CSR Strategist focused on Impact investment with strong knowledge of community development issues. Recently worked as Co-PI on a WHO-TDR funded grant (BRAIN Cameroon) on best practices in community engagement in research in Sub-Saharan Africa ($30. World Population Foundation | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Ever. bill and melinda gates institute for population control Bill and Melinda Gates have announced they are to divorce after 27 years of marriage, saying they "no longer believe we can grow together as a couple . In the 27-minute clip, Gates said there are "four factors" that cansolvethe problem of carbon emission. Bill Gates Funded Development of Under-the-Skin Vaccine History Storage Melinda Gates Commits $375 Million for Population Control, Abortion October 2002-2004. Fighting Infections through Research, Science and Technology (FIRST) Phase 1 and 2: Creating a Partnership to Fight Neglected Infectious Disease in Mesoamerica. . 615 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205. The Gates Foundation, the largest philanthropic foundation in the world, supports work in more than 100 . This week, Gates's biggest announcement was that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will spend billions to quickly build seven manufacturing facilities, so that when vaccines for Covid-19 are . Forbes reported that through vaccination, Gates is hoping to save "the kids already born," not to "prevent births" or kill off kids, as the poster claims. The case for closing the gap in modern contraception use is clear: When women and girls have access to contraceptives and care that enable them to make informed reproductive decisions, they are more empowered to live their lives as theynot otherschoose. The Depo-Provera story caused a national scandal. No, Bill Gates did not engineer the covid-19 pandemic and other As black feminists pointed out, these groups cared little for womens or civil rights in general, or black womens well-being in particular. Learn more about fact-checking at AP. We also work with countries and partners to ensure that these products are manufactured, procured, and distributed in sufficient quantities, preventing stockouts at clinics and drug shops. Author, 'The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking and the New Gospel of Adoption'. While this number is significant, it is much lower than the figure projected at the beginning of the pandemic, when it was estimated that 47 million women could lose access to family planning services. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation campus in Seattle, Washington, on June 2, 2011. Bill Gates didn't say he wanted to use vaccines to reduce the population PMA2020 usesmobile technologyto support fast, low-cost surveys of key family planning and other health indicators. The narrator states that, to understand what Gates means by "population control", we need to look beyond the concept of birth control: what Gates means is controlling the population itself. (India.com, 03 Jan 2012) Write by: . More specifically, right now, "we're talking a lot about these variants and what that will do," Gates, whose Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has committed $1.75 billion to the fight against . 2/28/17. 2:14. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Jul 2020 "Similar in structure to the Rhodes Scholarships, the Gates Cambridge Scholarships were established in October 2000 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with a $210 million donation to support outstanding graduate students from all around the world to study at the University of Cambridge. This article appeared in the bill and melinda gates institute for population controlmary calderon quintanilla 27 februari, 2023 / i list of funerals at luton crematorium / av / i list of funerals at luton crematorium / av The year marked the creation of Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, with an initial investment from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. A short videosharedto Instagram Jan. 16shows awoman holding a July 2011 edition of the Sovereign Independent, an Irish newspaper no longer in circulation. Gates Foundation wasn't named the Institute for Population Control The institute focuses on research in family planning, reproductive health and population dynamics. Si chiamava "Bill e Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control", poi il maniaco gli ha cambiato nome! The. To do this, we need to trust women and girls to make the decisions that are right for them and offer them services and products that align with their preferencesones that are affordable, convenient, and respectful. LONDON Melinda Gates, the wife of billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates, has launched a massive campaign to expand artificial contraception and abortion . Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation boosts vital work of the UW's Institute Danny Jones, the pastor of a 250-member Georgia church, echoed similar accusations while predicting that Gates would use vaccines to usher in a new world order under which Christians might be forced to accept biometric tattoos. Advance Family Planning launches with20+ partner organizations in 10 countries. In 2010, a former staffer with a government health initiative in Ghana made a shocking claim: a project partially funded by the Gates Foundation had tested the contraceptive Depo-Provera on unsuspecting villagers in the remote region of Navrongo, as part of an illicit "population experiment."The woman making the charge was the Ghanian-born, U.S.-educated communications officer for another . All of these are milestones on the path to a more gender-equal world. I am delighted to announce today that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) have entered into a new phase of cooperation to develop interventions to reduce major global health burdens. We also aim to overcome regulatory and policy barriers that slow the uptake and introduction of high-impact family planning interventions. In response to these and other conspiracy theories, including their contention that the virus was a plandemic, Fox Nation reportedly cut ties with the pair. He pointed to a line chart in the video that showed an inverse relationship between the improvement of health care andthe annual growth rate of the world population between 1980 and 2100. In 1999, the foundation gave a $20 million grant to establish the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, according to. Rather than reckon with that reality, Republican leaders have argued, there are more important things than living, superclusters of infection in the minority-staffed meatpacking industry as distinct from the threat posed to regular folks. One local California official. Billboards in Atlanta and Manhattan carried messages like, The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb. And federal and state legislators proposed a series of bills banning race- and sex-selective abortions in order to insinuate that abortion providers deliberately target communities of color. Building on the Bloomberg School's global public health leadership, the Institute's work translates science into action . But not anymore., founded the William H. Gates Foundation in 1994, named for, . But Diamond and Silk werent alone. In Kenya, all 27 members of the nations Conference of Catholic Bishops declared that a WHO/UNICEF campaign to administer neonatal tetanus vaccines to women of childbearing age was really a disguised population control programme. According to the bishops, the vaccines were laced with a hormone that would cause repeated miscarriages and eventual sterility. "Parents start making decisions based on the reasonable expectation that their children will live. GRAIN | How the Gates Foundation is driving the food system, in the The lawsuit fizzled, but with help from a small U.S. nonprofit called the Rebecca Project for Human Rights, she shopped a series of stories to Ghanas tabloid press. women to avoid modern contraceptives because they caused cancer and were a Western ploy to limit African population growth. for more than 330,000 unnecessary deaths. "When children are well-nourished, fully vaccinated, and treated for common illnesses like diarrhea, malaria, and pneumonia, the future gets a lot more predictable," reads the annual letter. Protection was substantially lower for the omicron BA.1 variant and declined more rapidly over time than protection against previous variants. Please install a current version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari for a better experience. , outlining what it claimed was a series of unethical U.S.-backed medical experiments in Africa. The potential impact of such fantasies could be dire. The first International Conference on Family Planning, the largest scientific gathering on family planning,is held in Uganda with later ones in Senegal, Ethiopia, Indonesia, and Rwanda. There were fewer bloody fetus posters and more talk about how abortion and contraception violated womens safety and impeded racial justice. These shifts demonstrate the need for an expanded pool of donors and more sustainable funding for family planning. Your browser appears to be unsupported. About us. Abortions! But the claim doesn't tell the whole story. When it launched in 2011, the Ouagadougou Partnership set an audacious goal for 2020: Increase the number of women using modern contraceptives by at least 2.2 million in nine francophone West African countries. As the head of PRI put it, The population controllers will stop at nothing to stop African women from having children. By 2014, the Rebecca Project was focusing full-time on the scourge of Depo-Provera. The Rebecca Project, a small, Washington-based nonprofit focused on issues disproportionately affecting women of color, hadnt been involved on either side of the abortion fight. A record 600+ youths attend the youth preconference. claimed that the billionaire had publicly said that vaccines could be used to lower the population by 10% to 15%. As the head of PRI put it, The population controllers will stop at nothing to stop African women from having children. By 2014, the Rebecca Project was focusing full-time on the scourge of Depo-Provera. [Comedy/Truth] Bill Gates Finally Admits It! - Exclusive Interview (JP Bill Gates Is Now A Target Of COVID-19 Coronavirus Conspiracy - Forbes The thinking here, as explained in the 2009 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Annual Letter, is that you can slow population growth by lowering the mortality rate, especially among children. But Gates said he and his staff at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have regular conversations with the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases about the . Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has warned of a pandemic for years. Gates Foundation Pushing Dangerous Contraceptives on Black Populations Click here to sign up for our fact-check text chat, Protest in Netherlands in response to gas extractions, not COVID-19 regulations, Altered image shows Sylvester Stallone with T-shirt message mocking Biden, Fauci, Fact check: A newspaper front page featuring a Bill Gates quote and a teaser for a piece about 9/11 is not proof the COVID-19 pandemic was planned, Fact Check-Bill Gates quoteabout vaccines and population growth has beentaken out of contextagain, False Bill Gates depopulate with vaccines news a conspiracy theory classic, Screenshot of Sovereign Independent July 2011 edition, Fact check: Bill Gates was not arrested by the US military, They're called the Good Club - and they want to save the world, With Vaccines, Bill Gates Changes The World Again. We Call For Investigations Into The "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity Created by C.S. We work directly with countriesincluding India, Nigeria, and Ethiopiawhere our resources can have the greatest impact and where our foundation has a local presence. His new allies began publicizing Fosus claims to a large audience of conservative activists, arguing that he had uncovered the smoking gun confirming their long-held suspicions. One factor concernspopulation sustainability, but it does not make up the entire solution, as the newspaper in the videoclaims. Among women who want to delay or avoid pregnancy, concerns about side effects are the most common reason they give for not using modern contraception. Ever. issue of Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health magazine. Funding Information: This study was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Another post, which was retweeted more than 3,000 times, says: Before it was called the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation it was called something else.. Part 3 - Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid. Abortions! Although it was denounced by Ghanaian health professionals and traditional leaders as libelousthe Navrongo project hadnt tested any medications so many death threats were directed at the project that some staff had to be evacuated across the Burkina Faso border. Wisconsins chief justice dismissed superclusters of infection in the minority-staffed meatpacking industry as distinct from the threat posed to regular folks. One local California official mused that allowing the virus to run rampant through the ranks of the homeless, the old, the sick and the poor, represents a natural process of culling the herd that could lighten Social Security and health care burdens and free up jobs and housing. Melinda has busted the Bill Gates myth - New York Post The word "vaccines" is underlined in the quote. An Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) worker counsels a couple during a home visit in Uttar Pradesh, India. Three months into the global coronavirus pandemic, Bill Gates has displaced George Soros as the chief bogeyman of the right. By 2015, each dollar invested by the Institute in six partner institutions has a return of $2.40+ in research dollars. The quote comes from a TEDx talk Gate gave about how to reduce carbon emissions. Matt Nohn is an urban economist and development planner with 20 years of progressively responsible work experience across over 40 countries. Melinda, who co-founded and co-chairs the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, told Newsweek that family planning and primary public health would be the two issues that she would focus on by being an . Everyone deserves accurate information about COVID-19. The same conservative Catholic network the Rebecca Project had allied itself with published numerous stories amplifying the bishops accusations and casting doubt on the governments response. Here is the transcript and my two cents:. Back in the U.S., Fosu also worked with C-Fam to lobby delegates from African nations, with some success. The report attempted to link them to shakier allegations of USAID funding being used for coercive sterilization campaigns in other countries. Leadership skills with strategic approach focused on social policy landscape, sustainability sector and SDGs. False claim: Gates Foundation has a "Center for Global Human Population More than 200 million women and girls in low- and middle-income countries who want to avoid pregnancy arent using a modern method of contraception. The legacy of medical abuses against people of color helped give rise to HIV/AIDS conspiracy theories, Rosenblum noted, from claims that it was a government-crafted, to charges that life-saving medications were, . In response, were drawing on these lessons to inform innovative ways to make family planning products and information available to women and girls everywhere. "Population control," reads the caption of the post. bill gates senior planned parenthood. Geoffrey Lamb "Bill and Melinda Gates . Although it was denounced by Ghanaian health professionals and traditional leaders as libelousthe Navrongo project hadnt tested. Disruptions to youth contraceptive use during COVID-19: Mixed-methods $279 million pledged for IHME to expand its work, highlighting UW's position as global hub for improving population health worldwide . I have a problem receiving any vaccine from any entity, especially anybody like Bill Gates who pushed for population control. ", Fact check: Altered image shows Sylvester Stallone with T-shirt message mocking Biden, Fauci, His concept is also expressed ina 2-minute YouTube video, in which Gates said that "as health improves, families choose to have less children.". Melinda French Gates opened up about her ex-husband Bill Gates' relationship with Jeffrey Epstein in an interview with Gayle King. A right-wing documentary, Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America, used a Swahili word that refers to the holocaust of African enslavement to denounce Planned Parenthood as racist. Its the Bill, Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health and its based in the school and of course, I stayed on as its founding director. <br> High-quality research output with numerous cited . Subscribe to The Optimist to get weekly updates on the latest in global health, gender equality, education, and more. Its goal: Expand access to quality family planning information, services, and supplies through advocacy. Enabling women and girls to be agents of their own health is crucial to overcoming harmful gender norms. Ms. Gates discussed contraceptives in an interview with late night television host David Letterman, saying, "it only takes one generation for them to be fully uptake, and for them to see the birthrate decline. Bill Gates debunks claims he's using COVID-19 vaccines to microchip people. AP Photo/Elaine Thompson, File French Gates said her marriage . In 2000, the William H. Gates Foundation was merged with the Gates Learning Foundation to form the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. New Phase of Cooperation Between NIH and the Bill and Melinda Gates In 2010, a former staffer with a government health initiative in Ghana made a shocking claim: a project partially funded by the Gates Foundation had tested the contraceptive Depo-Provera on unsuspecting villagers in the remote region of Navrongo, as part of an illicit "population experiment."The woman making the charge was the Ghanian-born, U.S . Research Associate Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, Department of Population and Family Health Sciences, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University. In 2014, Zimbabwes Registrar General, Tobaiwa Mudede the official responsible for overseeing the countrys dubious elections warned women to avoid modern contraceptives because they caused cancer and were a Western ploy to limit African population growth. Bill Gates didn't say he wanted to use vaccines to reduce the The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has been awarded two grants totaling $71.3 million to expand the reach of The Challenge Initiative, a global platform that supports the sexual and reproductive health needs of women and girls living in poor urban communities in Africa and Asia. ", The clip then zooms into a quote next to the headline from Gates, whom the paper refers to as "Billy'The Kid Killer' Gates.". The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health conducts and facilitates cutting-edge research in family planning, reproductive health, and population dynamics . Dr Mojisola Odeku - Senior Program Officer, Family planning - LinkedIn For every young person around the world, adolescence is a formative period in their life that is powerfully shaped by their health, education and social surroundings in which they grow up. on use of elevation-adjustedHb for anemia assessment and possible need for intervention among SAC. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has had the same name since 2000, and grew out of the William H. Gates Foundation. But by the time the claims were debunked, priests around Kenya had already instructed their congregants to refuse the vaccine. Dr. Nidhi Sharma - Enablement Leader, CSR - EY GDS | LinkedIn To Quassim Cassam, author of the book Conspiracy Theories, the anti-Gates attacks reflect a larger global trend towards populism, characterized by profound distrust of the establishment and experts. 2019-2023 OPP1204850 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, (PI: Wafaie Fawzi), 19 Feb 2023 14:00:42 At that point, around the 38-minute mark of the video, she notes: And it is not Population Control, thats a naughty word these days. This story was reported in partnership with Type Investigations. They also highlight the need for family planning to be considered a vital component of strong primary health care systemsessential to improving maternal and child health and critical to achieving the goal of health care for all. The same conservative Catholic network the Rebecca Project had allied itself with published numerous stories amplifying the bishops accusations and casting doubt on the governments response. One 2016 study found that the notorious Tuskegee Study, wherein hundreds of black men were left with untreated syphilis so U.S. government researchers could track the progress of the disease, led to such mistrust of the medical establishment that it. What coronavirus questions are on your mind right now. Bill Gates, Sr. - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health The landscape of family planning and reproductive health shifted in 1999. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Gave $11,381,171 to - Newsbusters Support journalism without a paywall and keep it free for everyone by, In April, dozens of Texans crowded around Infowars host, arrest Bill Gates. A New York-based tech nonprofit falsely rumored to be working with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to implant vaccine microchips in people received so many, that it contacted the FBI. . We also engage on a more limited scale in Kenya, Pakistan, and Francophone West Africa. A Lexis search for the name found 700 mentions in press releases and articles between 1995 and 2000; Gates Institute for Population Control returned zero results. The post generated over 1,000 likes in less than a week. Post-doctoral Fellow Carolina Population Centre, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill . The report attempted to link them to shakier allegations of USAID funding being used for coercive sterilization campaigns in other countries. Johns Hopkins faculty collaborate with partner faculty on research, publishing 135+ peer-reviewed journal articles. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news, APS ASSESSMENT: False. Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls We work closely with local partners in our priority countries to ensure that efforts to increase access to family planning services are informed by better data, are tailored to communities, and are integrated into primary health care systems. The woman mistakenly refers to the institute as the Institute for Population Control, but full video from the event shows that Zabin later corrects her and reiterates that it is the Institute for Population and Reproductive Health.. Protection from past infection against re-infection from pre-omicron variants was very high and remained high even after 40 weeks. that allowing the virus to run rampant through the ranks of the homeless, the old, the sick and the poor, represents a natural process of culling the herd that could lighten Social Security and health care burdens and free up jobs and housing. ICFP in Kigaliconvenes 4,000+ participants from 119 countries for a program that features 1,600+ presentations. Social media users are claiming thatbillionaire tech titanBill Gates is part of a conspiracy to depopulate the Earth. bill and melinda gates institute for population control One 2016 study found that the notorious Tuskegee Study, wherein hundreds of black men were left with untreated syphilis so U.S. government researchers could track the progress of the disease, led to such mistrust of the medical establishment that it reduced the life expectancy of a generation of black men by more than a year. On Instagram, anti-vaccination activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., posted a, 984-style audience listening to Gates, with text declaring that the Microsoft Corp. co-founder, is conducting global social and medical experimentation, via the World Health Organization. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has had the same name since 2000, and grew out of the William H. Gates Foundation. the life expectancy of a generation of black men by more than a year. that misinformation about Gates has become the most widespread of all coronavirus falsehoods trending online. Dr. Sanjana Bhardwaj leads policy and advocacy work related to family planning; maternal, newborn, and child health; nutrition; and primary health care systems. We work to advance global monitoring of family planning progress to create a clearer picture of the field and improve accountability at the country, regional, and global levels. the anti-Gates attacks reflect a larger global trend towards populism, characterized by profound distrust of the establishment and experts. In response to these and other conspiracy theories, including their contention that the virus was a plandemic, Fox Nation. This is about gaining control over the human race and limiting population., In the U.S. alone, nearly a third of Americans say theyll refuse a coronavirus vaccine., Anti-Gates theories have resurfaced in Africa, as well. A visionary leader, he invested in the founding of the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Short notes that "the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation got into trouble in Niger with some vaccination project being done on 180,000 African women." "The Gates know that the drug is . Learn about where we work around the globe and the programs we've created to address urgent issues in global health, global development, and education. To Quassim Cassam, author of the book. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, accessed Jan. 20, About National Bureau of Economic Research, Dec. 2016, Population Growth and Carbon Emissions Lancet, July 14, 2012, Demographic change and . The Rebecca Project, a small, Washington-based nonprofit focused on issues disproportionately affecting women of color, hadnt been involved on either side of the abortion fight.