As the companies conducting this polling in 2019 relied on lists of voters landline numbers, there were concerns that it skewed towards older respondents, and therefore the data did not accurately reflect the diversity of the voting pool. The seat gained two suburbs from the neighbouring Lane Cove electorate in the recent boundary redistribution. So the public is correct to look at the last election and look a bit askance, he said. These employed differing methods of assessment, but generally determined that the polling industry was more accurate overall than in 2019, though still tended to overstate Labors primary vote share. "We've got tobe completely up-front about that. // console.log('Changed ' + all_links.href); Neither the Coalition nor Labor can be sure where votes carved off from their traditional bases will be going. What party is ScoMo in? var oldonload = window.onload; These are some of the improvements, but we still need to come back to the fact that it is not definitive. new Date().getTime(), event: 'gtm.js' A little bit blue, a little bit green, federal Warringah MP Zali Steggall has described the colour as a a shorthand for independent centrists. Helen Conway knows some people think she should be ashamed of her background working for a fossil fuel giant. Polls Suggest Left-of-Center Opposition Win in May 21 Australia Vote May 06, 2022 8:40 AM Phil Mercer Australian Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese speaks Politicians love telling Australian voters the only poll that matters is the one on election day. } Today, Labor leads in all major polls, including Newspoll and The Australian Financial Reviews Ipsos poll, which has a two-party preferred lead of 55 per cent to 45 per cent to Labor. In a federal election voters must number every box, but ballots in the state election are valid if they only contain a preference for a single candidate. We want to hear from you. Opposition leader Anthony Albanese blamed government mismanagement for the slow rise in wages and inflation shock. Their support often snowballs towards the end of the campaign.. Teal candidate for North Sydney Helen Conway. not only allowing but creating a culture war over trans rights. "While any given poll might have a plus or minus of two or three points, once we start to combine that information we can get down to something much tighter," Professor Jackman says. for (var t=0; t