My husbands name is David and, unfortunately, this battle is a constant struggle. I will never forget his response to my question the day before his 60th birthday. So thankfully I do not feel quite so alone. Now we are sad people, angry people, depressed most days. Sorry you are here but welcome none the less. Once, Riley dreamed of being a weather girl. He soon learnt. Staten Island-based, Brooklyn-bred Lisa Marie is one funny wife and mom. Like you I am very scared at how quickly he is deteriorating. As it is already I don't think he will even survive the treatments to be honest. Riley told CNN that David fought like a bull to the very end., It doesnt feel real what has happened, she said. Because they need you. So, I had an "awake trach" procedure prior to the actual biopsy. I was so busy juggling bills and babies, I had no time to work on my marriage. A former court stenographer, Riley created her Instagram account two years ago to bring some joy to her family after her husband Davids cancer diagnosis. Psychologically we both feel better, and all of a sudden all the support network has kicked in aswell. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. I have projects in the works, but I take everything day by day. that can be difficult. You need your space as you have a lot on your plate. What are your thoughts on this? originally published: 02/25/2022. I hated doing it but I told myself it was damage limitation. This birthday ending in zero? His answer was No. Im keeping all those. Listen to @onefunnymommy Lisa Marie Riley: F Cancer & Choose Laughter from 10,000 NOs. We are raising a grandchild together Im disabled he is our provider, our world, my big strong man. Her fans have started a GoFundMe to help with their education. He seemed to age 10 years in 10 months. Being a Nurse , I was more than prepared and willing to care for him but there was too much 'crazy making' going on, so I had to leave. Before long, strangers started following along. He's angry with me, and I totally understand it, but I can't just sit here with him in his normal work routine pretending like he doesn't have cancer. My awesome spouse & I have been together since 1974. In order to understand his needs. Being ill is not an excuse for being a bully, it might explain being the centre of attention attention seeking person, but its not acceptable in a loving relationship. Any hope we have of prolonging his life is gone. It will test you. If he does need intense medical care perhaps have a chat to his. Yes, I miss when we were normal people. Cooking is a bond that me and my mother have, so that would be special. I can't work as I feel unable to cope with that aswell and I just feel we are existing, we are certainly not living ! On top of it I had this feeling of guilt eating at me, but some people on here have made me think about it and realise that it's what I do for Andy now that matters, being here for him, which I am and will be. The process of chemo therapy too easily becomes a group think blaming the spouse for giving the patient cancer. I can remember only two instances in the ensuing five years that we even exchanged strong words, and then we immediately apologized. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Your husband may be worrying about his future, and scared that if you show that you are ill, he will be unable to cope with that and his own issues. I cant tell you how many promises to our kids Disneyworld, a camping trip out West, boat trips, and future father-daughter dances to name a few now all hang somewhere in a sad cloud of uncertainty. Ask yourself. Credit Solution Experts Incorporated offers quality business credit building services, which includes an easy step-by-step system designed for helping clients build their business credit effortlessly. He's my best best friend. My husband and I met friends out for dinner, but one thing led to another and we ended up dancing well past the bedtime assumed for parents of four kids. Husband told me he is stage 2 oral cancer, and it has spread to his neck. Riley, who was born and raised in Brooklyn and now lives in Staten Island, always had a big New York personality and sense of humor. Dawn xx. However, both Brooklyn and Staten Island shaped my attitude and made me who I am. It is not the critic who counts. Anyone who has received a cancer diagnosis holds an indelible memory of the moment the words You have cancer were uttered. Im getting ready to watch my husband get blasted and from that first blast they loose themselves blast by blast. Keep in touch. My husband is 62 andhadn't been well for a while but he is one of these people who just won't go to the doctors On 16th January he collapsed in town and he had to (reluctantly) go to A&E where they did tests and found a large tumour on the CT scan (colon). As his caregiver, I did things I never imagined doing: cleaning open wounds, changing bloody dressings, and feeding my husband through a tube in his stomach. So who knows when he will start the new course. During the outbreak of COVID-19, One Funny Mother Dena Blizzard resorted to Facebook Live to keep in touch with her audience of moms and wine aficionados. On return from holiday he went into hospital for the whipples procedure, which takes 5-7 hours. Please stay in touch, Hi missydawn How are things? Normal life seems a very long time ago now ! He is tense, doesn't talk much though says I am the bright spot in his day he is very distant, seems to want to be alone and is annoyed when I ask how he feels. I hope all is well with you and your husband, susan hesselgesser "There's a lot of great people and great opportunity.". Everybody came back with the same conclusions. For tickets, click here. Stay up to date with what you want to know. And he KNOWS this. I dont consider myself to be a comedian, but I needed an outlet for my mental health and social media became the perfect one for me. "I wasn't trying to be funny, I was just trying to be myself," Riley told Insider. Lisa Marie Riley @onefunnymommy is a court stenographer turned comedian. Because that is ultimately your story, and that's how you start working your brand. Davids treatment was grueling. I'm just wondering if cancer has done this to other men, or if he's just decided to show his true colours? She stays away from mean-spirited jokes, but doesn't worry too much about being politically correct. Although her husband was the catalyst for the Instagram page, he prefers to stay off-camera. I have my own medical issue which in no way am I comparing, but following some bad news about that yesterday he has today told me that I am medically trying to 'trump' him and take the attention away from him (even though I haven't told anyone else). He's the best husband anyone could ask for. Yes , friends & family know, but I feel that unless you are going through or have gone through this awful illness, then it is very difficult for anyone to fully appreciate the journey that I am on. Hi there JosephMy husband was diagnosed April 2018. Sometimes I think he was testing me. This article was originally published on June 4, 2017, The Adderall Shortage Is Affecting Both Parents And Kids With ADHD In Big Ways, Why TikTokers Calls Green Noise A Game Changer For Sleep. By the grace of God, he survived resection/treatment, but not w/o costs. There, I said it. We then had 3 weeeks with no treatments just pain relief, where he put on weight and built up strength. Have you sold out the St. George Theater yet? The he kind of pursued things further and in 2018 we started going out together as partners. It's heartbreaking watching him being so scared but you are allowed to have a voice, as you are also going through this too emotionally. I hate cancer. Luckily I have some great friends who support me. he asked me to do something I do it and he snaps at me for doing it , I just don't know what to do for the best anymore. I went through radiation treatments & was pronounced "cancer free" for the next 15 years. But I can already see he is losing weight. We are now waiting for an MRI this Saturday and a colonoscopy next Monday in order to find out how far it has spread but although I am trying very hard to be upbeat,I am not very optimistic as he is so so weak and that's even before we started any treatment yet He had to take some iron tablets last week which upset his tummy even more and now that these have stopped (had to stop because of the colonoscopy next week) he was sick last night and had a terrible night. Have you seen theCarteretPerforming Arts & Center? In addition to being a hilarious wife and mother, Lisa Marie, who was born and raised in Brooklyn, lives on Staten Island. Riley's approach to comedy is blunt, poking fun at the day-to-day life of a mom and caregiver. If you want to give back, share this with someone who could use it and leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen, so more people can find this show and benefit from these conversations.SHOW LINKS:10,000 NOs: THE BOOKJOIN THE 10,000 NOs TRIBEFOLLOW MATT ON SOCIALONE ON ONE MENTORSHIPGUEST LINKS:Instagram (@onefunnymommy)TikTok (@onefunnymommy) Hosted on Acast. We trying our best to be positive but it so consuming. As @onefunnymommy, she became a social media star in a matter of days. Please let me know how you got on today. Thinking about it he has become an abuser. From that point on, I made a concentrated effort to consider Davids needs before my own. I don't know your position - how long you think you have with your husband, whether he is having treatment, how capable he is etc. If you have the energy to be nasty, then you have the energy to pause and not say it. maybe 150 at BEST. Its not an easy situation you find yourself in,and not one l feel qualified to offer advice upon,only an insight and perspective from one that faced his own demons and came out the other side intact,l truly hope you both manage to do the same. I was told I had throat cancer in 2004. Hi Paddock. a big, royal jerk named Cancer sent us normal people packing. Alongside the lighthearted videos, Riley would provide updates about her husbands cancer treatment. Cancer, you took every last tear I had. My husband is only 52, his father died of pancreatic cancer at 49, his mother of pancreatic cancer at 68 and his fathers brother of pancreatic cancer at 70. A Christmas post about her husband's fourth round of chemo drew over 3,000 comments. See for more information. I know he misses it too. Regardless, she is devastated by the current situation. I drove David to appointments, sat with him every Wednesday during his chemotherapy treatments, and watched my sturdy, strong husband get thinner and weaker every day. Im all about family and home life so I like to put it in funny context so people can share similar experiences. But underneath all of the mechanics is a simple philosophy he believes, exemplified through this quote, "Well, before we just help you create a brand, you need to tell us, how does the world perceive you? And even though you have taken so much from us, Im letting you know, Cancer, that you cant have these memories that are left. Cancer and its treatment often affect sexual health. We WILL get through this !!! They will never see the Chris Farley impressions, or the dance moves when the DJ plays Rob Base the guy whose biggest quirk in life was pinching cold fingers. It was never a great marriage, and yes, he was always a difficult person, but I never thought it would end this way. Old house, smoking, dust, animals. Does he get medical help? She is known and loved on social media as @onefunnymommy and became an almost overnight sensation. All I will say is the same I've said to my husband. We have had a real roller coaster of a week, but we have so much support from various cancer organisations which has been so welcome. If he's mobile and can care for himself could you move in with your mother to give him time to think about what he's doing if he doesn't change well you'll have to think about yourself more.. Im furious thinking of all the things you took from us laughter, happiness, time with our children. @onefunnymommy Lisa Marie Riley: F Cancer & Choose Laughter. It's not gonna to change.". Although he is eating really well, and we seem to have the pain management under control, he isgetting weaker. I will never love another like I do him. I knelt down in front of him, removed his socks and shoes, and began rubbing his feet. How awful for you, but dont let it continue. Its a good one. In later months my wife's blood figures weren't high enough for her treatment to go ahead and that was always so frustrating. I can more than relate, Beth. He appears to be shrinking and ageing. 2. It was an energetic night. Up until now I have been able to come home and check on him every couple of hours, but he he's gotso many appointments coming up I don't see how I can work and support him. Full of expletives (ear muffs for kids please), hysterical rants and a moving revelation about her three year old son's morning ritual that forces her daily to rise to the occasion, this off-the-cuff conversation jettisoned past a long line of previously recorded episodes to be the first episode of our 2021 slate. I've read everyone's comments and I honestly honestly feel for every single one of you. So stand up for yourself, giving in isn't working. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. If he starts and you don't want to argue just walk into another room, get in the car and go somewhere else. She is followed by over 500k fans and her tiktok videos have amassed over 2.7 million views! "They don't find me cool or anything like that," she said. You cant have those awesome cocktail-soaked flashbacks of us out with friends. I'm saying it.". We thensee the consultant again on Thursday to see if he's going to be offered any more treatment, and I'm feeling exactly like you did. Next came an MRI to determine the extent of the damage. No doubt stress is a factor, however he's not even giving himself a chance. I can't begin to compute that. Letting them know they hurt you and I used to tell him when he was out of line, that or just get up and leave the room. What is your husbands name, and how is he doing in his battle against cancer? He never did. He went through a radical surgery, followed by a regimen of radiation, chemotherapy, and a clinical trial drug. I had the pleasure of performing at St. George Theater on Feb. 5, and it was a beautiful turnout. We would be married 25 years in August , so like you, it's a long time , and we had such plans. So sorry your husband has changed so much. I knew he wouldn't leave voluntarily, so I got cold, hard and mean and started seeing an ex and left no doubt that I was doing it. We went on holiday for 2 weeks, where we walked miles as he felt fine apart from stomach pains. If there is a problem with the rights to any image, please contact us and we will look into the matter. we're still waiting for my son. This means they put a lot of emphasis on tradition, sentimentality, roots, and security. I just wondered if there is anyone else in a similar position to me. I had to have open heart surgery because of a 100% calcified heart valve although I had no other problems with blockage or anything. I have made him move out, and move into his brothers with him for his upcoming treatments and surgery. At the end of a long day, she sometimes climbs into bed and reads the kind comments from strangers in Ireland, Canada, Australia and around the United States. Yes it's really tough when you're not well enough to take the medication. Very soon it seemed he became controlling and jealous and I could not do anything right. I loved him and I thought things would change. . SHOW LINKS:10,000 NOs: THE BOOKSUBSCRIBE TO OUR (WEEKLY) NEWSLETTERFOLLOW MATT ON SOCIALFIND OUT HOW YOU CAN BE A 10,000 NOs INSIDER, In this excerpt from one of our weekly Live Zoom calls with the 10,000 NOs Insiders Community, our monthly VIP, Xavier Dean, shares some very specific branding and marketing knowledge that he used to go from homeless to owning a 7-figure real estate company, a branding company, and boasting an Instagram platform with 1.3M followers. The idea for an Instagram page came from Riley's sister. I really applaud you for sharing, you have already helped someone else on here who felt she was the only one dealing with partner behaviour like this, now we know there are at least three of us who get these issues cropping up. Bob Makin has produced the Makin Waves music column since 1988. A mom's Instagram monologues about being a parent and caregiver to a husband with cancer have gone viral. Staten Island-based, Brooklyn-bred Lisa Marie is one funny wife and mom. We were best buds for years. Thank you for your reply. 4. For men it can be about the loss of strength,unable to be the provider,subconciously driving the partner away from what they perceive to be a dying cause, and unable to stand the pain accummalating day by day, but equally unable to say that to the person as they do not want to lose the one they love, torn emotionally and no idea how to cope. However, my loving partner is grieving & operating under the assumption that there is nothing she can do to increase my life span. He has to go back Monday & Tuesday. he can't stand he isn't eating or drinking he says the house is like a bus station people in and out every 5 minutes just to look at him , but no one has been no one knocks at the door , I just don't know what to do anymore I cry and cry and cry I just can't stop . We spent many evening in A &E. before the chemotherapy was stopped. Full of expletives (ear muffs for kids please), hysterical rants and a moving revelation about her three year old son's morning ritual that forces her daily to rise to the occasion, this off-the-cuff conversation jettisoned past a long line of previously recorded episodes to be the first episode of our 2021 slate. It's so hard watching them getting weaker each day. My heart is so broken. I really don't want to hijack Paddock's thread too much so please do start one yourself to talk about this because I do know something about the stresses of genetic cancer - My wife recently died of a form of ovarian cancer as didher mother and several others in her familly - they were all positive for a gene called BRCA 1 - My daughter has hust had the test and has been found negative!! "A lot of people are thinking it but they won't say it. In s few months we were fully into a battle with Cancer. Rarely says I love you. He joked about my being late everywhere. I dont mean to trivialize either cancer or the caregiving experience. "People are always going to get offended by something," she said. We had the prognosis of one year end Feb 2019. Up until a few months ago , he was a strapping 6ft2" active husband and father and now I feel I am looking at the shell of what he used to be. Her tiktok videos have racked up over 2.7 million views and she has over 500k followers on her social media platforms. a shock of course. My husband endured this for 3 weeks, suffering every side effect known. Her TikTok videos have been seen more than 2.7 million times and she has over 500k followers. I think thats what any normal person would give you. i feel really evil for being so upset, he is the one that is ill, but I feel he will not help himself, he is just depressed, depressed, depressed. I do not see him being here by next year. We were the kind of people who are here now, who talked and laughed all night. Ive met so many amazing people who I consider friends now, and I never thought something so great can came out of just trying to make my husband laugh. Wish me luck!!!!! I've lived in Staten Island for over 10 years. Throughout the pandemic and her husband's cancer battle, the page has grown into a community. We had a team out yesterday who provided us with all the practical things like walking frame, bed rest, bathroom stool etc and today the two nurses from our local hospice came out to visit to explain what they offer for support. I hate you for making me have to explain it to them. I just take each day at a timeand gratefully accept every offer of help given. The ENT ordered a CT scan just to see IF anything was "lurking" that she had not seen before. He's had two courses of chemotherapy which haven't worked. I would be happy to receive news and updates from Cancer Chat, NICE suspected cancer referral guidelines, Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People, Coping with my husband who has terminal cancer. what kind of cancer does onefunnymommy husband have. fuzhou international mail processing center to uk green lady lounge dress code. Hearing those words, I made an instantaneous decision to become the best caregiver possible.