age, which type of skin cancer is curable and does not cause death, adults should have their cholesterol checked every 5 years, a guaiac fecal occult blood test should be done every year from age 50 to 75, what is true regarding the cologuard stool DNA test, what should the medical assistant address when coaching a patient on an MRI, identify if the patient is claustrophobic and identify if the patient has artificial heart valves, pacemaker, and a cochlear implant, seven days prior to a guaiac fecal occult blood test the patient should, stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, and vitamin C supplements, for 48 hours prior to the pap test, do not douche or tub bathe, what is correct regarding patient navigator, a person who identifies patients barriers works closely with the healthcare team and patients guides the patients through the healthcare system, what domain of learning involves learning new concepts and information, what domain of learning involves a change in attitude or emotions that will influence the persons behavior, what teaching strategies are used for the affective domain, what teaching strategies are used for the cognitive domain, what strategy would work when coaching a 65 year old adult, communicate using simpler language and speak clearly, what strategy would work when coaching a 2 year old, use familiar words and use play when teaching, what strategy would work when coaching a 10 year old. When the medical assistant adapts the coaching to the patient, what must be considered? Give three examples. Coaching on where to purchase medical supplies. d. Work closely with the healthcare team and the patient. A 50-year old Native American suffering from a heart disease receives a cup of traditional concoction every day from an herbalist for 2 weeks. b. long-term sore throat. true for ER visit (25.3% vs 38.4-42.7%, p<0.0001). e. Developmental level and communication barriers, When working with preschoolers, it is important to use familiar words, simple explanations and demonstrations, and allow the children to handle the equipment. a. Most people have an innate tendency to prefer smaller-sooner to larger-later rewards. d. 45 Medication adherence has been defined by Vrijens et al 1 as "the process by which patients take their medications as prescribed." Many home care patients find it difficult to adhere to the medication therapy as recommended by a healthcare professional. a. The first part of the model deals with a person's perception of the severity of the disease. Medical non-adherence can most obviously manifest as patients not taking medications, but it can also be represented by patients merely missing or postponing necessary appointments. PSYCH/645 Week 6 Summative Assessment Marshmallow Experiment, PSYCH/645 Week 6 Discussion Skinner discussed environmental control of behavior. Steam enters the turbine at 1400lbf/in.21400 lbf/in.^21400lbf/in.2 and 1000F1000^\circ F1000F and expands to 500lbf/in.2,500 lbf/in.^2,500lbf/in.2, where some of the steam is extracted and diverted to the closed feedwater heater. d. lump in the throat. Explain. True He made his diagnosis and he was out of there. Which of the following American health care systems is most known for requiring a referral. PCN-100 Topic 2 DQ 1 What are three differences between a chemical addiction and a process addiction? Recent findings show that assessing a patient's ART readiness is the first step to successful ART adherence. Identify versus Role Confusion Patients are motivated to impress their physician when they are being regularly monitored and therefore are more adherent to medical instructions. According to design and statistics, group 2 would be considered a/an. Have a high need for approval An antibiotic resistant strand of bacteria caused by premature ending of the medication is due to: Rate themselves as more healthy. Vaping does not involve nicotine and thus is not addictive The doctor may be unsure of the diagnosis and they don't want the patient to know, When a patient is given the placebo but experiences the same side effects as the medication. Which of the following placebos would invoke the greatest placebo response in patients? The results were no changes. d. Discussion and written information Perceive minor symptoms as serious A way that people may distort health-relevant messages is that they may falsely see themselves as less vulnerable than others. Sarah refuses to accept the facts. Identify and implement practices that can improve patient adherence. a Defined as a 16-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-Clinician Rated (QIDS-C 16) score of less than 11 after the placebo run-in phase.. b Included self-reported tremor, hypersomnolence, insomnia, diarrhea, and headache.. c Defined as having taken less than 65% of drug by pill count.. d Estimated glomerular filtration rate greater than 60 mL/min/1.73 m 2 in 3 patients, ongoing . Adherence: Adherence is defined as the degree to which a patient voluntarily integrates and collaborates with the healthcare provider in terms of instructions regarding dosage, timing and frequency of medication and gets a refill of prescriptions whenever necessary - eventually leading to a better therapeutic outcome. e. Preparations for a mammogram, a. d. All are correct The most complex facilities in the healthcare system include. Which of the following is an example of Morbidity? The doctor gave Jackie antibiotics and told her to take the antibiotics with a lot of water until they were gone. B. Naltrexone effectively blocks the reinforcing effects of opioids. It is also understood that patients who are prescribed medications do not necessarily take them as prescribed. Present information in small chunks and in a clear well-organized manner. Chronic Illness- Diabetes The main reasons for it are irritating soap, tedious, and CDC wasn't monitoring. Explains what factors influence a person's health belief and practices. Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt The first group had to watch a sad video; the second group had to watch a happy video while the third, control group, did not watch any video. b. Cognitive There will be three groups: those who receive the experimental drug at a higher dose, those who receive drug at lower dose, and those who receive a placebo. What is the greatest cause of non-adherence? What other factors might determine exchange rates for the Brazilian real? Several categories of factors including demographic, socioeconomic, concomitant medical-behavioral conditions, therapy-related, healthcare team and system-related factors, and patient factors are associated with nonadherence. b. Medication adherence is a growing concern to clinicians, healthcare systems, and other stakeholders (eg, payers) because of mounting evidence that nonadherence is prevalent and associated with adverse outcomes and higher costs of care. A. Naltrexone is a partial agonist at the mu-opioid receptor. Which diagnostic test requires screening for artificial heart valves, cochlear implants, recent artificial joint surgery, and history of working with metal? The following factors contributed to changes in the medical field EXCEPT: Which of the following behavioral intensions are included in the Theory of Planned Behavior but NOT in the Theory of Reasoned Action?