If I had my way everyone would be made to wear external ID so that people could avoid the arguments of unmatched challengers, and so that I could be left alone and not have to deal with the moronic level of obtuse opinions of out false leaders, (not leading me) and their catering to numbnuts at the middle of the bell curve. The dangers of unsystematic selection methods and the representatives of 46 samples of African test-takers. And i need to stress that IQ is nothing, i have been proven to be much superior in all ways to my 170-180 IQ schoolmates. IQ tests measure your ability to reason, grasp ideas, and solve problems. Some main characteristics of people with IQ 116 : - You have the ability to analyze complex technical information; Judit Polgar -one of the strongest [Female] chess players of all time. Increasing fluid intelligence is possible after all. Were both long-time engineers, & run our two corporations. Kim Ung-Yong began to write at the age of four and earned a Ph.D. when he was just 16 years old. Mensa, a member organization that restricts applicants based on their score, requires an IQ of 132 for entrance. Heres a great paper on estimating IQ from historical figures. The brain is a complex organ we may never fully comprehend how intelligence, ability to learn, and knowledge overlap. We need to put a special pronoun out there for God. And to those that didnt believe me, why do you think Id go through the trouble of making up a bunch of this stuff just to gloat on some obscure article I found at 3 a.m a couple weeks after my first IQ test at school?!? You can take the same test multiple times and end up with slight variations in score. They all make life more interesting. Perhaps, I should take into consideration why this comment was made, the probability of this comment being true, and how trustworthy people who have the chance of acting like someone else would be in this situation. Within eight minutes a clear objective was objectively objectified. It has nothing with how smart a person is. Thinking of going back to school for Computer Science. Brie, whether you are Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Athiest, unafilliated, or something else, I know that you are probably a smart, kind, caring person, and you didnt mean to be unsensitive. While it is vital for many functions, math alone is not a trustworthy barometer of high intellect; nor is mere textbook regurgitation (think Kim Peek). You might be a lot more intelligent than you think. I took the sat test and got a score of 1475 which corresponds to an iq of 146.I went to penn state an graduated with a degree in engineering science and a gpa of 3.47. This is why neurologically typically developing 2 year olds garble words; and for what ever mechanisms in the brain that give the ability to master language which girls generally develop before boys do which is why girls usually learn to speak before boys do. My grandmother had a wonderful response to your post: SELF PRAISE IS HALF SCANDAL. Psuedopseudohypoparathyroidism, Necrobiosis lipodica diabeticorum. They are clearly a beta. Youre probably pro male rainbow predatory rape as well, being a female with no idea of what is right for men and society. Thats not to say that you were trying to be mean, but some people are not born with genius abilities, and what you said might make them feel stupid or inferior. Therefore, before giving a Juan Ramos an English lesson online, you should get off the world wide web, visit a library and read some geography. At that point, you can out think the average person with so many other answers that a common question like, What do you think I meant? makes you appear stupid because you literally dont know which of the seven different interpretations they meant. We all are Americans from the cold areas of Alaska to the cold areas of the Patagonia. Im more mature than most 11-12 yr. olds. As an adult, Dr. Katsioulis IQ level was measured to be 198 (according to the 2012 record). [insert accomplishments and arrogance here] [insert social issues and here] The people with truly high IQs probably would not waste their time to comment. It is a non-profit organisation open to people who score at the 98th percentile or higher on a standardised, supervised IQ or other approved intelligence test. I already have a scholarship to the University of Michigan because of my PSAT score of 1460. lol. Nowhere does it state the differing IQ scales being used. Home highest possible iq people hold world record. Anything beyond this is an exercise in futility. I hate the level of competitiveness in todays world that centers around intelligent people. You cant exactly say that because you have an even lower IQ. Take Jack Ma for example, his IQ is not at all high, he barely graduated from a community college with a bachelors in english. Theres no telling what you can achieve regardless of IQ numbers. Someone who was mature wouldnt care if people who obviously had reason to doubt what they wrote on the internet thought it was dumb. Lydia Sebastian completed One-third of what humans need as a base foundation for expression and happiness is missing and hidden so you dont know what you need and you never ask or work toward it. Not because of my IQ or achievements, on the contrary I just choose not to be one of the LOL yEPIC jUsT LiKe ForTnIte kids. We had a good Army Cadet program which I enjoyed, and received excellent training in many subjects. Oof, this narcissism hits hard! The Emotional Experience Of Providing Social Support. DOI: Lynn R, et al. I have always said that my IQ means I can sometimes solve quite complex problems easily and create complex problems when they dont exist! Explore some of the activities that can boost, Dyspraxia, or developmental coordination disorder, is a condition that affects fine and gross motor skills. Gubernaculum. I find (self-deprecating) humor also helps. He grew up without even power during school. And is it me or does it seem to be getting worse with each generation ? In a year, I moved to a Company business and soon was qualified for all propane work. Get it now? I dont know my IQ, but Im pretty sure I have about 2 and a half brain cells. That generally isnt how IQ works as far as Im aware though. Why am I not on here? My older brother remembered me being tested at school when I was very young and thought it was about 145. Hurrying this process can lead to malfunctions and fatalities. This creates a very subjective and invalid aspect for accurate measurement. I work as a professional editor and encounter atrocious grammar, a complete lack of coherence, and seeming unfamiliarity with even the basics of punctuation on a weekly basis from English-speaking Americansand never mind their lack of interest in trying to learn other languages. Anyone who knows anything about brain development knows this. Go look it up to see if the symptoms and presentation jives? While waiting for the bus my fellow neighbourhood kids were fascinated when I showed them, all not slide-rule users, how superior the Japanese circular slide rule I had was. Professor Dimitri Van der Linden from Rotterdam University says this is not the case. That a godzillion tons of matter just popped from nowhere and hurled itself into space. My conclusion is that intelligence and God should not be discussed in the same context , at all for the simple reason that there is no God .. or there have been thousands of Gods created by people with higher intelligence and fantasy. Taught advanced first aid and some other specialty courses, In Charge of the Winter Training and wilderness living. They think love and emotion is just a chemical influx of this or that they constantly have scientific explanations for everything. So children do this, 15 minutes before a test, any test, drink down 2 to 3 glasses of chilled but not cold water. Keyword search: why so many fail Algebra. I found out through the test for gifted at my school because we have a certified psychologist do it. is 7,000. The world needs more like you, not like the strangers who decided to yell at a random kid on the internet for lying. Nobody has an answer for that and just try to get someone to replicate the creation of life/protocell in a laboratory, it cant be done! My favorite thing these days is when a lower or low IQ individual cant get past an idea that is simple for we the group of human minds top performers embarrassed them just by our existence in the world and they pull out an abusive misused terminology named after some average IQ so-called scientist. But they must be taken with a huge pinch of salt. I mean an 11 year old wouldnt lie on the internet. My score was 85. I started my own business and because of anxiety and depression from childhood trauma I cant seem to motivate myself to actually make the business grow. It is hard for me to hold conversations with most people because they bore me with their banal assertions. None of the jobs were very successful and I was fired about five times and quit my job two times I took early retirement in 2005 after being fired for the last time. If you are a kind, generous, hard-working person, you will be much more admired than you would be for having a high IQ. But since they are not truly intelligent (just deluded, even by IQ test results), they are oblivious to this otherwise observable fact. Impressive, girl! I was wondering if anyone reading this might be able to answer a question I have about 2 people who died in recent history, but were both widely known. They may know the specific knowledge but not the total knowledge. As for the actually supportive, kind people, thanks. Which God do you mean? God has infinite knowledge and His IQ is infinite. IQ tests have gone through significant changes through the decades to correct for racial, gender, and social biases, as well as cultural norms. IQ= A person who creates what others can not believe. If the lowly plumber fixes the geniuss faucet for $700, who has the greater intelligence? No you arent. Yeah I think a lot of us research IQ mainly because weve been tested and have high IQs. Last medically reviewed on January 28, 2020, A persons IQ (intelligence quotient) is a score derived from standardized tests designed to measure human intelligence and intellectual potential. You might even become a better test taker. Go do the math (s)! Its your willingness to put in effort in everything that you do that counts. Spatial I.Q. Dont listen to the jerks kiddo. Steven Hawkings once said The universe willed itself into existence. Tolkein. Compete with yourself alone. I have spoken to many genius level people and can tell they struggle with being social. There is no such thing as an IQ except as a game. I am not super great at anything, and cant do math super fast. Perhaps you should try making a cure. You are smart enough to do that, yes? Ok wow, I didnt think my comment would start a full-on war yeeeeezus christ I wrote this over a year ago and just came back to it when I searched my name on Google just to see what came up, and this was one of the first results. When Edith Stern was only 11 months old she was able to communicate using cards, then at the age of one, she began to be able to identify some of the letters in the Latin alphabet. The keys to learning tend to involve curiosity and being receptive to new information. Anyway, MENSA is open to people whos IQ falls in the top 98th percentile. an 11 year old would lie on the internet if you think about it. I have no idea how they came up with the number, I did play luminosity when it was free. I feel I am the most intelligent person I have ever met by a longshot. I have an iq of 137 and I am 13. The director of 'Pulp Fiction' and 'Inglourious Basterds,' among others, is one of the Hollywood stars with the highest IQ. I am a certified doctor, so I know these things. The person with the highest IQ ever recorded is Ainan Celeste Cawley with an IQ score of 263. Today, English is the universal language of Higher Education, Science, Pilots, Accountants, Bankers, and Diplomats. The very few friends I have is nice and loyal people thoughI love and appreciate their friendship very much. Just like people talk of zodiac signs, likewisethey talk IQ. Credit Gert-Martin Greuel via Wikimedia Commons is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0. A double PhD asked me what qualifications I had for all that. Wilderness guide, Assistant to wifes Upholstery business and Pres of a Legion, and wife and I did suppers for the Legion community for five years from Oct to June. Comparison is the thief of joy -Theodore Roosevelt, You dont have to be in competition with anyone, theres no reason to be insulted by others achievements or by their judgement(s) about you. I have an IQ of 220. I do not believe so. One of us requires the planet to be filled up 3 times to get another one in the maths a 1 in 21 billion. The fact that you make that kind of false statement proves it. I am taking 10th grade math as a 6th grader, have never gotten a grade lower than a 92, and have an IQ of 153, according to multiple tests. 10 years later I tested 128. This is why humans in general have no memories of life prior to about 2 years old. I have a TI-84 and know how to use it; lets move on. Still have it somewhere. Adolescent Self-Efficacy Is Shaped By Family, School, And Peers. At that young age, he could only speak his native Korean but by the age of 6, he learned how to read several languages including Korean, English, German, and Japanese. Yall are pretty adorable, being all gullible and sucking up to every little letter these kids type. Well, Donald John Trump actually has an IQ of 150. One other point I would like to mention is that there are numerous games on the market designed specifically for toddler age children. Im almost certain that say, Caesar would be MUCH more of an assistance in battle compared to Hawking. I consider myself average. In one year it was complete with seven rooms. My 216, means I have never physically met anyone at my level because I have never met any of this article mentionable specimens. Even a moron can see that is fair, yet capitalism rewards those with inherited resources and they oppress/suppress their intellectual-superiors at every opportunity out of competition. NOT .ect (punctuation and spelling); its up NOT its up (punctuation); start a new sentence after mind (grammar). Sorry to burst all these narcisists bubbles . Meaning what? Highly intelligent people enjoy reading long text-data, whereas the less intelligent drift and tag things (like this post) with TLDR (a short attention span). Many fail in all that life has to offer but excel in one or a few areas. All of this doesnt necessarily mean youre more intelligent now than you were before. There have been about 100 billion humans alive in the history of humanity meaning there would be approximately 408 humans in the history of the world with an IQ of around 200 or higher. I found this random comment I wrote over a year ago and didnt know that so many jealous people had read my comment. At the time, Lewis was employed by the United States Army. My friend cannot do any of these things and she is impressed that I can. You are displaying knowledge and memory, while the IQ test measures reasoning and problem solving, and NEITHER can totally display a complete intelligence measurement both because intelligence is relative and we are judging by human standards AND it is so fluid and contains so many variable aspects that it is nearly impossible to obtain a comprehensive measurement. Disappointed, but I got it. They do compete in different leagues of chess. She is most famous for her column Ask Marilyn where she provides advice and counsel to all sorts of life dilemmas. While that may not seem like a lot, the steps below will help keep you sharp and focused, even at an older age. You can tell if you are a genius if you can succeed at what others have deemed impossible, as I have done countless times. Sure. In 1952, Grade 8 , A comparison done between North Eastern USA.and Maritime Canada. Being conquered by ones ego, is itself, a sign of low-to-average intellect, even among those who have mastered mathematics. A few years ago facebook asked if i wanted to know my IQ and I said what the hell. My iq currently at age 11 is 138. My advice..leave all the statistics and comparisons like this to well, people you like stuff like this. They said the internet measured my IQ at 214. I feel like i need to stress that IQ is not the most important. I simply seem unable to find out what his was, and his wiki should be updated with it. How Does Rewarding Safe Choices Affect Teen Decision Making In Peer Contexts? Missing prepositions and conjunctions; along with mistakes in sentence structure. Who woulda thought this article managed to attract so many geniuses! Oh I have this I.Q. lol absolute horse shit. Our leaders are not superior to us and that needs rectification before they destroy this planet with their ignorance. Does its really matter? Born in New York City in Also, Smart does not exist, only intelligence in certain catagorys. It is good and admirable to achieve success and do great things with high IQ, but i realised that ultimately, the most important thing is to be content. Lao Tzu: If I tell you that I do not, will you believe me?. That is why doubt is mandatory when sifting through information on the web.). If they did they were told not to. OK I think I will shut up now and go back to inventing your future. Cooper always comes up with the most irrational (stupid) examples to justify himself, hence the humor; and this, as a fictional character holding a supposedly high IQ position at (what?) Thanks for everyone who kind enough to read this. I presumed around 140. I wish to point out sir or mam, that your writing really sounds to me like youre jealous. There are things in the world that we do not realize yet. Genius is really how you are going to use it, and later, how broad of a base group you will one day serve help out in. Also, a real genius will understand about religion. One of the most repugnant fallacies of our day and age is that all humans are equal, in the eyes of the law it should be sp, but these IQ tests prove otherwise for practical purposes. We have. I have an IQ of 140, I talked and walked at 7 months (without help) and I started reading news papers and literature when I was only 4. However, experts assumed that 2. Id estimate him to have been around a 90 at best. These lesser-known individuals deserve recognition and thats what we hope to do here. Juan holds a Master's degree from The Open University in the UK. In the beginning, God created the universe, and intelligence. I did well in interesting subjects, but failed in the rest. (2014). https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-nyma-iq/, http://mutulushakur.com/site/1992/08/code-of-thug-life/, William James Sidis (IQ score of 250-300), Terence Tao (IQ score between 225 and 230), Christopher Michael Langan (IQ score between 190 and 210), Albert Einstein (IQ score between 160 and 190). For example, if you were sick or fatigued the first time around, you might do a little better in a second test. If I meet someone smart, Id want them to share their knowledge with me, not dangle it above my head and gloat. Lets discuss how thats possible below. How about just saying God instead of He or She? Consequently, we end up with specialized (IQ or other) testing paradigms, which in themselves therefore, do not display or manifest the workings of a truly intelligent (wise) individual. WebBased on his own approach, Thims estimated that German Renaissance man Johann Goethe was the person with the highest IQ of all time, with a score ranging from 210 to I became depressed and the business failed in 1987. I know people my age have a bad reputation, but not everyone is like that. I would also say the prediction in my case is genetics. Identifying gifted children: Congruence among different IQ measures. EVERYTHING SHOULD BE CONSIDERED WITH DOUBT. and she wasnt even bragging, she was saying that its ok not to have a high iq and that its your kindness and hard work that counts. Not accurate, I know I was flawless and answered all questions perfectly, and I mean perfectly, better then anyone has answered before believe me. I am curious to know my score , Truth: IQ isnt determined by you alone, but by genetics, and environment. Indeed! In summary it makes my life interesting and diverse. Albert Einstein. DOI: Richardson K. (2002). Does it really matter? I was also held back in Kindergarten and first grade because I was socially awkward and day dreaming as the teachers put it. Even some people who arent that smart have super smart parents, if what you said was true then that child would be just as if not more intelligent as their parents. All low and useless people have no sense of humor about most things including themselves. By the age of 20, hed already earned a Ph.D. If his IQ is so high then prove it. I tested at 138 when I was 9 or 10. http://mutulushakur.com/site/1992/08/code-of-thug-life/ Theres a link if you would like to read the code yourself. With those qualities, you can enhance your ability to: Reading, both fiction and nonfiction, is one way to boost your abilities in these areas. Dear Sir : I.Q. All truly intelligent people know this fact; not impacted in any way egocentrically, truly intelligent people are more like a calculator; their brains process the data, and have no emotional attachment to said results (think fictional character, Sheldon Cooper; BBT-fame). Membership in Mensa, the High IQ society, includes people who score in the top 2 percent, which is usually 132 or higher. The moral of the story : stay in school. That way if you do your best, you are always the winner. At age 13 his schooling was suspended due to the Nigerian Civil War as he was enrolled in the Biafran army. It was fairly recently that I realized how smart i am. Im just saying, if you were as mature as you deem yourself to be, you would have constructed the comment in a slightly less offensive way in order to not make the people with average IQ not feel bad. Its very hard, as one often encounters a communication barrier with those of an IQ much lower than theirs, thus leading to social problems. I have an IQ of 146. In a highly publicized match, Garry lost to the IBM supercomputer nicknamed Deep Blue. WebIQ stands for Intelligence Quotient which is a measure of intelligence and is determined using a standardized test. lol geniusyou are obviously missing the point of Sues question, If you hold your breath, you wont get COVID-19, To not catch it just hold your breath forever and that will take care of that problem. An IQ test, either done online or in a group will give you a rough idea at how quickly you can solve problems and learn new concepts. Do we seriously think these people with 200+ ( am pretty sure they are from a DIFFERENT scale!) Luckily i did find a life partner who understands me, and that has been my greatest accomplishment. I tested in school at 148, then got the same score 20 years later. It is also hard to calculate IQ scores with high precision and accuracy in the infinitesimally small tail ends of the IQ distribution. that DEFINITELY made people feel stupid!! A Norway, and Sweden, fertility for less-educated women has now fallen enough that childlessness is now highest among the least educated women just as it is for men. BTW for the people who picking on these genius teenagers, stop it guysthey are KIDS! Its kinda funny how everyone in the comment sections is suddenly a genius. Mature, you say? A true genius(and the original definition) is not measured by his performance on merely a (pretty useless) test, but by his accomplishments, therefore none of these people on your list are, you have to achieve a paradigm shift in your field, and even Einstein and Hawking are only theorists(dreamers) who have been proven wrong on multiple counts. I am not trying to say Agatha lied, its just that doubt is reasonable in this kind of world of competition and a need to be respected for what we wish we were. Scientifically speaking, the rational abilities of ones mind are only so capable of such a consecrated process, so to speak. Wow, sweety pie. Ironic how you are religious yet supposedly have an IQ of 300. genius with 300 iq equality not judged by what is in brain but how you use what is in your brain. Stephen Hawking is someone youve undoubtedly heard about and know something about. Does it make you feel better to tear down people who have gifts that you dont have? At the age of 1 I was able to beat Magnus Carlsen in two moves. IQ tests are tools to measure intellectual abilities and potential. I have included this information in order to show people who visit this page what a child with a genius or near genius IQ is capable of. I was the smartest child in grade school .I did not play sports or have very many friends and no girl friends. Also, why are you reading college text books? The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. Ones IQ is a number that fluctuates a little bit, however (no offense) to increase by fifty points is impossible or so difficult that it couldnt be achieved for thousands of years. However, IQ alone doesnt tell the whole story. Maybe, I should wonder if, when I was a child, would I have easily lied?, you all are telling them how amazing they are. In infancy SAVANT skills will inflate I.Q.s. The author of this article does not understand what IQ represents. I actually have a question. I used to teach these guys mathematics during break times. I attend 6th grade but, I am currently doing 10th grade math in an out of school program. These typically focus on familiarization as opposed to memorization. The original scale of IQ scores, as devised by Terman, proposes several different classifications. Ended u Major of the |Militia for 27 years.. On Retirement have been Pres of a county and Provincial Seniors Federation, and director of the National. Then, reassess your motivation to achieve and what is needed to succeed in your chosen profession. Over the years Ive noted that the Spanish construction of store to I go (which includes the gender of the speaker), does not convert naturally into the English: Im going to the store, or I went to the store, or I have been to the store, or She is going to the store.. If you were more mature, you wouldnt have given a crap. Good Luck! Everyone excels ataonething and we all suck at some things too, this is reality. I dispersed the members far and wide and mandated them with the objective of objectification and clear clarity. I work as a a software developer. Or we are smarter than that and know that IQ is not the most accurate way to measure intelligence. I dont need it and neither all the lowest IQ animals and the Highest IQ animals who are united in the front against fiction sold to children of the mind as literal. Why would he do that? Those are boring, even if you understand everything in there. Ok wow, thank you so absolutely much. Therefore, the minds capability to recieve and transmit intellectual information can be limited when one is exposed to cognitive barriers.