The demography of Sweden is monitored by the Statistiska centralbyrn (Statistics Sweden). ), Akan 45.7%, Mole-Dagbani 18.5%, Ewe 12.8%, Ga-Dangme 7.1%, Gurma 6.4%, Guan 3.2%, Grusi 2.7%, Mande 2%, other 1.6% (2021 est. In 2021, 344 shootings occurred, in which 115 people were injured and 46 people died. Then, World War II led to the displacement of about 70,000 Finns to Sweden. . ), Ovimbundu 37%, Kimbundu 25%, Bakongo 13%, Mestico (mixed European and native African) 2%, European 1%, other 22%, African descent 87.3%, mixed 4.7%, Hispanic 2.7%, White 1.6%, other 2.7%, unspecified 0.9% (2011 est. Year 2002 - 2021, Immigrations (except citizens from Nordic countries) by grounds for settlement (grouped), country of citizenship, age and sex. Test yourself with our quiz that will stretch the boundaries of your mythical knowledge! Period 2000-2009 - 2010-2019, International migrations by country of birth, sex and number of migrations. View live population, charts & trends: Population of Sweden, A Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 2.1 represents the Replacement-Level Fertility: the average number of children per woman needed for each generation to exactly replace itself without needing international immigration. Photo: Hkan Rjder/Sydsvenskan/TT, Sami children in their folk costume, the kolt. ), Greenlandic 89.1%, Danish 7.5%, other Nordic peoples 0.9%, and other 2.5% (2022 est. Papua New Guinea has hundreds of ethnic groups and 839 spoken languages, many of which are completely unrelated to the others. Year 2000 - 2022, Immigrations and emigrations by country of citizenship and sex. Youth Dependency Ratio Definition: population ages 0-15 divided by the population ages 16-64. In 2050 it is predicted that all ages will increase from below 300,000 males and females to above 300,000 males and females. Year 2015 - 2021, Population per month by region, age and sex. By 2007, the community of Iraqis in Sweden numbered above 70,000. [23] Today, the Sami language holds the status of official minority language in the Norrbotten, Vsterbotten and Jmtland counties. ), East Indian 35.4%, African descent 34.2%, mixed - other 15.3%, mixed - African/East Indian 7.7%, other 1.3%, unspecified 6.2% (2011 est. Then, what about mulatto or colored? Educate, entertain, and engage with Factmonster. The number of Black-owned employer businesses in the United States in 2017. In addition to the Sami, Tornedalers, and Sweden Finns, Jewish and Roma people have national minority status in Sweden. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Utrikes fdda efter ln, kommun, kn och fdelseland 31 december 2020", "African diasporas in Sweden: An unfinished history",, "Sweden: Restrictive immigration policy and multiculturalism", "Foreign citizens by country of citizenship, sex and year", "Foreign-born persons by country of birth, sex and year", "Information och intryck frn ngra ursprungslnder", "Nr jag var riktigt liten ville jag bli prst", " nyheter 091022 Intervju med Marika Carlsson", "Marcus Samuelsson ofAquavit: Biography and Swedish Recipes on StarChefs", "David Fjll - programledare "Lilla Sportspegeln", "Veterinrvrd Bromma - Din djurklinik i Bromma", "Lady Gaga's Next Album Will Be 'Shocking,' Producer RedOne Says", "FK:s nyfrvrv Ken Sema i stor intervju hyllar frldrarna: 'De flyttade till Sverige fr att ge sina barn ett bra liv',, Articles needing additional references from August 2010, All articles needing additional references, Articles needing additional references from July 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, directly immigrated to Sweden from Africa, or. As a whole, the graph broadens with people appearing to live longer. 6 September 2005. Mestizo (mixed Amerindian and White) 69%, White 17%, Black 9%, Amerindian 5%, Hausa 53.1%, Zarma/Songhai 21.2%, Tuareg 11%, Fulani (Peuhl) 6.5%, Kanuri 5.9%, Gurma 0.8%, Arab 0.4%, Tubu 0.4%, other/unavailable 0.9% (2006 est. In 1870 Jews were granted full civil rights. While the Smi have lived in Fennoscandia from at earliest 3,500 years[21] to at latest around 2,650 years,[22] Smi settlement of Scandinavia does not predate Norse/Scandinavian settlement of Scandinavia, as sometimes popularly assumed. "Immigration and Ethnic Change in Low-Fertility Countries: A third Demographic Transition Population and Development Review. During the 20th century, many Jews came to Sweden from Russia, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Hungary, former Czechoslovakia and Poland. Where do different people live, and how are they counted? The population exceeded 10 million for the first time on Friday, 20 January 2017. Every fourth (24.9%) resident in the country has a foreign background and every third (32.3%) has at least one parent born abroad. ), Melanesian 95.3%, Polynesian 3.1%, Micronesian 1.2%, other 0.3% (2009 est. Year 2011 - 2021, Adopted persons by sex, region of birth, number of adoptive parents and year of birth. Retrieved 29 April 2021 from, Wirn, Arne. Where do different people live, and how are they counted? ), Bemba 21%, Tonga 13.6%, Chewa 7.4%, Lozi 5.7%, Nsenga 5.3%, Tumbuka 4.4%, Ngoni 4%, Lala 3.1%, Kaonde 2.9%, Namwanga 2.8%, Lunda (north Western) 2.6%, Mambwe 2.5%, Luvale 2.2%, Lamba 2.1%, Ushi 1.9%, Lenje 1.6%, Bisa 1.6%, Mbunda 1.2%, other 13.8%, unspecified 0.4% (2010 est. Demographic statistics according to the CIA World Factbook, unless otherwise indicated.[9]. ", Statistics Sweden, Number of citizens born in Africa living in Sweden in 2022, by country of birth Statista, (last visited March 04, 2023), Number of citizens born in Africa living in Sweden in 2022, by country of birth [Graph], Statistics Sweden, February 22, 2023. ), Mixed 70.4% (Mestizo/Indio 58%, Mulatto 12.4%), Black 15.8%, White 13.5%, other 0.3% (2014 est. Swedish Finns have Finnish roots but live in Sweden a people with two cultures and two languages. From the solar system to the world economy to educational games, Fact Monster has the info kids are seeking. Incidents of sexual assault may be up in Sweden, but the truth is more complicated than the narrative. Do you know the difference? Statista. largest African American population according to the Census Bureau) . ), Hindustani 27.4%, Maroon (African descent) 21.7%, Creole (mixed White and Black) 15.7%, Javanese 13.7%, mixed 13.4%, other 7.6%, unspecified 0.6% (2012 est. (black) Total % of working age population Q3-2022 Sweden (red), OECD - Total (black) Hours worked Indicator: 1 444 Total Hours/worker 2021 Sweden Hours/worker: Total Hours/worker 2002 . The demography of Sweden is monitored by the Statistiska centralbyrn (Statistics Sweden). Luckily, we have the answers at hand. ), Hutu (Bantu) 85%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 14%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%, Khmer 95.4%, Cham 2.4%, Chinese 1.5%, other 0.7% (2019-20 est. Facebook: quarterly number of MAU (monthly active users) worldwide 2008-2022, Quarterly smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2022, Number of apps available in leading app stores Q3 2022, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. In an interview with the HPR, Vesa Puuronen, a researcher on racism and sociology professor at the University of Oulu, commented that "it can . People from Somalia made up the largest group of foreign-born citizens from Africa living in Sweden in 2021, with over 70,000 people. Year 1968-1996 1968 - 1996, Migration by region, age and sex. The nationality of Yugoslavs below is therefore people who came to Sweden from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia before 1991 and people who came from today's Montenegro and Serbia before 2003, then called the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. [45][46] By comparison, the Swedish civil registry reports, for 2018, that nearly 1.96 million residents are foreign-born, a 47% increase from 2010. ), Lao 53.2%, Khmou 11%, Hmong 9.2%, Phouthay 3.4%, Tai 3.1%, Makong 2.5%, Katong 2.2%, Lue 2%, Akha 1.8%, other 11.6% (2015 est. ), Hausa 30%, Yoruba 15.5%, Igbo (Ibo) 15.2%, Fulani 6%, Tiv 2.4%, Kanuri/Beriberi 2.4%, Ibibio 1.8%, Ijaw/Izon 1.8%, other 24.9% (2018 est. Roughly 30% of the entire Black population was below the age of 20 and 11% were 65 or older. [3] One of the early documented Africans in Sweden was Gustav Badin, (1747 or 1750 to 1822), a black court-servant and diarist, originally a slave, butler of . Low population density exists also in large parts of western Svealand, as well as southern and central Smland. An ethnic group is a group of people united by social and cultural practices such as language, religion, tribal background, or national affiliation. [41] Taking into account the fact that immigrant women have on average fewer[citation needed] children than Swedish women of comparable age, however, the difference in total birth rate is only 0.1 children more if the woman is foreign born with the disclaimer that some women may have children not immigrating to and not reported in Sweden, who are thus not included in the statistics. High school diploma or equivalent. ), Czech 57.3%, Moravian 3.4%, other 7.7%, unspecified 31.6% (2021 est. have an ancestor who made such a migration. The Black population, either alone or in combination with one or more races, in the United States in 2019. Thats why we struggled to compile a list of countries with no black population in the world, and what we come up with is a list of countries with the lowest black population. In both Denmark and Sweden, the number was 41 percent. Sweden Coronavirus(COVID-19) statistics. This migration within the Nordic countries, especially from Finland, was essential to create the tax-base required for the expansion of the strong public sector now characteristic of Scandinavia. Ethnicity, on the other hand, refers to a group that shares cultural practices. ), Maltese (descendants of ancient Carthaginians and Phoenicians with strong elements of Italian and other Mediterranean stock), Marshallese 92.1%, mixed Marshallese 5.9%, other 2% (2006 est. Discover several new games that we've added to our collection! ), Sudanese Arab (approximately 70%), Fur, Beja, Nuba, Ingessana, Uduk, Fallata, Masalit, Dajo, Gimir, Tunjur, Berti; there are over 500 ethnic groups, Dinka (Jieng) approximately 35-40%, Nuer (Naath) approximately 15%, Shilluk (Chollo), Azande, Bari, Kakwa, Kuku, Murle, Mandari, Didinga, Ndogo, Bviri, Lndi, Anuak, Bongo, Lango, Dungotona, Acholi, Baka, Fertit (2011 est. ), Slovene 83.1%, Serb 2%, Croat 1.8%, Bosniak 1.1%, other or unspecified 12% (2002 est. ), Persian, Azeri, Kurd, Lur, Baloch, Arab, Turkmen, and Turkic tribes, Arab 75-80%, Kurdish 15-20%, other 5% (includes Turkmen, Yezidi, Shabak, Kaka'i, Bedouin, Romani, Assyrian, Circassian, Sabaean-Mandaean, Persian), Irish 82.2%, Irish travelers 0.7%, other White 9.5%, Asian 2.1%, Black 1.4%, other 1.5%, unspecified 2.6% (2016 est. Like many other indigenous people, the Sami have long been oppressed and their culture suppressed. Race vs ethnicity: whats the difference? Thats a difficult question! Year 2011 - 2021, Number and percentage of persons and households by region and household size. Altogether, the five minorities are thought to . They have determined access to resources and opportunities, and can have lifelong consequences in terms of health outcomes, economic inequality, environmental justice, and more. Further, that bill made it legal to leave any religious denomination, without entering another. ), African descent 90.6%, White 4.7%, mixed 2.1%, other 1.9%, unspecified 0.7% (2010 est. The country was only separated from Sweden in 1809, with Sweden becoming a constitutional monarchy. Use Ask Statista Research Service, Distribution of immigrants in Italy 2021, by region, Foreign population in Italy 2020, by country of origin, Most frequent immigrant nationalities declared upon arrival in Italy 2021. Although the definition of ethnicity is a bit more straightforward than that of race, accurately describing the ethnicity of a given country can be anything but. Black or African American alone, percent . While the white population declined by a fraction of a percent, Latino or Hispanic, Asian American, and Black populations grew by rates of 20%, 29%, and 8.5%, respectively. In 2000 Sweden recognised Jews and Yiddish, the Roma and Romani Chib, the Sami and the Sami language, the Swedish Finns and Finnish, as well as the Tornedalers and Menkieli (sometimes called Torne Valley Finnish) as official minorities and minority languages. ), Predominantly Creole (mainly of East African and Malagasy heritage); also French, Indian, Chinese, and Arab populations, Temne 35.4%, Mende 30.8%, Limba 8.8%, Kono 4.3%, Korankoh 4%, Fullah 3.8%, Mandingo 2.8%, Loko 2%, Sherbro 1.9%, Creole 1.2% (descendants of freed Jamaican slaves who were settled in the Freetown area in the late-18th century; also known as Krio), other 5% (2019 est.